ACL.2024 - Student Research Workshop

| Total: 50

#1 Feriji: A French-Zarma Parallel Corpus, Glossary & Translator [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Mamadou Keita ; Elysabhete Ibrahim ; Habibatou Alfari ; Christopher Homan

Machine translation (MT) is a rapidly expanding field that has experienced significant advancements in recent years with the development of models capable of translating multiple languages with remarkable accuracy. However, the representation of African languages in this field still needs improvement due to linguistic complexities and limited resources. This applies to the Zarma language, a dialect of Songhay (of the Nilo-Saharan language family) spoken by over 5 million people across Niger and neighboring countries (Lewis et al., 2016). This paper introduces Feriji, the first robust French-Zarma parallel corpus and glossary designed for MT. The corpus, containing 61,085 sentences in Zarma and 42,789 in French, and a glossary of 4,062 words represents a significant step in addressing the need for more resources for Zarma. We fine-tune three large language models on our dataset, obtaining a BLEU score of 30.06 on the best-performing model. We further evaluate the models on human judgments of fluency, comprehension, and readability and the importance and impact of the corpus and models. Our contributions help to bridge a significant language gap and promote an essential and overlooked indigenous African language.

#2 Pragmatic inference of scalar implicature by LLMs [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Ye-eun Cho ;

This study investigates how Large Language Models (LLMs), particularly BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019), engage in pragmatic inference of scalar implicature, such as some. Two sets of experiments were conducted using cosine similarity and next sentence/token prediction as experimental methods. The results in experiment 1 showed that, both models interpret some as pragmatic implicature not all in the absence of context, aligning with human language processing. In experiment 2, in which Question Under Discussion (QUD) was presented as a contextual cue, BERT showed consistent performance regardless of types of QUDs, while GPT-2 encountered processing difficulties since a certain type of QUD required pragmatic inference for implicature. The findings revealed that, in terms of theoretical approaches, BERT inherently incorporates pragmatic implicature not all within the term some, adhering to Default model (Levinson, 2000). In contrast, GPT-2 seems to encounter processing difficulties in inferring pragmatic implicature within context, consistent with Context-driven model (Sperber and Wilson, 2002).

#3 Topic Modeling for Short Texts with Large Language Models [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Tomoki Doi ; Masaru Isonuma ; Hitomi Yanaka

As conventional topic models rely on word co-occurrence to infer latent topics, topic modeling for short texts has been a long-standing challenge. Large Language Models (LLMs) can potentially overcome this challenge by contextually learning the meanings of words via pretraining. In this paper, we study two approaches to using LLMs for topic modeling: parallel prompting and sequential prompting. Input length limitations prevent LLMs from processing many texts at once. However, an arbitrary number of texts can be handled by LLMs by splitting the texts into smaller subsets and processing them in parallel or sequentially. Our experimental results demonstrate that our methods can identify more coherent topics than existing ones while maintaining the diversity of the induced topics. Furthermore, we found that the inferred topics cover the input texts to some extent, while hallucinated topics are hardly generated.

#4 Can LLMs substitute SQL? Comparing Resource Utilization of Querying LLMs versus Traditional Relational Databases [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Xiang Zhang ; Khatoon Khedri ; Reza Rawassizadeh

Large Language Models (LLMs) can automate or substitute different types of tasks in the software engineering process. This study evaluates the resource utilization and accuracy of LLM in interpreting and executing natural language queries against traditional SQL within relational database management systems. We empirically examine the resource utilization and accuracy of nine LLMs varying from 7 to 34 Billion parameters, including Llama2 7B, Llama2 13B, Mistral, Mixtral, Optimus-7B, SUS-chat-34B, platypus-yi-34b, NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B and Starling-LM-7B-alpha, using a small transaction dataset. Our findings indicate that using LLMs for database queries incurs significant energy overhead (even small and quantized models), making it an environmentally unfriendly approach. Therefore, we advise against replacing relational databases with LLMs due to their substantial resource utilization.

#5 Speech-to-Speech Translation with Discrete-Unit-Based Style Transfer [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yongqi Wang ; Bai Jionghao ; Rongjie Huang ; Ruiqi Li ; Zhiqing Hong ; Zhou Zhao

Direct speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) with discrete self-supervised representations has achieved remarkable accuracy, but is unable to preserve the speaker timbre of the source speech. Meanwhile, the scarcity of high-quality speaker-parallel data poses a challenge for learning style transfer during translation. We design an S2ST pipeline with style-transfer capability on the basis of discrete self-supervised speech representations and codec units. The acoustic language model we introduce for style transfer leverages self-supervised in-context learning, acquiring style transfer ability without relying on any speaker-parallel data, thereby overcoming data scarcity. By using extensive training data, our model achieves zero-shot cross-lingual style transfer on previously unseen source languages. Experiments show that our model generates translated speeches with high fidelity and speaker similarity. Audio samples are available at .

#6 InstructCoder: Instruction Tuning Large Language Models for Code Editing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kaixin Li ; Qisheng Hu ; James Zhao ; Hui Chen ; Yuxi Xie ; Tiedong Liu ; Michael Shieh ; Junxian He

Code editing encompasses a variety of pragmatic tasks that developers deal with daily. Despite its relevance and practical usefulness, automatic code editing remains an underexplored area in the evolution of deep learning models, partly due to data scarcity. In this work, we explore the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) to edit code based on user instructions. Evaluated on a novel human-written execution-based benchmark dubbed EditEval, we found current models often struggle to fulfill the instructions. In light of this, we contribute InstructCoder, the first instruction-tuning dataset designed to adapt LLMs for general-purpose code editing, containing high-diversity code-editing tasks such as comment insertion, code optimization, and code refactoring. It consists of over 114,000 instruction-input-output triplets and covers multiple distinct code editing scenarios. The collection process starts with filtered commit data sourced from GitHub Python repositories as seeds. Subsequently, the dataset is systematically expanded through an iterative process, where both seed and generated tasks are used to prompt ChatGPT for more data. Our findings reveal that open-source LLMs fine-tuned on InstructCoder can significantly enhance the accuracy of code edits, exhibiting superior code-editing performance matching advanced proprietary LLMs. The datasets and the source code are publicly available.

#7 BiasDPO: Mitigating Bias in Language Models through Direct Preference Optimization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Author: Ahmed Allam

Large Language Models (LLMs) have become pivotal in advancing natural language processing, yet their potential to perpetuate biases poses significant concerns. This paper introduces a new framework employing Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to mitigate gender, racial, and religious biases in LLM-generated English text. By developing a loss function that favors less biased over biased completions, our approach cultivates a preference for respectful and non-discriminatory language in LLMs. We also contribute a manually designed dataset for training LLMs to recognize and correct biases. This dataset encompasses a diverse range of prompts paired with both biased and unbiased completions. Implementing this approach on the Microsoft Phi-2 model, we demonstrate substantial reductions in biased outputs as our model outperforms the baseline model on almost all bias benchmarks. Our model also achieves better performance compared to other open-source models on most benchmarks. By reducing biases in the language generated by the model, our study marks a significant step towards developing more ethical and socially responsible LLMs. We publicly release BiasDPO dataset on HuggingFace.

#8 MoExtend: Tuning New Experts for Modality and Task Extension [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Shanshan Zhong ; Shanghua Gao ; Zhongzhan Huang ; Wushao Wen ; Marinka Zitnik ; Pan Zhou

Large language models (LLMs) excel in various tasks but are primarily trained on text data, limiting their application scope. Expanding LLM capabilities to include vision-language understanding is vital, yet training them on multimodal data from scratch is challenging and costly. Existing instruction tuning methods, e.g., LLAVA, often connects a pretrained CLIP vision encoder and LLMs via fully fine-tuning LLMs to bridge the modality gap. However, full fine-tuning is plagued by catastrophic forgetting, i.e., forgetting previous knowledge, and high training costs particularly in the era of increasing tasks and modalities. To solve this issue, we introduce MoExtend, an effective framework designed to streamline the modality adaptation and extension of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models. MoExtend seamlessly integrates new experts into pre-trained MoE models, endowing them with novel knowledge without the need to tune pretrained models such as MoE and vision encoders. This approach enables rapid adaptation and extension to new modal data or tasks, effectively addressing the challenge of accommodating new modalities within LLMs. Furthermore, MoExtend avoids tuning pretrained models, thus mitigating the risk of catastrophic forgetting. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of MoExtend in enhancing the multimodal capabilities of LLMs, contributing to advancements in multimodal AI research.

#9 On the Interpretability of Deep Learning Models for Collaborative Argumentation Analysis in Classrooms [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Deliang Wang ; Gaowei Chen

Collaborative argumentation holds significant potential for enhancing students’ learning outcomes within classroom settings. Consequently, researchers have explored the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically analyze argumentation in these contexts. Despite the remarkable performance of deep learning models in this task, their lack of interpretability poses a critical challenge, leading to teachers’ skepticism and limited utilization. To cultivate trust among teachers, this PhD thesis proposal aims to leverage explainable AI techniques to provide explanations for these deep learning models. Specifically, the study develops two deep learning models for automated analysis of argument moves (claim, evidence, and warrant) and specificity levels (low, medium, and high) within collaborative argumentation. To address the interpretability issue, four explainable AI methods are proposed: gradient sensitivity, gradient input, integrated gradient, and LIME. Computational experiments demonstrate the efficacy of these methods in elucidating model predictions by computing word contributions, with LIME delivering exceptional performance. Moreover, a quasi-experiment is designed to evaluate the impact of model explanations on user trust and knowledge, serving as a future study of this PhD proposal. By tackling the challenges of interpretability and trust, this PhD thesis proposal aims to contribute to fostering user trust in AI and facilitating the practical implementation of AI in educational contexts.

#10 Document Alignment based on Overlapping Fixed-Length Segments [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xiaotian Wang ; Takehito Utsuro ; Masaaki Nagata

Acquiring large-scale parallel corpora is crucial for NLP tasks such asNeural Machine Translation, and web crawling has become a popularmethodology for this purpose. Previous studies have been conductedbased on sentence-based segmentation (SBS) when aligning documents invarious languages which are obtained through web crawling. Among them,the TK-PERT method (Thompson and Koehn, 2020) achieved state-of-the-artresults and addressed the boilerplate text in web crawling data wellthrough a down-weighting approach. However, there remains a problemwith how to handle long-text encoding better. Thus, we introduce thestrategy of Overlapping Fixed-Length Segmentation (OFLS) in place ofSBS, and observe a pronounced enhancement when performing the sameapproach for document alignment. In this paper, we compare the SBS andOFLS using three previous methods, Mean-Pool, TK-PERT (Thompson andKoehn, 2020), and Optimal Transport (Clark et al., 2019; El- Kishky andGuzman, 2020), on the WMT16 document alignment shared task forFrench-English, as well as on our self-established Japanese-Englishdataset MnRN. As a result, for the WMT16 task, various SBS basedmethods showed an increase in recall by 1% to 10% after reproductionwith OFLS. For MnRN data, OFLS demonstrated notable accuracyimprovements and exhibited faster document embedding speed.

#11 Automatically Suggesting Diverse Example Sentences for L2 Japanese Learners Using Pre-Trained Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Enrico Benedetti ; Akiko Aizawa ; Florian Boudin

Providing example sentences that are diverse and aligned with learners’ proficiency levels is essential for fostering effective language acquisition.This study examines the use of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to produce example sentences targeting L2 Japanese learners.We utilize PLMs in two ways: as quality scoring components in a retrieval system that draws from a newly curated corpus of Japanese sentences, and as direct sentence generators using zero-shot learning.We evaluate the quality of sentences by considering multiple aspects such as difficulty, diversity, and naturalness, with a panel of raters consisting of learners of Japanese, native speakers – and GPT-4.Our findings suggest that there is inherent disagreement among participants on the ratings of sentence qualities, except for difficulty. Despite that, the retrieval approach was preferred by all evaluators, especially for beginner and advanced target proficiency, while the generative approaches received lower scores on average.Even so, our experiments highlight the potential for using PLMs to enhance the adaptability of sentence suggestion systems and therefore improve the language learning journey.

#12 Z-coref: Thai Coreference and Zero Pronoun Resolution [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Poomphob Suwannapichat ; ;

Coreference Resolution (CR) and Zero Pronoun Resolution (ZPR) are vital for extracting meaningful information from text. However, limited research and datasets pose significant challenges in Thai language. To address this, we developed an annotated joint CR and ZPR dataset. Additionally, we introduced the Z-coref model, capable of simultaneously handling CR and ZPR tasks by adjusting the span definition of a prior CR architecture to include token gaps. The proposed model trained on our dataset outperformed the state-of-the-art in resolving both coreference resolution and zero-pronoun resolution, while taking less time to train.

#13 ReMAG-KR: Retrieval and Medically Assisted Generation with Knowledge Reduction for Medical Question Answering [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sidhaarth Murali ; Sowmya S. ; Supreetha R

Large Language Models (LLMs) have significant potential for facilitating intelligent end-user applications in healthcare. However, hallucinations remain an inherent problem with LLMs, making it crucial to address this issue with extensive medical knowledge and data. In this work, we propose a Retrieve-and-Medically-Augmented-Generation with Knowledge Reduction (ReMAG-KR) pipeline, employing a carefully curated knowledge base using cross-encoder re-ranking strategies. The pipeline is tested on medical MCQ-based QA datasets as well as general QA datasets. It was observed that when the knowledge base is reduced, the model’s performance decreases by 2-8%, while the inference time improves by 47%.

#14 Plot Retrieval as an Assessment of Abstract Semantic Association [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shicheng Xu ; Liang Pang ; Jiangnan Li ; Mo Yu ; Fandong Meng ; Huawei Shen ; Xueqi Cheng ; Jie Zhou

Retrieving relevant plots from the book for a query is a critical task, which can improve the reading experience and efficiency of readers. Readers usually only give an abstract and vague description as the query based on their own understanding, summaries, or speculations of the plot, which requires the retrieval model to have a strong ability to estimate the abstract semantic associations between the query and candidate plots. However, existing information retrieval (IR) datasets cannot reflect this ability well. In this paper, we propose PlotRetrieval, a labeled dataset to train and evaluate the performance of IR models on the novel task Plot Retrieval. Text pairs in PlotRetrieval have less word overlap and more abstract semantic association, which can reflect the ability of the IR models to estimate the abstract semantic association, rather than just traditional lexical or semantic matching. Extensive experiments across various lexical retrieval, sparse retrieval, dense retrieval, and cross-encoder methods compared with human studies on PlotRetrieval show current IR models still struggle in capturing abstract semantic association between texts. PlotRetrieval can be the benchmark for further research on the semantic association modeling ability of IR models.

#15 Demystifying Instruction Mixing for Fine-tuning Large Language Models [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Renxi Wang ; Haonan Li ; Minghao Wu ; Yuxia Wang ; Xudong Han ; Chiyu Zhang ; Timothy Baldwin

Instruction tuning significantly enhances the performance of large language models (LLMs) across various tasks. However, the procedure to optimizing the mixing of instruction datasets for LLM fine-tuning is still poorly understood. This study categorizes instructions into three primary types: NLP downstream tasks, coding, and general chat. We explore the effects of instruction tuning on different combinations of datasets on LLM performance, and find that certain instruction types are more advantageous for specific applications but can negatively impact other areas. This work provides insights into instruction mixtures, laying the foundations for future research.

#16 Fine-Tuning ASR models for Very Low-Resource Languages: A Study on Mvskoke [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Julia Mainzinger ; Gina-Anne Levow

Recent advancements in multilingual models for automatic speech recognition (ASR) have been able to achieve a high accuracy for languages with extremely limited resources. This study examines ASR modeling for the Mvskoke language, an indigenous language of America. The parameter efficiency of adapter training is contrasted with training entire models, and it is demonstrated how performance varies with different amounts of data. Additionally, the models are evaluated with trigram language model decoding, and the outputs are compared across different types of speech recordings. Results show that training an adapter is both parameter efficient and gives higher accuracy for a relatively small amount of data.

#17 Automating Qualitative Data Analysis with Large Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Angelina Parfenova ; ; J�rgen Pfeffer

This PhD proposal aims to investigate ways of automating qualitative data analysis, specifically the thematic coding of texts. Despite existing methods vastly covered in literature, they mainly use Topic Modeling and other quantitative approaches which are far from resembling a human’s analysis outcome. This proposal examines the limitations of current research in the field. It proposes a novel methodology based on Large Language Models to tackle automated coding and make it as close as possible to the results of human researchers. This paper covers studies already done in this field and their limitations, existing software, the problem of duplicating the researcher bias, and the proposed methodology.

#18 ANHALTEN: Cross-Lingual Transfer for German Token-Level Reference-Free Hallucination Detection [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Janek Herrlein ; Chia-Chien Hung ; Goran Glava�

Research on token-level reference-free hallucination detection has predominantly focused on English, primarily due to the scarcity of robust datasets in other languages. This has hindered systematic investigations into the effectiveness of cross-lingual transfer for this important NLP application. To address this gap, we introduce ANHALTEN, a new evaluation dataset that extends the English hallucination detection dataset to German. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that explores cross-lingual transfer for token-level reference-free hallucination detection. ANHALTEN contains gold annotations in German that are parallel (i.e., directly comparable to the original English instances). We benchmark several prominent cross-lingual transfer approaches, demonstrating that larger context length leads to better hallucination detection in German, even without succeeding context. Importantly, we show that the sample-efficient few-shot transfer is the most effective approach in most setups. This highlights the practical benefits of minimal annotation effort in the target language for reference-free hallucination detection. Aiming to catalyze future research on cross-lingual token-level reference-free hallucination detection, we make ANHALTEN publicly available:

#19 Label-Aware Automatic Verbalizer for Few-Shot Text Classification in Mid-To-Low Resource Languages [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Thanakorn Thaminkaew ; Piyawat Lertvittayakumjorn ; Peerapon Vateekul

Prompt-based learning has shown its effectiveness in few-shot text classification. A key factor in its success is a verbalizer, which translates output from a language model into a predicted class. Notably, the simplest and widely acknowledged verbalizer employs manual labels to represent the classes. However, manual selection may not yield the optimal words for a given language model, potentially leading to subpar classification performance, especially in mid-to-low resource languages with weaker language models. Therefore, we propose Label-Aware Automatic Verbalizer (LAAV), effectively augmenting manual labels for improved few-shot classification results. Specifically, we utilize the label name along with the conjunction “and” to induce the model to generate more effective words for the verbalizer. Experimental results on four mid-to-low resource Southeast Asian languages demonstrate that LAAV significantly outperforms existing verbalizers.

#20 Vector Spaces for Quantifying Disparity of Multiword Expressions in Annotated Text [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Louis Est�ve ; Agata Savary ; Thomas Lavergne

Multiword Expressions (MWEs) make a goodcase study for linguistic diversity due to theiridiosyncratic nature. Defining MWE canonicalforms as types, diversity may be measurednotably through disparity, based on pairwisedistances between types. To this aim, wetrain static MWE-aware word embeddings forverbal MWEs in 14 languages, and we showinteresting properties of these vector spaces.We use these vector spaces to implement theso-called functional diversity measure. Weapply this measure to the results of severalMWE identification systems. We find that,although MWE vector spaces are meaningful ata local scale, the disparity measure aggregatingthem at a global scale strongly correlateswith the number of types, which questions itsusefulness in presence of simpler diversitymetrics such as variety. We make the vectorspaces we generated available.

#21 Narratives at Conflict: Computational Analysis of News Framing in Multilingual Disinformation Campaigns [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Antonina Sinelnik ; Dirk Hovy

Any report frames issues to favor a particular interpretation by highlighting or excluding certain aspects of a story. Despite the widespread use of framing in disinformation, framing properties and detection methods remain underexplored outside the English-speaking world. We explore how multilingual framing of the same issue differs systematically. We use eight years of Russia-backed disinformation campaigns, spanning 8k news articles in 4 languages targeting 15 countries. We find that disinformation campaigns consistently and intentionally favor specific framing, depending on the target language of the audience. We further discover how Russian-language articles consistently highlight selected frames depending on the region of the media coverage. We find that the two most prominent models for automatic frame analysis underperform and show high disagreement, highlighting the need for further research.

#22 Assessing In-context Learning and Fine-tuning for Topic Classification of German Web Data [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Julian Schelb ; Andreas Spitz ; Roberto Ulloa

Researchers in the political and social sciences often rely on classification models to analyze trends in information consumption by examining browsing histories of millions of webpages. Automated scalable methods are necessary due to the impracticality of manual labeling. In this paper, we model the detection of topic-related content as a binary classification task and compare the accuracy of fine-tuned pre-trained encoder models against in-context learning strategies. Using only a few hundred annotated data points per topic, we detect content related to three German policies in a database of scraped webpages. We compare multilingual and monolingual models, as well as zero and few-shot approaches, and investigate the impact of negative sampling strategies and the combination of URL & content-based features. Our results show that a small sample of annotated data is sufficient to train an effective classifier. Fine-tuning encoder-based models yields better results than in-context learning. Classifiers using both URL & content-based features perform best, while using URLs alone provides adequate results when content is unavailable.

#23 Knowledge Editing of Large Language Models Unconstrained by Word Order [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ryoma Ishigaki ; Jundai Suzuki ; Masaki Shuzo ; Eisaku Maeda

Large Language Models (LLMs) are considered to have potentially extensive knowledge, but because their internal processing is black-boxed, it has been difficult to directly edit the knowledge held by the LLMs themselves. To address this issue, a method called local modification-based knowledge editing has been developed. This method identifies the knowledge neurons that encode the target knowledge and adjusts the parameters associated with these neurons to update the knowledge. Knowledge neurons are identified by masking the \it{o} part from sentences representing relational triplets (\it{s, r, o}), having the LLM predict the masked part, and observing the LLM�s activation during the prediction. When the architecture is decoder-based, the predicted \it{o} needs to be located at the end of the sentence. Previous local modification-based knowledge editing methods for decoder-based models have assumed SVO languages and faced challenges when applied to SOV languages such as Japanese. In this study, we propose a knowledge editing method that eliminates the need for word order constraints by converting the input for identifying knowledge neurons into a question where \it{o} is the answer. We conducted validation experiments on 500 examples and confirmed that the proposed method is effective for Japanese, a non-SVO language. We also applied this method to English, an SVO language, and demonstrated that it outperforms conventional methods.

#24 Exploring the Effectiveness and Consistency of Task Selection in Intermediate-Task Transfer Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pin-Jie Lin ; Miaoran Zhang ; Marius Mosbach ; Dietrich Klakow

Identifying beneficial tasks to transfer from is a critical step toward successful intermediate-task transfer learning. In this work, we experiment with 130 source-target task combinations and demonstrate that the transfer performance exhibits severe variance across different source tasks and training seeds, highlighting the crucial role of intermediate-task selection in a broader context. We compare four representative task selection methods in a unified setup, focusing on their effectiveness and consistency. Compared to embedding-free methods and text embeddings, task embeddings constructed from fine-tuned weights can better estimate task transferability by improving task prediction scores from 2.59% to 3.96%. Despite their strong performance, we observe that the task embeddings do not consistently demonstrate superiority for tasks requiring reasoning abilities. Furthermore, we introduce a novel method that measures pairwise token similarity using maximum inner product search, leading to the highest performance in task prediction. Our findings suggest that token-wise similarity is better predictive for predicting transferability compared to averaging weights.

#25 Does the structure of textual content have an impact on language models for automatic summarization? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Eve Sauvage ; Sabrina Campano ; Lydia Ouali ; Cyril Grouin

The processing of long sequences with models remains a subject in its own right, including automatic summary, despite recent improvements. In this work, we present experiments on the automatic summarization of scientific articles using BART models, taking into account textual information coming from distinct passages from the long texts to be summarized. We demonstrate that taking into account document structure improves the performance of state-of-the-art models and approaches the performance of LongFormer on English.