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Predicting the trajectories of pedestrians in crowded conditions is an important task for applications like autonomous navigation systems. Previous studies have tackled this problem using two strategies. They (1) infer all future steps recursively, or (2) predict the potential destinations of pedestrians at once and interpolate the intermediate steps to arrive there. However, these strategies often suffer from the accumulated errors of the recursive inference, or restrictive assumptions about social relations in the intermediate path. In this paper, we present a graph convolutional network-based trajectory prediction. Firstly, we propose a control point prediction that divides the future path into three sections and infers the intermediate destinations of pedestrians to reduce the accumulated error. To do this, we construct multi-relational weighted graphs to account for their physical and complex social relations. We then introduce a trajectory refinement step based on a spatio-temporal and multi-relational graph. By considering the social interactions between neighbors, better prediction results are achievable. In experiments, the proposed network achieves state-of-the-art performance on various real-world trajectory prediction benchmarks.
Predicting high-fidelity future human poses, from a historically observed sequence, is crucial for intelligent robots to interact with humans. Deep end-to-end learning approaches, which typically train a generic pre-trained model on external datasets and then directly apply it to all test samples, emerge as the dominant solution to solve this issue. Despite encouraging progress, they remain non-optimal, as the unique properties (e.g., motion style, rhythm) of a specific sequence cannot be adapted. More generally, once encountering out-of-distributions, the predicted poses tend to be unreliable. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel test-time adaptation framework that leverages two self-supervised auxiliary tasks to help the primary forecasting network adapt to the test sequence. In the testing phase, our model can adjust the model parameters by several gradient updates to improve the generation quality. However, due to catastrophic forgetting, both auxiliary tasks typically have a low ability to automatically present the desired positive incentives for the final prediction performance. For this reason, we also propose a meta-auxiliary learning scheme for better adaptation. Extensive experiments show that the proposed approach achieves higher accuracy and more realistic visualization.
This paper considers the problem of cooperative localization of multiple robots under uncertainty, communicating over a partially connected, dynamic communication network and assisted by an agile landmark. Each robot owns an IMU and a relative pose sensing suite, which can get faulty due to system or environmental uncertainty, and therefore exhibit large bias in their estimation output. For the robots to localize accurately under sensor failure and system or environmental uncertainty, a novel Distributed Learning based Decentralized Cooperative Localization (DL-DCL) algorithm is proposed that involves real-time learning of an information fusion strategy by each robot for combining pose estimates from its own sensors as well as from those of its neighboring robots, and utilizing the moving landmark's pose information as a feedback to the learning process. Convergence analysis shows that the learning process converges exponentially under certain reasonable assumptions. Simulations involving sensor failures inducing around 40-60 times increase in the nominal bias show DL-DCL's estimation performance to be approximately 40% better than the well-known covariance-based estimate fusion methods. For the evaluation of DL-DCL's implementability and fault-tolerance capability in practice, a high-fidelity simulation is carried out in Gazebo with ROS2.
Multi-agent path planning (MAPP) is the problem of planning collision-free trajectories from start to goal locations for a team of agents. This work explores a relatively unexplored setting of MAPP where streams of agents have to go through the starts and goals with high throughput. We tackle this problem by formulating a new variant of MAPP called periodic MAPP in which the timing of agent appearances is periodic. The objective with periodic MAPP is to find a periodic plan, a set of collision-free trajectories that the agent streams can use repeatedly over periods, with periods that are as small as possible. To meet this objective, we propose a solution method that is based on constraint relaxation and optimization. We show that the periodic plans once found can be used for a more practical case in which agents in a stream can appear at random times. We confirm the effectiveness of our method compared with baseline methods in terms of throughput in several scenarios that abstract autonomous intersection management tasks.
Human hand has amazing super-resolution ability in sensing the force and position of contact and this ability can be strengthened by practice. Inspired by this, we propose a method for robotic tactile super-resolution enhancement by learning spatiotemporal continuity of contact position and a tactile sensor composed of overlapping air chambers. Each overlapping air chamber is constructed of soft material and seals the barometer inside to mimic adapting receptors of human skin. Each barometer obtains the global receptive field of the contact surface with the pressure propagation in the hyperelastic seal overlapping air chambers. Neural networks with causal convolution are employed to resolve the pressure data sampled by barometers and to predict the contact position. The temporal consistency of spatial position contributes to the accuracy and stability of positioning. We obtain an average super-resolution (SR) factor of over 2500 with only four physical sensing nodes on the rubber surface (0.1 mm in the best case on 38 × 26 mm²), which outperforms the state-of-the-art. The effect of time series length on the location prediction accuracy of causal convolution is quantitatively analyzed in this article. We show that robots can accomplish challenging tasks such as haptic trajectory following, adaptive grasping, and human-robot interaction with the tactile sensor. This research provides new insight into tactile super-resolution sensing and could be beneficial to various applications in the robotics field.
The co-adaptation of robots has been a long-standing research endeavour with the goal of adapting both body and behaviour of a robot for a given task, inspired by the natural evolution of animals. Co-adaptation has the potential to eliminate costly manual hardware engineering as well as improve the performance of systems. The standard approach to co-adaptation is to use a reward function for optimizing behaviour and morphology. However, defining and constructing such reward functions is notoriously difficult and often a significant engineering effort. This paper introduces a new viewpoint on the co-adaptation problem, which we call co-imitation: finding a morphology and a policy that allow an imitator to closely match the behaviour of a demonstrator. To this end we propose a co-imitation methodology for adapting behaviour and morphology by matching state-distributions of the demonstrator. Specifically, we focus on the challenging scenario with mismatched state- and action-spaces between both agents. We find that co-imitation increases behaviour similarity across a variety of tasks and settings, and demonstrate co-imitation by transferring human walking, jogging and kicking skills onto a simulated humanoid.
Camera relocalization has various applications in autonomous driving. Previous camera pose regression models consider only ideal scenarios where there is little environmental perturbation. To deal with challenging driving environments that may have changing seasons, weather, illumination, and the presence of unstable objects, we propose RobustLoc, which derives its robustness against perturbations from neural differential equations. Our model uses a convolutional neural network to extract feature maps from multi-view images, a robust neural differential equation diffusion block module to diffuse information interactively, and a branched pose decoder with multi-layer training to estimate the vehicle poses. Experiments demonstrate that RobustLoc surpasses current state-of-the-art camera pose regression models and achieves robust performance in various environments. Our code is released at: https://github.com/sijieaaa/RobustLoc