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To cope with distribution shifts or non-stationarity in system dynamics, online adaptation algorithms have been introduced to update offline-learned prediction models in real-time. Existing online adaptation methods focus on optimizing the prediction model by utilizing feedback from the latest prediction error. Unfortunately, this feedback-based approach is susceptible to forgetting past information. This work proposes an online adaptation method with feedforward compensation, which uses critical data samples from a memory buffer, instead of the latest samples, to optimize the prediction model. We prove that the proposed approach achieves a smaller error bound compared to previously utilized methods in slow time-varying systems. We conducted experiments on several prediction tasks, which clearly illustrate the superiority of the proposed feedforward adaptation method. Furthermore, our feedforward adaptation technique is capable of estimating an uncertainty bound for predictions.
Finding and grasping a target object on a cluttered shelf, especially when the target is occluded by other unknown objects and initially invisible, remains a significant challenge in robotic manipulation. While there have been advances in finding the target object by rearranging surrounding objects using specialized tools, developing algorithms that work with standard robot grippers remains an unresolved issue. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework for finding and grasping the target object using a standard gripper, employing pushing and pick and-place actions. To achieve this, we introduce two indicator functions: (i) an existence function, determining the potential presence of the target, and (ii) a graspability function, assessing the feasibility of grasping the identified target. We then formulate a model-based optimal control problem. The core component of our approach involves leveraging a 3D recognition model, enabling efficient estimation of the proposed indicator functions and their associated dynamics models. Our method succeeds in finding and grasping the target object using a standard robot gripper in both simulations and real-world settings. In particular, we demonstrate the adaptability and robustness of our method in the presence of noise in real-world vision sensor data. The code for our framework is available at https://github.com/seungyeon-k/Search-for-Grasp-public.
While imitation learning methods have seen a resurgent interest for robotic manipulation, the well-known problem of compounding errors continues to afflict behavioral cloning (BC). Waypoints can help address this problem by reducing the horizon of the learning problem for BC, and thus, the errors compounded over time. However, waypoint labeling is underspecified, and requires additional human supervision. Can we generate waypoints automatically without any additional human supervision? Our key insight is that if a trajectory segment can be approximated by linear motion, the endpoints can be used as waypoints. We propose Automatic Waypoint Extraction (AWE) for imitation learning, a preprocessing module to decompose a demonstration into a minimal set of waypoints which when interpolated linearly can approximate the trajectory up to a specified error threshold. AWE can be combined with any BC algorithm, and we find that AWE can increase the success rate of state-of-the-art algorithms by up to 25% in simulation and by 4-28% on real-world bimanual manipulation tasks, reducing the decision making horizon by up to a factor of 10. Videos and code are available at https://lucys0.github.io/awe/.
We study the problem of offline pre-training and online fine-tuning for reinforcement learning from high-dimensional observations in the context of realistic robot tasks. Recent offline model-free approaches successfully use online fine-tuning to either improve the performance of the agent over the data collection policy or adapt to novel tasks. At the same time, model-based RL algorithms have achieved significant progress in sample efficiency and the complexity of the tasks they can solve, yet remain under-utilized in the fine-tuning setting. In this work, we argue that existing methods for high-dimensional model-based offline RL are not suitable for offline-to-online fine-tuning due to issues with distribution shifts, off-dynamics data, and non-stationary rewards. We propose an on-policy model-based method that can efficiently reuse prior data through model-based value expansion and policy regularization, while preventing model exploitation by controlling epistemic uncertainty. We find that our approach successfully solves tasks from the MetaWorld benchmark, as well as the Franka Kitchen robot manipulation environment completely from images. To our knowledge, MOTO is the first and only method to solve this environment from pixels.
We present an Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graph (OVSG), a formal framework for grounding a variety of entities, such as object instances, agents, and regions, with free-form text-based queries. Unlike conventional semantic-based object localization approaches, our system facilitates context-aware entity localization, allowing for queries such as “pick up a cup on a kitchen table” or “navigate to a sofa on which someone is sitting”. In contrast to existing research on 3D scene graphs, OVSG supports free-form text input and open-vocabulary querying. Through a series of comparative experiments using the ScanNet dataset and a self-collected dataset, we demonstrate that our proposed approach significantly surpasses the performance of previous semantic-based localization techniques. Moreover, we highlight the practical application of OVSG in real-world robot navigation and manipulation experiments. The code and dataset used for evaluation will be made available upon publication.
Dexterous manipulation tasks involving contact-rich interactions pose a significant challenge for both model-based control systems and imitation learning algorithms. The complexity arises from the need for multi-fingered robotic hands to dynamically establish and break contacts, balance forces on the non-prehensile object, and control a high number of degrees of freedom. Reinforcement learning (RL) offers a promising approach due to its general applicability and capacity to autonomously acquire optimal manipulation strategies. However, its real-world application is often hindered by the necessity to generate a large number of samples, reset the environment, and obtain reward signals. In this work, we introduce an efficient system for learning dexterous manipulation skills with RL to alleviate these challenges. The main idea of our approach is the integration of recent advancements in sample-efficient RL and replay buffer bootstrapping. This unique combination allows us to utilize data from different tasks or objects as a starting point for training new tasks, significantly improving learning efficiency. Additionally, our system completes the real-world training cycle by incorporating learned resets via an imitation-based pickup policy and learned reward functions, to eliminate the need for manual reset and reward engineering. We show the benefits of reusing past data as replay buffer initialization for new tasks, for instance, the fast acquisitions of intricate manipulation skills in the real world on a four-fingered robotic hand. \href{https://sites.google.com/view/reboot-dexterous}{https://sites.google.com/view/reboot-dexterous})
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to learn an optimal policy from pre-collected and labeled datasets, which eliminates the time-consuming data collection in online RL. However, offline RL still bears a large burden of specifying/handcrafting extrinsic rewards for each transition in the offline data. As a remedy for the labor-intensive labeling, we propose to endow offline RL tasks with a few expert data and utilize the limited expert data to drive intrinsic rewards, thus eliminating the need for extrinsic rewards. To achieve that, we introduce Calibrated Latent gUidancE (CLUE), which utilizes a conditional variational auto-encoder to learn a latent space such that intrinsic rewards can be directly qualified over the latent space. CLUE's key idea is to align the intrinsic rewards consistent with the expert intention via enforcing the embeddings of expert data to a calibrated contextual representation. We instantiate the expert-driven intrinsic rewards in sparse-reward offline RL tasks, offline imitation learning (IL) tasks, and unsupervised offline RL tasks. Empirically, we find that CLUE can effectively improve the sparse-reward offline RL performance, outperform the state-of-the-art offline IL baselines, and discover diverse skills from static reward-free offline data.
Our goal is for robots to follow natural language instructions like ``put the towel next to the microwave.'' But getting large amounts of labeled data, i.e. data that contains demonstrations of tasks labeled with the language instruction, is prohibitive. In contrast, obtaining policies that respond to image goals is much easier, because any autonomous trial or demonstration can be labeled in hindsight with its final state as the goal. In this work, we contribute a method that taps into joint image- and goal- conditioned policies with language using only a small amount of language data. Prior work has made progress on this using vision-language models or by jointly training language-goal-conditioned policies, but so far neither method has scaled effectively to real-world robot tasks without significant human annotation. Our method achieves robust performance in the real world by learning an embedding from the labeled data that aligns language not to the goal image, but rather to the desired change between the start and goal images that the instruction corresponds to. We then train a policy on this embedding: the policy benefits from all the unlabeled data, but the aligned embedding provides an *interface* for language to steer the policy. We show instruction following across a variety of manipulation tasks in different scenes, with generalization to language instructions outside of the labeled data.
We introduce GROOT, an imitation learning method for learning robust policies with object-centric and 3D priors. GROOT builds policies that generalize beyond their initial training conditions for vision-based manipulation. It constructs object-centric 3D representations that are robust toward background changes and camera views and reason over these representations using a transformer-based policy. Furthermore, we introduce a segmentation correspondence model that allows policies to generalize to new objects at test time. Through comprehensive experiments, we validate the robustness of GROOT policies against perceptual variations in simulated and real-world environments. GROOT’s performance excels in generalization over background changes, camera viewpoint shifts, and the presence of new object instances, whereas both state-of-the-art end-to-end learning methods and object proposal-based approaches fall short. We also extensively evaluate GROOT policies on real robots, where we demonstrate the efficacy under very wild changes in setup. More videos and model details can be found in the appendix and the project website https://ut-austin-rpl.github.io/GROOT.
Dynamical System (DS) based Learning from Demonstration (LfD) allows learning of reactive motion policies with stability and convergence guarantees from a few trajectories. Yet, current DS learning techniques lack the flexibility to generalize to new task instances as they overlook explicit task parameters that inherently change the underlying demonstrated trajectories. In this work, we propose Elastic-DS, a novel DS learning and generalization approach that embeds task parameters into the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) DS formulation. Central to our approach is the Elastic-GMM, a GMM constrained to SE(3) task-relevant frames. Given a new task instance/context, the Elastic-GMM is transformed with Laplacian Editing and used to re-estimate the LPV-DS policy. Elastic-DS is compositional in nature and can be used to construct flexible multi-step tasks. We showcase its strength on a myriad of simulated and real-robot experiments while preserving desirable control-theoretic guarantees.
Recent advances in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) are enabling impressive coordination in heterogeneous multi-robot teams. However, existing approaches often overlook the challenge of generalizing learned policies to teams of new compositions, sizes, and robots. While such generalization might not be important in teams of virtual agents that can retrain policies on-demand, it is pivotal in multi-robot systems that are deployed in the real-world and must readily adapt to inevitable changes. As such, multi-robot policies must remain robust to team changes -- an ability we call adaptive teaming. In this work, we investigate if awareness and communication of robot capabilities can provide such generalization by conducting detailed experiments involving an established multi-robot test bed. We demonstrate that shared decentralized policies, that enable robots to be both aware of and communicate their capabilities, can achieve adaptive teaming by implicitly capturing the fundamental relationship between collective capabilities and effective coordination. Videos of trained policies can be viewed at https://sites.google.com/view/cap-comm .
Contact is at the core of robotic manipulation. At times, it is desired (e.g. manipulation and grasping), and at times, it is harmful (e.g. when avoiding obstacles). However, traditional path planning algorithms focus solely on collision-free paths, limiting their applicability in contact-rich tasks. To address this limitation, we propose the domain of Language-Conditioned Path Planning, where contact-awareness is incorporated into the path planning problem. As a first step in this domain, we propose Language-Conditioned Collision Functions (LACO), a novel approach that learns a collision function using only a single-view image, language prompt, and robot configuration. LACO predicts collisions between the robot and the environment, enabling flexible, conditional path planning without the need for manual object annotations, point cloud data, or ground-truth object meshes. In both simulation and the real world, we demonstrate that LACO can facilitate complex, nuanced path plans that allow for interaction with objects that are safe to collide, rather than prohibiting any collision.
Mapless navigation refers to a challenging task where a mobile robot must rapidly navigate to a predefined destination using its partial knowledge of the environment, which is updated online along the way, instead of a prior map of the environment. Inspired by the recent developments in deep reinforcement learning (DRL), we propose a learning-based framework for mapless navigation, which employs a context-aware policy network to achieve efficient decision-making (i.e., maximize the likelihood of finding the shortest route towards the target destination), especially in complex and large-scale environments. Specifically, our robot learns to form a context of its belief over the entire known area, which it uses to reason about long-term efficiency and sequence show-term movements. Additionally, we propose a graph rarefaction algorithm to enable more efficient decision-making in large-scale applications. We empirically demonstrate that our approach reduces average travel time by up to $61.4\%$ and average planning time by up to $88.2\%$ compared to benchmark planners (D*lite and BIT) on hundreds of test scenarios. We also validate our approach both in high-fidelity Gazebo simulations as well as on hardware, highlighting its promising applicability in the real world without further training/tuning.
The offline reinforcement learning (RL) paradigm provides a general recipe to convert static behavior datasets into policies that can perform better than the policy that collected the data. While policy constraints, conservatism, and other methods for mitigating distributional shifts have made offline reinforcement learning more effective, the continuous action setting often necessitates various approximations for applying these techniques. Many of these challenges are greatly alleviated in discrete action settings, where offline RL constraints and regularizers can often be computed more precisely or even exactly. In this paper, we propose an adaptive scheme for action quantization. We use a VQ-VAE to learn state- conditioned action quantization, avoiding the exponential blowup that comes with naïve discretization of the action space. We show that several state-of-the-art offline RL methods such as IQL, CQL, and BRAC improve in performance on benchmarks when combined with our proposed discretization scheme. We further validate our approach on a set of challenging long-horizon complex robotic manipulation tasks in the Robomimic environment, where our discretized offline RL algorithms are able to improve upon their continuous counterparts by 2-3x. Our project page is at saqrl.github.io
Humans use different modalities, such as speech, text, images, videos, etc., to communicate their intent and goals with teammates. For robots to become better assistants, we aim to endow them with the ability to follow instructions and understand tasks specified by their human partners. Most robotic policy learning methods have focused on one single modality of task specification while ignoring the rich cross-modal information. We present MUTEX, a unified approach to policy learning from multimodal task specifications. It trains a transformer-based architecture to facilitate cross-modal reasoning, combining masked modeling and cross-modal matching objectives in a two-stage training procedure. After training, MUTEX can follow a task specification in any of the six learned modalities (video demonstrations, goal images, text goal descriptions, text instructions, speech goal descriptions, and speech instructions) or a combination of them. We systematically evaluate the benefits of MUTEX in a newly designed dataset with 100 tasks in simulation and 50 tasks in the real world, annotated with multiple instances of task specifications in different modalities, and observe improved performance over methods trained specifically for any single modality. More information at https://ut-austin-rpl.github.io/MUTEX/
In this paper, we propose composable part-based manipulation (CPM), a novel approach that leverages object-part decomposition and part-part correspondences to improve learning and generalization of robotic manipulation skills. By considering the functional correspondences between object parts, we conceptualize functional actions, such as pouring and constrained placing, as combinations of different correspondence constraints. CPM comprises a collection of composable diffusion models, where each model captures a different inter-object correspondence. These diffusion models can generate parameters for manipulation skills based on the specific object parts. Leveraging part-based correspondences coupled with the task decomposition into distinct constraints enables strong generalization to novel objects and object categories. We validate our approach in both simulated and real-world scenarios, demonstrating its effectiveness in achieving robust and generalized manipulation capabilities.
An outstanding challenge for the widespread deployment of robotic systems like autonomous vehicles is ensuring safe interaction with humans without sacrificing performance. Existing safety methods often neglect the robot’s ability to learn and adapt at runtime, leading to overly conservative behavior. This paper proposes a new closed-loop paradigm for synthesizing safe control policies that explicitly account for the robot’s evolving uncertainty and its ability to quickly respond to future scenarios as they arise, by jointly considering the physical dynamics and the robot’s learning algorithm. We leverage adversarial reinforcement learning for tractable safety analysis under high-dimensional learning dynamics and demonstrate our framework’s ability to work with both Bayesian belief propagation and implicit learning through large pre-trained neural trajectory predictors.
Replicating human-like dexterity in robot hands represents one of the largest open problems in robotics. Reinforcement learning is a promising approach that has achieved impressive progress in the last few years; however, the class of problems it has typically addressed corresponds to a rather narrow definition of dexterity as compared to human capabilities. To address this gap, we investigate piano-playing, a skill that challenges even the human limits of dexterity, as a means to test high-dimensional control, and which requires high spatial and temporal precision, and complex finger coordination and planning. We introduce RoboPianist, a system that enables simulated anthropomorphic hands to learn an extensive repertoire of 150 piano pieces where traditional model-based optimization struggles. We additionally introduce an open-sourced environment, benchmark of tasks, interpretable evaluation metrics, and open challenges for future study. Our website featuring videos, code, and datasets is available at https://kzakka.com/robopianist/
Practical Imitation Learning (IL) systems rely on large human demonstration datasets for successful policy learning. However, challenges lie in maintaining the quality of collected data and addressing the suboptimal nature of some demonstrations, which can compromise the overall dataset quality and hence the learning outcome. Furthermore, the intrinsic heterogeneity in human behavior can produce equally successful but disparate demonstrations, further exacerbating the challenge of discerning demonstration quality. To address these challenges, this paper introduces Learning to Discern (L2D), an offline imitation learning framework for learning from demonstrations with diverse quality and style. Given a small batch of demonstrations with sparse quality labels, we learn a latent representation for temporally embedded trajectory segments. Preference learning in this latent space trains a quality evaluator that generalizes to new demonstrators exhibiting different styles. Empirically, we show that L2D can effectively assess and learn from varying demonstrations, thereby leading to improved policy performance across a range of tasks in both simulations and on a physical robot.
We focus on developing efficient and reliable policy optimization strategies for robot learning with real-world data. In recent years, policy gradient methods have emerged as a promising paradigm for training control policies in simulation. However, these approaches often remain too data inefficient or unreliable to train on real robotic hardware. In this paper we introduce a novel policy gradient-based policy optimization framework which systematically leverages a (possibly highly simplified) first-principles model and enables learning precise control policies with limited amounts of real-world data. Our approach $1)$ uses the derivatives of the model to produce sample-efficient estimates of the policy gradient and $2)$ uses the model to design a low-level tracking controller, which is embedded in the policy class. Theoretical analysis provides insight into how the presence of this feedback controller addresses overcomes key limitations of stand-alone policy gradient methods, while hardware experiments with a small car and quadruped demonstrate that our approach can learn precise control strategies reliably and with only minutes of real-world data.
With the advent of large language models and large-scale robotic datasets, there has been tremendous progress in high-level decision-making for object manipulation. These generic models are able to interpret complex tasks using language commands, but they often have difficulties generalizing to out-of-distribution objects due to the inability of low-level action primitives. In contrast, existing task-specific models excel in low-level manipulation of unknown objects, but only work for a single type of action. To bridge this gap, we present M2T2, a single model that supplies different types of low-level actions that work robustly on arbitrary objects in cluttered scenes. M2T2 is a transformer model which reasons about contact points and predicts valid gripper poses for different action modes given a raw point cloud of the scene. Trained on a large-scale synthetic dataset with 128K scenes, M2T2 achieves zero-shot sim2real transfer on the real robot, outperforming the baseline system with state-of-the-art task-specific models by about 19% in overall performance and 37.5% in challenging scenes were the object needs to be re-oriented for collision-free placement. M2T2 also achieves state-of-the-art results on a subset of language conditioned tasks in RLBench. Videos of robot experiments on unseen objects in both real world and simulation are available at m2-t2.github.io.
We observe that pre-trained large language models (LLMs) are capable of autoregressively completing complex token sequences—from arbitrary ones procedurally generated by probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFG), to more rich spatial patterns found in the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC), a general AI benchmark, prompted in the style of ASCII art. Surprisingly, pattern completion proficiency can be partially retained even when the sequences are expressed using tokens randomly sampled from the vocabulary. These results suggest that without any additional training, LLMs can serve as general sequence modelers, driven by in-context learning. In this work, we investigate how these zero-shot capabilities may be applied to problems in robotics—from extrapolating sequences of numbers that represent states over time to complete simple motions, to least-to-most prompting of reward-conditioned trajectories that can discover and represent closed-loop policies (e.g., a stabilizing controller for CartPole). While difficult to deploy today for real systems due to latency, context size limitations, and compute costs, the approach of using LLMs to drive low-level control may provide an exciting glimpse into how the patterns among words could be transferred to actions.
In this research, we introduce a novel approach to the challenge of suction grasp point detection. Our method, exploiting the strengths of physics-based simulation and data-driven modeling, accounts for object dynamics during the grasping process, markedly enhancing the robot's capability to handle previously unseen objects and scenarios in real-world settings. We benchmark DYNAMO-GRASP against established approaches via comprehensive evaluations in both simulated and real-world environments. DYNAMO-GRASP delivers improved grasping performance with greater consistency in both simulated and real-world settings. Remarkably, in real-world tests with challenging scenarios, our method demonstrates a success rate improvement of up to 48\% over SOTA methods. Demonstrating a strong ability to adapt to complex and unexpected object dynamics, our method offers robust generalization to real-world challenges. The results of this research set the stage for more reliable and resilient robotic manipulation in intricate real-world situations. Experiment videos, dataset, model, and code are available at: https://sites.google.com/view/dynamo-grasp.
This work presents OVIR-3D, a straightforward yet effective method for open-vocabulary 3D object instance retrieval without using any 3D data for training. Given a language query, the proposed method is able to return a ranked set of 3D object instance segments based on the feature similarity of the instance and the text query. This is achieved by a multi-view fusion of text-aligned 2D region proposals into 3D space, where the 2D region proposal network could leverage 2D datasets, which are more accessible and typically larger than 3D datasets. The proposed fusion process is efficient as it can be performed in real-time for most indoor 3D scenes and does not require additional training in 3D space. Experiments on public datasets and a real robot show the effectiveness of the method and its potential for applications in robot navigation and manipulation.
Gradient-based methods enable efficient search capabilities in high dimensions. However, in order to apply them effectively in offline optimization paradigms such as offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) or Imitation Learning (IL), we require a more careful consideration of how uncertainty estimation interplays with first-order methods that attempt to minimize them. We study smoothed distance to data as an uncertainty metric, and claim that it has two beneficial properties: (i) it allows gradient-based methods that attempt to minimize uncertainty to drive iterates to data as smoothing is annealed, and (ii) it facilitates analysis of model bias with Lipschitz constants. As distance to data can be expensive to compute online, we consider settings where we need amortize this computation. Instead of learning the distance however, we propose to learn its gradients directly as an oracle for first-order optimizers. We show these gradients can be efficiently learned with score-matching techniques by leveraging the equivalence between distance to data and data likelihood. Using this insight, we propose Score-Guided Planning (SGP), a planning algorithm for offline RL that utilizes score-matching to enable first-order planning in high-dimensional problems, where zeroth-order methods were unable to scale, and ensembles were unable to overcome local minima. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/score-guided-planning/home