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We present a framework and algorithms to learn controlled dynamics models using neural stochastic differential equations (SDEs)---SDEs whose drift and diffusion terms are both parametrized by neural networks. We construct the drift term to leverage a priori physics knowledge as inductive bias, and we design the diffusion term to represent a distance-aware estimate of the uncertainty in the learned model's predictions---it matches the system's underlying stochasticity when evaluated on states near those from the training dataset, and it predicts highly stochastic dynamics when evaluated on states beyond the training regime. The proposed neural SDEs can be evaluated quickly enough for use in model predictive control algorithms, or they can be used as simulators for model-based reinforcement learning. Furthermore, they make accurate predictions over long time horizons, even when trained on small datasets that cover limited regions of the state space. We demonstrate these capabilities through experiments on simulated robotic systems, as well as by using them to model and control a hexacopter's flight dynamics: A neural SDE trained using only three minutes of manually collected flight data results in a model-based control policy that accurately tracks aggressive trajectories that push the hexacopter's velocity and Euler angles to nearly double the maximum values observed in the training dataset.
Communication is often necessary for robot teams to collaborate and complete a decentralized task. Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) systems allow agents to learn how to collaborate and communicate to complete a task. These domains are ubiquitous and include safety-critical domains such as wildfire fighting, traffic control, or search and rescue missions. However, critical vulnerabilities may arise in communication systems as jamming the signals can interrupt the robot team. This work presents a framework for applying black-box adversarial attacks to learned MARL policies by manipulating only the communication signals between agents. Our system only requires observations of MARL policies after training is complete, as this is more realistic than attacking the training process. To this end, we imitate a learned policy of the targeted agents without direct interaction with the environment or ground truth rewards. Instead, we infer the rewards by only observing the behavior of the targeted agents. Our framework reduces reward by 201% compared to an equivalent baseline method and also shows favorable results when deployed in real swarm robots. Our novel attack methodology within MARL systems contributes to the field by enhancing our understanding on the reliability of multi-agent systems.
We present a self-supervised sensorimotor pre-training approach for robotics. Our model, called RPT, is a Transformer that operates on sequences of sensorimotor tokens. Given a sequence of camera images, proprioceptive robot states, and actions, we encode the sequence into tokens, mask out a subset, and train a model to predict the missing content from the rest. We hypothesize that if a robot can predict the masked-out content it will have acquired a good model of the physical world that can enable it to act. RPT is designed to operate on latent visual representations which makes prediction tractable, enables scaling to larger models, and allows fast inference on a real robot. To evaluate our approach, we collected a dataset of 20,000 real-world trajectories over 9 months using a combination of motion planning and grasping algorithms. We find that sensorimotor pre-training consistently outperforms training from scratch, has favorable scaling properties, and enables transfer across different tasks, environments, and robots.
Precise arbitrary trajectory tracking for quadrotors is challenging due to unknown nonlinear dynamics, trajectory infeasibility, and actuation limits. To tackle these challenges, we present DATT, a learning-based approach that can precisely track arbitrary, potentially infeasible trajectories in the presence of large disturbances in the real world. DATT builds on a novel feedforward-feedback-adaptive control structure trained in simulation using reinforcement learning. When deployed on real hardware, DATT is augmented with a disturbance estimator using $\mathcal{L}_1$ adaptive control in closed-loop, without any fine-tuning. DATT significantly outperforms competitive adaptive nonlinear and model predictive controllers for both feasible smooth and infeasible trajectories in unsteady wind fields, including challenging scenarios where baselines completely fail. Moreover, DATT can efficiently run online with an inference time less than 3.2ms, less than 1/4 of the adaptive nonlinear model predictive control baseline.
Brain-body co-design, which involves the collaborative design of control strategies and morphologies, has emerged as a promising approach to enhance a robot's adaptability to its environment. However, the conventional co-design process often starts from scratch, lacking the utilization of prior knowledge. This can result in time-consuming and costly endeavors. In this paper, we present PreCo, a novel methodology that efficiently integrates brain-body pre-training into the co-design process of modular soft robots. PreCo is based on the insight of embedding co-design principles into models, achieved by pre-training a universal co-design policy on a diverse set of tasks. This pre-trained co-designer is utilized to generate initial designs and control policies, which are then fine-tuned for specific co-design tasks. Through experiments on a modular soft robot system, our method demonstrates zero-shot generalization to unseen co-design tasks, facilitating few-shot adaptation while significantly reducing the number of policy iterations required.
Grasping objects by a specific subpart is often crucial for safety and for executing downstream tasks. We propose LERF-TOGO, Language Embedded Radiance Fields for Task-Oriented Grasping of Objects, which uses vision-language models zero-shot to output a grasp distribution over an object given a natural language query. To accomplish this, we first construct a LERF of the scene, which distills CLIP embeddings into a multi-scale 3D language field queryable with text. However, LERF has no sense of object boundaries, so its relevancy outputs often return incomplete activations over an object which are insufficient for grasping. LERF-TOGO mitigates this lack of spatial grouping by extracting a 3D object mask via DINO features and then conditionally querying LERF on this mask to obtain a semantic distribution over the object to rank grasps from an off-the-shelf grasp planner. We evaluate LERF-TOGO’s ability to grasp task-oriented object parts on 31 physical objects, and find it selects grasps on the correct part in 81% of trials and grasps successfully in 69%. Code, data, appendix, and details are available at: lerftogo.github.io
We propose BOSS, an approach that automatically learns to solve new long-horizon, complex, and meaningful tasks by growing a learned skill library with minimal supervision. Prior work in reinforcement learning require expert supervision, in the form of demonstrations or rich reward functions, to learn long-horizon tasks. Instead, our approach BOSS (BOotStrapping your own Skills) learns to accomplish new tasks by performing "skill bootstrapping," where an agent with a set of primitive skills interacts with the environment to practice new skills without receiving reward feedback for tasks outside of the initial skill set. This bootstrapping phase is guided by large language models (LLMs) that inform the agent of meaningful skills to chain together. Through this process, BOSS builds a wide range of complex and useful behaviors from a basic set of primitive skills. We demonstrate through experiments in realistic household environments that agents trained with our LLM-guided bootstrapping procedure outperform those trained with naive bootstrapping as well as prior unsupervised skill acquisition methods on zero-shot execution of unseen, long-horizon tasks in new environments. Website at clvrai.com/boss.
Parkour is a grand challenge for legged locomotion that requires robots to overcome various obstacles rapidly in complex environments. Existing methods can generate either diverse but blind locomotion skills or vision-based but specialized skills by using reference animal data or complex rewards. However, \textit{autonomous} parkour requires robots to learn generalizable skills that are both vision-based and diverse to perceive and react to various scenarios. In this work, we propose a system for learning a single end-to-end vision-based parkour policy of diverse parkour skills using a simple reward without any reference motion data. We develop a reinforcement learning method inspired by direct collocation to generate parkour skills, including climbing over high obstacles, leaping over large gaps, crawling beneath low barriers, squeezing through thin slits, and running. We distill these skills into a single vision-based parkour policy and transfer it to a quadrupedal robot using its egocentric depth camera. We demonstrate that our system can empower low-cost quadrupedal robots to autonomously select and execute appropriate parkour skills to traverse challenging environments in the real world. Project website: https://robot-parkour.github.io/
Tracing – estimating the spatial state of – long deformable linear objects such as cables, threads, hoses, or ropes, is useful for a broad range of tasks in homes, retail, factories, construction, transportation, and healthcare. For long deformable linear objects (DLOs or simply cables) with many (over 25) crossings, we present HANDLOOM (Heterogeneous Autoregressive Learned Deformable Linear Object Observation and Manipulation) a learning-based algorithm that fits a trace to a greyscale image of cables. We evaluate HANDLOOM on semi-planar DLO configurations where each crossing involves at most 2 segments. HANDLOOM makes use of neural networks trained with 30,000 simulated examples and 568 real examples to autoregressively estimate traces of cables and classify crossings. Experiments find that in settings with multiple identical cables, HANDLOOM can trace each cable with 80% accuracy. In single-cable images, HANDLOOM can trace and identify knots with 77% accuracy. When HANDLOOM is incorporated into a bimanual robot system, it enables state-based imitation of knot tying with 80% accuracy, and it successfully untangles 64% of cable configurations across 3 levels of difficulty. Additionally, HANDLOOM demonstrates generalization to knot types and materials (rubber, cloth rope) not present in the training dataset with 85% accuracy. Supplementary material, including all code and an annotated dataset of RGB-D images of cables along with ground-truth traces, is at https://sites.google.com/view/cable-tracing.
We present task-oriented Koopman-based control that utilizes end-to-end reinforcement learning and contrastive encoder to simultaneously learn the Koopman latent embedding, operator, and associated linear controller within an iterative loop. By prioritizing the task cost as the main objective for controller learning, we reduce the reliance of controller design on a well-identified model, which, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, extends Koopman control from low to high-dimensional, complex nonlinear systems, including pixel-based tasks and a real robot with lidar observations. Code and videos are available: https://sites.google.com/view/kpmlilatsupp/.
Self-supervised and language-supervised image models contain rich knowledge of the world that is important for generalization. Many robotic tasks, however, require a detailed understanding of 3D geometry, which is often lacking in 2D image features. This work bridges this 2D-to-3D gap for robotic manipulation by leveraging distilled feature fields to combine accurate 3D geometry with rich semantics from 2D foundation models. We present a few-shot learning method for 6-DOF grasping and placing that harnesses these strong spatial and semantic priors to achieve in-the-wild generalization to unseen objects. Using features distilled from a vision-language model, CLIP, we present a way to designate novel objects for manipulation via free-text natural language, and demonstrate its ability to generalize to unseen expressions and novel categories of objects. Project website: https://f3rm.csail.mit.edu
Sampling-based motion planning algorithms excel at searching global solution paths in geometrically complex settings. However, classical approaches, such as RRT, are difficult to scale beyond low-dimensional search spaces and rely on privileged knowledge e.g. about collision detection and underlying state distances. In this work, we take a step towards the integration of sampling-based planning into the reinforcement learning framework to solve sparse-reward control tasks from high-dimensional inputs. Our method, called VELAP, determines sequences of waypoints through sampling-based exploration in a learned state embedding. Unlike other sampling-based techniques, we iteratively expand a tree-based memory of visited latent areas, which is leveraged to explore a larger portion of the latent space for a given number of search iterations. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results in learning control from offline data in the context of vision-based manipulation under sparse reward feedback. Our method extends the set of available planning tools in model-based reinforcement learning by adding a latent planner that searches globally for feasible paths instead of being bound to a fixed prediction horizon.
Large language models (LLMs) are shown to possess a wealth of actionable knowledge that can be extracted for robot manipulation in the form of reasoning and planning. Despite the progress, most still rely on pre-defined motion primitives to carry out the physical interactions with the environment, which remains a major bottleneck. In this work, we aim to synthesize robot trajectories, i.e., a dense sequence of 6-DoF end-effector waypoints, for a large variety of manipulation tasks given an open-set of instructions and an open-set of objects. We achieve this by first observing that LLMs excel at inferring affordances and constraints given a free-form language instruction. More importantly, by leveraging their code-writing capabilities, they can interact with a vision-language model (VLM) to compose 3D value maps to ground the knowledge into the observation space of the agent. The composed value maps are then used in a model-based planning framework to zero-shot synthesize closed-loop robot trajectories with robustness to dynamic perturbations. We further demonstrate how the proposed framework can benefit from online experiences by efficiently learning a dynamics model for scenes that involve contact-rich interactions. We present a large-scale study of the proposed method in both simulated and real-robot environments, showcasing the ability to perform a large variety of everyday manipulation tasks specified in free-form natural language.
Continual reinforcement learning aims to sequentially learn a variety of tasks, retaining the ability to perform previously encountered tasks while simultaneously developing new policies for novel tasks. However, current continual RL approaches overlook the fact that certain tasks are identical under basic group operations like rotations or translations, especially with visual inputs. They may unnecessarily learn and maintain a new policy for each similar task, leading to poor sample efficiency and weak generalization capability. To address this, we introduce a unique Continual Vision-based Reinforcement Learning method that recognizes Group Symmetries, called COVERS, cultivating a policy for each group of equivalent tasks rather than an individual task. COVERS employs a proximal-policy-gradient-based (PPO-based) algorithm to train each policy, which contains an equivariant feature extractor and takes inputs with different modalities, including image observations and robot proprioceptive states. It also utilizes an unsupervised task grouping mechanism that relies on 1-Wasserstein distance on the extracted invariant features. We evaluate COVERS on a sequence of table-top manipulation tasks in simulation and on a real robot platform. Our results show that COVERS accurately assigns tasks to their respective groups and significantly outperforms baselines by generalizing to unseen but equivariant tasks in seen task groups. Demos are available on our project page: https://sites.google.com/view/rl-covers/.
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is an efficient technique for robots to acquire new skills through expert observation, significantly mitigating the need for laborious manual reward function design. This paper introduces a novel framework for model-based LfD in the context of robotic manipulation. Our proposed pipeline is underpinned by two primary components: self-supervised pose and shape estimation and contact sequence generation. The former utilizes differentiable rendering to estimate object poses and shapes from demonstration videos, while the latter iteratively optimizes contact points and forces using differentiable simulation, consequently effectuating object transformations. Empirical evidence demonstrates the efficacy of our LfD pipeline in acquiring manipulation actions from human demonstrations. Complementary to this, ablation studies focusing on object tracking and contact sequence inference underscore the robustness and efficiency of our approach in generating long-horizon manipulation actions, even amidst environmental noise. Validation of our results extends to real-world deployment of the proposed pipeline. Supplementary materials and videos are available on our webpage.
Stowing, the task of placing objects in cluttered shelves or bins, is a common task in warehouse and manufacturing operations. However, this task is still predominantly carried out by human workers as stowing is challenging to automate due to the complex multi-object interactions and long-horizon nature of the task. Previous works typically involve extensive data collection and costly human labeling of semantic priors across diverse object categories. This paper presents a method to learn a generalizable robot stowing policy from predictive model of object interactions and a single demonstration with behavior primitives. We propose a novel framework that utilizes Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to predict object interactions within the parameter space of behavioral primitives. We further employ primitive-augmented trajectory optimization to search the parameters of a predefined library of heterogeneous behavioral primitives to instantiate the control action. Our framework enables robots to proficiently execute long-horizon stowing tasks with a few keyframes (3-4) from a single demonstration. Despite being solely trained in a simulation, our framework demonstrates remarkable generalization capabilities. It efficiently adapts to a broad spectrum of real-world conditions, including various shelf widths, fluctuating quantities of objects, and objects with diverse attributes such as sizes and shapes.
Key to rich, dexterous manipulation in the real world is the ability to coordinate control across two hands. However, while the promise afforded by bimanual robotic systems is immense, constructing control policies for dual arm autonomous systems brings inherent difficulties. One such difficulty is the high-dimensionality of the bimanual action space, which adds complexity to both model-based and data-driven methods. We counteract this challenge by drawing inspiration from humans to propose a novel role assignment framework: a stabilizing arm holds an object in place to simplify the environment while an acting arm executes the task. We instantiate this framework with BimanUal Dexterity from Stabilization (BUDS), which uses a learned restabilizing classifier to alternate between updating a learned stabilization position to keep the environment unchanged, and accomplishing the task with an acting policy learned from demonstrations. We evaluate BUDS on four bimanual tasks of varying complexities on real-world robots, such as zipping jackets and cutting vegetables. Given only 20 demonstrations, BUDS achieves 76.9% task success across our task suite, and generalizes to out-of-distribution objects within a class with a 52.7% success rate. BUDS is 56.0% more successful than an unstructured baseline that instead learns a BC stabilizing policy due to the precision required of these complex tasks. Supplementary material and videos can be found at https://tinyurl.com/stabilizetoact.
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive results in developing generalist planning agents for diverse tasks. However, grounding these plans in expansive, multi-floor, and multi-room environments presents a significant challenge for robotics. We introduce SayPlan, a scalable approach to LLM-based, large-scale task planning for robotics using 3D scene graph (3DSG) representations. To ensure the scalability of our approach, we: (1) exploit the hierarchical nature of 3DSGs to allow LLMs to conduct a "semantic search" for task-relevant subgraphs from a smaller, collapsed representation of the full graph; (2) reduce the planning horizon for the LLM by integrating a classical path planner and (3) introduce an "iterative replanning" pipeline that refines the initial plan using feedback from a scene graph simulator, correcting infeasible actions and avoiding planning failures. We evaluate our approach on two large-scale environments spanning up to 3 floors and 36 rooms with 140 assets and objects and show that our approach is capable of grounding large-scale, long-horizon task plans from abstract, and natural language instruction for a mobile manipulator robot to execute. We provide real robot video demonstrations on our project page https://sayplan.github.io.
As human-robot interaction (HRI) systems advance, so does the difficulty of evaluating and understanding the strengths and limitations of these systems in different environments and with different users. To this end, previous methods have algorithmically generated diverse scenarios that reveal system failures in a shared control teleoperation task. However, these methods require directly evaluating generated scenarios by simulating robot policies and human actions. The computational cost of these evaluations limits their applicability in more complex domains. Thus, we propose augmenting scenario generation systems with surrogate models that predict both human and robot behaviors. In the shared control teleoperation domain and a more complex shared workspace collaboration task, we show that surrogate assisted scenario generation efficiently synthesizes diverse datasets of challenging scenarios. We demonstrate that these failures are reproducible in real-world interactions.
Large language models (LLMs) exhibit a wide range of promising capabilities --- from step-by-step planning to commonsense reasoning --- that may provide utility for robots, but remain prone to confidently hallucinated predictions. In this work, we present KnowNo, a framework for measuring and aligning the uncertainty of LLM-based planners, such that they know when they don't know, and ask for help when needed. KnowNo builds on the theory of conformal prediction to provide statistical guarantees on task completion while minimizing human help in complex multi-step planning settings. Experiments across a variety of simulated and real robot setups that involve tasks with different modes of ambiguity (for example, from spatial to numeric uncertainties, from human preferences to Winograd schemas) show that KnowNo performs favorably over modern baselines (which may involve ensembles or extensive prompt tuning) in terms of improving efficiency and autonomy, while providing formal assurances. KnowNo can be used with LLMs out-of-the-box without model-finetuning, and suggests a promising lightweight approach to modeling uncertainty that can complement and scale with the growing capabilities of foundation models.
Navigating safely and efficiently in dense and heterogeneous traffic scenarios is challenging for autonomous vehicles (AVs) due to their inability to infer the behaviors or intentions of nearby drivers. In this work, we introduce a distributed multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithm for joint trajectory and intent prediction for autonomous vehicles in dense and heterogeneous environments. Our approach for intent-aware planning, iPLAN, allows agents to infer nearby drivers' intents solely from their local observations. We model an explicit representation of agents' private incentives: Behavioral Incentive for high-level decision-making strategy that sets planning sub-goals and Instant Incentive for low-level motion planning to execute sub-goals. Our approach enables agents to infer their opponents' behavior incentives and integrate this inferred information into their decision-making and motion-planning processes. We perform experiments on two simulation environments, Non-Cooperative Navigation and Heterogeneous Highway. In Heterogeneous Highway, results show that, compared with centralized training decentralized execution (CTDE) MARL baselines such as QMIX and MAPPO, our method yields a $4.3\%$ and $38.4\%$ higher episodic reward in mild and chaotic traffic, with $48.1\%$ higher success rate and $80.6\%$ longer survival time in chaotic traffic. We also compare with a decentralized training decentralized execution (DTDE) baseline IPPO and demonstrate a higher episodic reward of $12.7\%$ and $6.3\%$ in mild traffic and chaotic traffic, $25.3\%$ higher success rate, and $13.7\%$ longer survival time.
Despite impressive dexterous manipulation capabilities enabled by learning-based approaches, we are yet to witness widespread adoption beyond well-resourced laboratories. This is likely due to practical limitations, such as significant computational burden, inscrutable learned behaviors, sensitivity to initialization, and the considerable technical expertise required for implementation. In this work, we investigate the utility of Koopman operator theory in alleviating these limitations. Koopman operators are simple yet powerful control-theoretic structures to represent complex nonlinear dynamics as linear systems in higher dimensions. Motivated by the fact that complex nonlinear dynamics underlie dexterous manipulation, we develop a Koopman operator-based imitation learning framework to learn the desired motions of both the robotic hand and the object simultaneously. We show that Koopman operators are surprisingly effective for dexterous manipulation and offer a number of unique benefits. Notably, policies can be learned analytically, drastically reducing computation burden and eliminating sensitivity to initialization and the need for painstaking hyperparameter optimization. Our experiments reveal that a Koopman operator-based approach can perform comparably to state-of-the-art imitation learning algorithms in terms of success rate and sample efficiency, while being an order of magnitude faster. Policy videos can be viewed at https://sites.google.com/view/kodex-corl.
Imitation learning from human demonstrations is a promising paradigm for teaching robots manipulation skills in the real world. However, learning complex long-horizon tasks often requires an unattainable amount of demonstrations. To reduce the high data requirement, we resort to human play data - video sequences of people freely interacting with the environment using their hands. Even with different morphologies, we hypothesize that human play data contain rich and salient information about physical interactions that can readily facilitate robot policy learning. Motivated by this, we introduce a hierarchical learning framework named MimicPlay that learns latent plans from human play data to guide low-level visuomotor control trained on a small number of teleoperated demonstrations. With systematic evaluations of 14 long-horizon manipulation tasks in the real world, we show that MimicPlay outperforms state-of-the-art imitation learning methods in task success rate, generalization ability, and robustness to disturbances. Code and videos are available at https://mimic-play.github.io.
Realistic and controllable traffic simulation is a core capability that is necessary to accelerate autonomous vehicle (AV) development. However, current approaches for controlling learning-based traffic models require significant domain expertise and are difficult for practitioners to use. To remedy this, we present CTG++, a scene-level conditional diffusion model that can be guided by language instructions. Developing this requires tackling two challenges: the need for a realistic and controllable traffic model backbone, and an effective method to interface with a traffic model using language. To address these challenges, we first propose a scene-level diffusion model equipped with a spatio-temporal transformer backbone, which generates realistic and controllable traffic. We then harness a large language model (LLM) to convert a user's query into a loss function, guiding the diffusion model towards query-compliant generation. Through comprehensive evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method in generating realistic, query-compliant traffic simulations.
The advancement of robots, particularly those functioning in complex human-centric environments, relies on control solutions that are driven by machine learning. Understanding how learning-based controllers make decisions is crucial since robots are mostly safety-critical systems. This urges a formal and quantitative understanding of the explanatory factors in the interpretability of robot learning. In this paper, we aim to study interpretability of compact neural policies through the lens of disentangled representation. We leverage decision trees to obtain factors of variation [1] for disentanglement in robot learning; these encapsulate skills, behaviors, or strategies toward solving tasks. To assess how well networks uncover the underlying task dynamics, we introduce interpretability metrics that measure disentanglement of learned neural dynamics from a concentration of decisions, mutual information and modularity perspective. We showcase the effectiveness of the connection between interpretability and disentanglement consistently across extensive experimental analysis.