Populations and Evolution

Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 | Total: 3

#1 Stochastic spatial Lotka-Volterra predator-prey models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Author: Uwe C. Täuber

Stochastic, spatially extended models for predator-prey interaction display spatio-temporal structures that are not captured by the Lotka-Volterra mean-field rate equations. These spreading activity fronts reflect persistent correlations between predators and prey that can be analyzed through field-theoretic methods. Introducing local restrictions on the prey population induces a predator extinction threshold, with the critical dynamics at this continuous active-to-absorbing state transition governed by the scaling exponents of directed percolation. Novel features in biologically motivated model variants include the stabilizing effect of a periodically varying carrying capacity that describes seasonally oscillating resource availability; enhanced mean species densities and local fluctuations caused by spatially varying reaction rates; and intriguing evolutionary dynamics emerging when variable interaction rates are affixed to individuals combined with trait inheritance to their offspring. The basic susceptible-infected-susceptible and susceptible-infected-recovered models for infectious disease spreading near their epidemic thresholds are respectively captured by the directed and dynamic isotropic percolation universality classes. Systems with three cyclically competing species akin to spatial rock-paper-scissors games may display striking spiral patterns, yet conservation laws can prevent such noise-induced structure formation. In diffusively coupled inhomogeneous settings, one may observe the stabilization of vulnerable ecologies prone to finite-size extinction or fixation due to immigration waves emanating from the interfaces.

#2 Impact of phylogeny on the inference of functional sectors from protein sequence data [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Nicola Dietler ; Alia Abbara ; Subham Choudhury ; Anne-Florence Bitbol

Statistical analysis of multiple sequence alignments of homologous proteins has revealed groups of coevolving amino acids called sectors. These groups of amino-acid sites feature collective correlations in their amino-acid usage, and they are associated to functional properties. Modeling showed that natural selection on an additive functional trait of a protein is generically expected to give rise to a functional sector. These modeling results motivated a principled method, called ICOD, which is designed to identify functional sectors, as well as mutational effects, from sequence data. However, a challenge for all methods aiming to identify sectors from multiple sequence alignments is that correlations in amino-acid usage can also arise from the mere fact that homologous sequences share common ancestry, i.e. from phylogeny. Here, we generate controlled synthetic data from a minimal model comprising both phylogeny and functional sectors. We use this data to dissect the impact of phylogeny on sector identification and on mutational effect inference by different methods. We find that ICOD is most robust to phylogeny, but that conservation is also quite robust. Next, we consider natural multiple sequence alignments of protein families for which deep mutational scan experimental data is available. We show that in this natural data, conservation and ICOD best identify sites with strong functional roles, in agreement with our results on synthetic data. Importantly, these two methods have different premises, since they respectively focus on conservation and on correlations. Thus, their joint use can reveal complementary information.

#3 What doesn't kill Gaia makes her stronger [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Rudy Arthur ; Arwen E. Nicholson ; Nathan J. Mayne

Life on Earth has experienced numerous upheavals over its approximately 4 billion year history. In previous work we have discussed how interruptions to stability lead, on average, to increases in habitability over time, a tendency we called Entropic Gaia. Here we continue this exploration, working with the Tangled Nature Model of co-evolution, to understand how the evolutionary history of life is shaped by periods of acute environmental stress. We find that while these periods of stress pose a risk of complete extinction, they also create opportunities for evolutionary exploration which would otherwise be impossible, leading to more populous and stable states among the survivors than in alternative histories without a stress period. We also study how the duration, repetition and number of refugia into which life escapes during the perturbation affects the final outcome. The model results are discussed in relation to both Earth history and the search for alien life.