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We present a solvable scenario for 3D reconnection in a sheared magnetic field. We consider a localized external force that is applied slowly and then maintained, generating an Alfvénic perturbation that spreads along the field lines. Separation of the sheared field lines causes the scale of the perturbation across the field to decrease, enabling magnetic diffusion to be enhanced. For a fusion-motivated equilibrium with exponential field-line separation, we find a reconnection timescale proportional to $S/\ln S$ under magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and to $S^{1/3}$ for semi-collisional electron-only reconnection, where $S$ is the Lundquist number of the perturbed flux tube. We generalize these results to arbitrary magnetic geometries, showing that the latter is geometry-independent. Interestingly, we find that slower field-line separation yields an increased reconnection rate in MHD.