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Modern recommender systems lie at the heart of complex recommender ecosystems that couple the behavior of users, content providers, vendors, advertisers, and other actors. Despite this, the focus of much recommender systems research and deployment is on the local, myopic optimization of the recommendations made to individual users. This comes at a significant cost to the long-term utility that recommender systems generate for their users. We argue that modeling the incentives and behaviors of these actors, and the interactions among them induced by the recommender systems, is needed to maximize value and improve overall ecosystem health. Moreover, we propose the use of economic mechanism design, an area largely overlooked in recommender systems research, as a framework for developing such models. That said, one cannot apply “vanilla” mechanism design to recommender ecosystem modeling optimization out of the box—the use of mechanism design raises a number of subtle and interesting research challenges. We outline a number of these in this talk (and paper), emphasizing the need to develop nonstandard approaches to mechanism design that intersect with numerous areas of research, including preference modeling, reinforcement learning and exploration, behavioral economics, and generative AI, among others.
In data-rich domains such as vision, language, and speech, deep learning prevails to deliver high-performance task-specific models and can even learn general task-agnostic representations for efficient finetuning to downstream tasks. However, deep learning in resource-limited domains still faces multiple challenges including (i) limited data, (ii) constrained model development cost, and (iii) lack of adequate pre-trained models for effective finetuning. This paper provides an overview of model reprogramming to bridge this gap. Model reprogramming enables resource-efficient cross-domain machine learning by repurposing and reusing a well-developed pre-trained model from a source domain to solve tasks in a target domain without model finetuning, where the source and target domains can be vastly different. In many applications, model reprogramming outperforms transfer learning and training from scratch. This paper elucidates the methodology of model reprogramming, summarizes existing use cases, provides a theoretical explanation of the success of model reprogramming, and concludes with a discussion on open-ended research questions and opportunities.
Many problems, from Sudoku to factory scheduling, can be regarded as constraint satisfaction problems. A key component of real world problem solving is a conversation between a constraint programming expert and a problem domain expert to specify the problem to be solved. This presentation argues that the time is ripe for progress in automating the constraint programmer side of this conversation and suggests promising avenues for this pursuit.
This paper poses the challenge of developing and evaluating integrated systems for computational scientific discovery. We note some distinguishing characteristics of discovery tasks, examine eight component abilities, review previous successes at partial integration, and consider hurdles the AI research community must leap to transform the vision for integrated discovery into reality. In closing, we discuss promising scientific domains in which to test such computational artifacts.
In the last few years, a lot of the activity of the computational social choice community has focused on novel mechanisms for reaching decisions by large groups of people. While this research makes meaningful scientific contributions, many of these mechanisms are not quite useful in realistic decision-making settings. Moreover, their radicalism ignores the centuries-old experience we have with large-scale human decision-making, and what it teaches us about what works. We believe it is important the community engage with mechanisms which are widely-used in the real world, as they may hold a key to a deeper understanding of how people reach decisions and the way that helps them do that productively. Moreover, letting the community bring its analysis and understanding to these will allow for algorithmic suggestions that have some chance of being implemented (and, thus, can contribute to the public debate on these topics). In particular, we highlight the relatively less-investigated role of parties and grouping of voters and candidates, and the role of executive capacity in analyzing decision-making structures.
Machine learning methods for conditional data generation usually build a mapping from source conditional data X to target data Y. The target Y (e.g., text, speech, music, image, video) is usually high-dimensional and complex, and contains information that does not exist in source data, which hinders effective and efficient learning on the source-target mapping. In this paper, we present a learning paradigm called regeneration learning for data generation, which first generates Y' (an abstraction/representation of Y) from X and then generates Y from Y'. During training, Y' is obtained from Y through either handcrafted rules or self-supervised learning and is used to learn X-->Y' and Y'-->Y. Regeneration learning extends the concept of representation learning to data generation tasks, and can be regarded as a counterpart of traditional representation learning, since 1) regeneration learning handles the abstraction (Y') of the target data Y for data generation while traditional representation learning handles the abstraction (X') of source data X for data understanding; 2) both the processes of Y'-->Y in regeneration learning and X-->X' in representation learning can be learned in a self-supervised way (e.g., pre-training); 3) both the mappings from X to Y' in regeneration learning and from X' to Y in representation learning are simpler than the direct mapping from X to Y. We show that regeneration learning can be a widely-used paradigm for data generation (e.g., text generation, speech recognition, speech synthesis, music composition, image generation, and video generation) and can provide valuable insights into developing data generation methods.
Fairness is one of the most desirable societal principles in collective decision-making. It has been extensively studied in the past decades for its axiomatic properties and has received substantial attention from the multiagent systems community in recent years for its theoretical and computational aspects in algorithmic decision-making. However, these studies are often not sufficiently rich to capture the intricacies of human perception of fairness in the ambivalent nature of the real-world problems. We argue that not only fair solutions should be deemed desirable by social planners (designers), but they should be governed by human and societal cognition, consider perceived outcomes based on human judgement, and be verifiable. We discuss how achieving this goal requires a broad transdisciplinary approach ranging from computing and AI to behavioral economics and human-AI interaction. In doing so, we identify shortcomings and long-term challenges of the current literature of fair division, describe recent efforts in addressing them, and more importantly, highlight a series of open research directions.
Multiwinner voting captures a wide variety of settings, from parliamentary elections in democratic systems to product placement in online shopping platforms. There is a large body of work dealing with axiomatic characterizations, computational complexity, and algorithmic analysis of multiwinner voting rules. Although many challenges remain, significant progress has been made in showing existence of fair and representative outcomes as well as efficient algorithmic solutions for many commonly studied settings. However, much of this work focuses on single-shot elections, even though in numerous real-world settings elections are held periodically and repeatedly. Hence, it is imperative to extend the study of multiwinner voting to temporal settings. Recently, there have been several efforts to address this challenge. However, these works are difficult to compare, as they model multi-period voting in very different ways. We propose a unified framework for studying temporal fairness in this domain, drawing connections with various existing bodies of work, and consolidating them within a general framework. We also identify gaps in existing literature, outline multiple opportunities for future work, and put forward a vision for the future of multiwinner voting in temporal settings.
The fair allocation of resources to agents is a fundamental problem in society and has received significant attention and rapid developments from the game theory and artificial intelligence communities in recent years. The majority of the fair division literature can be divided along at least two orthogonal directions: goods versus chores, and divisible versus indivisible resources. In this survey, besides describing the state of the art, we outline a number of interesting open questions in three mixed fair division settings: (i) indivisible goods and chores, (ii) divisible and indivisible goods (i.e., mixed goods), and (iii) fair division of indivisible goods with subsidy.
Recently, transformers have become incredibly popular in computer vision and vision-language tasks. This notable rise in their usage can be primarily attributed to the capabilities offered by attention mechanisms and the outstanding ability of transformers to adapt and apply themselves to a variety of tasks and domains. Their versatility and state-of-the-art performance have established them as indispensable tools for a wide array of applications. However, in the constantly changing landscape of machine learning, the assurance of the trustworthiness of transformers holds utmost importance. This paper conducts a thorough examination of vision-language transformers, employing three fundamental principles of responsible AI: Bias, Robustness, and Interpretability. The primary objective of this paper is to delve into the intricacies and complexities associated with the practical use of transformers, with the overarching goal of advancing our comprehension of how to enhance their reliability and accountability.