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#1 Khayyam Challenge (PersianMMLU): Is Your LLM Truly Wise to The Persian Language? [PDF16] [Copy] [Kimi26] [REL]

Authors: Omid Ghahroodi ; Marzia Nouri ; Mohammad Vali Sanian ; Alireza Sahebi ; Doratossadat Dastgheib ; Ehsaneddin Asgari ; Mahdieh Soleymani Baghshah ; Mohammad Hossein Rohban

Evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) is challenging due to their generative nature, necessitating precise evaluation methodologies. Additionally, non-English LLM evaluation lags behind English, resulting in the absence or weakness of LLMs for many languages. In response to this necessity, we introduce Khayyam Challenge (also known as PersianMMLU), a meticulously curated collection comprising 20,805 four-choice questions sourced from 38 diverse tasks extracted from Persian examinations, spanning a wide spectrum of subjects, complexities, and ages. The primary objective of the Khayyam Challenge is to facilitate the rigorous evaluation of LLMs that support the Persian language. Distinctive features of the Khayyam Challenge are (i) its comprehensive coverage of various topics, including literary comprehension, mathematics, sciences, logic, intelligence testing, etc aimed at assessing different facets of LLMs such as language comprehension, reasoning, and information retrieval across various educational stages, from lower primary school to upper secondary school (ii) its inclusion of rich metadata such as human response rates, difficulty levels, and descriptive answers (iii) its utilization of new data to avoid data contamination issues prevalent in existing frameworks (iv) its use of original, non-translated data tailored for Persian speakers, ensuring the framework is free from translation challenges and errors while encompassing cultural nuances (v) its inherent scalability for future data updates and evaluations without requiring special human effort. Previous works lacked an evaluation framework that combined all of these features into a single comprehensive benchmark. Furthermore, we evaluate a wide range of existing LLMs that support the Persian language, with statistical analyses and interpretations of their outputs. We believe that the Khayyam Challenge will improve advancements in LLMs for the Persian language by highlighting the existing limitations of current models, while also enhancing the precision and depth of evaluations on LLMs, even within the English language context.

#2 TPD: Enhancing Student Language Model Reasoning via Principle Discovery and Guidance [PDF10] [Copy] [Kimi18] [REL]

Authors: Haorui Wang ; Rongzhi Zhang ; Yinghao Li ; Lingkai Kong ; Yuchen Zhuang ; Xiusi Chen ; Chao Zhang

Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently showcased remarkable reasoning abilities. However, larger models often surpass their smaller counterparts in reasoning tasks, posing the challenge of effectively transferring these capabilities from larger models. Existing approaches heavily rely on extensive fine-tuning data or continuous interactions with a superior teacher LLM during inference. We introduce a principle-based teacher-student framework called Teaching via Principle Discovery (TPD) to address these limitations. Inspired by human learning mechanisms, TPD mimics the interaction between a teacher and a student using a principle-based approach. The teacher LLM generates problem-solving instructions and corrective principles based on the student LLM's errors. These principles guide the refinement of instructions and the selection of instructive examples from a validation set. This enables the student model to learn from both the teacher's guidance and its own mistakes. Once the student model begins making inferences, TPD requires no further intervention from the teacher LLM. Through extensive experiments across eight reasoning tasks, we demonstrate the effectiveness of TPD. Compared to standard chain-of-thought prompting, TPD significantly improves the student model's performance, achieving an average improvement of 6.2\%.

#3 CoCA: Regaining Safety-awareness of Multimodal Large Language Models with Constitutional Calibration [PDF9] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Jiahui Gao ; Renjie Pi ; Tianyang Han ; Han Wu ; Lanqing HONG ; Lingpeng Kong ; Xin Jiang ; Zhenguo Li

The deployment of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) has demonstrated remarkable success in engaging in conversations involving visual inputs, thanks to the superior power of large language models (LLMs). Those MLLMs are typically built based on the LLMs, with an image encoder to process images into the token embedding space of the LLMs. However, the integration of visual modality has introduced a unique vulnerability: the MLLM becomes susceptible to malicious visual inputs and prone to generating sensitive or harmful responses, even though the LLM has been trained on textual dataset to align with human value. In this paper, we first raise the following question: ``Do the MLLMs possess safety-awareness against malicious image inputs?". We find that after adding a principle that specifies the safety requirement into the input of the MLLM, the model's safety awareness becomes boosted. This phenomenon verifies the existence of MLLM's safety-awareness against image inputs, it is only weakened by the modality gap. We then introduce a simple yet effective technique termed CoCA, which amplifies the safety-awareness of the MLLM by calibrating its output distribution. Our proposed strategy helps the model reclaim its original safety awareness without losing its original capabilities. We verify the effectiveness of our approach on both multimodal safety and understanding benchmarks.

#4 Multi-FAct: Assessing Factuality of Multilingual LLMs using FActScore [PDF8] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Sheikh Shafayat ; Eunsu Kim ; Juhyun Oh ; Alice Oh

Evaluating the factuality of long-form large language model (LLM)-generated text is an important challenge. Recently there has been a surge of interest in factuality evaluation for English, but little is known about the factuality evaluation of multilingual LLMs, specially when it comes to long-form generation. This paper systematically evaluates multilingual LLMs' factual accuracy across languages and geographic regions. We introduce a simple pipeline for multilingual factuality evaluation, by applying FActScore \citep{min2023factscore} for diverse languages. In addition to evaluating multilingual factual generation, we evaluate the factual accuracy of long-form text generation in topics that reflect regional diversity. We also examine the feasibility of running the FActScore pipeline using non-English Wikipedia and provide comprehensive guidelines on multilingual factual evaluation for regionally diverse topics.

#5 A Dynamic LLM-Powered Agent Network for Task-Oriented Agent Collaboration [PDF5] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Zijun Liu ; Yanzhe Zhang ; Peng Li ; Yang Liu ; Diyi Yang

Recent studies show that collaborating multiple large language model (LLM) powered agents is a promising way for task solving. However, current approaches are constrained by using a fixed number of agents and static communication structures. In this work, we propose automatically selecting a team of agents from candidates to collaborate in a dynamic communication structure toward different tasks and domains. Specifically, we build a framework named Dynamic LLM-Powered Agent Network ($\textbf{DyLAN}$) for LLM-powered agent collaboration, operating a two-stage paradigm: (1) Team Optimization and (2) Task Solving. During the first stage, we utilize an agent selection algorithm, based on an unsupervised metric called Agent Importance Score, enabling the selection of best agents according to their contributions in a preliminary trial, oriented to the given task. Then, in the second stage, the selected agents collaborate dynamically according to the query. Empirically, we demonstrate that DyLAN outperforms strong baselines in code generation, decision-making, general reasoning, and arithmetic reasoning tasks with moderate computational cost. On specific subjects in MMLU, selecting a team of agents in the team optimization stage improves accuracy by up to 25.0% in DyLAN.

#6 ACORN: Aspect-wise Commonsense Reasoning Explanation Evaluation [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Ana Brassard ; Benjamin Heinzerling ; Keito Kudo ; Keisuke Sakaguchi ; Kentaro Inui

Evaluating the quality of free-text explanations is a multifaceted, subjective, and labor-intensive task. Large language models (LLMs) present an appealing alternative due to their potential for consistency, scalability, and cost-efficiency. In this work, we present ACORN, a new dataset of 3,500 free-text explanations and aspect-wise quality ratings, and use it to evaluate how LLMs rate explanations. We observed that larger models outputted labels that maintained or increased the inter-annotator agreement, suggesting that they are within the expected variance between human raters. However, their correlation with majority-voted human ratings varied across different quality aspects, indicating that they are not a complete replacement. In turn, using LLMs as a supplement to a smaller group of human raters in some cases improved the correlation with the original majority labels. However, the effect was limited to cases where human raters were scarce, and an additional human rater had a more pronounced effect in all cases. Overall, we recommend against using LLMs as a complete replacement for human raters but encourage using them in configurations that end with targeted human involvement.

#7 Chain-of-Symbol Prompting For Spatial Reasoning in Large Language Models [PDF7] [Copy] [Kimi8] [REL]

Authors: Hanxu Hu ; Hongyuan Lu ; Huajian Zhang ; Yun-Ze Song ; Wai Lam ; Yue Zhang

While conventional Chain-of-Thought prompting shows promising performance on various language tasks for LLMs, the spatial scenarios are nearly unexplored. In this paper, we first investigate the performance of LLMs on complex spatial planning and understanding tasks that require LLMs to understand a virtual spatial environment simulated via natural language and act or reason correspondingly in text. By evaluating on classic spatial planning scenarios through natural language descriptions, we found that current popular LLMs still lack abilities to handle spatial relationships in texts. This arises a question -- do the natural language is the best way to represent complex spatial environments for LLMs, or maybe other alternatives such as symbolic representations are both more efficient and effective for LLMs? To this end, we propose a novel method called CoS (Chain-of-Symbol Prompting) that represents the spatial relationships with condensed symbols during the chained intermediate thinking steps. CoS is easy to use and does not need additional training on LLMs. Extensive experiments indicate that CoS clearly surpasses the performance of the Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting described in natural langauge in all three spatial planning tasks and existing spatial QA benchmark, with even fewer tokens used in the inputs compared with CoT. The performance gain is strong, by up to 60.8% accuracy (from 31.8% to 92.6%) on Brick World scenarios for GPT-3.5-Turbo. CoS also reduces the number of tokens in the prompt obviously, by up to 65.8% of the tokens (from 407 to 139) for the intermediate steps from demonstrations on the Brick World task. Interestingly, we also observed emergent ability of abstract symbols understanding when the size of models scales up.

#8 LLM Discussion: Enhancing the Creativity of Large Language Models via Discussion Framework and Role-Play [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Li-Chun Lu ; Shou-Jen Chen ; Tsung-Min Pai ; Chan-Hung Yu ; Hung-yi Lee ; Shao-Hua Sun

Large language models (LLMs) have shown exceptional proficiency in natural language processing but often fall short of generating creative and original responses to open-ended questions. To enhance LLM creativity, our key insight is to emulate the human process of inducing collective creativity through engaging discussions with participants from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. To this end, we propose LLM Discussion, a three-phase discussion framework that facilitates vigorous and diverging idea exchanges and ensures convergence to creative answers. Moreover, we adopt a role-playing technique by assigning distinct roles to LLMs to combat the homogeneity of LLMs. We evaluate the efficacy of the proposed framework with the Alternative Uses Test, Similarities Test, Instances Test, and Scientific Creativity Test through both LLM evaluation and human study. The results show that our proposed framework outperforms single-LLM approaches and existing multi-LLM frameworks across various creativity metrics. The code is available at

#9 Mapping the Increasing Use of LLMs in Scientific Papers [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Weixin Liang ; Yaohui Zhang ; Zhengxuan Wu ; Haley Lepp ; Wenlong Ji ; Xuandong Zhao ; Hancheng Cao ; Sheng Liu ; Siyu He ; Zhi Huang ; Diyi Yang ; Christopher Potts ; Christopher D Manning ; James Y. Zou

Scientific publishing lays the foundation of science by disseminating research findings, fostering collaboration, encouraging reproducibility, and ensuring that scientific knowledge is accessible, verifiable, and built upon over time. Recently, there has been immense speculation about how many people are using large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in their academic writing, and to what extent this tool might have an effect on global scientific practices. However, we lack a precise measure of the proportion of academic writing substantially modified or produced by LLMs. To address this gap, we conduct the first systematic, large-scale analysis across 950,965 papers published between January 2020 and February 2024 on the $\textit{arXiv}$, $\textit{bioRxiv}$, and $\textit{Nature}$ portfolio journals, using a population-level statistical framework to measure the prevalence of LLM-modified content over time. The statistical framework operates on the population level without the need to perform inference on any individual instance. Our findings reveal a steady increase in LLM usage, with the largest and fastest growth observed in Computer Science papers (up to 17.5\%). In comparison, Mathematics papers and the Nature portfolio showed the least LLM modification (up to 6.3\%). Moreover, at an aggregate level, our analysis reveals that higher levels of LLM-modification are associated with papers whose first authors post preprints more frequently, papers in more crowded areas, and papers with shorter lengths. Our findings suggests that LLMs are being broadly used in scientific papers.

#10 The Geometry of Truth: Emergent Linear Structure in Large Language Model Representations of True/False Datasets [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Samuel Marks ; Max Tegmark

Large Language Models (LLMs) have impressive capabilities, but are prone to outputting falsehoods. Recent work has developed techniques for inferring whether a LLM is telling the truth by training probes on the LLM's internal activations. However, this line of work is controversial, with some authors pointing out failures of these probes to generalize in basic ways, among other conceptual issues. In this work, we use high-quality datasets of simple true/false statements to study in detail the structure of LLM representations of truth, drawing on three lines of evidence: 1. Visualizations of LLM true/false statement representations, which reveal clear linear structure. 2. Transfer experiments in which probes trained on one dataset generalize to different datasets. 3. Causal evidence obtained by surgically intervening in a LLM's forward pass, causing it to treat false statements as true and vice versa. Overall, we present evidence that at sufficient scale, LLMs *linearly represent* the truth or falsehood of factual statements. We also show that simple difference-in-mean probes generalize as well as other probing techniques while identifying directions which are more causally implicated in model outputs.

#11 PairEval: Open-domain Dialogue Evaluation Metric with Pairwise Comparisons [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: ChaeHun Park ; Minseok Choi ; Dohyun Lee ; Jaegul Choo

Building a reliable and automated evaluation metric is a necessary but challenging problem for open-domain dialogue systems. Recent studies proposed evaluation metrics that assess generated responses by considering their relevance to previous dialogue histories. Although effective, these metrics evaluate individual responses directly rather than considering their relative quality compared to other responses. To handle this, we propose PairEval, a novel dialogue evaluation metric for assessing responses by comparing their quality against responses in different conversations. Our metric is built on top of open-sourced and moderate-size language models, and we make them specialized in pairwise comparison between dialogue responses. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks demonstrate that our metric exhibits a higher correlation with human judgments than baseline metrics. We also find that the proposed comparative metric is more robust in detecting common failures from open-domain dialogue systems, including repetition and speaker insensitivity. The codes and models will be publicly available after the paper is accepted.

#12 ScenicNL: Generating Probabilistic Scenario Programs from Natural Language [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Karim Elmaaroufi ; Devan Shanker ; Ana Cismaru ; Marcell Vazquez-Chanlatte ; Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli ; Matei Zaharia ; Sanjit A. Seshia

For cyber-physical systems, including robotics and autonomous vehicles, mass deployment has been hindered by fatal errors that occur when operating in rare events. To better understand failure modes, companies meticulously recreate rare crash events in simulation, but current methods do not easily allow for exploring ”what if” scenarios which could reveal how accidents might have been avoided. We present ScenicNL, an AI system that generates probabilistic scenario programs from natural language. Given the abundance of documented failures of autonomous vehicles due to regulatory requirements, we apply ScenicNL to police crash reports, providing a data-driven approach to capturing and understanding these failures. By using a probabilistic language such as Scenic, we can clearly and concisely represent such scenarios of interest and easily ask “what if” questions. We demonstrate how commonplace prompting techniques with Large Language Models are incapable of generating code for low-resource languages such as Scenic. We propose an AI system via the composition of several prompting techniques to extract the reasoning abilities needed to model probability distributions around the uncertainty in the crash events. Our system then uses Constrained Decoding and tools such as a compiler and simulator to produce scenario programs in this low-resource setting. We evaluate our system on publicly available autonomous vehicle crash reports in California from the last five years and share insights into how we generate code that is both semantically meaningful and syntactically correct. Finally, we release our code and a collection of over 500 crash reports from the California Department of Motor Vehicles.

#13 AmbigDocs: Reasoning across Documents on Different Entities under the Same Name [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Yoonsang Lee ; Xi Ye ; Eunsol Choi

Different entities with the same name can be difficult to distinguish. Handling confusing entity mentions is a crucial skill for language models (LMs). For example, given the question “Where was Michael Jordan educated?” and a set of documents discussing different people named Michael Jordan, can LMs distinguish entity mentions to generate a cohesive answer to the question? To test this ability, we introduce a new benchmark, AmbigDocs. By leveraging Wikipedia’s disambiguation pages, we identify a set of documents, belonging to different entities who share an ambiguous name. From these documents, we generate questions containing an ambiguous name and their corresponding sets of answers. Our analysis reveals that current state-of-the-art models often yield ambiguous answers or incorrectly merge information belonging to different entities. We establish an ontology categorizing four types of incomplete answers and automatic evaluation metrics to identify such categories. We lay the foundation for future work on reasoning across multiple documents with ambiguous entities.

#14 Rejection Improves Reliability: Training LLMs to Refuse Unknown Questions Using RL from Knowledge Feedback [PDF6] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Hongshen Xu ; Zichen Zhu ; Situo Zhang ; Da Ma ; Shuai Fan ; Lu Chen ; Kai Yu

Large Language Models (LLMs) often generate erroneous outputs, known as hallucinations, due to their limitations in discerning questions beyond their knowledge scope. While addressing hallucination has been a focal point in research, previous efforts primarily concentrate on enhancing correctness without giving due consideration to the significance of rejection mechanisms. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the role of rejection, introducing the alignment goal of model reliability along with corresponding metrics. This goal requires the model to provide accurate responses while adeptly rejecting questions exceeding its knowledge boundaries, thereby minimizing hallucinations. To improve the inherent reliability of LLMs, we present a novel alignment framework called Reinforcement Learning from Knowledge Feedback (RLKF). RLKF leverages knowledge feedback to dynamically determine the model's knowledge boundary and trains a reliable reward model to encourage the rejection of out-of-knowledge questions. Experimental results on mathematical and question answering datasets affirm the substantial efficacy of RLKF in significantly enhancing LLM reliability.

#15 PhonATe: Impact of Type-Written Phonological Features of African American Language on Generative Language Modeling Tasks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Nicholas Deas ; Jessica A Grieser ; Xinmeng Hou ; Shana Kleiner ; Tajh Martin ; Sreya Nandanampati ; Desmond U. Patton ; Kathleen McKeown

Current Large Language Models perform poorly on African American Language (AAL) texts in tasks like toxicity detection and sentiment analysis. AAL is underrepresented in both pre-training data and existing benchmarks for these tasks, hindering thorough evaluation and understanding of these biases. We introduce a novel approach to synthetically introduce type-written phonological features of AAL into text, a class of AAL features that has been overlooked in prior work. Our goal is to better understand how these features affect generative language models' performance on three tasks: toxicity detection, sentiment analysis, and masked span prediction. We find that fine-tuning with synthetic type-written phonological features lowers perceived biases on downstream tasks and our ablations reveal which features have particularly large negative impacts on model performance. Our results suggest that phonological features are vital to consider when designing bias mitigation techniques.

#16 UniMem: Towards a Unified View of Long-Context Large Language Models [PDF5] [Copy] [Kimi8] [REL]

Authors: Junjie Fang ; Likai Tang ; Hongzhe Bi ; Yujia Qin ; Si Sun ; Zhenyu Li ; Haolun Li ; Yongjian Li ; Xin Cong ; Yankai Lin ; Yukun Yan ; Xiaodong Shi ; Sen Song ; Zhiyuan Liu ; Maosong Sun

Long-context processing is a critical ability that constrains the applicability of large language models (LLMs). Although there exist various methods devoted to enhancing the long-context processing ability of LLMs, they are developed in an isolated manner and lack systematic analysis and integration of their strengths, hindering further developments. In this paper, we introduce UniMem, a Unified framework that reformulates existing long-context methods from the view of Memory augmentation of LLMs. Distinguished by its four core dimensions—Memory Management, Memory Writing, Memory Reading, and Memory Injection, UniMem empowers researchers to conduct systematic exploration of long-context methods. We re-formulate 16 existing methods based on UniMem and analyze four representative methods: Transformer-XL, Memorizing Transformer, RMT, and Longformer into equivalent UniMem forms to reveal their design principles and strengths. Based on these analyses, we propose UniMix, an innovative approach that integrates the strengths of these algorithms. Experimental results show that UniMix achieves superior performance in handling long contexts with significantly lower perplexity than baselines. The code is publicly available at

#17 Latent Causal Probing: A Formal Perspective on Probing with Causal Models of Data [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Author: Charles Jin

As language models (LMs) deliver increasing performance on a range of NLP tasks, *probing classifiers* have become an indispensable technique in the effort to better understand their inner workings. A typical setup involves (1) defining an auxiliary task consisting of a dataset of text annotated with labels, then (2) supervising small classifiers to predict the labels from the representations of a pretrained LM as it processes the dataset. A high probing accuracy is interpreted as evidence that the LM has learned to perform the auxiliary task as an unsupervised byproduct of its original pretraining objective. Despite the widespread usage of probes, however, the robust design and analysis of probing experiments remains a challenge. We develop a formal perspective on probing using *structural causal models* (SCM). Specifically, given an SCM which explains the distribution of tokens observed during training, we frame the central hypothesis as whether the LM has learned to represent the latent variables of the SCM. Empirically, we extend a recent study of LMs in the context of a synthetic grid-world navigation task, where having an exact model of the underlying causal structure allows us to draw strong inferences from the result of probing experiments. Our techniques provide robust empirical evidence for the ability of LMs to induce the latent concepts underlying text.

#18 Unified View of Grokking, Double Descent and Emergent Abilities: A Comprehensive Study on Algorithm Task [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Yufei Huang ; Shengding Hu ; Xu Han ; Zhiyuan Liu ; Maosong Sun

Recent studies have uncovered intriguing phenomena in deep learning, such as *grokking*, *double descent*, and *emergent abilities* in large language models, which challenge human intuition and are crucial for a deeper understanding of neural models. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study on algorithm task to provide a unified view of these three phenomena, with a focus on the interplay between memorization and generalization. Through extensive experiments spanning a wide range of model sizes and training data quantities, we uncover four distinct training dynamics, each arising from unique combinations of model size and training data quantity, formulating a theoretical framework for further analysis. Utilizing this framework, we establish connections between *double descent* and *grokking* and propose two verifiable predictions regarding the occurrence of *double descent*, both substantiated by our experimental results. Moreover, we expand our experiments to the multi-task learning paradigm, demonstrating how algorithm tasks can be turned into emergent abilities by mixing some pure memorization data. This offers a novel perspective to understand *emergent abilities* in Large Language Models.

#19 Automatic Pseudo-Harmful Prompt Generation for Evaluating False Refusals in Large Language Models [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Bang An ; Sicheng Zhu ; Ruiyi Zhang ; Michael-Andrei Panaitescu-Liess ; Yuancheng Xu ; Furong Huang

Safety-aligned large language models (LLMs) sometimes falsely refuse pseudo-harmful prompts, like "how to kill a mosquito," which are actually harmless. Frequent false refusals not only frustrate users but also provoke public backlash against the very values alignment seeks to protect. In this paper, we propose the first method to auto-generate diverse, content-controlled, and model-dependent pseudo-harmful prompts. Using this method, we construct an evaluation dataset called PHTest, which is ten times larger than existing datasets, covers more false refusal patterns, and separately labels controversial prompts. We evaluate 20 LLMs on PHTest, uncovering new insights due to its scale and labeling. Our findings reveal a trade-off between minimizing false refusals and improving safety against jailbreak attacks. Moreover, we show that many jailbreak defenses significantly increase the false refusal rates, thereby undermining usability. Our method and dataset can help developers evaluate and fine-tune safer and more usable LLMs. Our code and dataset are available at \href{}{}

#20 CLIN: A Continually Learning Language Agent for Rapid Task Adaptation and Generalization [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder ; Bhavana Dalvi Mishra ; Peter Jansen ; Oyvind Tafjord ; Niket Tandon ; Li Zhang ; Chris Callison-Burch ; Peter Clark

Language agents have shown some ability to interact with an external environment, e.g., a virtual world such as ScienceWorld, to perform complex tasks, e.g., growing a plant, without the startup costs of reinforcement learning. While recent work, e.g., Reflexion, has demonstrated how such agents can also self-improve by adding a textual memory of ''hints'' learned from prior experience, such improvements have been limited both in size and scope. In contrast, our goal is a language agent that can robustly improve performance over time, including when both the task and environment are varied. Our approach is to have the agent learn a textual representation of how the world works (rather than just isolated hints), expressed as a memory of causal abstractions, to guide future decision-making. In experiments, we find CLIN is able to continually improve on repeated trials on the same task and environment, outperforming state-of-the-art reflective language agents like Reflexion by 23 points in ScienceWorld and 1.4 points in ALFWorld benchmarks. CLIN can also transfer its learning to new environments and tasks, enhancing performance by 21 points in ScienceWorld and 11 points in ALFWorld. This suggests that language agents with a textual causal memory can play a significant role in interactive environments, including being able to rapidly improve over time.

#21 TarGEN: Targeted Data Generation with Large Language Models [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Himanshu Gupta ; Kevin Scaria ; Ujjwala Anantheswaran ; Shreyas Verma ; Mihir Parmar ; Saurabh Arjun Sawant ; Chitta Baral ; Swaroop Mishra

We present TarGEN, a multi-step prompting strategy for generating high-quality synthetic datasets using LLMs. An advantage of TarGEN is its seedless nature; it does not require specific task instances, broadening its applicability beyond task replication. This differentiates it from other data generation techniques, as it can be leveraged for novel or highly domain-specific tasks with no existing data instances. We augment TarGEN with a self-correction module that enables LLMs to rectify inaccurately labeled instances during dataset creation, ensuring reliable labels. To assess our technique’s effectiveness against existing baselines, we emulate eight tasks from the SuperGLUE benchmark to create a "synthetic" version and finetune various language models on both synthetic and original training sets. Evaluation on the original test set reveals that models trained on the synthetic datasets perform ∼ 1 − 3% points higher than those trained on original datasets. Finally, when pre-finetuned on our "synthetic" SuperGLUE dataset, Llama2 (7B) yields impressive results on the OpenLLM leaderboard, surpassing the model trained on the Self-Instruct dataset by 2.62% points. Our analysis reveals that the synthetic data generated by TarGEN not only improves model learning, but also has comparable or higher levels of complexity, diversity, and similar levels of bias in comparison with the original data.

#22 AutoGen: Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversations [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Qingyun Wu ; Gagan Bansal ; Jieyu Zhang ; Yiran Wu ; Beibin Li ; Erkang Zhu ; Li Jiang ; Xiaoyun Zhang ; Shaokun Zhang ; Jiale Liu ; Ahmed Hassan Awadallah ; Ryen W White ; Doug Burger ; Chi Wang

We present AutoGen, an open-source framework that allows developers to build LLM applications by composing multiple agents to converse with each other to accomplish tasks. AutoGen agents are customizable, conversable, and can operate in various modes that employ combinations of LLMs, human inputs, and tools. It also enables developers to create flexible agent behaviors and conversation patterns for different applications using both natural language and code. AutoGen serves as a generic infrastructure and is widely used by AI practitioners and researchers to build diverse applications of various complexities and LLM capacities. We demonstrate the framework’s effectiveness with several pilot applications, with domains ranging from mathematics and coding to question-answering, supply-chain optimization, online decision-making, and entertainment.

#23 3M-Diffusion: Latent Multi-Modal Diffusion for Language-Guided Molecular Structure Generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huaisheng Zhu ; Teng Xiao ; Vasant G Honavar

Generating molecular structures with desired properties is a critical task with broad applications in drug discovery and materials design. We propose 3M-Diffusion, a novel multi-modal molecular graph generation method, to generate diverse, ideally novel molecular structures with desired properties. 3M-Diffusion encodes molecular graphs into a graph latent space which it then aligns with the text space learned by encoder-based LLMs from textual descriptions. It then reconstructs the molecular structure and atomic attributes based on the given text descriptions using the molecule decoder. It then learns a probabilistic mapping from the text space to the latent molecular graph space using a diffusion model. The results of our extensive experiments on several datasets demonstrate that 3M-Diffusion can generate high-quality, novel and diverse molecular graphs that semantically match the textual description provided.

#24 Faithful and Unfaithful Error Recovery in Chain of Thought [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Evelyn Yee ; Alice Li ; Chenyu Tang ; Yeon Ho Jung ; Ramamohan Paturi ; Leon Bergen

Large language models (LLMs) often improve their performance in downstream tasks when they generate Chain of Thought reasoning text before producing an answer. We investigate how LLMs recover from errors in Chain of Thought. Through analysis of error recovery behaviors, we find evidence for unfaithfulness in Chain of Thought, which occurs when models arrive at the correct answer despite invalid reasoning text. We identify factors that shift LLM recovery behavior: LLMs recover more frequently from obvious errors and in contexts that provide more evidence for the correct answer. Critically, these factors have divergent effects on faithful and unfaithful recoveries. Our results indicate that there are distinct mechanisms driving faithful and unfaithful error recoveries. Selective targeting of these mechanisms may be able to drive down the rate of unfaithful reasoning and improve model interpretability.

#25 ChatGPT Based Data Augmentation for Improved Parameter-Efficient Debiasing of LLMs [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Pengrui Han ; Rafal Dariusz Kocielnik ; Adhithya Prakash Saravanan ; Roy Luoyao Jiang ; Or Sharir ; Anima Anandkumar

Large Language models (LLMs), while powerful, exhibit harmful social biases. Debiasing is often challenging due to computational costs, data constraints, and potential degradation of multi-task language capabilities. This work introduces a novel approach utilizing ChatGPT to generate synthetic training data, aiming to enhance the debiasing of LLMs. We propose two strategies: Targeted Prompting, which provides effective debiasing for known biases but necessitates prior specification of bias in question; and General Prompting, which, while slightly less effective, offers debiasing across various categories. We leverage resource-efficient LLM debiasing using adapter tuning and compare the effectiveness of our synthetic data to existing debiasing datasets. Our results reveal that: (1) ChatGPT can efficiently produce high-quality training data for debiasing other LLMs; (2) data produced via our approach surpasses existing datasets in debiasing performance while also preserving internal knowledge of a pre-trained LLM; and (3) synthetic data exhibits generalizability across categories, effectively mitigating various biases, including intersectional ones. These findings underscore the potential of synthetic data in advancing the fairness of LLMs with minimal retraining cost.