ACL.2014 - Short Papers

| Total: 139

#1 Exploring the Relative Role of Bottom-up and Top-down Information in Phoneme Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Abdellah Fourtassi, Thomas Schatz, Balakrishnan Varadarajan, Emmanuel Dupoux

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#2 Biases in Predicting the Human Language Model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Alex B. Fine, Austin F. Frank, T. Florian Jaeger, Benjamin Van Durme

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#3 Probabilistic Labeling for Efficient Referential Grounding based on Collaborative Discourse [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Changsong Liu, Lanbo She, Rui Fang, Joyce Y. Chai

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#4 A Composite Kernel Approach for Dialog Topic Tracking with Structured Domain Knowledge from Wikipedia [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Seokhwan Kim, Rafael E. Banchs, Haizhou Li

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#5 An Extension of BLANC to System Mentions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Xiaoqiang Luo, Sameer Pradhan, Marta Recasens, Eduard Hovy

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#6 Scoring Coreference Partitions of Predicted Mentions: A Reference Implementation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Sameer Pradhan, Xiaoqiang Luo, Marta Recasens, Eduard Hovy, Vincent Ng, Michael Strube

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#7 Measuring Sentiment Annotation Complexity of Text [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Aditya Joshi, Abhijit Mishra, Nivvedan Senthamilselvan, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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#8 Improving Citation Polarity Classification with Product Reviews [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Charles Jochim, Hinrich Schütze

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#9 Adaptive Recursive Neural Network for Target-dependent Twitter Sentiment Classification [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Li Dong, Furu Wei, Chuanqi Tan, Duyu Tang, Ming Zhou, Ke Xu

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#10 Sprinkling Topics for Weakly Supervised Text Classification [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Swapnil Hingmire, Sutanu Chakraborti

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#11 A Feature-Enriched Tree Kernel for Relation Extraction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Le Sun, Xianpei Han

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#12 Employing Word Representations and Regularization for Domain Adaptation of Relation Extraction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Thien Huu Nguyen, Ralph Grishman

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#13 Graph Ranking for Collective Named Entity Disambiguation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ayman Alhelbawy, Robert Gaizauskas

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#14 Descending-Path Convolution Kernel for Syntactic Structures [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Chen Lin, Timothy Miller, Alvin Kho, Steven Bethard, Dmitriy Dligach, Sameer Pradhan, Guergana Savova

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#15 Entities’ Sentiment Relevance [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Zvi Ben-Ami, Ronen Feldman, Binyamin Rosenfeld

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#16 Automatic Detection of Multilingual Dictionaries on the Web [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Gintarė Grigonytė, Timothy Baldwin

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#17 Automatic Detection of Cognates Using Orthographic Alignment [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Alina Maria Ciobanu, Liviu P. Dinu

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#18 Automatically constructing Wordnet Synsets [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Khang Nhut Lam, Feras Al Tarouti, Jugal Kalita

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#19 Constructing a Turkish-English Parallel TreeBank [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Olcay Taner Yıldız, Ercan Solak, Onur Görgün, Razieh Ehsani

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#20 Improved Typesetting Models for Historical OCR [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Dan Klein

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#21 Robust Logistic Regression using Shift Parameters [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Julie Tibshirani, Christopher D. Manning

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#22 Faster Phrase-Based Decoding by Refining Feature State [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Kenneth Heafield, Michael Kayser, Christopher D. Manning

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#23 Decoder Integration and Expected BLEU Training for Recurrent Neural Network Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Michael Auli, Jianfeng Gao

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#24 On the Elements of an Accurate Tree-to-String Machine Translation System [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Graham Neubig, Kevin Duh

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#25 Simple extensions and POS Tags for a reparameterised IBM Model 2 [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Douwe Gelling, Trevor Cohn

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