Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems

Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 | Total: 2

#1 Riemann problem for polychromatic soliton gases: a testbed for the spectral kinetic theory [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: T. Congy ; H. T. Carr ; G. Roberti ; G. A. El

We use Riemann problem for soliton gas as a benchmark for a detailed numerical validation of the spectral kinetic theory for the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and the focusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger (fNLS) equations. We construct weak solutions to the kinetic equation for soliton gas describing collision of two dense "polychromatic" soliton gases composed of a finite number of "monochromatic" components, each consisting of solitons with nearly identical spectral parameters of the scattering operator in the Lax pair. The interaction between the gas components plays the key role in the emergent, large-scale hydrodynamic evolution. We then use the solutions of the spectral kinetic equation to evaluate macroscopic physical observables in KdV and fNLS soliton gases and compare them with the respective ensemble averages extracted from the "exact" soliton gas numerical solutions of the KdV and fNLS equations. To numerically synthesise dense polychromatic soliton gases we develop a new method which combines recent advances in the spectral theory of the so-called soliton condensates and the effective algorithms for the numerical realisation of $n$-soliton solutions with large $n$.

#2 On quadrirational pentagon maps [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Charalampos Evripidou ; Pavlos Kassotakis ; Anastasios Tongas

We classify rational solutions of a specific type of the set theoretical version of the pentagon equation. That is, we find all quadrirational maps $R:(x,y)\mapsto (u(x,y),v(x,y)),$ where $u, v$ are two rational functions on two arguments, that serve as solutions of the pentagon equation. Furthermore, provided a pentagon map that admits a partial inverse, we obtain genuine entwining pentagon set theoretical solutions.