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#1 Simulation-Based Prediction of Black Hole X-ray Spectra and Spectral Variability [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Rongrong Liu, Chris Nagele, Julian H Krolik, Brooks E Kinch, Jeremy Schnittman

Data derived from general relativistic MHD simulations of accretion onto black holes can be used as input to a post-processing scheme that predicts the radiated spectrum. Combining a relativistic Compton-scattering radiation transfer solution in the corona with detailed local atmosphere solutions incorporating local ionization and thermal balance within the disk photosphere, it is possible to study both spectral formation and intrinsic spectral variability in the radiation from relativistic accretion disks. With this method, we find that radiatively-efficient systems with black holes of $10M_\odot$ accreting at $\approx 0.01$ in Eddington units produce spectra very similar to those observed in the hard states of X-ray binaries. The spectral shape above 10keV is well-described by a power-law with an exponential cutoff. Intrinsic turbulent variations lead to order-unity fluctuations in bolometric luminosity, logarithmic spectral slope fluctuations over a range $\approx 0.15$, and factor of 2 changes in the cut-off energy on timescales $\sim 50\, (M_{\rm BH}/10 M_\odot)$ms. Within the corona, the range of gas temperature spans more than an order of magnitude. The wide distribution of temperatures is central to defining the spectrum: the logarithmic spectral slope is harder by $\sim 0.3$ and the cut-off energy larger by a factor $\sim 10 - 30$ than if the coronal temperature everywhere were its mass-weighted mean.

Subject: High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Publish: 2024-12-02 21:24:43 UTC