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Estimating the future event sequence conditioned on current observations is a long-standing and challenging task in temporal analysis. On one hand for many real-world problems the underlying dynamics can be very complex and often unknown. This renders the traditional parametric point process models often fail to fit the data for their limited capacity. On the other hand, long-term prediction suffers from the problem of bias exposure where the error accumulates and propagates to future prediction. Our new model builds upon the sequence to sequence (seq2seq) prediction network. Compared with parametric point process models, its modeling capacity is higher and has better flexibility for fitting real-world data. The main novelty of the paper is to mitigate the second challenge by introducing the likelihood-free loss based on Wasserstein distance between point processes, besides negative maximum likelihood loss used in the traditional seq2seq model. Wasserstein distance, unlike KL divergence i.e. MLE loss, is sensitive to the underlying geometry between samples and can robustly enforce close geometry structure between them. This technique is proven able to improve the vanilla seq2seq model by a notable margin on various tasks.
We present Expressive Real-time Intersection Scheduling (ERIS), a schedule-driven control strategy for adaptive intersection control to reduce traffic congestion. ERIS maintains separate estimates for each lane approaching a traffic intersection allowing it to more accurately estimate the effects of scheduling decisions than previous schedule-driven approaches. We present a detailed description of the search space and A* search heuristic employed by ERIS to make scheduling decisions in real-time (every second). As a result of its increased expressiveness, ERIS outperforms a less expressive schedule-driven approach and a fully-actuated control method in a variety of simulated traffic environments.
In this paper, we consider the challenging problem of riskaware proactive scheduling with the objective of minimizing robust makespan. State-of-the-art approaches based on probabilistic constrained optimization lead to Mixed Integer Linear Programs that must be heuristically approximated. We optimize the robust makespan via a coherent risk measure, Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR). Since traditional CVaR optimization approaches assuming linear spaces does not suit our problem, we propose a general branch-and-bound framework for combinatorial CVaR minimization. We then design an approximate complete algorithm, and employ resource reasoning to enable constraint propagation for multiple samples. Empirical results show that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art approaches with higher solution quality.
Shortest path planning is a fundamental building block in many applications. Hence developing efficient methods for computing shortest paths in e.g. road or grid networks is an important challenge. The most successful techniques for fast query answering rely on preprocessing. But for many of these techniques it is not fully understood why they perform so remarkably well and theoretical justification for the empirical results is missing. An attempt to explain the excellent practical performance of preprocessing based techniques on road networks (as transit nodes, hub labels, or contraction hierarchies) in a sound theoretical way are parametrized analyses, e.g., considering the highway dimension or skeleton dimension of a graph. But these parameters tend to be large (order of Θ(√n)) when the network contains grid-like substructures — which inarguably is the case for real-world road networks around the globe. In this paper, we use the very intuitive notion of bounded growth graphs to describe road networks and also grid graphs. We show that this model suffices to prove sublinear search spaces for the three above mentioned state-of-the-art shortest path planning techniques. For graphs with a large highway or skeleton dimension, our results turn out to be superior. Furthermore, our preprocessing methods are close to the ones used in practice and only require randomized polynomial time.
In this paper, we construct a Balanced Weekend Tournament, motivated by the real-life problem of scheduling an n-team double round-robin season schedule for a Canadian university soccer league. In this 6-team league, games are only played on Saturdays and Sundays, with the condition that no team has two road games on any weekend. The implemented regular-season schedule for n = 6 was best-possible, but failed to meet an important "compactness" criterion, as the 10-game tournament required more than five weekends to complete. The motivation for this paper was to determine whether an optimal season schedule, satisfying all of the league's constraints on compact balanced play, could be constructed for sports leagues with n > 6 teams. We present a simple recursive algorithm to answer this question for all even n > 6. As a corollary, our construction gives us an explicit solution to a challenging and well-known graph theory question, namely the problem of decomposing the complete directed graph K*2m into 2m–1 directed Hamiltonian cycles of length 2m.
Current domain-independent, classical planners require symbolic models of the problem domain and instance as input, resulting in a knowledge acquisition bottleneck. Meanwhile, although deep learning has achieved significant success in many fields, the knowledge is encoded in a subsymbolic representation which is incompatible with symbolic systems such as planners. We propose LatPlan, an unsupervised architecture combining deep learning and classical planning. Given only an unlabeled set of image pairs showing a subset of transitions allowed in the environment (training inputs), and a pair of images representing the initial and the goal states (planning inputs), LatPlan finds a plan to the goal state in a symbolic latent space and returns a visualized plan execution. The contribution of this paper is twofold: (1) State Autoencoder, which finds a propositional state representation of the environment using a Variational Autoencoder. It generates a discrete latent vector from the images, based on which a PDDL model can be constructed and then solved by an off-the-shelf planner. (2) Action Autoencoder / Discriminator, a neural architecture which jointly finds the action symbols and the implicit action models (preconditions/effects), and provides a successor function for the implicit graph search. We evaluate LatPlan using image-based versions of 3 planning domains: 8-puzzle, Towers of Hanoi and LightsOut.
Sensor-based activity recognition aims to predict users' activities from multi-dimensional streams of various sensor readings received from ubiquitous sensors. To use machine learning techniques for sensor-based activity recognition, previous approaches focused on composing a feature vector to represent sensor-reading streams received within a period of various lengths. With the constructed feature vectors, e.g., using predefined orders of moments in statistics, and their corresponding labels of activities, standard classification algorithms can be applied to train a predictive model, which will be used to make predictions online. However, we argue that in this way some important information, e.g., statistical information captured by higher-order moments, may be discarded when constructing features. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new method, denoted by SMMAR, based on learning from distributions for sensor-based activity recognition. Specifically, we consider sensor readings received within a period as a sample, which can be represented by a feature vector of infinite dimensions in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) using kernel embedding techniques. We then train a classifier in the RKHS. To scale-up the proposed method, we further offer an accelerated version by utilizing an explicit feature map instead of using a kernel function. We conduct experiments on four benchmark datasets to verify the effectiveness and scalability of our proposed method.
TD(0) is one of the most commonly used algorithms in reinforcement learning. Despite this, there is no existing finite sample analysis for TD(0) with function approximation, even for the linear case. Our work is the first to provide such results. Existing convergence rates for Temporal Difference (TD) methods apply only to somewhat modified versions, e.g., projected variants or ones where stepsizes depend on unknown problem parameters. Our analyses obviate these artificial alterations by exploiting strong properties of TD(0). We provide convergence rates both in expectation and with high-probability. The two are obtained via different approaches that use relatively unknown, recently developed stochastic approximation techniques.
The visual fog paradigm envisions tens of thousands of heterogeneous, camera-enabled edge devices distributed across the Internet, providing live sensing for a myriad of different visual processing applications. The scale, computational demands, and bandwidth needed for visual computing pipelines necessitates offloading intelligently to distributed computing infrastructure, including the cloud, Internet gateway devices, and the edge devices themselves. This paper focuses on the visual fog scheduling problem of assigning the visual computing tasks to various devices to optimize network utilization. We first prove this problem is NP-complete, and then formulate a practical, efficient solution. We demonstrate sub-minute computation time to optimally schedule 20,000 tasks across over 7,000 devices, and just 7-minute execution time to place 60,000 tasks across 20,000 devices, showing our approach is ready to meet the scale challenges introduced by visual fog.
In this paper, we introduce a generalized value iteration network (GVIN), which is an end-to-end neural network planning module. GVIN emulates the value iteration algorithm by using a novel graph convolution operator, which enables GVIN to learn and plan on irregular spatial graphs. We propose three novel differentiable kernels as graph convolution operators and show that the embedding-based kernel achieves the best performance. Furthermore, we present episodic Q-learning, an improvement upon traditional n-step Q-learning that stabilizes training for VIN and GVIN. Lastly, we evaluate GVIN on planning problems in 2D mazes, irregular graphs, and real-world street networks, showing that GVIN generalizes well for both arbitrary graphs and unseen graphs of larger scaleand outperforms a naive generalization of VIN (discretizing a spatial graph into a 2D image).
Linear programming has been successfully used to compute admissible heuristics for cost-optimal classical planning. Although one of the strengths of linear programming is the ability to express and reason about numeric variables and constraints, their use in numeric planning is limited. In this work, we extend linear programming-based heuristics for classical planning to support numeric state variables. In particular, we propose a model for the interval relaxation, coupled with landmarks and state equation constraints. We consider both linear programming models and their harder-to-solve, yet more informative, integer programming versions. Our experimental analysis shows that considering an NP-Hard heuristic often pays off and that A* search using our integer programming heuristics establishes a new state of the art in cost-optimal numeric planning.
In this paper, we propose a novel SAT-based planning approach for hierarchical planning by introducing the SAT-based planner totSAT for the class of totally-ordered HTN planning problems. We use the same general approach as SAT planning for classical planning does: bound the problem, translate the problem into a formula, and if the formula is not satisfiable, increase the bound. In HTN planning, a suitable bound is the maximum depth of decomposition. We show how totally-ordered HTN planning problems can be translated into a SAT formula, given this bound. Furthermore, we have conducted an extensive empirical evaluation to compare our new planner against state-of-the-art HTN planners. It shows that our technique outperforms any of these systems.
We study load scheduling of simple temporal networks (STNs) under dynamic pricing of resources. We are given a set of processes and a set of simple temporal constraints between their execution times, i.e., an STN. Each process uses a certain amount of resource for execution. The unit price of the resource is a function of time, f(t). The goal is to find a schedule of a given STN that trades off makespan minimization against cost minimization within a user-specified suboptimality bound. We provide a polynomial-time algorithm for solving the load scheduling problem when f(t) is piecewise constant. This has important applications in many real-world domains including the smart home and smart grid domains. We then study the dependency of the unit price of the resource on time as well as the total demand at that time. This leads to a further characterization of tractable, NP-hard, and conjectured tractable cases.
Qualitative Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Problems (QDec-POMDPs) constitute a very general class of decision problems. They involve multiple agents, decentralized execution, sequential decision, partial observability, and uncertainty. Typically, joint policies, which prescribe to each agent an action to take depending on its full history of (local) actions and observations, are huge, which makes it difficult to store them onboard, at execution time, and also hampers the computation of joint plans. We propose and investigate a new representation for joint policies in QDec-POMDPs, which we call Multi-Agent Knowledge-Based Programs (MAKBPs), and which uses epistemic logic for compactly representing conditions on histories. Contrary to standard representations, executing an MAKBP requires reasoning at execution time, but we show that MAKBPs can be exponentially more succinct than any reactive representation.
We address the problem of mitigating congestion and preventing hotspots in busy water areas such as Singapore Straits and port waters. Increasing maritime traffic coupled with narrow waterways makes vessel schedule coordination for just-in-time arrival critical for navigational safety. Our contributions are: 1) We formulate the maritime traffic management problem based on the real case study of Singapore waters; 2) We model the problem as a variant of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP), and formulate mixed-integer and constraint programming (MIP/CP) formulations; 3) To improve the scalability, we develop a combinatorial Benders (CB) approach that is significantly more effective than standard MIP and CP formulations. We also develop symmetry breaking constraints and optimality cuts that further enhance the CB approach's effectiveness; 4) We develop a realistic maritime traffic simulator using electronic navigation charts of Singapore Straits. Our scheduling approach on synthetic problems and a real 55-day AIS dataset results in significant reduction of the traffic density while incurring minimal delays.
The Simple Temporal Problem (STP) is a fundamental temporal reasoning problem and has recently been extended to the Multiagent Simple Temporal Problem (MaSTP). In this paper we present a novel approach that is based on enforcing arc-consistency (AC) on the input (multiagent) simple temporal network. We show that the AC-based approach is sufficient for solving both the STP and MaSTP and provide efficient algorithms for them. As our AC-based approach does not impose new constraints between agents, it does not violate the privacy of the agents and is superior to the state-of-the-art approach to MaSTP. Empirical evaluations on diverse benchmark datasets also show that our AC-based algorithms for STP and MaSTP are significantly more efficient than existing approaches.
When planning for tasks that feature both state-dependent action costs and conditional effects using relaxation heuristics, the following problem appears: handling costs and effects separately leads to worse-than-necessary heuristic values, since we may get the more useful effect at the lower cost by choosing different values of a relaxed variable when determining relaxed costs and relaxed active effects. In this paper, we show how this issue can be avoided by representing state-dependent costs and conditional effects uniformly, both as edge-valued multi-valued decision diagrams (EVMDDs) over different sets of edge values, and then working with their product diagram. We develop a theory of EVMDDs that is general enough to encompass state-dependent action costs, conditional effects, and even their combination.We define relaxed effect semantics in the presence of state-dependent action costs and conditional effects, and describe how this semantics can be efficiently computed using product EVMDDs. This will form the foundation for informative relaxation heuristics in the setting with state-dependent costs and conditional effects combined.
In this paper, we introduce the Action Schema Network (ASNet): a neural network architecture for learning generalised policies for probabilistic planning problems. By mimicking the relational structure of planning problems, ASNets are able to adopt a weight sharing scheme which allows the network to be applied to any problem from a given planning domain. This allows the cost of training the network to be amortised over all problems in that domain. Further, we propose a training method which balances exploration and supervised training on small problems to produce a policy which remains robust when evaluated on larger problems. In experiments, we show that ASNet's learning capability allows it to significantly outperform traditional non-learning planners in several challenging domains.
Inspired by work on Stackelberg security games, we introduce Stackelberg planning, where a leader player in a classical planning task chooses a minimum-cost action sequence aimed at maximizing the plan cost of a follower player in the same task. Such Stackelberg planning can provide useful analyses not only in planning-based security applications like network penetration testing, but also to measure robustness against perturbances in more traditional planning applications (e. g. with a leader sabotaging road network connections in transportation-type domains). To identify all equilibria---exhibiting the leader’s own-cost-vs.-follower-cost trade-off---we design leader-follower search, a state space search at the leader level which calls in each state an optimal planner at the follower level. We devise simple heuristic guidance, branch-and-bound style pruning, and partial-order reduction techniques for this setting. We run experiments on Stackelberg variants of IPC and pentesting benchmarks. In several domains, Stackelberg planning is quite feasible in practice.
Two key aspects of problem solving are representation and search heuristics. Both theoretical and experimental studies have shown that there is no one best problem representation nor one best search heuristic. Therefore, some recent methods, e.g., portfolios, learn a good combination of problem solvers to be used in a given domain or set of domains. There are even dynamic portfolios that select a particular combination of problem solvers specific to a problem. These approaches: (1) need to perform a learning step; (2) do not usually focus on changing the representation of the input domain/problem; and (3) frequently do not adapt the portfolio to the specific problem. This paper describes a meta-reasoning system that searches through the space of combinations of representations and heuristics to find one suitable for optimally solving the specific problem. We show that this approach can be better than selecting a combination to use for all problems within a domain and is competitive with state of the art optimal planners.
In this work, we study the runtime distribution of satisficing planning in ensembles of random planning problems and in multiple runs of a randomized heuristic search on a single planning instance. Using common heuristic functions (such as FF) and six benchmark problem domains from the IPC, we find a heavy-tailed behavior, similar to that found in CSP and SAT. We investigate two notions of constrainedness, often used in the modeling of planning problems, and show that the heavy-tailed behavior tends to appear in relatively relaxed problems, where the required effort is, on average, low. Finally, we show that as with randomized restarts in CSP and SAT solving, recent search enhancements that incorporate randomness in the search process can help mitigate the effect of the heavy tail.
Software developers nowadays not infrequently face a challenge of solving problems that essentially sum up to finding a sequence of deterministic actions leading from a given initial state to a goal. This is the problem of deterministic planning, one of the most basic and well studied problems in artificial intelligence. Two of the best known approaches to deterministic planning are the black box approach, in which a programmer implements a successor generator, and the model-based approach, in which a user describes the problem symbolically, e.g., in PDDL. While the black box approach is usually easier for programmers who are not experts in AI to understand, it does not scale up without informative heuristics. We propose an approach that we baptize as semi-black box (SBB) that combines the strength of both. SBB is implemented as a set of Java classes, which a programmer can inherit from when implementing a successor generator. Using the known characteristics of these classes, we then automatically derive heuristics for the problem. Our empirical evaluation shows that these heuristics allow the planner to scale up significantly better than the traditional black box approach.
In this paper, we model manufacturing processes and facilities as transducers (automata with output). The problem of whether a given manufacturing process can be realized by a given set of manufacturing resources can then be stated as an orchestration problem for transducers. We first consider the conceptually simpler case of uni-transducers (transducers with a single input and a single output port), and show that synthesizing orchestrations for uni-transducers is EXPTIME-complete. Surprisingly, the complexity remains the same for the more expressive multi-transducer case, where transducers have multiple input and output ports and the orchestration is in charge of dynamically connecting ports during execution.
Recently, width-based planning methods have been shown to yield state-of-the-art results in the Atari 2600 video games. For this, the states were associated with the (RAM) memory states of the simulator. In this work, we consider the same planning problem but using the screen instead. By using the same visual inputs, the planning results can be compared with those of humans and learning methods. We show that the planning approach, out of the box and without training, results in scores that compare well with those obtained by humans and learning methods, and moreover, by developing an episodic, rollout version of the IW(k) algorithm, we show that such scores can be obtained in almost real time.
Decentralized (PO)MDPs provide a rigorous framework for sequential multiagent decision making under uncertainty. However, their high computational complexity limits the practical impact. To address scalability and real-world impact, we focus on settings where a large number of agents primarily interact through complex joint-rewards that depend on their entire histories of states and actions. Such history-based rewards encapsulate the notion of events or tasks such that the team reward is given only when the joint-task is completed. Algorithmically, we contribute---1) A nonlinear programming (NLP) formulation for such event-based planning model; 2) A probabilistic inference based approach that scales much better than NLP solvers for a large number of agents; 3) A policy gradient based multiagent reinforcement learning approach that scales well even for exponential state-spaces. Our inference and RL-based advances enable us to solve a large real-world multiagent coverage problem modeling schedule coordination of agents in a real urban subway network where other approaches fail to scale.