Numerical Analysis

2025-02-14 | | Total: 17

#1 Learning Discontinuous Galerkin Solutions to Elliptic Problems via Small Linear Convolutional Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Adrian Celaya, Yimo Wang, David Fuentes, Beatrice Riviere

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in using deep learning and neural networks to tackle scientific problems, particularly in solving partial differential equations (PDEs). However, many neural network-based methods, such as physics-informed neural networks, depend on automatic differentiation and the sampling of collocation points, which can result in a lack of interpretability and lower accuracy compared to traditional numerical methods. To address this issue, we propose two approaches for learning discontinuous Galerkin solutions to PDEs using small linear convolutional neural networks. Our first approach is supervised and depends on labeled data, while our second approach is unsupervised and does not rely on any training data. In both cases, our methods use substantially fewer parameters than similar numerics-based neural networks while also demonstrating comparable accuracy to the true and DG solutions for elliptic problems.

Subjects: Machine Learning , Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-12 20:53:34 UTC

#2 Generic Structural Stability for $2 \times 2$ Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hong Kiat Tan, Andrea L. Bertozzi

This paper presents a proof of generic structural stability for Riemann solutions to $2 \times 2$ system of hyperbolic conservation laws in one spatial variable, without diffusive terms. This means that for almost every left and right state, shocks and rarefaction solutions of the same type are preserved via perturbations of the flux functions. The main assumptions for this proof involve standard assumptions on strict hyperbolicity and genuine non-linearity, a technical assumption on directionality of rarefaction curve, and the regular manifold (submersion) assumption motivated by concepts in differential topology. We show that the structural stability of the Riemann solutions is related to the transversality of the Hugoniot loci and rarefaction curves in the state space. The regular manifold assumption is required to invoke a variant of a theorem from differential topology, Thom's parametric transversality theorem, to illustrate the genericity of transversality of these curves. This in turn implies the genericity of structural stability. We then illustrate the applications of this theorem to two examples: the p-system and a $2 \times 2$ system governing the evolution of gravity-driven monodisperse particle-laden thin films. In particular, we illustrate how one can verify all the above assumptions for the former, and apply the theorem to different numerical and physical aspects of the system governing the latter.

Subjects: Analysis of PDEs , Differential Geometry , Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 06:24:31 UTC

#3 Asymptotic-Preserving Dynamical Low-Rank Method for the Stiff Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lukas Einkemmer, Jingwei Hu, Shiheng Zhang

In kinetic theory, numerically solving the full Boltzmann equation is extremely expensive. This is because the Boltzmann collision operator involves a high-dimensional, nonlinear integral that must be evaluated at each spatial grid point and every time step. The challenge becomes even more pronounced in the fluid (strong collisionality) regime, where the collision operator exhibits strong stiffness, causing explicit time integrators to impose severe stability restrictions. In this paper, we propose addressing this problem through a dynamical low-rank (DLR) approximation. The resulting algorithm requires evaluating the Boltzmann collision operator only $r^2$ times, where $r$, the rank of the approximation, is much smaller than the number of spatial grid points. We propose a novel DLR integrator, called the XL integrator, which reduces the number of steps compared to the available alternatives (such as the projector splitting or basis update & Galerkin (BUG) integrator). For a class of problems including the Boltzmann collision operator which enjoys a separation property between physical and velocity space, we further propose a specialized version of the XL integrator, called the sXL integrator. This version requires solving only one differential equation to update the low-rank factors. Furthermore, the proposed low-rank schemes are asymptotic-preserving, meaning they can capture the asymptotic fluid limit in the case of strong collisionality. Our numerical experiments demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed methods across a wide range of regimes, from non-stiff (kinetic) to stiff (fluid).

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 04:19:54 UTC

#4 Physics-based Machine Learning for Computational Fracture Mechanics [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Fadi Aldakheel, Elsayed S. Elsayed, Yousef Heider, Oliver Weeger

This study introduces a physics-based machine learning framework for modeling both brittle and ductile fractures. Unlike physics-informed neural networks, which solve partial differential equations by embedding physical laws as soft constraints in loss functions and enforcing boundary conditions via collocation points, our framework integrates physical principles, such as the governing equations and constraints, directly into the neural network architecture. This approach eliminates the dependency on problem-specific retraining for new boundary value problems, ensuring adaptability and consistency. By embedding constitutive behavior into the network's foundational design, our method represents a significant step toward unifying material modeling with machine learning for computational fracture mechanics. Specifically, a feedforward neural network is designed to embed physical laws within its architecture, ensuring thermodynamic consistency. Building on this foundation, synthetic datasets generated from finite element-based phase-field simulations are employed to train the proposed framework, focusing on capturing the homogeneous responses of brittle and ductile fractures. Detailed analyses are performed on the stored elastic energy and the dissipated work due to plasticity and fracture, demonstrating the capability of the framework to predict essential fracture features. The proposed physics-based machine learning framework overcomes the shortcomings of classical machine learning models, which rely heavily on large datasets and lack guarantees of physical principles. By leveraging its physics-integrated design, the physics-based machine learning framework demonstrates exceptional performance in predicting key properties of brittle and ductile fractures with limited training data.

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 07:25:51 UTC

#5 An hp Multigrid Approach for space-time finite elements [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nils Margenberg, Peter Munch, Markus Bause

We present a monolithic $hp$ space-time multigrid method for tensor-product space-time finite element discretizations of the Stokes equations. Geometric and polynomial coarsening of the space-time mesh is performed, and the entire algorithm is expressed through rigorous mathematical mappings. For the discretization, we use inf-sup stable pairs $\mathbb Q_{r+1}/\mathbb P_{r}^{\text{disc}}$ of elements in space and a discontinuous Galerkin (DG$(k)$) discretization in time with piecewise polynomials of order $k$. The key novelty of this work is the application of $hp$ multigrid techniques in space and time, facilitated and accelerated by the matrix-free capabilities of the deal.II library. While multigrid methods are well-established for stationary problems, their application in space-time formulations encounter unique challenges, particularly in constructing suitable smoothers. To overcome these challenges, we employ a space-time cell-wise Vanka smoother. Extensive tests on high-performance computing platforms demonstrate the efficiency of our $hp$ multigrid approach on problem sizes exceeding a trillion degrees of freedom (dofs), sustaining throughputs of hundreds of millions of dofs per second.

Subjects: Numerical Analysis , Computational Physics

Publish: 2025-02-13 10:38:44 UTC

#6 Generalizing Reduced Rank Extrapolation to Low-Rank Matrix Sequences [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pascal den Boef, Patrick Kürschner, Xiaobo Liu, Jos Maubach, Jens Saak, Wil Schilders, Jonas Schulze, Nathan van de Wouw

Reduced rank extrapolation (RRE) is an acceleration method typically used to accelerate the iterative solution of nonlinear systems of equations using a fixed-point process. In this context, the iterates are vectors generated from a fixed-point mapping function. However, when considering the iterative solution of large-scale matrix equa- tions, the iterates are low-rank matrices generated from a fixed-point process for which, generally, the mapping function changes in each iteration. To enable acceleration of the iterative solution for these problems, we propose two novel generalizations of RRE. First, we show how to effectively compute RRE for sequences of low-rank matrices. Second, we derive a formulation of RRE that is suitable for fixed-point processes for which the mapping function changes each iteration. We demonstrate the potential of the methods on several numerical examples involving the iterative solution of large-scale Lyapunov and Riccati matrix equations.

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 10:48:46 UTC

#7 A finite element scheme for an optimal control problem on steady Navier-Stokes-Brinkman equations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jorge Aguayo Araneda, Julie Y. Merten

This paper presents a rigorous finite element framework for solving an optimal control problem governed by the steady Navier-Stokes-Brinkman equations, focusing on identifying a scalar permeability parameter $\gamma$ from local velocity observations. Three different finite element discretization schemes are proposed, and a priori error estimates are proven under appropriate regularity assumptions for each one. A key contribution of this paper is the development of residual-based a posteriori error estimators for both fully discrete and semi-discrete schemes, guiding adaptive mesh refinement to achieve comparable accuracy with fewer degrees of freedom. The method of manufactured solutions is used for numerical experiments to validate the theoretical findings, to demonstrate optimal convergence rates and the effectivity index is evaluated to measure their reliability. The framework offers insights into flow control mechanisms and paving the way for extensions to time-dependent, stochastic, or multiphysics problems.

Subjects: Numerical Analysis , Optimization and Control

Publish: 2025-02-13 13:55:38 UTC

#8 An initial-corrected splitting approach for convection-diffusion-reaction problems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Thi Tam Dang, Lukas Einkemmer, Alexander Ostermann

Splitting methods constitute a well-established class of numerical schemes for solving convection-diffusion-reaction problems. They have been shown to be effective in solving problems with periodic boundary conditions. However, in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions, order reduction has been observed even with homogeneous boundary conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel splitting approach, the so-called `initial-corrected splitting method', which succeeds in overcoming order reduction. A convergence analysis is performed to demonstrate second-order convergence of this modified Strang splitting method. Furthermore, we conduct numerical experiments to illustrate the performance of the newly developed splitting approach.

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 14:36:54 UTC

#9 Entropy stable reduced order modeling of nonlinear conservation laws using discontinuous Galerkin methods [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ray Qu, Akil Narayan, Jesse Chan

Reduced order models (ROMs) are inexpensive surrogate models that reduce costs associated with many-query scenarios. Current methods for constructing entropy stable ROMs for nonlinear conservation laws utilize full order models (FOMs) based on finite volume methods (FVMs). This work describes how to generalize the construction of entropy stable ROMs from FVM FOMs to high order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) FOMs. Significant innovations of our work include the introduction of a new "test basis" which significantly improves accuracy for DG FOMs, a dimension-by-dimension hyper-reduction strategy, and a simplification of the boundary hyper-reduction step based on "Carathéodory pruning".

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 14:55:08 UTC

#10 Domain Overlapping Algorithm with Nonlinear Mapping for Collocation-Based Solutions of Eigenvalue Problems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jinwei Yang, Vinod Srinivasan

This paper presents four novel domain decomposition algorithms integrated with nonlinear mapping techniques to address collocation-based solutions of eigenvalue problems involving sharp interfaces or steep gradients. The proposed methods leverage the spectral accuracy of Chebyshev polynomials while overcoming limitations of existing tools like Chebfun, particularly in preserving higher-order derivative continuity and enabling flexible node clustering near discontinuities. Key findings include the following: for algorithm Performance: The one-point overlap method demonstrated significant improvements over global mapping approaches, reducing required grid points by orders of magnitude while maintaining spectral convergence. The two-point overlap method further methods generalized the approach, allowing arbitrary node distributions and nonlinear mappings. These achieved exponential error reduction for Burgers equation) by combining Taylor expansions with Chebyshev derivatives in overlap regions. While Chebfun splitting strategy automates domain decomposition, it enforces only C0 continuity, leading to discontinuous higher derivatives. In contrast, the proposed algorithms preserved smoothness up to CN continuity, critical for eigenvalue problems in hydrodynamic stability and nonlinear BVPs. Validation on 3D channel flow with viscosity stratification and Burgers equation highlighted the methods robustness. For instance, eigenvalue calculations for miscible core-annular flows matched prior results while resolving sharp viscosity gradients with fewer nodes.

Subjects: Numerical Analysis , Mathematical Physics , Computational Physics

Publish: 2025-02-13 15:23:36 UTC

#11 Parameter Robust Isogeometric Methods for a Four-Field Formulation of Biot's Consolidation Model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hanyu Chu, Luca Franco Pavarino

In this paper, a novel isogeometric method for Biot's consolidation model is constructed and analyzed, using a four-field formulation where the unknown variables are the solid displacement, solid pressure, fluid flux, and fluid pressure. Mixed isogeometric spaces based on B-splines basis functions are employed in the space discretization, allowing a smooth representation of the problem geometry and solution fields. The main result of the paper is the proof of optimal error estimates that are robust with respect to material parameters for all solution fields, particularly in the case of nearly incompressible materials. The analysis does not require a uniformly positive storage coefficient. The results of numerical experiments in two and three dimensions confirm the theoretical error estimates and high-order convergence rates attained by the proposed isogeometric Biot discretization and assess its performance with respect to the mesh size, spline polynomial degree, spline regularity, and material parameters.

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 15:35:25 UTC

#12 Analysis of harmonic average method for interface problems with discontinuous solutions and fluxe [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kejia Pan, Hengrui Xu, Zhilin Li

Harmonic average method has been widely utilized to deal with heterogeneous coefficients in solving differential equations. One remarkable advantage of the harmonic averaging method is that no derivative of the coefficient is needed. Furthermore, the coefficient matrix of the finite difference equations is an M-matrix which guarantees the stability of the algorithm. It has been numerically observed but not theoretically proved that the method produces second order pointwise accuracy when the solution and flux are continuous even if the coefficient has finite discontinuities for which the method is inconsistent ($O(1)$ in the local truncation errors). It has been believed that there are some fortunate error cancellations. The harmonic average method does not converge when the solution or the flux has finite discontinuities. In this paper, not only we rigorously prove the second order convergence of the harmonic averaging method for one-dimensional interface problem when the coefficient has a finite discontinuities and the solution and the flux are continuous, but also proposed an {\em improved harmonic average method} that is also second order accurate (in the $L^{\infty}$ norm), which allows discontinuous solutions and fluxes along with the discontinuous coefficients. The key in the convergence proof is the construction of the Green's function. The proof shows how the error cancellations occur in a subtle way. Numerical experiments in both 1D and 2D confirmed the theoretical proof of the improved harmonic average method.

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 15:36:59 UTC

#13 Multicontinuum Modeling of Time-Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation in Heterogeneous Media [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huiran Bai, Dmitry Ammosov, Yin Yang, Wei Xie, Mohammed Al Kobaisi

This paper considers a time-fractional diffusion-wave equation with a high-contrast heterogeneous diffusion coefficient. A numerical solution to this problem can present great computational challenges due to its multiscale nature. Therefore, in this paper, we derive a multicontinuum time-fractional diffusion-wave model using the multicontinuum homogenization method. For this purpose, we formulate constraint cell problems considering various homogenized effects. These cell problems are implemented in oversampled regions to avoid boundary effects. By solving the cell problems, we obtain multicontinuum expansions of fine-scale solutions. Then, using these multicontinuum expansions and supposing the smoothness of the macroscopic variables, we rigorously derive the corresponding multicontinuum model. Finally, we present numerical results for two-dimensional model problems with different time-fractional derivatives to verify the accuracy of our proposed approach.

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 15:49:10 UTC

#14 Fatigue reliability analysis of offshore wind turbines under combined wind-wave excitation via DPIM [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jingyi Ding, Hanshu Chen, Xiaoting Liu, Youssef F. Rashed, Zhuojia Fu

As offshore wind turbines develop into deepwater operations, accurately quantifying the impact of stochastic excitations in complex sea environments on offshore wind turbines and conducting structural fatigue reliability analysis has become challenging. In this paper, based on long-term wind-wave reanalysis data from a site in the South China Sea, a novel direct probability integral method (DPIM) is developed for the stochastic response and fatigue reliability analyses of the key components for the floating offshore wind turbine structures under combined wind-wave excitation. A 5MW floating offshore wind turbine is considered as the research object, and a fully coupled dynamic response analysis of the wind turbine system is conducted to calculate the short-term fatigue damage value of tower base and blade root. The DPIM is applied to calculate the fatigue reliability of the wind turbine structure. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method are validated by comparing the obtained results with those of Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the results indicate that the fatigue life of floating offshore wind turbine structures under combined wind-wave excitation meets the design requirements. Notably, the fatigue reliability of the wind turbine under aligned wind-wave condition is lower compared to misaligned wind-wave condition.

Subjects: Numerical Analysis , Computational Physics

Publish: 2025-02-13 15:51:47 UTC

#15 A systematic literature review on the application of analytical approaches and mathematical programming in public bus transit network design and operations planning: Part I [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Reza Mahmoudi, Saeid Saidi, S. Chan Wirasinghe

The Public Bus Transit Network Design Problem and Operations Planning (PBTNDP&OP) remains a core research area within transportation, in particular, because of the emergence of new transit technologies and services. Analytical approaches and mathematical programming are the most commonly applied methodologies to study this problem. Many studies utilize either of these two methods, often viewed as competing due to the unique benefits each provides that the other does not. This two-part paper systematically reviews the application of analytical approaches and mathematical programming in PBTNDP&OP, analyzing publications from 1968 to 2021. It begins by comparing analytical methods and mathematical programming through various statistical analyses, including the number of published papers, the most active journals and authors, keyword frequencies, keyword co-occurrence maps, and co-authorship maps. Subsequent analysis of the identified papers includes examinations from multiple perspectives: the problems investigated, modeling methods used, decision variables considered, network structures, and key findings. This is followed by a critical review of selected papers. The paper concludes by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and suggests potential extensions for future research based on identified gaps in existing studies.

Subjects: Numerical Analysis , Optimization and Control

Publish: 2025-02-13 17:21:39 UTC

#16 Explicit and CPU/GPU parallel energy-preserving schemes for the Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger equations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xuelong Gu, Yushun Wang, Ziyu Wu, Jiaquan Gao, Wenjun Cai

A highly efficient energy-preserving scheme for univariate conservative or dissipative systems was recently proposed in [Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 425 (2024) 116938]. This scheme is based on a grid-point partitioned averaged vector field (AVF) method, allowing for pointwise decoupling and easy implementation of CPU parallel computing. In this article, we further extend this idea to multivariable coupled systems and propose a dual-partition AVF method that employs a dual partitioning strategy based on both variables and grid points. The resulting scheme is decoupled, energy-preserving, and exhibits greater flexibility. For the Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger equations, we apply the dual-partition AVF method and construct fully explicit energy-preserving schemes with pointwise decoupling, where the computational complexity per time step is $\mathcal{O}(N^d)$, with $d$ representing the problem dimension and $N$ representing the number of grid points in each direction. These schemes not only enable CPU parallelism but also support parallel computing on GPUs by adopting an update strategy based on a checkerboard grid pattern, significantly improving the efficiency of solving high-dimensional problems. Numerical experiments confirm the conservation properties and high efficiency of the proposed schemes.

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 17:51:52 UTC

#17 A Nitsche method for incompressible fluids with general dynamic boundary conditions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pablo Alexei Gazca-Orozco, Franz Gmeineder, Erika Maringová Kokavcová, Tabea Tscherpel

Both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids may exhibit complex slip behaviour at the boundary. We examine a broad class of slip boundary conditions that generalises the commonly used Navier slip, perfect slip, stick-slip and Tresca friction boundary conditions. In particular, set-valued, non-monotone, noncoercive and dynamic relations may occur. For a unifying framework of such relations, we present a fully discrete numerical scheme for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations subject to impermeability and general slip type boundary conditions on polyhedral domains. Based on compactness arguments, we prove convergence of subsequences, finally ensuring the existence of a weak solution. The numerical scheme uses a general inf-sup stable pair of finite element spaces for the velocity and pressure, a regularisation approach for the implicit slip boundary condition and, most importantly, a Nitsche method to impose the impermeability and a backward Euler time stepping. One of the key tools in the convergence proof is an inhomogeneous Korn inequality that includes a normal trace term.

Subject: Numerical Analysis

Publish: 2025-02-13 18:03:10 UTC