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#1 SeqMatchNet: Contrastive Learning with Sequence Matching for Place Recognition & Relocalization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sourav Garg, Madhu Vankadari, Michael Milford

Visual Place Recognition (VPR) for mobile robot global relocalization is a well-studied problem, where contrastive learning based representation training methods have led to state-of-the-art performance. However, these methods are mainly designed for single image based VPR, where sequential information, which is ubiquitous in robotics, is only used as a post-processing step for filtering single image match scores, but is never used to guide the representation learning process itself. In this work, for the first time, we bridge the gap between single image representation learning and sequence matching through "SeqMatchNet" which transforms the single image descriptors such that they become more responsive to the sequence matching metric. We propose a novel triplet loss formulation where the distance metric is based on "sequence matching", that is, the aggregation of temporal order-based Euclidean distances computed using single images. We use the same metric for mining negatives online during the training which helps the optimization process by selecting appropriate positives and harder negatives. To overcome the computational overhead of sequence matching for negative mining, we propose a 2D convolution based formulation of sequence matching for efficiently aggregating distances within a distance matrix computed using single images. We show that our proposed method achieves consistent gains in performance as demonstrated on four benchmark datasets. Source code available at

#2 Guided Imitation of Task and Motion Planning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Michael James McDonald, Dylan Hadfield-Menell

While modern policy optimization methods can do complex manipulation from sensory data, they struggle on problems with extended time horizons and multiple sub-goals. On the other hand, task and motion planning (TAMP) methods scale to long horizons but they are computationally expensive and need to precisely track world state. We propose a method that draws on the strength of both methods: we train a policy to imitate a TAMP solver's output. This produces a feed-forward policy that can accomplish multi-step tasks from sensory data. First, we build an asynchronous distributed TAMP solver that can produce supervision data fast enough for imitation learning. Then, we propose a hierarchical policy architecture that lets us use partially trained control policies to speed up the TAMP solver. In robotic manipulation tasks with 7-DoF joint control, the partially trained policies reduce the time needed for planning by a factor of up to 2.6. Among these tasks, we can learn a policy that solves the RoboSuite 4-object pick-place task 88% of the time from object pose observations and a policy that solves the RoboDesk 9-goal benchmark 79% of the time from RGB images (averaged across the 9 disparate tasks).

#3 A Workflow for Offline Model-Free Robotic Reinforcement Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aviral Kumar, Anikait Singh, Stephen Tian, Chelsea Finn, Sergey Levine

Offline reinforcement learning (RL) enables learning control policies by utilizing only prior experience, without any online interaction. This can allow robots to acquire generalizable skills from large and diverse datasets, without any costly or unsafe online data collection. Despite recent algorithmic advances in offline RL, applying these methods to real-world problems has proven challenging. Although offline RL methods can learn from prior data, there is no clear and well-understood process for making various design choices, from model ar- architecture to algorithm hyperparameters, without actually evaluating the learned policies online. In this paper, our aim is to develop a practical workflow for using offline RL analogous to the relatively well-understood workflows for supervised learning problems. To this end, we devise a set of metrics and conditions that can be tracked over the course of offline training and can inform the practitioner about how the algorithm and model architecture should be adjusted to improve final performance. Our workflow is derived from a conceptual understanding of the behavior of conservative offline RL algorithms and cross-validation in supervised learning. We demonstrate the efficacy of this workflow in producing effective policies without any online tuning, both in several simulated robotic learning scenarios and for three tasks on two distinct real robots, focusing on learning manipulation skills with raw image observations with sparse binary rewards. Explanatory video and additional content can be found at

#4 Learning Multimodal Rewards from Rankings [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Vivek Myers, Erdem Biyik, Nima Anari, Dorsa Sadigh

Learning from human feedback has shown to be a useful approach in acquiring robot reward functions. However, expert feedback is often assumed to be drawn from an underlying unimodal reward function. This assumption does not always hold including in settings where multiple experts provide data or when a single expert provides data for different tasks---we thus go beyond learning a unimodal reward and focus on learning a multimodal reward function. We formulate the multimodal reward learning as a mixture learning problem and develop a novel ranking-based learning approach, where the experts are only required to rank a given set of trajectories. Furthermore, as access to interaction data is often expensive in robotics, we develop an active querying approach to accelerate the learning process. We conduct experiments and user studies using a multi-task variant of OpenAI's LunarLander and a real Fetch robot, where we collect data from multiple users with different preferences. The results suggest that our approach can efficiently learn multimodal reward functions, and improve data-efficiency over benchmark methods that we adapt to our learning problem.

#5 SORNet: Spatial Object-Centric Representations for Sequential Manipulation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wentao Yuan, Chris Paxton, Karthik Desingh, Dieter Fox

Sequential manipulation tasks require a robot to perceive the state of an environment and plan a sequence of actions leading to a desired goal state, where the ability to reason about spatial relationships among object entities from raw sensor inputs is crucial. Prior works relying on explicit state estimation or end-to-end learning struggle with novel objects or new tasks. In this work, we propose SORNet (Spatial Object-Centric Representation Network), which extracts object-centric representations from RGB images conditioned on canonical views of the objects of interest. We show that the object embeddings learned by SORNet generalize zero-shot to unseen object entities on three spatial reasoning tasks: spatial relationship classification, skill precondition classification and relative direction regression, significantly outperforming baselines. Further, we present real-world robotic experiments demonstrating the usage of the learned object embeddings in task planning for sequential manipulation.

#6 STORM: An Integrated Framework for Fast Joint-Space Model-Predictive Control for Reactive Manipulation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Mohak Bhardwaj, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Arsalan Mousavian, Nathan D. Ratliff, Dieter Fox, Fabio Ramos, Byron Boots

Sampling-based model-predictive control (MPC) is a promising tool for feedback control of robots with complex, non-smooth dynamics, and cost functions. However, the computationally demanding nature of sampling-based MPC algorithms has been a key bottleneck in their application to high-dimensional robotic manipulation problems in the real world. Previous methods have addressed this issue by running MPC in the task space while relying on a low-level operational space controller for joint control. However, by not using the joint space of the robot in the MPC formulation, existing methods cannot directly account for non-task space related constraints such as avoiding joint limits, singular configurations, and link collisions. In this paper, we develop a system for fast, joint space sampling-based MPC for manipulators that is efficiently parallelized using GPUs. Our approach can handle task and joint space constraints while taking less than 8ms~(125Hz) to compute the next control command. Further, our method can tightly integrate perception into the control problem by utilizing learned cost functions from raw sensor data. We validate our approach by deploying it on a Franka Panda robot for a variety of dynamic manipulation tasks. We study the effect of different cost formulations and MPC parameters on the synthesized behavior and provide key insights that pave the way for the application of sampling-based MPC for manipulators in a principled manner. We also provide highly optimized, open-source code to be used by the wider robot learning and control community. Videos of experiments can be found at:

#7 XIRL: Cross-embodiment Inverse Reinforcement Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kevin Zakka, Andy Zeng, Pete Florence, Jonathan Tompson, Jeannette Bohg, Debidatta Dwibedi

We investigate the visual cross-embodiment imitation setting, in which agents learn policies from videos of other agents (such as humans) demonstrating the same task, but with stark differences in their embodiments -- shape, actions, end-effector dynamics, etc. In this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to automatically discover and learn vision-based reward functions from cross-embodiment demonstration videos that are robust to these differences. Specifically, we present a self-supervised method for Cross-embodiment Inverse Reinforcement Learning (XIRL) that leverages temporal cycle-consistency constraints to learn deep visual embeddings that capture task progression from offline videos of demonstrations across multiple expert agents, each performing the same task differently due to embodiment differences. Prior to our work, producing rewards from self-supervised embeddings typically required alignment with a reference trajectory, which may be difficult to acquire under stark embodiment differences. We show empirically that if the embeddings are aware of task-progress, simply taking the negative distance between the current state and goal state in the learned embedding space is useful as a reward for training policies with reinforcement learning. We find our learned reward function not only works for embodiments seen during training, but also generalizes to entirely new embodiments. Additionally, when transferring real-world human demonstrations to a simulated robot, we find that XIRL is more sample efficient than current best methods.

#8 Motivating Physical Activity via Competitive Human-Robot Interaction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Boling Yang, Golnaz Habibi, Patrick Lancaster, Byron Boots, Joshua Smith

This project aims to motivate research in competitive human-robot interaction by creating a robot competitor that can challenge human users in certain scenarios such as physical exercise and games. With this goal in mind, we introduce the Fencing Game, a human-robot competition used to evaluate both the capabilities of the robot competitor and user experience. We develop the robot competitor through iterative multi-agent reinforcement learning and show that it can perform well against human competitors. Our user study additionally found that our system was able to continuously create challenging and enjoyable interactions that significantly increased human subjects' heart rates. The majority of human subjects considered the system to be entertaining and desirable for improving the quality of their exercise.

#9 Group-based Motion Prediction for Navigation in Crowded Environments [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Allan Wang, Christoforos Mavrogiannis, Aaron Steinfeld

We focus on the problem of planning the motion of a robot in a dynamic multiagent environment such as a pedestrian scene. Enabling the robot to navigate safely and in a socially compliant fashion in such scenes requires a representation that accounts for the unfolding multiagent dynamics. Existing approaches to this problem tend to employ microscopic models of motion prediction that reason about the individual behavior of other agents. While such models may achieve high tracking accuracy in trajectory prediction benchmarks, they often lack an understanding of the group structures unfolding in crowded scenes. Inspired by the Gestalt theory from psychology, we build a Model Predictive Control framework (G-MPC) that leverages group-based prediction for robot motion planning. We conduct an extensive simulation study involving a series of challenging navigation tasks in scenes extracted from two real-world pedestrian datasets. We illustrate that G-MPC enables a robot to achieve statistically significantly higher safety and lower number of group intrusions than a series of baselines featuring individual pedestrian motion prediction models. Finally, we show that G-MPC can handle noisy lidar-scan estimates without significant performance losses.

#10 DiffImpact: Differentiable Rendering and Identification of Impact Sounds [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Samuel Clarke, Negin Heravi, Mark Rau, Ruohan Gao, Jiajun Wu, Doug James, Jeannette Bohg

Rigid objects make distinctive sounds during manipulation. These sounds are a function of object features, such as shape and material, and of contact forces during manipulation. Being able to infer from sound an object's acoustic properties, how it is being manipulated, and what events it is participating in could augment and complement what robots can perceive from vision, especially in case of occlusion, low visual resolution, poor lighting, or blurred focus. Annotations on sound data are rare. Therefore, existing inference systems mostly include a sound renderer in the loop, and use analysis-by-synthesis to optimize for object acoustic properties. Optimizing parameters with respect to a non-differentiable renderer is slow and hard to scale to complex scenes. We present DiffImpact, a fully differentiable model for sounds rigid objects make during impacts, based on physical principles of impact forces, rigid object vibration, and other acoustic effects. Its differentiability enables gradient-based, efficient joint inference of acoustic properties of the objects and characteristics and timings of each individual impact. DiffImpact can also be plugged in as the decoder of an autoencoder, and trained end-to-end on real audio data, so that the encoder can learn to solve the inverse problem in a self-supervised way. Experiments demonstrate that our model's physics-based inductive biases make it more resource efficient and expressive than state-of-the-art pure learning-based alternatives, on both forward rendering of impact sounds and inverse tasks such as acoustic property inference and blind source separation of impact sounds.

#11 A System for General In-Hand Object Re-Orientation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tao Chen, Jie Xu, Pulkit Agrawal

In-hand object reorientation has been a challenging problem in robotics due to high dimensional actuation space and the frequent change in contact state between the fingers and the objects. We present a simple model-free framework that can learn to reorient objects with both the hand facing upwards and downwards. We demonstrate the capability of reorienting over $2000$ geometrically different objects in both cases. The learned policies show strong zero-shot transfer performance on new objects. We provide evidence that these policies are amenable to real-world operation by distilling them to use observations easily available in the real world. The videos of the learned policies are available at:

#12 Influencing Towards Stable Multi-Agent Interactions [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Woodrow Zhouyuan Wang, Andy Shih, Annie Xie, Dorsa Sadigh

Learning in multi-agent environments is difficult due to the non-stationarity introduced by an opponent's or partner's changing behaviors. Instead of reactively adapting to the other agent's (opponent or partner) behavior, we propose an algorithm to proactively influence the other agent's strategy to stabilize -- which can restrain the non-stationarity caused by the other agent. We learn a low-dimensional latent representation of the other agent's strategy and the dynamics of how the latent strategy evolves with respect to our robot's behavior. With this learned dynamics model, we can define an unsupervised stability reward to train our robot to deliberately influence the other agent to stabilize towards a single strategy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of stabilizing in improving efficiency of maximizing the task reward in a variety of simulated environments, including autonomous driving, emergent communication, and robotic manipulation.

#13 ReSkin: versatile, replaceable, lasting tactile skins [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Raunaq Bhirangi, Tess Hellebrekers, Carmel Majidi, Abhinav Gupta

Soft sensors have continued growing interest in robotics, due to their ability to enable both passive conformal contact from the material properties and active contact data from the sensor properties. However, the same properties of conformal contact result in faster deterioration of soft sensors and larger variations in their response characteristics over time and across samples, inhibiting their ability to be long-lasting and replaceable. ReSkin is a tactile soft sensor that leverages machine learning and magnetic sensing to offer a low-cost, diverse and compact solution for long-term use. Magnetic sensing separates the electronic circuitry from the passive interface, making it easier to replace interfaces as they wear out while allowing for a wide variety of form factors. Machine learning allows us to learn sensor response models that are robust to variations across fabrication and time, and our self-supervised learning algorithm enables finer performance enhancement with small, inexpensive data collection procedures. We believe that ReSkin opens the door to more versatile, scalable and inexpensive tactile sensation modules than existing alternatives.

#14 Seeing Glass: Joint Point-Cloud and Depth Completion for Transparent Objects [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haoping Xu, Yi Ru Wang, Sagi Eppel, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Florian Shkurti, Animesh Garg

The basis of many object manipulation algorithms is RGB-D input. Yet, commodity RGB-D sensors can only provide distorted depth maps for a wide range of transparent objects due light refraction and absorption. To tackle the perception challenges posed by transparent objects, we propose TranspareNet, a joint point cloud and depth completion method, with the ability to complete the depth of transparent objects in cluttered and complex scenes, even with partially filled fluid contents within the vessels. To address the shortcomings of existing transparent object data collection schemes in literature, we also propose an automated dataset creation workflow that consists of robot-controlled image collection and vision-based automatic annotation. Through this automated workflow, we created Transparent Object Depth Dataset (TODD), which consists of nearly 15000 RGB-D images. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that TranspareNet outperforms existing state-of-the-art depth completion methods on multiple datasets, including ClearGrasp, and that it also handles cluttered scenes when trained on TODD. Code and dataset will be released at

#15 Learning Off-Policy with Online Planning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Harshit Sikchi, Wenxuan Zhou, David Held

Reinforcement learning (RL) in low-data and risk-sensitive domains requires performant and flexible deployment policies that can readily incorporate constraints during deployment. One such class of policies are the semi-parametric H-step lookahead policies, which select actions using trajectory optimization over a dynamics model for a fixed horizon with a terminal value function. In this work, we investigate a novel instantiation of H-step lookahead with a learned model and a terminal value function learned by a model-free off-policy algorithm, named Learning Off-Policy with Online Planning (LOOP). We provide a theoretical analysis of this method, suggesting a tradeoff between model errors and value function errors, and empirically demonstrate this tradeoff to be beneficial in deep reinforcement learning. Furthermore, we identify the "Actor Divergence" issue in this framework and propose Actor Regularized Control (ARC), a modified trajectory optimization procedure. We evaluate our method on a set of robotic tasks for Offline and Online RL and demonstrate improved performance. We also show the flexibility of LOOP to incorporate safety constraints during deployment with a set of navigation environments. We demonstrate that LOOP is a desirable framework for robotics applications based on its strong performance in various important RL settings.

#16 Robot Reinforcement Learning on the Constraint Manifold [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Puze Liu, Davide Tateo, Haitham Bou Ammar, Jan Peters

Reinforcement learning in robotics is extremely challenging due to many practical issues, including safety, mechanical constraints, and wear and tear. Typically, these issues are not considered in the machine learning literature. One crucial problem in applying reinforcement learning in the real world is Safe Exploration, which requires physical and safety constraints satisfaction throughout the learning process. To explore in such a safety-critical environment, leveraging known information such as robot models and constraints is beneficial to provide more robust safety guarantees. Exploiting this knowledge, we propose a novel method to learn robotics tasks in simulation efficiently while satisfying the constraints during the learning process.

#17 What Matters in Learning from Offline Human Demonstrations for Robot Manipulation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ajay Mandlekar, Danfei Xu, Josiah Wong, Soroush Nasiriany, Chen Wang, Rohun Kulkarni, Li Fei-Fei, Silvio Savarese, Yuke Zhu, Roberto Martín-Martín

Imitating human demonstrations is a promising approach to endow robots with various manipulation capabilities. While recent advances have been made in imitation learning and batch (offline) reinforcement learning, a lack of open-source human datasets and reproducible learning methods make assessing the state of the field difficult. In this paper, we conduct an extensive study of six offline learning algorithms for robot manipulation on five simulated and three real-world multi-stage manipulation tasks of varying complexity, and with datasets of varying quality. Our study analyzes the most critical challenges when learning from offline human data for manipulation. Based on the study, we derive a series of lessons including the sensitivity to different algorithmic design choices, the dependence on the quality of the demonstrations, and the variability based on the stopping criteria due to the different objectives in training and evaluation. We also highlight opportunities for learning from human datasets, such as the ability to learn proficient policies on challenging, multi-stage tasks beyond the scope of current reinforcement learning methods, and the ability to easily scale to natural, real-world manipulation scenarios where only raw sensory signals are available. We have open-sourced our datasets and all algorithm implementations to facilitate future research and fair comparisons in learning from human demonstration data at

#18 Fast and Efficient Locomotion via Learned Gait Transitions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuxiang Yang, Tingnan Zhang, Erwin Coumans, Jie Tan, Byron Boots

We focus on the problem of developing energy efficient controllers for quadrupedal robots. Animals can actively switch gaits at different speeds to lower their energy consumption. In this paper, we devise a hierarchical learning framework, in which distinctive locomotion gaits and natural gait transitions emerge automatically with a simple reward of energy minimization. We use evolutionary strategies (ES) to train a high-level gait policy that specifies gait patterns of each foot, while the low-level convex MPC controller optimizes the motor commands so that the robot can walk at a desired velocity using that gait pattern. We test our learning framework on a quadruped robot and demonstrate automatic gait transitions, from walking to trotting and to fly-trotting, as the robot increases its speed. We show that the learned hierarchical controller consumes much less energy across a wide range of locomotion speed than baseline controllers.

#19 Motion Forecasting with Unlikelihood Training in Continuous Space [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Deyao Zhu, Mohamed Zahran, Li Erran Li, Mohamed Elhoseiny

Motion forecasting is essential for making safe and intelligent decisions in robotic applications such as autonomous driving. Existing methods often formulate it as a sequence-to-sequence prediction problem, solved in an encoder-decoder framework with a maximum likelihood estimation objective. State-of-the-art models leverage contextual information including the map and states of surrounding agents. However, we observe that they still assign a high probability to unlikely trajectories resulting in unsafe behaviors including road boundary violations. Orthogonally, we propose a new objective, unlikelihood training, which forces predicted trajectories that conflict with contextual information to be assigned a lower probability. We demonstrate that our method can improve state-of-art models' performance on challenging real-world trajectory forecasting datasets (nuScenes and Argoverse) by avoiding up to 56% context-violated prediction and improving up to 9% prediction accuracy.

#20 Enhancing Consistent Ground Maneuverability by Robot Adaptation to Complex Off-Road Terrains [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sriram Siva, Maggie Wigness, John Rogers, Hao Zhang

Terrain adaptation is a critical ability for a ground robot to effectively traverse unstructured off-road terrain in real-world field environments such as forests. However, the expected or planned maneuvering behaviors cannot always be accurately executed due to setbacks such as reduced tire pressure. This inconsistency negatively affects the robot's ground maneuverability and can cause slower traversal time or errors in localization. To address this shortcoming, we propose a novel method for consistent behavior generation that enables a ground robot's actual behaviors to more accurately match expected behaviors while adapting to a variety of complex off-road terrains. Our method learns offset behaviors in a self-supervised fashion to compensate for the inconsistency between the actual and expected behaviors without requiring the explicit modeling of various setbacks. To evaluate the method, we perform extensive experiments using a physical ground robot over diverse complex off-road terrain in real-world field environments. Experimental results show that our method enables a robot to improve its ground maneuverability on complex unstructured off-road terrain with more navigational behavior consistency, and outperforms previous and baseline methods, particularly so on challenging terrain such as that which is seen in forests.

#21 Learning Behaviors through Physics-driven Latent Imagination [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Antoine Richard, Stephanie ARAVECCHIA, Matthieu Geist, Cédric Pradalier

Model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) consists in learning a so-called world model, a representation of the environment through interactions with it, then use it to train an agent. This approach is particularly interesting in the con-text of field robotics, as it alleviates the need to train online, and reduces the risks inherent to directly training agents on real robots. Generally, in such approaches, the world encompasses both the part related to the robot itself and the rest of the environment. We argue that decoupling the environment representation (for example, images or laser scans) from the dynamics of the physical system (that is, the robot and its physical state) can increase the flexibility of world models and open doors to greater robustness. In this paper, we apply this concept to a strong latent-agent, Dreamer. We then showcase the increased flexibility by transferring the environment part of the world model from one robot (a boat) to another (a rover), simply by adapting the physical model in the imagination. We additionally demonstrate the robustness of our method through real-world experiments on a boat.

#22 ThriftyDAgger: Budget-Aware Novelty and Risk Gating for Interactive Imitation Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ryan Hoque, Ashwin Balakrishna, Ellen Novoseller, Albert Wilcox, Daniel S. Brown, Ken Goldberg

Effective robot learning often requires online human feedback and interventions that can cost significant human time, giving rise to the central challenge in interactive imitation learning: is it possible to control the timing and length of interventions to both facilitate learning and limit burden on the human supervisor? This paper presents ThriftyDAgger, an algorithm for actively querying a human supervisor given a desired budget of human interventions. ThriftyDAgger uses a learned switching policy to solicit interventions only at states that are sufficiently (1) novel, where the robot policy has no reference behavior to imitate, or (2) risky, where the robot has low confidence in task completion. To detect the latter, we introduce a novel metric for estimating risk under the current robot policy. Experiments in simulation and on a physical cable routing experiment suggest that ThriftyDAgger's intervention criteria balances task performance and supervisor burden more effectively than prior algorithms. ThriftyDAgger can also be applied at execution time, where it achieves a 100% success rate on both the simulation and physical tasks. A user study (N=10) in which users control a three-robot fleet while also performing a concentration task suggests that ThriftyDAgger increases human and robot performance by 58% and 80% respectively compared to the next best algorithm while reducing supervisor burden. See for supplementary material.

#23 FlingBot: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Dynamic Manipulation for Cloth Unfolding [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huy Ha, Shuran Song

High-velocity dynamic actions (e.g., fling or throw) play a crucial role in our everyday interaction with deformable objects by improving our efficiency and effectively expanding our physical reach range. Yet, most prior works have tackled cloth manipulation using exclusively single-arm quasi-static actions, which requires a large number of interactions for challenging initial cloth configurations and strictly limits the maximum cloth size by the robot's reach range. In this work, we demonstrate the effectiveness of dynamic flinging actions for cloth unfolding with our proposed self-supervised learning framework, FlingBot. Our approach learns how to unfold a piece of fabric from arbitrary initial configurations using a pick, stretch, and fling primitive for a dual-arm setup from visual observations. The final system achieves over 80% coverage within 3 actions on novel cloths, can unfold cloths larger than the system's reach range, and generalizes to T-shirts despite being trained on only rectangular cloths. We also finetuned FlingBot on a real-world dual-arm robot platform, where it increased the cloth coverage over 4 times more than the quasi-static baseline did. The simplicity of FlingBot combined with its superior performance over quasi-static baselines demonstrates the effectiveness of dynamic actions for deformable object manipulation.

#24 3D Neural Scene Representations for Visuomotor Control [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yunzhu Li, Shuang Li, Vincent Sitzmann, Pulkit Agrawal, Antonio Torralba

Humans have a strong intuitive understanding of the 3D environment around us. The mental model of the physics in our brain applies to objects of different materials and enables us to perform a wide range of manipulation tasks that are far beyond the reach of current robots. In this work, we desire to learn models for dynamic 3D scenes purely from 2D visual observations. Our model combines Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and time contrastive learning with an autoencoding framework, which learns viewpoint-invariant 3D-aware scene representations. We show that a dynamics model, constructed over the learned representation space, enables visuomotor control for challenging manipulation tasks involving both rigid bodies and fluids, where the target is specified in a viewpoint different from what the robot operates on. When coupled with an auto-decoding framework, it can even support goal specification from camera viewpoints that are outside the training distribution. We further demonstrate the richness of the learned 3D dynamics model by performing future prediction and novel view synthesis. Finally, we provide detailed ablation studies regarding different system designs and qualitative analysis of the learned representations.

#25 Rapid Exploration for Open-World Navigation with Latent Goal Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Dhruv Shah, Benjamin Eysenbach, Nicholas Rhinehart, Sergey Levine

We describe a robotic learning system for autonomous exploration and navigation in diverse, open-world environments. At the core of our method is a learned latent variable model of distances and actions, along with a non-parametric topological memory of images. We use an information bottleneck to regularize the learned policy, giving us (i) a compact visual representation of goals, (ii) improved generalization capabilities, and (iii) a mechanism for sampling feasible goals for exploration. Trained on a large offline dataset of prior experience, the model acquires a representation of visual goals that is robust to task-irrelevant distractors. We demonstrate our method on a mobile ground robot in open-world exploration scenarios. Given an image of a goal that is up to 80 meters away, our method leverages its representation to explore and discover the goal in under 20 minutes, even amidst previously-unseen obstacles and weather conditions. Please check out the project website for videos of our experiments and information about the real-world dataset used at