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We model coherent conversation continuation via RNN-based dialogue models equipped with a dynamic attention mechanism. Our attention-RNN language model dynamically increases the scope of attention on the history as the conversation continues, as opposed to standard attention (or alignment) models with a fixed input scope in a sequence-to-sequence model. This allows each generated word to be associated with the most relevant words in its corresponding conversation history. We evaluate the model on two popular dialogue datasets, the open-domain MovieTriples dataset and the closed-domain Ubuntu Troubleshoot dataset, and achieve significant improvements over the state-of-the-art and baselines on several metrics, including complementary diversity-based metrics, human evaluation, and qualitative visualizations. We also show that a vanilla RNN with dynamic attention outperforms more complex memory models (e.g., LSTM and GRU) by allowing for flexible, long-distance memory. We promote further coherence via topic modeling-based reranking.
We propose a new active learning (AL) method for text classification with convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In AL, one selects the instances to be manually labeled with the aim of maximizing model performance with minimal effort. Neural models capitalize on word embeddings as representations (features), tuning these to the task at hand. We argue that AL strategies for multi-layered neural models should focus on selecting instances that most affect the embedding space (i.e., induce discriminative word representations). This is in contrast to traditional AL approaches (e.g., entropy-based uncertainty sampling), which specify higher level objectives. We propose a simple approach for sentence classification that selects instances containing words whose embeddings are likely to be updated with the greatest magnitude, thereby rapidly learning discriminative, task-specific embeddings. We extend this approach to document classification by jointly considering: (1) the expected changes to the constituent word representations; and (2) the model’s current overall uncertainty regarding the instance. The relative emphasis placed on these criteria is governed by a stochastic process that favors selecting instances likely to improve representations at the outset of learning, and then shifts toward general uncertainty sampling as AL progresses. Empirical results show that our method outperforms baseline AL approaches on both sentence and document classification tasks. We also show that, as expected, the method quickly learns discriminative word embeddings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on AL addressing neural models for text classification.
Neural network-based BOW models reveal that word-embedding vectors encode strong semantic regularities. However, such models are insensitive to word polarity. We show that, coupled with simple information such as word spellings, word-embedding vectors can preserve both semantic regularity and conceptual polarity without supervision. We then describe a nontrivial modification to the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) algorithm that visualizes these semantic- and polarity-preserving vectors in reduced dimensions. On a real Facebook corpus, our experiments show significant improvement in t-SNE visualization as a result of the proposed modification.
Diagnosis of a clinical condition is a challenging task, which often requires significant medical investigation. Previous work related to diagnostic inferencing problems mostly consider multivariate observational data (e.g. physiological signals, lab tests etc.). In contrast, we explore the problem using free-text medical notes recorded in an electronic health record (EHR). Complex tasks like these can benefit from structured knowledge bases, but those are not scalable. We instead exploit raw text from Wikipedia as a knowledge source. Memory networks have been demonstrated to be effective in tasks which require comprehension of free-form text. They use the final iteration of the learned representation to predict probable classes. We introduce condensed memory neural networks (C-MemNNs), a novel model with iterative condensation of memory representations that preserves the hierarchy of features in the memory. Experiments on the MIMIC-III dataset show that the proposed model outperforms other variants of memory networks to predict the most probable diagnoses given a complex clinical scenario.
In lexicon-based classification, documents are assigned labels by comparing the number of words that appear from two opposed lexicons, such as positive and negative sentiment. Creating such words lists is often easier than labeling instances, and they can be debugged by non-experts if classification performance is unsatisfactory. However, there is little analysis or justification of this classification heuristic. This paper describes a set of assumptions that can be used to derive a probabilistic justification for lexicon-based classification, as well as an analysis of its expected accuracy. One key assumption behind lexicon-based classification is that all words in each lexicon are equally predictive. This is rarely true in practice, which is why lexicon-based approaches are usually outperformed by supervised classifiers that learn distinct weights on each word from labeled instances. This paper shows that it is possible to learn such weights without labeled data, by leveraging co-occurrence statistics across the lexicons. This offers the best of both worlds: light supervision in the form of lexicons, and data-driven classification with higher accuracy than traditional word-counting heuristics.
Although semi-supervised variational autoencoder (SemiVAE) works in image classification task, it fails in text classification task if using vanilla LSTM as its decoder. From a perspective of reinforcement learning, it is verified that the decoder's capability to distinguish between different categorical labels is essential. Therefore, Semi-supervised Sequential Variational Autoencoder (SSVAE) is proposed, which increases the capability by feeding label into its decoder RNN at each time-step. Two specific decoder structures are investigated and both of them are verified to be effective. Besides, in order to reduce the computational complexity in training, a novel optimization method is proposed, which estimates the gradient of the unlabeled objective function by sampling, along with two variance reduction techniques. Experimental results on Large Movie Review Dataset (IMDB) and AG's News corpus show that the proposed approach significantly improves the classification accuracy compared with pure-supervised classifiers, and achieves competitive performance against previous advanced methods. State-of-the-art results can be obtained by integrating other pretraining-based methods.
The sequence-to-sequence model is proven to be extremely successful in constituent parsing. It relies on one key technique, the probabilistic attention mechanism, to automatically select the context for prediction. Despite its successes, the probabilistic attention model does not always select the most important context. For example, the headword and boundary words of a subtree have been shown to be critical when predicting the constituent label of the subtree, but this contextual information becomes increasingly difficult to learn as the length of the sequence increases. In this study, we proposed a deterministic attention mechanism that deterministically selects the important context and is not affected by the sequence length. We implemented two different instances of this framework. When combined with a novel bottom-up linearization method, our parser demonstrated better performance than that achieved by the sequence-to-sequence parser with probabilistic attention mechanism.
Neural machine translation (NMT) heavily relies on word-level modelling to learn semantic representations of input sentences.However, for languages without natural word delimiters (e.g., Chinese) where input sentences have to be tokenized first,conventional NMT is confronted with two issues:1) it is difficult to find an optimal tokenization granularity for source sentence modelling, and2) errors in 1-best tokenizations may propagate to the encoder of NMT.To handle these issues, we propose word-lattice based Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) encoders for NMT,which generalize the standard RNN to word lattice topology.The proposed encoders take as input a word lattice that compactly encodes multiple tokenizations, and learn to generate new hidden states from arbitrarily many inputs and hidden states in preceding time steps.As such, the word-lattice based encoders not only alleviate the negative impact of tokenization errors but also are more expressive and flexible to embed input sentences.Experiment results on Chinese-English translation demonstrate the superiorities of the proposed encoders over the conventional encoder.
In this paper, we propose a bidimensional attention based recursiveautoencoder (BattRAE) to integrate clues and sourcetargetinteractions at multiple levels of granularity into bilingualphrase representations. We employ recursive autoencodersto generate tree structures of phrases with embeddingsat different levels of granularity (e.g., words, sub-phrases andphrases). Over these embeddings on the source and targetside, we introduce a bidimensional attention network to learntheir interactions encoded in a bidimensional attention matrix,from which we extract two soft attention weight distributionssimultaneously. These weight distributions enableBattRAE to generate compositive phrase representations viaconvolution. Based on the learned phrase representations, wefurther use a bilinear neural model, trained via a max-marginmethod, to measure bilingual semantic similarity. To evaluatethe effectiveness of BattRAE, we incorporate this semanticsimilarity as an additional feature into a state-of-the-art SMTsystem. Extensive experiments on NIST Chinese-English testsets show that our model achieves a substantial improvementof up to 1.63 BLEU points on average over the baseline.
Language processing mechanism by humans is generally more robust than computers. The Cmabrigde Uinervtisy (Cambridge University) effect from the psycholinguistics literature has demonstrated such a robust word processing mechanism, where jumbled words (e.g. Cmabrigde / Cambridge) are recognized with little cost. On the other hand, computational models for word recognition (e.g. spelling checkers) perform poorly on data with such noise. Inspired by the findings from the Cmabrigde Uinervtisy effect, we propose a word recognition model based on a semi-character level recurrent neural network (scRNN). In our experiments, we demonstrate that scRNN has significantly more robust performance in word spelling correction (i.e. word recognition) compared to existing spelling checkers and character-based convolutional neural network. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the model is cognitively plausible by replicating a psycholinguistics experiment about human reading difficulty using our model.
Generative latent-variable models are important for natural language processing due to their capability of providing compact representations of data. As conventional maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is prone to focus on explaining irrelevant but common correlations in data, we apply maximum reconstruction estimation (MRE) to learning generative latent-variable models alternatively, which aims to find model parameters that maximize the probability of reconstructing the observed data. We develop tractable algorithms to directly learn hidden Markov models and IBM translation models using the MRE criterion, without the need to introduce a separate reconstruction model to facilitate efficient inference. Experiments on unsupervised part-of-speech induction and unsupervised word alignment show that our approach enables generative latent-variable models to better discover intended correlations in data and outperforms maximum likelihood estimators significantly.
In a document, the topic distribution of a sentence depends on both the topics of preceding sentences and its own content, and it is usually affected by the topics of the preceding sentences with different weights. It is natural that a document can be treated as a sequence of sentences. Most existing works for Bayesian document modeling do not take these points into consideration. To fill this gap, we propose a Recurrent Attentional Topic Model (RATM) for document embedding. The RATM not only takes advantage of the sequential orders among sentence but also use the attention mechanism to model the relations among successive sentences. In RATM, we propose a Recurrent Attentional Bayesian Process (RABP) to handle the sequences. Based on the RABP, RATM fully utilizes the sequential information of the sentences in a document. Experiments on two copora show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods on document modeling and classification.
We address the coarse-grained disambiguation of the spatial prepositions as the first step towards spatial role labeling using deep learning models. We propose a hybrid feature of word embeddings and linguistic features, and compare its performance against a set of linguistic features, pre-trained word embeddings, and corpus-trained embeddings using seven classical machine learning classifiers and two deep learning models. We also compile a dataset of 43,129 sample sentences from Pattern Dictionary of English Prepositions (PDEP). The comprehensive experimental results suggest that the combination of the hybrid feature and a convolutional neural network outperforms state-of-the-art methods and reaches the accuracy of 94.21% and F1-score of 0.9398.
The task of aspect and opinion terms co-extraction aims to explicitly extract aspect terms describing features of an entity and opinion terms expressing emotions from user-generated texts. To achieve this task, one effective approach is to exploit relations between aspect terms and opinion terms by parsing syntactic structure for each sentence. However, this approach requires expensive effort for parsing and highly depends on the quality of the parsing results. In this paper, we offer a novel deep learning model, named coupled multi-layer attentions. The proposed model provides an end-to-end solution and does not require any parsers or other linguistic resources for preprocessing. Specifically, the proposed model is a multi-layer attention network, where each layer consists of a couple of attentions with tensor operators. One attention is for extracting aspect terms, while the other is for extracting opinion terms. They are learned interactively to dually propagate information between aspect terms and opinion terms. Through multiple layers, the model can further exploit indirect relations between terms for more precise information extraction. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets in SemEval Challenge 2014 and 2015 show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performances compared with several baselines.
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is a new approach to machine translation that has made great progress in recent years. However, recent studies show that NMT generally produces fluent but inadequate translations (Tu et al. 2016b; 2016a; He et al. 2016; Tu et al. 2017). This is in contrast to conventional Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), which usually yields adequate but non-fluent translations. It is natural, therefore, to leverage the advantages of both models for better translations, and in this work we propose to incorporate SMT model into NMT framework. More specifically, at each decoding step, SMT offers additional recommendations of generated words based on the decoding information from NMT (e.g., the generated partial translation and attention history). Then we employ an auxiliary classifier to score the SMT recommendations and a gating function to combine the SMT recommendations with NMT generations, both of which are jointly trained within the NMT architecture in an end-to-end manner. Experimental results on Chinese-English translation show that the proposed approach achieves significant and consistent improvements over state-of-the-art NMT and SMT systems on multiple NIST test sets.
To the same utterance, people's responses in everyday dialogue may be diverse largely in terms of content semantics, speaking styles, communication intentions and so on. Previous generative conversational models ignore these 1-to-n relationships between a post to its diverse responses, and tend to return high-frequency but meaningless responses. In this study we propose a mechanism-aware neural machine for dialogue response generation. It assumes that there exists some latent responding mechanisms, each of which can generate different responses for a single input post. With this assumption we model different responding mechanisms as latent embeddings, and develop a encoder-diverter-decoder framework to train its modules in an end-to-end fashion. With the learned latent mechanisms, for the first time these decomposed modules can be used to encode the input into mechanism-aware context, and decode the responses with the controlled generation styles and topics. Finally, the experiments with human judgements, intuitive examples, detailed discussions demonstrate the quality and diversity of the generated responses with 9.80% increase of acceptable ratio over the best of six baseline methods.
Named entity recognition (NER) in Chinese social media is important but difficult because of its informality and strong noise. Previous methods only focus on in-domain supervised learning which is limited by the rare annotated data. However, there are enough corpora in formal domains and massive in-domain unannotated texts which can be used to improve the task. We propose a unified model which can learn from out-of-domain corpora and in-domain unannotated texts. The unified model contains two major functions. One is for cross-domain learning and another for semi-supervised learning. Cross-domain learning function can learn out-of-domain information based on domain similarity. Semi-Supervised learning function can learn in-domain unannotated information by self-training. Both learning functions outperform existing methods for NER in Chinese social media. Finally, our unified model yields nearly 11% absolute improvement over previously published results.
Learning context representations is very promising to improve translation results, particularly through neural networks. Previous efforts process the context words sequentially and neglect their internal syntactic structure. In this paper, we propose a novel neural network based on bi-convolutional architecture to represent the source dependency-based context for translation prediction. The proposed model is able to not only encode the long-distance dependencies but also capture the functional similarities for better translation prediction (i.e., ambiguous words translation and word forms translation). Examined by a large-scale Chinese-English translation task, the proposed approach achieves a significant improvement (of up to +1.9 BLEU points) over the baseline system, and meanwhile outperforms a number of context-enhanced comparison system.
Many natural language generation tasks, such as abstractive summarization and text simplification, are paraphrase-orientated. In these tasks, copying and rewriting are two main writing modes. Most previous sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) models use a single decoder and neglect this fact. In this paper, we develop a novel Seq2Seq model to fuse a copying decoder and a restricted generative decoder. The copying decoder finds the position to be copied based on a typical attention model. The generative decoder produces words limited in the source-specific vocabulary. To combine the two decoders and determine the final output, we develop a predictor to predict the mode of copying or rewriting. This predictor can be guided by the actual writing mode in the training data. We conduct extensive experiments on two different paraphrase datasets. The result shows that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of both informativeness and language quality.
Traditional semantic parsers map language onto compositional, executable queries in a fixed schema. This mapping allows them to effectively leverage the information contained in large, formal knowledge bases (KBs, e.g., Freebase) to answer questions, but it is also fundamentally limiting---these semantic parsers can only assign meaning to language that falls within the KB's manually-produced schema. Recently proposed methods for open vocabulary semantic parsing overcome this limitation by learning execution models for arbitrary language, essentially using a text corpus as a kind of knowledge base. However, all prior approaches to open vocabulary semantic parsing replace a formal KB with textual information, making no use of the KB in their models. We show how to combine the disparate representations used by these two approaches, presenting for the first time a semantic parser that (1) produces compositional, executable representations of language, (2) can successfully leverage the information contained in both a formal KB and a large corpus, and (3) is not limited to the schema of the underlying KB. We demonstrate significantly improved performance over state-of-the-art baselines on an open-domain natural language question answering task.
We consider incorporating topic information into a sequence-to-sequence framework to generate informative and interesting responses for chatbots. To this end, we propose a topic aware sequence-to-sequence (TA-Seq2Seq) model. The model utilizes topics to simulate prior human knowledge that guides them to form informative and interesting responses in conversation, and leverages topic information in generation by a joint attention mechanism and a biased generation probability. The joint attention mechanism summarizes the hidden vectors of an input message as context vectors by message attention and synthesizes topic vectors by topic attention from the topic words of the message obtained from a pre-trained LDA model, with these vectors jointly affecting the generation of words in decoding. To increase the possibility of topic words appearing in responses, the model modifies the generation probability of topic words by adding an extra probability item to bias the overall distribution. Empirical studies on both automatic evaluation metrics and human annotations show that TA-Seq2Seq can generate more informative and interesting responses, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art response generation models.
Understanding inter-character relationships is fundamental for understanding character intentions and goals in a narrative. This paper addresses unsupervised modeling of relationships between characters. We model relationships as dynamic phenomenon, represented as evolving sequences of latent states empirically learned from data. Unlike most previous work our approach is completely unsupervised. This enables data-driven inference of inter-character relationship types beyond simple sentiment polarities, by incorporating lexical and semantic representations, and leveraging large quantities of raw text. We present three models based on rich sets of linguistic features that capture various cues about relationships. We compare these models with existing techniques and also demonstrate that relationship categories learned by our model are semantically coherent.
Sequential data often possesses hierarchical structures with complex dependencies between sub-sequences, such as found between the utterances in a dialogue. To model these dependencies in a generative framework, we propose a neural network-based generative architecture, with stochastic latent variables that span a variable number of time steps. We apply the proposed model to the task of dialogue response generation and compare it with other recent neural-network architectures. We evaluate the model performance through a human evaluation study. The experiments demonstrate that our model improves upon recently proposed models and that the latent variables facilitate both the generation of meaningful, long and diverse responses and maintaining dialogue state.
We introduce a new class of models called multiresolution recurrent neural networks, which explicitly model natural language generation at multiple levels of abstraction. The models extend the sequence-to-sequence framework to generate two parallel stochastic processes: a sequence of high-level coarse tokens, and a sequence of natural language words (e.g. sentences). The coarse sequences follow a latent stochastic process with a factorial representation, which helps the models generalize to new examples. The coarse sequences can also incorporate task-specific knowledge, when available. In our experiments, the coarse sequences are extracted using automatic procedures, which are designed to capture compositional structure and semantics. These procedures enable training the multiresolution recurrent neural networks by maximizing the exact joint log-likelihood over both sequences. We apply the models to dialogue response generation in the technical support domain and compare them with several competing models. The multiresolution recurrent neural networks outperform competing models by a substantial margin, achieving state-of-the-art results according to both a human evaluation study and automatic evaluation metrics. Furthermore, experiments show the proposed models generate more fluent, relevant and goal-oriented responses.
Unsupervised word representations have demonstrated improvements in predictive generalization on various NLP tasks. Most of the existing models are in fact good at capturing the relatedness among words rather than their ''genuine'' similarity because the context representations are often represented by a sum (or an average) of the neighbor's embeddings, which simplifies the computation but ignores an important fact that the meaning of a word is determined by its context, reflecting not only the surrounding words but also the rules used to combine them (i.e. compositionality). On the other hand, much effort has been devoted to learning a single-prototype representation per word, which is problematic because many words are polysemous, and a single-prototype model is incapable of capturing phenomena of homonymy and polysemy. We present a neural network architecture to jointly learn word embeddings and context representations from large data sets. The explicitly produced context representations are further used to learn context-specific and multi-prototype word embeddings. Our embeddings were evaluated on several NLP tasks, and the experimental results demonstrated the proposed model outperformed other competitors and is applicable to intrinsically "character-based" languages.