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This paper explores the feasibility of learning robot force control and interaction using soft metamaterial and machine vision. We start by investigating the differential stiffness of a hollow, cone-shaped, 3D metamaterial made from soft rubber, achieving a large stiffness ratio between the axial and radial directions that leads to an adaptive form response in omni-directions during physical interaction. Then, using image data collected from its internal deformation during various interactions, we explored two similar designs but different learning strategies to estimate force control and interactions on the end-effector of a UR10 e-series robot arm. One is to directly learn the force and torque response from raw images of the metamaterial's internal deformation. The other is to indirectly estimate the 6D force and torque using a neural network by visually tracking the 6D pose of a marker fixed inside the 3D metamaterial. Finally, we integrated the two proposed systems and achieved similar force feedback and control interactions in simple tasks such as circle following and text writing. Our results show that the learning method holds the potential to support the concept of soft robot force control, providing an intuitive interface at a low cost for robotic systems, generating comparable and capable performances against classical force and torque sensors.
Trajectory prediction of road participants such as vehicles and pedestrians is crucial for autonomous driving. Recently, graph neural network (GNN) is widely adopted to capture the social interactions among the agents. Many GNN-based models formulate the prediction task as a single-agent prediction problem where multiple inference is needed for multi-agent prediction (which is common in practice), which leads to fundamental inconsistency in terms of homotopy as well as inefficiency for the memory and time. Moreover, even for models that do perform joint prediction, typically one centric agent is selected and all other agents’ information is normalized based on that. Such centric-only normalization leads to asymmetric encoding of different agents in GNN, which might harm its performance. In this work, we propose a efficient multi-agent prediction framework that can predict all agents' trajectories jointly by normalizing and processing all agents' information symmetrically and homogeneously with combined egocentirc and allocentric views. Experiments are conducted on two interaction-rich behavior datasets: INTERACTION (vehicles) and TrajNet++ (pedestrian). The results show that the proposed framework can significantly boost the inference speed of the GNN-based model for multi-agent prediction and achieve better performance. In the INTERACTION dataset's challenge, the proposed model achieved the 1st place in the regular track and generalization track.
We propose Parallelised Diffeomorphic Sampling-based Motion Planning (PDMP). PDMP is a novel parallelised framework that uses bijective and differentiable mappings, or diffeomorphisms, to transform sampling distributions of sampling-based motion planners, in a manner akin to normalising flows. Unlike normalising flow models which use invertible neural network structures to represent these diffeomorphisms, we develop them from gradient information of desired costs, and encode desirable behaviour, such as obstacle avoidance. These transformed sampling distributions can then be used for sampling-based motion planning. A particular example is when we wish to imbue the sampling distribution with knowledge of the environment geometry, such that drawn samples are less prone to be in collision. To this end, we propose to learn a continuous occupancy representation from environment occupancy data, such that gradients of the representation defines a valid diffeomorphism and is amenable to fast parallelise evaluation. We use this to ``morph'' the sampling distribution to draw far less collision-prone samples. PDMP is able to leverage gradient information of costs, to inject specifications, in a manner similar to optimisation-based motion planning methods, but relies on drawing from a sampling distribution, retaining the tendency to find more global solutions, thereby bridging the gap between trajectory optimisation and sampling-based planning methods.
Backchanneling behaviors on a robot, such as nodding, can make talking to a robot feel more natural and engaging by giving a sense that the robot is actively listening. For backchanneling to be effective, it is important that the timing of such cues is appropriate given the humans' conversational behaviors. Recent progress has shown that these behaviors can be learned from datasets of human-human conversations. However, recent data-driven methods tend to overfit to the human speakers that are seen in training data and fail to generalize well to previously unseen speakers. In this paper, we explore the use of data augmentation for effective nodding behavior in a robot. We show that, by augmenting the input speech and visual features, we can produce data-driven models that are more robust to unseen features without collecting additional data. We analyze the efficacy of data-driven backchanneling in a realistic human-robot conversational setting with a user study, showing that users perceived the data-driven model to be better at listening as compared to rule-based and random baselines.
Legged locomotion is commonly studied and expressed as a discrete set of gait patterns, like walk, trot, gallop, which are usually treated as given and pre-programmed in legged robots for efficient locomotion at different speeds. However, fixing a set of pre-programmed gaits limits the generality of locomotion. Recent animal motor studies show that these conventional gaits are only prevalent in ideal flat terrain conditions while real-world locomotion is unstructured and more like bouts of intermittent steps. What principles could lead to both structured and unstructured patterns across mammals and how to synthesize them in robots? In this work, we take an analysis-by-synthesis approach and learn to move by minimizing mechanical energy. We demonstrate that learning to minimize energy consumption plays a key role in the emergence of natural locomotion gaits at different speeds in real quadruped robots. The emergent gaits are structured in ideal terrains and look similar to that of horses and sheep. The same approach leads to unstructured gaits in rough terrains which is consistent with the findings in animal motor control. We validate our hypothesis in both simulation and real hardware across natural terrains. Videos at https://energy-locomotion.github.io
Manipulating articulated objects requires multiple robot arms in general. It is challenging to enable multiple robot arms to collaboratively complete manipulation tasks on articulated objects. In this paper, we present V-MAO, a framework for learning multi-arm manipulation of articulated objects. Our framework includes a variational generative model that learns contact point distribution over object rigid parts for each robot arm. The training signal is obtained from interaction with the simulation environment which is enabled by planning and a novel formulation of object-centric control for articulated objects. We deploy our framework in a customized MuJoCo simulation environment and demonstrate that our framework achieves a high success rate on six different objects and two different robots. We also show that generative modeling can effectively learn the contact point distribution on articulated objects.
We introduce Language-Informed Latent Actions (LILA), a framework for learning natural language interfaces in the context of human-robot collaboration. LILA falls under the shared autonomy paradigm: in addition to providing discrete language inputs, humans are given a low-dimensional controller – e.g., a 2 degree-of-freedom (DoF) joystick that can move left/right and up/down – for operating the robot. LILA learns to use language to modulate this controller, providing users with a language-informed control space: given an instruction like "place the cereal bowl on the tray," LILA may learn a 2-DoF space where one dimension controls the distance from the robot's end-effector to the bowl, and the other dimension controls the robot's end-effector pose relative to the grasp point on the bowl. We evaluate LILA with real-world user studies, where users can provide a language instruction while operating a 7-DoF Franka Emika Panda Arm to complete a series of complex manipulation tasks. We show that LILA models are not only more sample efficient and performant than imitation learning and end-effector control baselines, but that they are also qualitatively preferred by users.
While machines and robots must interact with humans, providing them with social skills has been a largely overlooked topic. This is mostly a consequence of the fact that tasks such as navigation, command following, and even game playing are well-defined, while social reasoning still mostly remains a pre-theoretic problem. We demonstrate how social interactions can be effectively incorporated into MDPs by reasoning recursively about the goals of other agents. In essence, our method extends the reward function to include a combination of physical goals (something agents want to accomplish in the configuration space, a traditional MDP) and social goals (something agents want to accomplish relative to the goals of other agents). Our Social MDPs allow specifying reward functions in terms of the estimated reward functions of other agents, modeling interactions such as helping or hindering another agent (by maximizing or minimizing the other agent's reward) while balancing this with the actual physical goals of each agent. Our formulation allows for an arbitrary function of another agent's estimated reward structure and physical goals, enabling more complex behaviors such as politely hindering another agent or aggressively helping them. Extending Social MDPs in the same manner as I-POMDPs extension would enable interactions such as convincing another agent that something is true. To what extent the Social MDPs presented here and their potential Social POMDPs variant account for all possible social interactions is unknown, but having a precise mathematical model to guide questions about social interactions has both practical value (we demonstrate how to make zero-shot social inferences and one could imagine chatbots and robots guided by Social MDPs) and theoretical value by bringing the tools of MDP that have so successfully organized research around navigation to hopefully shed light on what social interactions really are given their extreme importance to human well-being and human civilization.
Learning complex manipulation tasks in realistic, obstructed environments is a challenging problem due to hard exploration in the presence of obstacles and high-dimensional visual observations. Prior work tackles the exploration problem by integrating motion planning and reinforcement learning. However, the motion planner augmented policy requires access to state information, which is often not available in the real-world settings. To this end, we propose to distill a state-based motion planner augmented policy to a visual control policy via (1) visual behavioral cloning to remove the motion planner dependency along with its jittery motion, and (2) vision-based reinforcement learning with the guidance of the smoothed trajectories from the behavioral cloning agent. We evaluate our method on three manipulation tasks in obstructed environments and compare it against various reinforcement learning and imitation learning baselines. The results demonstrate that our framework is highly sample-efficient and outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms. Moreover, coupled with domain randomization, our policy is capable of zero-shot transfer to unseen environment settings with distractors.
This paper proposes a correspondence-free method for point cloud rotational registration. We learn an embedding for each point cloud in a feature space that preserves the SO(3)-equivariance property, enabled by recent developments in equivariant neural networks. The proposed shape registration method achieves three major advantages through combining equivariant feature learning with implicit shape models. First, the necessity of data association is removed because of the permutation-invariant property in network architectures similar to PointNet. Second, the registration in feature space can be solved in closed-form using Horn's method due to the SO(3)-equivariance property. Third, the registration is robust to noise in the point cloud because of the joint training of registration and implicit shape reconstruction. The experimental results show superior performance compared with existing correspondence-free deep registration methods.
While prior work has shown how to autonomously generate motion that communicates task-related attributes, like intent or capability, we know less about how to automatically generate motion that communicates higher-level behavioral attributes such as curiosity or competence. We propose a framework that addresses the challenges of modeling human attributions to robot motion, generating trajectories that elicit attributions, and selecting trajectories that balance attribution and task completion. The insight underpinning our approach is that attributions can be ascribed to features of the motion that don't severely impact task performance, and that these features form a convenient basis both for predicting and generating communicative motion. We illustrate the framework in a coverage task resembling household vacuum cleaning. Through a virtual interface, we collect a dataset of human attributions to robot trajectories during task execution and learn a probabilistic model that maps trajectories to attributions. We then incorporate this model into a trajectory generation mechanism that balances between task completion and communication of a desired behavioral attribute. Through an online user study on a different household layout, we find that our prediction model accurately captures human attribution for coverage tasks.
Producing dense and accurate traversability maps is crucial for autonomous off-road navigation. In this paper, we focus on the problem of classifying terrains into 4 cost classes (free, low-cost, medium-cost, obstacle) for traversability assessment. This requires a robot to reason about both semantics (what objects are present?) and geometric properties (where are the objects located?) of the environment. To achieve this goal, we develop a novel Bird's Eye View Network (BEVNet), a deep neural network that directly predicts a local map encoding terrain classes from sparse LiDAR inputs. BEVNet processes both geometric and semantic information in a temporally consistent fashion. More importantly, it uses learned prior and history to predict terrain classes in unseen space and into the future, allowing a robot to better appraise its situation. We quantitatively evaluate BEVNet on both on-road and off-road scenarios and show that it outperforms a variety of strong baselines.
There exist several datasets for developing self-driving car methodologies. Manually collected datasets impose inherent limitations on the variability of test cases and it is particularly difficult to acquire challenging scenarios, e.g. ones involving collisions with pedestrians. A way to alleviate this is to consider automatic generation of safety-critical scenarios for autonomous vehicle (AV) testing. Existing approaches for scenario generation use heuristic pedestrian behavior models. We instead propose a framework that can use state-of-the-art pedestrian motion models, which is achieved by reformulating the problem as learning where to place pedestrians such that the induced scenarios are collision prone for a given AV. Our pedestrian initial location model can be used in conjunction with any goal driven pedestrian model which makes it possible to challenge an AV with a wide range of pedestrian behaviors -- this ensures that the AV can avoid collisions with any pedestrian it encounters. We show that it is possible to learn a collision seeking scenario generation model when both the pedestrian and AV are collision avoiding. The initial location model is conditioned on scene semantics and occlusions to ensure semantic and visual plausibility, which increases the realism of generated scenarios. Our model can be used to test any AV model given sufficient constraints.
Sampling efficiently on constraint manifolds is a core problem in robotics. We propose Deep Generative Constraint Sampling (DGCS), which combines a deep generative model for sampling close to a constraint manifold with nonlinear constrained optimization to project to the constraint manifold. The generative model is conditioned on the problem instance, taking a scene image as input, and it is trained with a dataset of solutions and a novel analytic constraint term. To further improve the precision and diversity of samples, we extend the approach to exploit a factorization of the constrained problem. We evaluate our approach in two problems of robotic sequential manipulation in cluttered environments. Experimental results demonstrate that our deep generative model produces diverse and precise samples and outperforms heuristic warmstart initialization.
Accurately predicting the future motion of surrounding vehicles requires reasoning about the inherent uncertainty in driving behavior. This uncertainty can be loosely decoupled into lateral (e.g., keeping lane, turning) and longitudinal (e.g., accelerating, braking). We present a novel method that combines learned discrete policy rollouts with a focused decoder on subsets of the lane graph. The policy rollouts explore different goals given current observations, ensuring that the model captures lateral variability. Longitudinal variability is captured by our latent variable model decoder that is conditioned on various subsets of the lane graph. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the nuScenes motion prediction dataset, and qualitatively demonstrates excellent scene compliance. Detailed ablations highlight the importance of the policy rollouts and the decoder architecture.
For robots to understand human instructions and perform meaningful tasks in the near future, it is important to develop learned models that comprehend referential language to identify common objects in real-world 3D scenes. In this paper, we introduce a spatial-language model for a 3D visual grounding problem. Specifically, given a reconstructed 3D scene in the form of point clouds with 3D bounding boxes of potential object candidates, and a language utterance referring to a target object in the scene, our model successfully identifies the target object from a set of potential candidates. Specifically, LanguageRefer uses a transformer-based architecture that combines spatial embedding from bounding boxes with fine-tuned language embeddings from DistilBert to predict the target object. We show that it performs competitively on visio-linguistic datasets proposed by ReferIt3D. Further, we analyze its spatial reasoning task performance decoupled from perception noise, the accuracy of view-dependent utterances, and viewpoint annotations for potential robotics applications.
When learning common skills like driving, beginners usually have domain experts standing by to ensure the safety of the learning process. We formulate such learning scheme under the Expert-in-the-loop Reinforcement Learning where a guardian is introduced to safeguard the exploration of the learning agent. While allowing the sufficient exploration in the uncertain environment, the guardian intervenes under dangerous situations and demonstrates the correct actions to avoid potential accidents. Thus ERL enables both exploration and expert's partial demonstration as two training sources. Following such a setting, we develop a novel Expert Guided Policy Optimization (EGPO) method which integrates the guardian in the loop of reinforcement learning. The guardian is composed of an expert policy to generate demonstration and a switch function to decide when to intervene. Particularly, a constrained optimization technique is used to tackle the trivial solution that the agent deliberately behaves dangerously to deceive the expert into taking over. Offline RL technique is further used to learn from the partial demonstration generated by the expert. Safe driving experiments show that our method achieves superior training and test-time safety, outperforms baselines with a substantial margin in sample efficiency, and preserves the generalizabiliy to unseen environments in test-time. Demo video and source code are available at: https://decisionforce.github.io/EGPO/
The ability to grasp and manipulate transparent objects is a major challenge for robots. Existing depth cameras have difficulty detecting, localizing, and inferring the geometry of such objects. We propose using neural radiance fields (NeRF) to detect, localize, and infer the geometry of transparent objects with sufficient accuracy to find and grasp them securely. We leverage NeRF's view-independent learned density, place lights to increase specular reflections, and perform a transparency-aware depth-rendering that we feed into the Dex-Net grasp planner. We show how additional lights create specular reflections that improve the quality of the depth map, and test a setup for a robot workcell equipped with an array of cameras to perform transparent object manipulation. We also create synthetic and real datasets of transparent objects in real-world settings, including singulated objects, cluttered tables, and the top rack of a dishwasher. In each setting we show that NeRF and Dex-Net are able to reliably compute robust grasps on transparent objects, achieving 90% and 100% grasp-success rates in physical experiments on an ABB YuMi, on objects where baseline methods fail.
In this work, we present and study a training set-up that achieves fast policy generation for real-world robotic tasks by using massive parallelism on a single workstation GPU. We analyze and discuss the impact of different training algorithm components in the massively parallel regime on the final policy performance and training times. In addition, we present a novel game-inspired curriculum that is well suited for training with thousands of simulated robots in parallel. We evaluate the approach by training the quadrupedal robot ANYmal to walk on challenging terrain. The parallel approach allows training policies for flat terrain in under four minutes, and in twenty minutes for uneven terrain. This represents a speedup of multiple orders of magnitude compared to previous work. Finally, we transfer the policies to the real robot to validate the approach.
Today's robots are increasingly interacting with people and need to efficiently learn inexperienced user's preferences. A common framework is to iteratively query the user about which of two presented robot trajectories they prefer. While this minimizes the users effort, a strict choice does not yield any information on how much one trajectory is preferred. We propose scale feedback, where the user utilizes a slider to give more nuanced information. We introduce a probabilistic model on how users would provide feedback and derive a learning framework for the robot. We demonstrate the performance benefit of slider feedback in simulations, and validate our approach in two user studies suggesting that scale feedback enables more effective learning in practice.
We find that across a wide range of robot policy learning scenarios, treating supervised policy learning with an implicit model generally performs better, on average, than commonly used explicit models. We present extensive experiments on this finding, and we provide both intuitive insight and theoretical arguments distinguishing the properties of implicit models compared to their explicit counterparts, particularly with respect to approximating complex, potentially discontinuous and multi-valued (set-valued) functions. On robotic policy learning tasks we show that implicit behavior-cloning policies with energy-based models (EBM) often outperform common explicit (Mean Square Error, or Mixture Density) behavior-cloning policies, including on tasks with high-dimensional action spaces and visual image inputs. We find these policies provide competitive results or outperform state-of-the-art offline reinforcement learning methods on the challenging human-expert tasks from the D4RL benchmark suite, despite using no reward information. In the real world, robots with implicit policies can learn complex and remarkably subtle behaviors on contact-rich tasks from human demonstrations, including tasks with high combinatorial complexity and tasks requiring 1mm precision.
While deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has impressive performance in a variety of continuous control tasks, one critical hurdle that limits the application of DRL to physical world is the lack of safety guarantees. It is challenging for DRL agents to persistently satisfy a hard state constraint (known as the safety specification) during training. On the other hand, safe control methods with safety guarantees have been extensively studied. However, to synthesize safe control, these methods require explicit analytical models of the dynamic system; but these models are usually not available in DRL. This paper presents a model-free safe control strategy to synthesize safeguards for DRL agents, which will ensure zero safety violation during training. In particular, we present an implicit safe set algorithm, which synthesizes the safety index (also called the barrier certificate) and the subsequent safe control law only by querying a black-box dynamic function (e.g., a digital twin simulator). The theoretical results indicate the implicit safe set algorithm guarantees forward invariance and finite-time convergence to the safe set. We validate the proposed method on the state-of-the-art safety benchmark Safety Gym. Results show that the proposed method achieves zero safety violation and gains $ 95\% \pm 9\%$ cumulative reward compared to state-of-the-art safe DRL methods. Moreover, it can easily scale to high-dimensional systems.
We introduce a novel scene reconstruction method to infer a fully editable and re-renderable model of a 3D road scene from a single image. We represent movable objects separately from the immovable background, and recover a full 3D model of each distinct object as well as their spatial relations in the scene. We leverage transformer-based detectors and neural implicit 3D representations and we build a Scene Decomposition Network (SDN) that reconstructs the scene in 3D. Furthermore, we show that this reconstruction can be used in an analysis-by-synthesis setting via differentiable rendering. Trained only on simulated road scenes, our method generalizes well to real data in the same class without any adaptation thanks to its strong inductive priors. Experiments on two synthetic-real dataset pairs (PD-DDAD and VKITTI-KITTI) show that our method can robustly recover scene geometry and appearance, as well as reconstruct and re-render the scene from novel viewpoints.
Natural language provides an accessible and expressive interface to specify long-term tasks for robotic agents. However, non-experts are likely to specify such tasks with high-level instructions, which abstract over specific robot actions through several layers of abstraction. We propose that key to bridging this gap between language and robot actions over long execution horizons are persistent representations. We propose a persistent spatial semantic representation method, and show how it enables building an agent that performs hierarchical reasoning to effectively execute long-term tasks. We evaluate our approach on the ALFRED benchmark and achieve state-of-the-art results, despite completely avoiding the commonly used step-by-step instructions. https://hlsm-alfred.github.io/
We propose a method that efficiently learns distributions over articulation models directly from depth images without the need to know articulation model categories a priori. By contrast, existing methods that learn articulation models from raw observations require objects to be textured, and most only predict point estimates of the model parameters. Our core contributions include a novel representation for distributions over rigid body transformations and articulation model parameters based on Screw theory, von Mises-Fisher distributions and Stiefel manifolds. Combining these concepts allows for an efficient, mathematically sound representation that inherently satisfies several constraints that rigid body transformations and articulations must adhere to. In addition, we introduce a novel deep-learning based approach, DUST-net, that efficiently learns such distributions and, hence, performs category-independent articulation model estimation while also providing model uncertainties. We evaluate our approach on two benchmarking datasets and three real-world objects and compare its performance with two current state-of-the-art methods. Our results demonstrate that DUST-net can successfully learn distributions over articulation models and their parameters for novel objects across articulation model categories with better accuracy than state-of-the-art methods.