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State abstraction can give rise to models of environments that are both compressed and useful, thereby enabling efficient sequential decision making. In this work, we offer the first formalism and analysis of the trade-off between compression and performance made in the context of state abstraction for Apprenticeship Learning. We build on Rate-Distortion theory, the classic Blahut-Arimoto algorithm, and the Information Bottleneck method to develop an algorithm for computing state abstractions that approximate the optimal tradeoff between compression and performance. We illustrate the power of this algorithmic structure to offer insights into effective abstraction, compression, and reinforcement learning through a mixture of analysis, visuals, and experimentation.
There is an accumulating evidence in the literature that stability of learning algorithms is a key characteristic that permits a learning algorithm to generalize. Despite various insightful results in this direction, there seems to be an overlooked dichotomy in the type of stability-based generalization bounds we have in the literature. On one hand, the literature seems to suggest that exponential generalization bounds for the estimated risk, which are optimal, can be only obtained through stringent, distribution independent and computationally intractable notions of stability such as uniform stability. On the other hand, it seems that weaker notions of stability such as hypothesis stability, although it is distribution dependent and more amenable to computation, can only yield polynomial generalization bounds for the estimated risk, which are suboptimal. In this paper, we address the gap between these two regimes of results. In particular, the main question we address here is whether it is possible to derive exponential generalization bounds for the estimated risk using a notion of stability that is computationally tractable and distribution dependent, but weaker than uniform stability. Using recent advances in concentration inequalities, and using a notion of stability that is weaker than uniform stability but distribution dependent and amenable to computation, we derive an exponential tail bound for the concentration of the estimated risk of a hypothesis returned by a general learning rule, where the estimated risk is expressed in terms of the deleted estimate. Interestingly, we note that our final bound has similarities to previous exponential generalization bounds for the deleted estimate, in particular, the result of Bousquet and Elisseeff (2002) for the regression case.
We propose an exploration method that incorporates lookahead search over basic learnt skills and their dynamics, and use it for reinforcement learning (RL) of manipulation policies. Our skills are multi-goal policies learned in isolation in simpler environments using existing multigoal RL formulations, analogous to options or macroactions. Coarse skill dynamics, i.e., the state transition caused by a (complete) skill execution, are learnt and are unrolled forward during lookahead search. Policy search benefits from temporal abstraction during exploration, though itself operates over low-level primitive actions, and thus the resulting policies does not suffer from suboptimality and inflexibility caused by coarse skill chaining. We show that the proposed exploration strategy results in effective learning of complex manipulation policies faster than current state-of-the-art RL methods, and converges to better policies than methods that use options or parametrized skills as building blocks of the policy itself, as opposed to guiding exploration. We show that the proposed exploration strategy results in effective learning of complex manipulation policies faster than current state-of-the-art RL methods, and converges to better policies than methods that use options or parameterized skills as building blocks of the policy itself, as opposed to guiding exploration.
LSTMs and other RNN variants have shown strong performance on character-level language modeling. These models are typically trained using truncated backpropagation through time, and it is common to assume that their success stems from their ability to remember long-term contexts. In this paper, we show that a deep (64-layer) transformer model (Vaswani et al. 2017) with fixed context outperforms RNN variants by a large margin, achieving state of the art on two popular benchmarks: 1.13 bits per character on text8 and 1.06 on enwik8. To get good results at this depth, we show that it is important to add auxiliary losses, both at intermediate network layers and intermediate sequence positions.
While machine learning systems are known to be vulnerable to data-manipulation attacks at both training and deployment time, little is known about how to adapt attacks when the defender transforms data prior to model estimation. We consider the setting where the defender Bob first transforms the data then learns a model from the result; Alice, the attacker, perturbs Bob’s input data prior to him transforming it. We develop a general-purpose “plug and play” framework for gradient-based attacks based on matrix differentials, focusing on ordinary least-squares linear regression. This allows learning algorithms and data transformations to be paired and composed arbitrarily: attacks can be adapted through the use of the chain rule—analogous to backpropagation on neural network parameters—to compositional learning maps. Bestresponse attacks can be computed through matrix multiplications from a library of attack matrices for transformations and learners. Our treatment of linear regression extends state-ofthe-art attacks at training time, by permitting the attacker to affect both features and targets optimally and simultaneously. We explore several transformations broadly used across machine learning with a driving motivation for our work being autogressive modeling. There, Bob transforms a univariate time series into a matrix of observations and vector of target values which can then be fed into standard learners. Under this learning reduction, a perturbation from Alice to a single value of the time series affects features of several data points along with target values.
We address the problem of unsupervised disentanglement of latent representations learnt via deep generative models. In contrast to current approaches that operate on the evidence lower bound (ELBO), we argue that statistical independence in the latent space of VAEs can be enforced in a principled hierarchical Bayesian manner. To this effect, we augment the standard VAE with an inverse-Wishart (IW) prior on the covariance matrix of the latent code. By tuning the IW parameters, we are able to encourage (or discourage) independence in the learnt latent dimensions. Extensive experimental results on a range of datasets (2DShapes, 3DChairs, 3DFaces and CelebA) show our approach to outperform the β-VAE and is competitive with the state-of-the-art FactorVAE. Our approach achieves significantly better disentanglement and reconstruction on a new dataset (CorrelatedEllipses) which introduces correlations between the factors of variation.
We consider the task of training classifiers without labels. We propose a weakly supervised method—adversarial label learning—that trains classifiers to perform well against an adversary that chooses labels for training data. The weak supervision constrains what labels the adversary can choose. The method therefore minimizes an upper bound of the classifier’s error rate using projected primal-dual subgradient descent. Minimizing this bound protects against bias and dependencies in the weak supervision. Experiments on real datasets show that our method can train without labels and outperforms other approaches for weakly supervised learning.
Many recent network embedding algorithms use negative sampling (NS) to approximate a variant of the computationally expensive Skip-Gram neural network architecture (SGA) objective. In this paper, we provide theoretical arguments that reveal how NS can fail to properly estimate the SGA objective, and why it is not a suitable candidate for the network embedding problem as a distinct objective. We show NS can learn undesirable embeddings, as the result of the “Popular Neighbor Problem.” We use the theory to develop a new method “R-NS” that alleviates the problems of NS by using a more intelligent negative sampling scheme and careful penalization of the embeddings. R-NS is scalable to large-scale networks, and we empirically demonstrate the superiority of R-NS over NS for multi-label classification on a variety of real-world networks including social networks and language networks.
Although kernel methods efficiently use feature combinations without computing them directly, they do not scale well with the size of the training dataset. Factorization machines (FMs) and related models, on the other hand, enable feature combinations efficiently, but their optimization generally requires solving a non-convex problem. We present random feature maps for the itemset kernel, which uses feature combinations, and includes the ANOVA kernel, the all-subsets kernel, and the standard dot product. Linear models using one of our proposed maps can be used as an alternative to kernel methods and FMs, resulting in better scalability during both training and evaluation. We also present theoretical results for a proposed map, discuss the relationship between factorization machines and linear models using a proposed map for the ANOVA kernel, and relate the proposed feature maps to prior work. Furthermore, we show that the maps can be calculated more efficiently by using a signed circulant matrix projection technique. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of using the proposed maps for real-world datasets..
Clustering, a fundamental task in data science and machine learning, groups a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same cluster are closer to each other than to those in other clusters. In this paper, we consider a well-known structure, so-called r-nets, which rigorously captures the properties of clustering. We devise algorithms that improve the runtime of approximating r-nets in high-dimensional spaces with1 and `2 metrics from, where . These algorithms are also used to improve a framework that provides approximate solutions to other high dimensional distance problems. Using this framework, several important related problems can also be solved efficiently, e.g.,pproximate kth-nearest neighbor distance-approximate Min-Max clustering,-approximate k-center clustering. In addition, we build an algorithm that-approximates greedy permutations in time O˜((dn+n2−α)·logΦ) where Φ is the spread of the input. This algorithm is used to -approximate k-center with the same time complexity.
Spatio-temporal feature encoding is essential for encoding the dynamics in video sequences. Recurrent neural networks, particularly long short-term memory (LSTM) units, have been popular as an efficient tool for encoding spatio-temporal features in sequences. In this work, we investigate the effect of mode variations on the encoded spatio-temporal features using LSTMs. We show that the LSTM retains information related to the mode variation in the sequence, which is irrelevant to the task at hand (e.g. classification facial expressions). Actually, the LSTM forget mechanism is not robust enough to mode variations and preserves information that could negatively affect the encoded spatio-temporal features. We propose the mode variational LSTM to encode spatio-temporal features robust to unseen modes of variation. The mode variational LSTM modifies the original LSTM structure by adding an additional cell state that focuses on encoding the mode variation in the input sequence. To efficiently regulate what features should be stored in the additional cell state, additional gating functionality is also introduced. The effectiveness of the proposed mode variational LSTM is verified using the facial expression recognition task. Comparative experiments on publicly available datasets verified that the proposed mode variational LSTM outperforms existing methods. Moreover, a new dynamic facial expression dataset with different modes of variation, including various modes like pose and illumination variations, was collected to comprehensively evaluate the proposed mode variational LSTM. Experimental results verified that the proposed mode variational LSTM encodes spatio-temporal features robust to unseen modes of variation.
One of the factors hindering the use of classification models in decision making is that their predictions may contradict expectations. In domains such as finance and medicine, the ability to include knowledge of monotone (nondecreasing) relationships is sought after to increase accuracy and user satisfaction. As one of the most successful classifiers, attempts have been made to do so for Random Forest. Ideally a solution would (a) maximise accuracy; (b) have low complexity and scale well; (c) guarantee global monotonicity; and (d) cater for multi-class. This paper first reviews the state-of-theart from both the literature and statistical libraries, and identifies opportunities for improvement. A new rule-based method is then proposed, with a maximal accuracy variant and a faster approximate variant. Simulated and real datasets are then used to perform the most comprehensive ordinal classification benchmarking in the monotone forest literature. The proposed approaches are shown to reduce the bias induced by monotonisation and thereby improve accuracy.
We study the problem of online learning with varying feature spaces. The problem is challenging because, unlike traditional online learning problems, varying feature spaces can introduce new features or stop having some features without following a pattern. Other existing methods such as online streaming feature selection (Wu et al. 2013), online learning from trapezoidal data streams (Zhang et al. 2016), and learning with feature evolvable streams (Hou, Zhang, and Zhou 2017) are not capable to learn from arbitrarily varying feature spaces because they make assumptions about the feature space dynamics. In this paper, we propose a novel online learning algorithm OLVF to learn from data with arbitrarily varying feature spaces. The OLVF algorithm learns to classify the feature spaces and the instances from feature spaces simultaneously. To classify an instance, the algorithm dynamically projects the instance classifier and the training instance onto their shared feature subspace. The feature space classifier predicts the projection confidences for a given feature space. The instance classifier will be updated by following the empirical risk minimization principle and the strength of the constraints will be scaled by the projection confidences. Afterwards, a feature sparsity method is applied to reduce the model complexity. Experiments on 10 datasets with varying feature spaces have been conducted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed OLVF algorithm. Moreover, experiments with trapezoidal data streams on the same datasets have been conducted to show that OLVF performs better than the state-of-the-art learning algorithm (Zhang et al. 2016).
Verifying robustness of neural network classifiers has attracted great interests and attention due to the success of deep neural networks and their unexpected vulnerability to adversarial perturbations. Although finding minimum adversarial distortion of neural networks (with ReLU activations) has been shown to be an NP-complete problem, obtaining a non-trivial lower bound of minimum distortion as a provable robustness guarantee is possible. However, most previous works only focused on simple fully-connected layers (multilayer perceptrons) and were limited to ReLU activations. This motivates us to propose a general and efficient framework, CNN-Cert, that is capable of certifying robustness on general convolutional neural networks. Our framework is general – we can handle various architectures including convolutional layers, max-pooling layers, batch normalization layer, residual blocks, as well as general activation functions; our approach is efficient – by exploiting the special structure of convolutional layers, we achieve up to 17 and 11 times of speed-up compared to the state-of-the-art certification algorithms (e.g. Fast-Lin, CROWN) and 366 times of speed-up compared to the dual-LP approach while our algorithm obtains similar or even better verification bounds. In addition, CNN-Cert generalizes state-of-the-art algorithms e.g. Fast-Lin and CROWN. We demonstrate by extensive experiments that our method outperforms state-of-the-art lowerbound-based certification algorithms in terms of both bound quality and speed.
We give conditions under which convolutional neural networks (CNNs) define valid sum-product networks (SPNs). One subclass, called convolutional SPNs (CSPNs), can be implemented using tensors, but also can suffer from being too shallow. Fortunately, tensors can be augmented while maintaining valid SPNs. This yields a larger subclass of CNNs, which we call deep convolutional SPNs (DCSPNs), where the convolutional and sum-pooling layers form rich directed acyclic graph structures. One salient feature of DCSPNs is that they are a rigorous probabilistic model. As such, they can exploit multiple kinds of probabilistic reasoning, including marginal inference and most probable explanation (MPE) inference. This allows an alternative method for learning DCSPNs using vectorized differentiable MPE, which plays a similar role to the generator in generative adversarial networks (GANs). Image sampling is yet another application demonstrating the robustness of DCSPNs. Our preliminary results on image sampling are encouraging, since the DCSPN sampled images exhibit variability. Experiments on image completion show that DCSPNs significantly outperform competing methods by achieving several state-of-the-art mean squared error (MSE) scores in both left-completion and bottom-completion in benchmark datasets.
FRAME (Filters, Random fields, And Maximum Entropy) is an energy-based descriptive model that synthesizes visual realism by capturing mutual patterns from structural input signals. The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is applied by default, yet conventionally causes the unstable training energy that wrecks the generated structures, which remains unexplained. In this paper, we provide a new theoretical insight to analyze FRAME, from a perspective of particle physics ascribing the weird phenomenon to KL-vanishing issue. In order to stabilize the energy dissipation, we propose an alternative Wasserstein distance in discrete time based on the conclusion that the Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto (JKO) discrete flow approximates KL discrete flow when the time step size tends to 0. Besides, this metric can still maintain the model’s statistical consistency. Quantitative and qualitative experiments have been respectively conducted on several widely used datasets. The empirical studies have evidenced the effectiveness and superiority of our method.
Motivated by the observation that overexposure to unwanted marketing activities leads to customer dissatisfaction, we consider a setting where a platform offers a sequence of messages to its users and is penalized when users abandon the platform due to marketing fatigue. We propose a novel sequential choice model to capture multiple interactions taking place between the platform and its user: Upon receiving a message, a user decides on one of the three actions: accept the message, skip and receive the next message, or abandon the platform. Based on user feedback, the platform dynamically learns users’ abandonment distribution and their valuations of messages to determine the length of the sequence and the order of the messages, while maximizing the cumulative payoff over a horizon of length T. We refer to this online learning task as the sequential choice bandit problem. For the offline combinatorial optimization problem, we show a polynomialtime algorithm. For the online problem, we propose an algorithm that balances exploration and exploitation, and characterize its regret bound. Lastly, we demonstrate how to extend the model with user contexts to incorporate personalization.
We describe a new approach that improves the training of generative adversarial nets (GANs) for synthesizing diverse images from a text input. Our approach is based on the conditional version of GANs and expands on previous work leveraging an auxiliary task in the discriminator. Our generated images are not limited to certain classes and do not suffer from mode collapse while semantically matching the text input. A key to our training methods is how to form positive and negative training examples with respect to the class label of a given image. Instead of selecting random training examples, we perform negative sampling based on the semantic distance from a positive example in the class. We evaluate our approach using the Oxford-102 flower dataset, adopting the inception score and multi-scale structural similarity index (MS-SSIM) metrics to assess discriminability and diversity of the generated images. The empirical results indicate greater diversity in the generated images, especially when we gradually select more negative training examples closer to a positive example in the semantic space.
Modelling long-term dependencies is a challenge for recurrent neural networks. This is primarily due to the fact that gradients vanish during training, as the sequence length increases. Gradients can be attenuated by transition operators and are attenuated or dropped by activation functions. Canonical architectures like LSTM alleviate this issue by skipping information through a memory mechanism. We propose a new recurrent architecture (Non-saturating Recurrent Unit; NRU) that relies on a memory mechanism but forgoes both saturating activation functions and saturating gates, in order to further alleviate vanishing gradients. In a series of synthetic and real world tasks, we demonstrate that the proposed model is the only model that performs among the top 2 models across all tasks with and without long-term dependencies, when compared against a range of other architectures.
In this paper, a unified approach is presented to transfer learning that addresses several source and target domain labelspace and annotation assumptions with a single model. It is particularly effective in handling a challenging case, where source and target label-spaces are disjoint, and outperforms alternatives in both unsupervised and semi-supervised settings. The key ingredient is a common representation termed Common Factorised Space. It is shared between source and target domains, and trained with an unsupervised factorisation loss and a graph-based loss. With a wide range of experiments, we demonstrate the flexibility, relevance and efficacy of our method, both in the challenging cases with disjoint label spaces, and in the more conventional cases such as unsupervised domain adaptation, where the source and target domains share the same label-sets.
Recently, considerable effort has been devoted to deep domain adaptation in computer vision and machine learning communities. However, most of existing work only concentrates on learning shared feature representation by minimizing the distribution discrepancy across different domains. Due to the fact that all the domain alignment approaches can only reduce, but not remove the domain shift, target domain samples distributed near the edge of the clusters, or far from their corresponding class centers are easily to be misclassified by the hyperplane learned from the source domain. To alleviate this issue, we propose to joint domain alignment and discriminative feature learning, which could benefit both domain alignment and final classification. Specifically, an instance-based discriminative feature learning method and a center-based discriminative feature learning method are proposed, both of which guarantee the domain invariant features with better intra-class compactness and inter-class separability. Extensive experiments show that learning the discriminative features in the shared feature space can significantly boost the performance of deep domain adaptation methods.
Label embedding has been widely used as a method to exploit label dependency with dimension reduction in multilabel classification tasks. However, existing embedding methods intend to extract label correlations directly, and thus they might be easily trapped by complex label hierarchies. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel Two-Stage Label Embedding (TSLE) paradigm that involves Neural Factorization Machine (NFM) to jointly project features and labels into a latent space. In encoding phase, we introduce a Twin Encoding Network (TEN) that digs out pairwise feature and label interactions in the first stage and then efficiently learn higherorder correlations with deep neural networks (DNNs) in the second stage. After the codewords are obtained, a set of hidden layers is applied to recover the output labels in decoding phase. Moreover, we develop a novel learning model by leveraging a max margin encoding loss and a label-correlation aware decoding loss, and we adopt the mini-batch Adam to optimize our learning model. Lastly, we also provide a kernel insight to better understand our proposed TSLE. Extensive experiments on various real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed model significantly outperforms other state-ofthe-art approaches.
Reinforcement learning (RL) has recently been introduced to interactive recommender systems (IRS) because of its nature of learning from dynamic interactions and planning for long-run performance. As IRS is always with thousands of items to recommend (i.e., thousands of actions), most existing RL-based methods, however, fail to handle such a large discrete action space problem and thus become inefficient. The existing work that tries to deal with the large discrete action space problem by utilizing the deep deterministic policy gradient framework suffers from the inconsistency between the continuous action representation (the output of the actor network) and the real discrete action. To avoid such inconsistency and achieve high efficiency and recommendation effectiveness, in this paper, we propose a Tree-structured Policy Gradient Recommendation (TPGR) framework, where a balanced hierarchical clustering tree is built over the items and picking an item is formulated as seeking a path from the root to a certain leaf of the tree. Extensive experiments on carefully-designed environments based on two real-world datasets demonstrate that our model provides superior recommendation performance and significant efficiency improvement over state-of-the-art methods.
Semi-supervised learning is crucial for alleviating labelling burdens in people-centric sensing. However, humangenerated data inherently suffer from distribution shift in semi-supervised learning due to the diverse biological conditions and behavior patterns of humans. To address this problem, we propose a generic distributionally robust model for semi-supervised learning on distributionally shifted data. Considering both the discrepancy and the consistency between the labeled data and the unlabeled data, we learn the latent features that reduce person-specific discrepancy and preserve task-specific consistency. We evaluate our model in a variety of people-centric recognition tasks on real-world datasets, including intention recognition, activity recognition, muscular movement recognition and gesture recognition. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
The advancement of deep models poses great challenges to real-world deployment because of the limited computational ability and storage space on edge devices. To solve this problem, existing works have made progress to prune or quantize deep models. However, most existing methods rely heavily on a supervised training process to achieve satisfactory performance, acquiring large amount of labeled training data, which may not be practical for real deployment. In this paper, we propose a novel layer-wise quantization method for deep neural networks, which only requires limited training data (1% of original dataset). Specifically, we formulate parameters quantization for each layer as a discrete optimization problem, and solve it using Alternative Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM), which gives an efficient closed-form solution. We prove that the final performance drop after quantization is bounded by a linear combination of the reconstructed errors caused at each layer. Based on the proved theorem, we propose an algorithm to quantize a deep neural network layer by layer with an additional weights update step to minimize the final error. Extensive experiments on benchmark deep models are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method using 1% of CIFAR10 and ImageNet datasets. Codes are available in: https://github.com/csyhhu/L-DNQ