Computer Science

Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 | Total: 345

#1 You Only Cache Once: Decoder-Decoder Architectures for Language Models [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi5]

Authors: Yutao Sun ; Li Dong ; Yi Zhu ; Shaohan Huang ; Wenhui Wang ; Shuming Ma ; Quanlu Zhang ; Jianyong Wang ; Furu Wei

We introduce a decoder-decoder architecture, YOCO, for large language models, which only caches key-value pairs once. It consists of two components, i.e., a cross-decoder stacked upon a self-decoder. The self-decoder efficiently encodes global key-value (KV) caches that are reused by the cross-decoder via cross-attention. The overall model behaves like a decoder-only Transformer, although YOCO only caches once. The design substantially reduces GPU memory demands, yet retains global attention capability. Additionally, the computation flow enables prefilling to early exit without changing the final output, thereby significantly speeding up the prefill stage. Experimental results demonstrate that YOCO achieves favorable performance compared to Transformer in various settings of scaling up model size and number of training tokens. We also extend YOCO to 1M context length with near-perfect needle retrieval accuracy. The profiling results show that YOCO improves inference memory, prefill latency, and throughput by orders of magnitude across context lengths and model sizes. Code is available at

#2 ChuXin: 1.6B Technical Report [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Xiaomin Zhuang ; Yufan Jiang ; Qiaozhi He ; Zhihua Wu

In this report, we present ChuXin, an entirely open-source language model with a size of 1.6 billion parameters. Unlike the majority of works that only open-sourced the model weights and architecture, we have made everything needed to train a model available, including the training data, the training process, and the evaluation code. Our goal is to empower and strengthen the open research community, fostering transparency and enabling a new wave of innovation in the field of language modeling. Furthermore, we extend the context length to 1M tokens through lightweight continual pretraining and demonstrate strong needle-in-a-haystack retrieval performance. The weights for both models are available at Hugging Face to download and use.

#3 GP-MoLFormer: A Foundation Model For Molecular Generation [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Jerret Ross ; Brian Belgodere ; Samuel C. Hoffman ; Vijil Chenthamarakshan ; Youssef Mroueh ; Payel Das

Transformer-based models trained on large and general purpose datasets consisting of molecular strings have recently emerged as a powerful tool for successfully modeling various structure-property relations. Inspired by this success, we extend the paradigm of training chemical language transformers on large-scale chemical datasets to generative tasks in this work. Specifically, we propose GP-MoLFormer, an autoregressive molecular string generator that is trained on more than 1.1B chemical SMILES. GP-MoLFormer uses a 46.8M parameter transformer decoder model with linear attention and rotary positional encodings as the base architecture. We explore the utility of GP-MoLFormer in generating novel, valid, and unique SMILES. Impressively, we find GP-MoLFormer is able to generate a significant fraction of novel, valid, and unique SMILES even when the number of generated molecules is in the 10 billion range and the reference set is over a billion. We also find strong memorization of training data in GP-MoLFormer generations, which has so far remained unexplored for chemical language models. Our analyses reveal that training data memorization and novelty in generations are impacted by the quality of the training data; duplication bias in training data can enhance memorization at the cost of lowering novelty. We evaluate GP-MoLFormer's utility and compare it with that of existing baselines on three different tasks: de novo generation, scaffold-constrained molecular decoration, and unconstrained property-guided optimization. While the first two are handled with no additional training, we propose a parameter-efficient fine-tuning method for the last task, which uses property-ordered molecular pairs as input. We call this new approach pair-tuning. Our results show GP-MoLFormer performs better or comparable with baselines across all three tasks, demonstrating its general utility.

#4 Open Source Language Models Can Provide Feedback: Evaluating LLMs' Ability to Help Students Using GPT-4-As-A-Judge [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Charles Koutcheme ; Nicola Dainese ; Sami Sarsa ; Arto Hellas ; Juho Leinonen ; Paul Denny

Large language models (LLMs) have shown great potential for the automatic generation of feedback in a wide range of computing contexts. However, concerns have been voiced around the privacy and ethical implications of sending student work to proprietary models. This has sparked considerable interest in the use of open source LLMs in education, but the quality of the feedback that such open models can produce remains understudied. This is a concern as providing flawed or misleading generated feedback could be detrimental to student learning. Inspired by recent work that has utilised very powerful LLMs, such as GPT-4, to evaluate the outputs produced by less powerful models, we conduct an automated analysis of the quality of the feedback produced by several open source models using a dataset from an introductory programming course. First, we investigate the viability of employing GPT-4 as an automated evaluator by comparing its evaluations with those of a human expert. We observe that GPT-4 demonstrates a bias toward positively rating feedback while exhibiting moderate agreement with human raters, showcasing its potential as a feedback evaluator. Second, we explore the quality of feedback generated by several leading open-source LLMs by using GPT-4 to evaluate the feedback. We find that some models offer competitive performance with popular proprietary LLMs, such as ChatGPT, indicating opportunities for their responsible use in educational settings.

#5 ACEGEN: Reinforcement learning of generative chemical agents for drug discovery [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Albert Bou ; Morgan Thomas ; Sebastian Dittert ; Carles Navarro Ramírez ; Maciej Majewski ; Ye Wang ; Shivam Patel ; Gary Tresadern ; Mazen Ahmad ; Vincent Moens ; Woody Sherman ; Simone Sciabola ; Gianni De Fabritiis

In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a valuable tool in drug design, offering the potential to propose and optimize molecules with desired properties. However, striking a balance between capability, flexibility, and reliability remains challenging due to the complexity of advanced RL algorithms and the significant reliance on specialized code. In this work, we introduce ACEGEN, a comprehensive and streamlined toolkit tailored for generative drug design, built using TorchRL, a modern decision-making library that offers efficient and thoroughly tested reusable components. ACEGEN provides a robust, flexible, and efficient platform for molecular design. We validate its effectiveness by benchmarking it across various algorithms and conducting multiple drug discovery case studies. ACEGEN is accessible at

#6 Folded context condensation in Path Integral formalism for infinite context transformers [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Won-Gi Paeng ; Daesuk Kwon

This short note is written for rapid communication of long context training and to share the idea of how to train it with low memory usage. In the note, we generalize the attention algorithm and neural network of Generative Pre-Trained Transformers and reinterpret it in Path integral formalism. First, the role of the transformer is understood as the time evolution of the token state and second, it is suggested that the all key-token states in the same time as the query-token can attend to the attention with the query token states. As a result of the repetitive time evolution, it is discussed that the token states in the past sequence meats the token states in the present sequence so that the attention between separated sequences becomes possible for maintaining infinite contextual information just by using low memory for limited size of sequence. For the experiment, the $12$ input token window size was taken and one GPU with $24$GB memory was used for the pre-training. It was confirmed that more than $150$ length context is preserved. The sampling result of the training, the code and the other details will be included in the revised version of this note later.

#7 Communication Resources Constrained Hierarchical Federated Learning for End-to-End Autonomous Driving [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Wei-Bin Kou ; Shuai Wang ; Guangxu Zhu ; Bin Luo ; Yingxian Chen ; Derrick Wing Kwan Ng ; Yik-Chung Wu

While federated learning (FL) improves the generalization of end-to-end autonomous driving by model aggregation, the conventional single-hop FL (SFL) suffers from slow convergence rate due to long-range communications among vehicles and cloud server. Hierarchical federated learning (HFL) overcomes such drawbacks via introduction of mid-point edge servers. However, the orchestration between constrained communication resources and HFL performance becomes an urgent problem. This paper proposes an optimization-based Communication Resource Constrained Hierarchical Federated Learning (CRCHFL) framework to minimize the generalization error of the autonomous driving model using hybrid data and model aggregation. The effectiveness of the proposed CRCHFL is evaluated in the Car Learning to Act (CARLA) simulation platform. Results show that the proposed CRCHFL both accelerates the convergence rate and enhances the generalization of federated learning autonomous driving model. Moreover, under the same communication resource budget, it outperforms the HFL by 10.33% and the SFL by 12.44%.

#8 DiffuseTrace: A Transparent and Flexible Watermarking Scheme for Latent Diffusion Model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Liangqi Lei ; Keke Gai ; Jing Yu ; Liehuang Zhu

Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) enable a wide range of applications but raise ethical concerns regarding illegal utilization.Adding watermarks to generative model outputs is a vital technique employed for copyright tracking and mitigating potential risks associated with AI-generated content. However, post-hoc watermarking techniques are susceptible to evasion. Existing watermarking methods for LDMs can only embed fixed messages. Watermark message alteration requires model retraining. The stability of the watermark is influenced by model updates and iterations. Furthermore, the current reconstruction-based watermark removal techniques utilizing variational autoencoders (VAE) and diffusion models have the capability to remove a significant portion of watermarks. Therefore, we propose a novel technique called DiffuseTrace. The goal is to embed invisible watermarks in all generated images for future detection semantically. The method establishes a unified representation of the initial latent variables and the watermark information through training an encoder-decoder model. The watermark information is embedded into the initial latent variables through the encoder and integrated into the sampling process. The watermark information is extracted by reversing the diffusion process and utilizing the decoder. DiffuseTrace does not rely on fine-tuning of the diffusion model components. The watermark is embedded into the image space semantically without compromising image quality. The encoder-decoder can be utilized as a plug-in in arbitrary diffusion models. We validate through experiments the effectiveness and flexibility of DiffuseTrace. DiffuseTrace holds an unprecedented advantage in combating the latest attacks based on variational autoencoders and Diffusion Models.

#9 pFedLVM: A Large Vision Model (LVM)-Driven and Latent Feature-Based Personalized Federated Learning Framework in Autonomous Driving [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Wei-Bin Kou ; Qingfeng Lin ; Ming Tang ; Sheng Xu ; Rongguang Ye ; Yang Leng ; Shuai Wang ; Zhenyu Chen ; Guangxu Zhu ; Yik-Chung Wu

Deep learning-based Autonomous Driving (AD) models often exhibit poor generalization due to data heterogeneity in an ever domain-shifting environment. While Federated Learning (FL) could improve the generalization of an AD model (known as FedAD system), conventional models often struggle with under-fitting as the amount of accumulated training data progressively increases. To address this issue, instead of conventional small models, employing Large Vision Models (LVMs) in FedAD is a viable option for better learning of representations from a vast volume of data. However, implementing LVMs in FedAD introduces three challenges: (I) the extremely high communication overheads associated with transmitting LVMs between participating vehicles and a central server; (II) lack of computing resource to deploy LVMs on each vehicle; (III) the performance drop due to LVM focusing on shared features but overlooking local vehicle characteristics. To overcome these challenges, we propose pFedLVM, a LVM-Driven, Latent Feature-Based Personalized Federated Learning framework. In this approach, the LVM is deployed only on central server, which effectively alleviates the computational burden on individual vehicles. Furthermore, the exchange between central server and vehicles are the learned features rather than the LVM parameters, which significantly reduces communication overhead. In addition, we utilize both shared features from all participating vehicles and individual characteristics from each vehicle to establish a personalized learning mechanism. This enables each vehicle's model to learn features from others while preserving its personalized characteristics, thereby outperforming globally shared models trained in general FL. Extensive experiments demonstrate that pFedLVM outperforms the existing state-of-the-art approaches.

#10 When Training-Free NAS Meets Vision Transformer: A Neural Tangent Kernel Perspective [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Qiqi Zhou ; Yichen Zhu

This paper investigates the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) to search vision transformers without training. In contrast with the previous observation that NTK-based metrics can effectively predict CNNs performance at initialization, we empirically show their inefficacy in the ViT search space. We hypothesize that the fundamental feature learning preference within ViT contributes to the ineffectiveness of applying NTK to NAS for ViT. We both theoretically and empirically validate that NTK essentially estimates the ability of neural networks that learn low-frequency signals, completely ignoring the impact of high-frequency signals in feature learning. To address this limitation, we propose a new method called ViNTK that generalizes the standard NTK to the high-frequency domain by integrating the Fourier features from inputs. Experiments with multiple ViT search spaces on image classification and semantic segmentation tasks show that our method can significantly speed up search costs over prior state-of-the-art NAS for ViT while maintaining similar performance on searched architectures.

#11 PoPE: Legendre Orthogonal Polynomials Based Position Encoding for Large Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Author: Arpit Aggarwal

There are several improvements proposed over the baseline Absolute Positional Encoding (APE) method used in original transformer. In this study, we aim to investigate the implications of inadequately representing positional encoding in higher dimensions on crucial aspects of the attention mechanism, the model's capacity to learn relative positional information, and the convergence of models, all stemming from the choice of sinusoidal basis functions. Through a combination of theoretical insights and empirical analyses, we elucidate how these challenges extend beyond APEs and may adversely affect the performance of Relative Positional Encoding (RPE) methods, such as Rotatory Positional Encoding (RoPE). Subsequently, we introduce an innovative solution termed Orthogonal Polynomial Based Positional Encoding (PoPE) to address some of the limitations associated with existing methods. The PoPE method encodes positional information by leveraging Orthogonal Legendre polynomials. Legendre polynomials as basis functions offers several desirable properties for positional encoding, including improved correlation structure, non-periodicity, orthogonality, and distinct functional forms among polynomials of varying orders. Our experimental findings demonstrate that transformer models incorporating PoPE outperform baseline transformer models on the $Multi30k$ English-to-German translation task, thus establishing a new performance benchmark. Furthermore, PoPE-based transformers exhibit significantly accelerated convergence rates. Additionally, we will present novel theoretical perspectives on position encoding based on the superior performance of PoPE.

#12 Language Modeling Using Tensor Trains [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Zhan Su ; Yuqin Zhou ; Fengran Mo ; Jakob Grue Simonsen

We propose a novel tensor network language model based on the simplest tensor network (i.e., tensor trains), called `Tensor Train Language Model' (TTLM). TTLM represents sentences in an exponential space constructed by the tensor product of words, but computing the probabilities of sentences in a low-dimensional fashion. We demonstrate that the architectures of Second-order RNNs, Recurrent Arithmetic Circuits (RACs), and Multiplicative Integration RNNs are, essentially, special cases of TTLM. Experimental evaluations on real language modeling tasks show that the proposed variants of TTLM (i.e., TTLM-Large and TTLM-Tiny) outperform the vanilla Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with low-scale of hidden units. (The code is available at

#13 Traj-LLM: A New Exploration for Empowering Trajectory Prediction with Pre-trained Large Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Zhengxing Lan ; Hongbo Li ; Lingshan Liu ; Bo Fan ; Yisheng Lv ; Yilong Ren ; Zhiyong Cui

Predicting the future trajectories of dynamic traffic actors is a cornerstone task in autonomous driving. Though existing notable efforts have resulted in impressive performance improvements, a gap persists in scene cognitive and understanding of the complex traffic semantics. This paper proposes Traj-LLM, the first to investigate the potential of using Large Language Models (LLMs) without explicit prompt engineering to generate future motion from agents' past/observed trajectories and scene semantics. Traj-LLM starts with sparse context joint coding to dissect the agent and scene features into a form that LLMs understand. On this basis, we innovatively explore LLMs' powerful comprehension abilities to capture a spectrum of high-level scene knowledge and interactive information. Emulating the human-like lane focus cognitive function and enhancing Traj-LLM's scene comprehension, we introduce lane-aware probabilistic learning powered by the pioneering Mamba module. Finally, a multi-modal Laplace decoder is designed to achieve scene-compliant multi-modal predictions. Extensive experiments manifest that Traj-LLM, fortified by LLMs' strong prior knowledge and understanding prowess, together with lane-aware probability learning, outstrips state-of-the-art methods across evaluation metrics. Moreover, the few-shot analysis further substantiates Traj-LLM's performance, wherein with just 50% of the dataset, it outperforms the majority of benchmarks relying on complete data utilization. This study explores equipping the trajectory prediction task with advanced capabilities inherent in LLMs, furnishing a more universal and adaptable solution for forecasting agent motion in a new way.

#14 Dynamic Data Layout Optimization with Worst-case Guarantees [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Kexin Rong ; Paul Liu ; Sarah Ashok Sonje ; Moses Charikar

Many data analytics systems store and process large datasets in partitions containing millions of rows. By mapping rows to partitions in an optimized way, it is possible to improve query performance by skipping over large numbers of irrelevant partitions during query processing. This mapping is referred to as a data layout. Recent works have shown that customizing the data layout to the anticipated query workload greatly improves query performance, but the performance benefits may disappear if the workload changes. Reorganizing data layouts to accommodate workload drift can resolve this issue, but reorganization costs could exceed query savings if not done carefully. In this paper, we present an algorithmic framework OReO that makes online reorganization decisions to balance the benefits of improved query performance with the costs of reorganization. Our framework extends results from Metrical Task Systems to provide a tight bound on the worst-case performance guarantee for online reorganization, without prior knowledge of the query workload. Through evaluation on real-world datasets and query workloads, our experiments demonstrate that online reorganization with OReO can lead to an up to 32% improvement in combined query and reorganization time compared to using a single, optimized data layout for the entire workload.

#15 The Entropy Enigma: Success and Failure of Entropy Minimization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Ori Press ; Ravid Shwartz-Ziv ; Yann LeCun ; Matthias Bethge

Entropy minimization (EM) is frequently used to increase the accuracy of classification models when they're faced with new data at test time. EM is a self-supervised learning method that optimizes classifiers to assign even higher probabilities to their top predicted classes. In this paper, we analyze why EM works when adapting a model for a few steps and why it eventually fails after adapting for many steps. We show that, at first, EM causes the model to embed test images close to training images, thereby increasing model accuracy. After many steps of optimization, EM makes the model embed test images far away from the embeddings of training images, which results in a degradation of accuracy. Building upon our insights, we present a method for solving a practical problem: estimating a model's accuracy on a given arbitrary dataset without having access to its labels. Our method estimates accuracy by looking at how the embeddings of input images change as the model is optimized to minimize entropy. Experiments on 23 challenging datasets show that our method sets the SoTA with a mean absolute error of $5.75\%$, an improvement of $29.62\%$ over the previous SoTA on this task. Our code is available at

#16 Hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks with Reliability Guarantee [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Hans Dermot Doran ; Suzana Veljanovska

Making AI safe and dependable requires the generation of dependable models and dependable execution of those models. We propose redundant execution as a well-known technique that can be used to ensure reliable execution of the AI model. This generic technique will extend the application scope of AI-accelerators that do not feature well-documented safety or dependability properties. Typical redundancy techniques incur at least double or triple the computational expense of the original. We adopt a co-design approach, integrating reliable model execution with non-reliable execution, focusing that additional computational expense only where it is strictly necessary. We describe the design, implementation and some preliminary results of a hybrid CNN.

#17 Conv-Basis: A New Paradigm for Efficient Attention Inference and Gradient Computation in Transformers [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Jiuxiang Gu ; Yingyu Liang ; Heshan Liu ; Zhenmei Shi ; Zhao Song ; Junze Yin

Large Language Models (LLMs) have profoundly changed the world. Their self-attention mechanism is the key to the success of transformers in LLMs. However, the quadratic computational cost $O(n^2)$ to the length $n$ input sequence is the notorious obstacle for further improvement and scalability in the longer context. In this work, we leverage the convolution-like structure of attention matrices to develop an efficient approximation method for attention computation using convolution matrices. We propose a $\mathsf{conv}$ basis system, "similar" to the rank basis, and show that any lower triangular (attention) matrix can always be decomposed as a sum of $k$ structured convolution matrices in this basis system. We then design an algorithm to quickly decompose the attention matrix into $k$ convolution matrices. Thanks to Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), the attention {\it inference} can be computed in $O(knd \log n)$ time, where $d$ is the hidden dimension. In practice, we have $ d \ll n$, i.e., $d=3,072$ and $n=1,000,000$ for Gemma. Thus, when $kd = n^{o(1)}$, our algorithm achieve almost linear time, i.e., $n^{1+o(1)}$. Furthermore, the attention {\it training forward} and {\it backward gradient} can be computed in $n^{1+o(1)}$ as well. Our approach can avoid explicitly computing the $n \times n$ attention matrix, which may largely alleviate the quadratic computational complexity. Furthermore, our algorithm works on any input matrices. This work provides a new paradigm for accelerating attention computation in transformers to enable their application to longer contexts.

#18 Imagine Flash: Accelerating Emu Diffusion Models with Backward Distillation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Jonas Kohler ; Albert Pumarola ; Edgar Schönfeld ; Artsiom Sanakoyeu ; Roshan Sumbaly ; Peter Vajda ; Ali Thabet

Diffusion models are a powerful generative framework, but come with expensive inference. Existing acceleration methods often compromise image quality or fail under complex conditioning when operating in an extremely low-step regime. In this work, we propose a novel distillation framework tailored to enable high-fidelity, diverse sample generation using just one to three steps. Our approach comprises three key components: (i) Backward Distillation, which mitigates training-inference discrepancies by calibrating the student on its own backward trajectory; (ii) Shifted Reconstruction Loss that dynamically adapts knowledge transfer based on the current time step; and (iii) Noise Correction, an inference-time technique that enhances sample quality by addressing singularities in noise prediction. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method outperforms existing competitors in quantitative metrics and human evaluations. Remarkably, it achieves performance comparable to the teacher model using only three denoising steps, enabling efficient high-quality generation.

#19 Attention-Driven Training-Free Efficiency Enhancement of Diffusion Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Hongjie Wang ; Difan Liu ; Yan Kang ; Yijun Li ; Zhe Lin ; Niraj K. Jha ; Yuchen Liu

Diffusion Models (DMs) have exhibited superior performance in generating high-quality and diverse images. However, this exceptional performance comes at the cost of expensive architectural design, particularly due to the attention module heavily used in leading models. Existing works mainly adopt a retraining process to enhance DM efficiency. This is computationally expensive and not very scalable. To this end, we introduce the Attention-driven Training-free Efficient Diffusion Model (AT-EDM) framework that leverages attention maps to perform run-time pruning of redundant tokens, without the need for any retraining. Specifically, for single-denoising-step pruning, we develop a novel ranking algorithm, Generalized Weighted Page Rank (G-WPR), to identify redundant tokens, and a similarity-based recovery method to restore tokens for the convolution operation. In addition, we propose a Denoising-Steps-Aware Pruning (DSAP) approach to adjust the pruning budget across different denoising timesteps for better generation quality. Extensive evaluations show that AT-EDM performs favorably against prior art in terms of efficiency (e.g., 38.8% FLOPs saving and up to 1.53x speed-up over Stable Diffusion XL) while maintaining nearly the same FID and CLIP scores as the full model. Project webpage:

#20 New allometric models for the USA create a step-change in forest carbon estimation, modeling, and mapping [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Lucas K. Johnson ; Michael J. Mahoney ; Grant Domke ; Colin M. Beier

The United States national forest inventory (NFI) serves as the foundation for forest aboveground biomass (AGB) and carbon accounting across the nation. These data enable design-based estimates of forest carbon stocks and stock-changes at state and regional levels, but also serve as inputs to model-based approaches for characterizing forest carbon stocks and stock-changes at finer resolutions. Although NFI tree and plot-level data are often treated as truth in these models, they are in fact estimates based on regional species-group models known collectively as the Component Ratio Method (CRM). In late 2023 the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program introduced a new National Scale Volume and Biomass Estimators (NSVB) system to replace CRM nationwide and offer more precise and accurate representations of forest AGB and carbon. Given the prevalence of model-based AGB studies relying on FIA, there is concern about the transferability of methods from CRM to NSVB models, as well as the comparability of existing CRM AGB products (e.g. maps) to new and forthcoming NSVB AGB products. To begin addressing these concerns we compared previously published CRM AGB maps to new maps produced using identical methods with NSVB AGB reference data. Our results suggest that models relying on passive satellite imagery (e.g. Landsat) provide acceptable estimates of point-in-time NSVB AGB and carbon stocks, but fail to accurately quantify growth in mature closed-canopy forests. We highlight that existing estimates, models, and maps based on FIA reference data are no longer compatible with NSVB, and recommend new methods as well as updated models and maps for accommodating this step-change. Our collective ability to adopt NSVB in our modeling and mapping workflows will help us provide the most accurate spatial forest carbon data possible in order to better inform local management and decision making.

#21 Some variation of COBRA in sequential learning setup [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Aryan Bhambu ; Arabin Kumar Dey

This research paper introduces innovative approaches for multivariate time series forecasting based on different variations of the combined regression strategy. We use specific data preprocessing techniques which makes a radical change in the behaviour of prediction. We compare the performance of the model based on two types of hyper-parameter tuning Bayesian optimisation (BO) and Usual Grid search. Our proposed methodologies outperform all state-of-the-art comparative models. We illustrate the methodologies through eight time series datasets from three categories: cryptocurrency, stock index, and short-term load forecasting.

#22 Is artificial consciousness achievable? Lessons from the human brain [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Michele Farisco ; Kathinka Evers ; Jean-Pierre Changeux

We here analyse the question of developing artificial consciousness from an evolutionary perspective, taking the evolution of the human brain and its relation with consciousness as a reference model. This kind of analysis reveals several structural and functional features of the human brain that appear to be key for reaching human-like complex conscious experience and that current research on Artificial Intelligence (AI) should take into account in its attempt to develop systems capable of conscious processing. We argue that, even if AI is limited in its ability to emulate human consciousness for both intrinsic (structural and architectural) and extrinsic (related to the current stage of scientific and technological knowledge) reasons, taking inspiration from those characteristics of the brain that make conscious processing possible and/or modulate it, is a potentially promising strategy towards developing conscious AI. Also, it is theoretically possible that AI research can develop partial or potentially alternative forms of consciousness that is qualitatively different from the human, and that may be either more or less sophisticated depending on the perspectives. Therefore, we recommend neuroscience-inspired caution in talking about artificial consciousness: since the use of the same word consciousness for humans and AI becomes ambiguous and potentially misleading, we propose to clearly specify what is common and what differs in AI conscious processing from full human conscious experience.

#23 Exploring a Cognitive Architecture for Learning Arithmetic Equations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Author: Cole Gawin

The acquisition and performance of arithmetic skills and basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are essential for daily functioning, and reflect complex cognitive processes. This paper explores the cognitive mechanisms powering arithmetic learning, presenting a neurobiologically plausible cognitive architecture that simulates the acquisition of these skills. I implement a number vectorization embedding network and an associative memory model to investigate how an intelligent system can learn and recall arithmetic equations in a manner analogous to the human brain. I perform experiments that provide insights into the generalization capabilities of connectionist models, neurological causes of dyscalculia, and the influence of network architecture on cognitive performance. Through this interdisciplinary investigation, I aim to contribute to ongoing research into the neural correlates of mathematical cognition in intelligent systems.

#24 An Advanced Features Extraction Module for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Naveed Sultan ; Amir Hajian ; Supavadee Aramvith

In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved remarkable advancement in the field of remote sensing image super-resolution due to the complexity and variability of textures and structures in remote sensing images (RSIs), which often repeat in the same images but differ across others. Current deep learning-based super-resolution models focus less on high-frequency features, which leads to suboptimal performance in capturing contours, textures, and spatial information. State-of-the-art CNN-based methods now focus on the feature extraction of RSIs using attention mechanisms. However, these methods are still incapable of effectively identifying and utilizing key content attention signals in RSIs. To solve this problem, we proposed an advanced feature extraction module called Channel and Spatial Attention Feature Extraction (CSA-FE) for effectively extracting the features by using the channel and spatial attention incorporated with the standard vision transformer (ViT). The proposed method trained over the UCMerced dataset on scales 2, 3, and 4. The experimental results show that our proposed method helps the model focus on the specific channels and spatial locations containing high-frequency information so that the model can focus on relevant features and suppress irrelevant ones, which enhances the quality of super-resolved images. Our model achieved superior performance compared to various existing models.

#25 Exploring Explainable AI Techniques for Improved Interpretability in Lung and Colon Cancer Classification [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Mukaffi Bin Moin ; Fatema Tuj Johora Faria ; Swarnajit Saha ; Bushra Kamal Rafa ; Mohammad Shafiul Alam

Lung and colon cancer are serious worldwide health challenges that require early and precise identification to reduce mortality risks. However, diagnosis, which is mostly dependent on histopathologists' competence, presents difficulties and hazards when expertise is insufficient. While diagnostic methods like imaging and blood markers contribute to early detection, histopathology remains the gold standard, although time-consuming and vulnerable to inter-observer mistakes. Limited access to high-end technology further limits patients' ability to receive immediate medical care and diagnosis. Recent advances in deep learning have generated interest in its application to medical imaging analysis, specifically the use of histopathological images to diagnose lung and colon cancer. The goal of this investigation is to use and adapt existing pre-trained CNN-based models, such as Xception, DenseNet201, ResNet101, InceptionV3, DenseNet121, DenseNet169, ResNet152, and InceptionResNetV2, to enhance classification through better augmentation strategies. The results show tremendous progress, with all eight models reaching impressive accuracy ranging from 97% to 99%. Furthermore, attention visualization techniques such as GradCAM, GradCAM++, ScoreCAM, Faster Score-CAM, and LayerCAM, as well as Vanilla Saliency and SmoothGrad, are used to provide insights into the models' classification decisions, thereby improving interpretability and understanding of malignant and benign image classification.