ICLR.2022 - Poster

| Total: 866

#1 MoReL: Multi-omics Relational Learning [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Arman Hasanzadeh, Ehsan Hajiramezanali, Nick Duffield, Xiaoning Qian

Multi-omics data analysis has the potential to discover hidden molecular interactions, revealing potential regulatory and/or signal transduction pathways for cellular processes of interest when studying life and disease systems. One of critical challenges when dealing with real-world multi-omics data is that they may manifest heterogeneous structures and data quality as often existing data may be collected from different subjects under different conditions for each type of omics data. We propose a novel deep Bayesian generative model to efficiently infer a multi-partite graph encoding molecular interactions across such heterogeneous views, using a fused Gromov-Wasserstein (FGW) regularization between latent representations of corresponding views for integrative analysis. With such an optimal transport regularization in the deep Bayesian generative model, it not only allows incorporating view-specific side information, either with graph-structured or unstructured data in different views, but also increases the model flexibility with the distribution-based regularization. This allows efficient alignment of heterogeneous latent variable distributions to derive reliable interaction predictions compared to the existing point-based graph embedding methods. Our experiments on several real-world datasets demonstrate enhanced performance of MoReL in inferring meaningful interactions compared to existing baselines.

#2 Sparse DETR: Efficient End-to-End Object Detection with Learnable Sparsity [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Byungseok Roh, JaeWoong Shin, Wuhyun Shin, Saehoon Kim

DETR is the first end-to-end object detector using a transformer encoder-decoder architecture and demonstrates competitive performance but low computational efficiency. The subsequent work, Deformable DETR, enhances the efficiency of DETR by replacing dense attention with deformable attention, which achieves 10x faster convergence and improved performance. Using the multiscale feature to ameliorate performance, however, the number of encoder queries increases by 20x compared to DETR, and the computation cost of the encoder attention remains a bottleneck. We observe that the encoder queries referenced by the decoder account for only 45% of the total, and find out the detection accuracy does not deteriorate significantly even if only the referenced queries are polished in the encoder block. Inspired by this observation, we propose Sparse DETR that selectively updates only the queries expected to be referenced by the decoder, thus help the model effectively detect objects. In addition, we show that applying an auxiliary detection loss on the selected queries in the encoder improves the performance while minimizing computational overhead. We validate that Sparse DETR achieves better performance than Deformable DETR even with only 10% encoder queries on the COCO dataset. Albeit only the encoder queries are sparsified, the total computation cost decreases by 38% and the frames per second (FPS) increases by 42% compared to Deformable DETR. Code will be released.

#3 Cross-Trajectory Representation Learning for Zero-Shot Generalization in RL [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Bogdan Mazoure, Ahmed Ahmed, R Devon Hjelm, Andrey Kolobov, Patrick MacAlpine

A highly desirable property of a reinforcement learning (RL) agent -- and a major difficulty for deep RL approaches -- is the ability to generalize policies learned on a few tasks over a high-dimensional observation space to similar tasks not seen during training. Many promising approaches to this challenge consider RL as a process of training two functions simultaneously: a complex nonlinear encoder that maps high-dimensional observations to a latent representation space, and a simple linear policy over this space. We posit that a superior encoder for zero-shot generalization in RL can be trained by using solely an auxiliary SSL objective if the training process encourages the encoder to map behaviorally similar observations to similar representations, as reward-based signal can cause overfitting in the encoder (Raileanu et al., 2021). We propose Cross-Trajectory Representation Learning (CTRL), a method that runs within an RL agent and conditions its encoder to recognize behavioral similarity in observations by applying a novel SSL objective to pairs of trajectories from the agent's policies. CTRL can be viewed as having the same effect as inducing a pseudo-bisimulation metric but, crucially, avoids the use of rewards and associated overfitting risks. Our experiments ablate various components of CTRL and demonstrate that in combination with PPO it achieves better generalization performance on the challenging Procgen benchmark suite (Cobbe et al., 2020).

#4 How Well Does Self-Supervised Pre-Training Perform with Streaming Data? [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Dapeng Hu, Shipeng Yan, Qizhengqiu Lu, Lanqing HONG, Hailin Hu, Yifan Zhang, Zhenguo Li, Xinchao Wang, Jiashi Feng

Prior works on self-supervised pre-training focus on the joint training scenario, where massive unlabeled data are assumed to be given as input all at once, and only then is a learner trained. Unfortunately, such a problem setting is often impractical if not infeasible since many real-world tasks rely on sequential learning, e.g., data are decentralized or collected in a streaming fashion. In this paper, we conduct the first thorough and dedicated investigation on self-supervised pre-training with streaming data, aiming to shed light on the model behavior under this overlooked setup. Specifically, we pre-train over 500 models on four categories of pre-training streaming data from ImageNet and DomainNet and evaluate them on three types of downstream tasks and 12 different downstream datasets. Our studies show that, somehow beyond our expectation, with simple data replay or parameter regularization, sequential self-supervised pre-training turns out to be an efficient alternative for joint pre-training, as the performances of the former are mostly on par with those of the latter. Moreover, catastrophic forgetting, a common issue in sequential supervised learning, is much alleviated in sequential self-supervised learning (SSL), which is well justified through our comprehensive empirical analysis on representations and the sharpness of minima in the loss landscape. Our findings, therefore, suggest that, in practice, for SSL, the cumbersome joint training can be replaced mainly by sequential learning, which in turn enables a much broader spectrum of potential application scenarios.

#5 Multiset-Equivariant Set Prediction with Approximate Implicit Differentiation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yan Zhang, David Zhang, Simon Lacoste-Julien, Gertjan J Burghouts, Cees G Snoek

Most set prediction models in deep learning use set-equivariant operations, but they actually operate on multisets. We show that set-equivariant functions cannot represent certain functions on multisets, so we introduce the more appropriate notion of multiset-equivariance. We identify that the existing Deep Set Prediction Network (DSPN) can be multiset-equivariant without being hindered by set-equivariance and improve it with approximate implicit differentiation, allowing for better optimization while being faster and saving memory. In a range of toy experiments, we show that the perspective of multiset-equivariance is beneficial and that our changes to DSPN achieve better results in most cases. On CLEVR object property prediction, we substantially improve over the state-of-the-art Slot Attention from 8% to 77% in one of the strictest evaluation metrics because of the benefits made possible by implicit differentiation.

#6 Improving the Accuracy of Learning Example Weights for Imbalance Classification [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuqi Liu, Bin Cao, JING FAN

To solve the imbalance classification, methods of weighting examples have been proposed. Recent work has studied to assign adaptive weights to training examples through learning mechanisms, that is, the weights, similar to classification models, are regarded as parameters that need to be learned. However, the algorithms in recent work use local information to approximately optimize the weights, which may lead to inaccurate learning of the weights. In this work, we first propose a novel mechanism of learning with a constraint, which can accurately train the weights and model. Then, we propose a combined method of our learning mechanism and the work by Hu et al., which can promote each other to perform better. Our proposed method can be applied to any type of deep network model. Experiments show that compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms, our method has significant improvement in varieties of settings, including text and image classification over different imbalance ratios, binary and multi-class classification.

#7 How to Train Your MAML to Excel in Few-Shot Classification [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Han-Jia Ye, Wei-Lun Chao

Model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) is arguably one of the most popular meta-learning algorithms nowadays.Nevertheless, its performance on few-shot classification is far behind many recent algorithms dedicated to the problem. In this paper, we point out several key facets of how to train MAML to excel in few-shot classification. First, we find that MAML needs a large number of gradient steps in its inner loop update, which contradicts its common usage in few-shot classification. Second, we find that MAML is sensitive to the class label assignments during meta-testing. Concretely, MAML meta-trains the initialization of an $N$-way classifier. These $N$ ways, during meta-testing, then have "$N!$" different permutations to be paired with a few-shot task of $N$ novel classes. We find that these permutations lead to a huge variance of accuracy, making MAML unstable in few-shot classification. Third, we investigate several approaches to make MAML permutation-invariant, among which meta-training a single vector to initialize all the $N$ weight vectors in the classification head performs the best. On benchmark datasets like MiniImageNet and TieredImageNet, our approach, which we name UNICORN-MAML, performs on a par with or even outperforms many recent few-shot classification algorithms, without sacrificing MAML's simplicity.

#8 Unified Visual Transformer Compression [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shixing Yu, Tianlong Chen, Jiayi Shen, Huan Yuan, Jianchao Tan, Sen Yang, Ji Liu, Zhangyang Wang

Vision transformers (ViTs) have gained popularity recently. Even without customized image operators such as convolutions, ViTs can yield competitive performance when properly trained on massive data. However, the computational overhead of ViTs remains prohibitive, due to stacking multi-head self-attention modules and else. Compared to the vast literature and prevailing success in compressing convolutional neural networks, the study of Vision Transformer compression has also just emerged, and existing works focused on one or two aspects of compression. This paper proposes a unified ViT compression framework that seamlessly assembles three effective techniques: pruning, layer skipping, and knowledge distillation. We formulate a budget-constrained, end-to-end optimization framework, targeting jointly learning model weights, layer-wise pruning ratios/masks, and skip configurations, under a distillation loss. The optimization problem is then solved using the primal-dual algorithm. Experiments are conducted with several ViT variants, e.g. DeiT and T2T-ViT backbones on the ImageNet dataset, and our approach consistently outperforms recent competitors. For example, DeiT-Tiny can be trimmed down to 50\% of the original FLOPs almost without losing accuracy. Codes are available online:~\url{https://github.com/VITA-Group/UVC}.

#9 Universalizing Weak Supervision [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Changho Shin, Winfred Li, Harit Vishwakarma, Nicholas Roberts, Frederic Sala

Weak supervision (WS) frameworks are a popular way to bypass hand-labeling large datasets for training data-hungry models.These approaches synthesize multiple noisy but cheaply-acquired estimates of labels into a set of high-quality pseudo-labels for downstream training. However, the synthesis technique is specific to a particular kind of label, such as binary labels or sequences, and each new label type requires manually designing a new synthesis algorithm. Instead, we propose a universal technique that enables weak supervision over any label type while still offering desirable properties, including practical flexibility, computational efficiency, and theoretical guarantees. We apply this technique to important problems previously not tackled by WS frameworks including learning to rank, regression, and learning in hyperbolic space. Theoretically, our synthesis approach produces a consistent estimators for learning some challenging but important generalizations of the exponential family model. Experimentally, we validate our framework and show improvement over baselines in diverse settings including real-world learning-to-rank and regression problems along with learning on hyperbolic manifolds.

#10 TAda! Temporally-Adaptive Convolutions for Video Understanding [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ziyuan Huang, Shiwei Zhang, Liang Pan, Zhiwu Qing, Mingqian Tang, Ziwei Liu, Marcelo Ang Jr

Spatial convolutions are widely used in numerous deep video models. It fundamentally assumes spatio-temporal invariance, i.e., using shared weights for every location in different frames. This work presents Temporally-Adaptive Convolutions (TAdaConv) for video understanding, which shows that adaptive weight calibration along the temporal dimension is an efficient way to facilitate modelling complex temporal dynamics in videos. Specifically, TAdaConv empowers the spatial convolutions with temporal modelling abilities by calibrating the convolution weights for each frame according to its local and global temporal context. Compared to previous temporal modelling operations, TAdaConv is more efficient as it operates over the convolution kernels instead of the features, whose dimension is an order of magnitude smaller than the spatial resolutions. Further, the kernel calibration brings an increased model capacity. We construct TAda2D and TAdaConvNeXt networks by replacing the 2D convolutions in ResNet and ConvNeXt with TAdaConv, which leads to at least on par or better performance compared to state-of-the-art approaches on multiple video action recognition and localization benchmarks. We also demonstrate that as a readily plug-in operation with negligible computation overhead, TAdaConv can effectively improve many existing video models with a convincing margin.

#11 Dealing with Non-Stationarity in MARL via Trust-Region Decomposition [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wenhao Li, Xiangfeng Wang, Bo Jin, Junjie Sheng, Hongyuan Zha

Non-stationarity is one thorny issue in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). One of the reasons is the policy changes of agents during the learning process. Some existing works have discussed various consequences caused by non-stationarity with several kinds of measurement indicators. This makes the objectives or goals of existing algorithms are inevitably inconsistent and disparate. In this paper, we introduce a novel notion, the $\delta$-$stationarity$ measurement, to explicitly measure the non-stationarity of a policy sequence, which can be further proved to be bounded by the KL-divergence of consecutive joint policies. A straightforward but highly non-trivial way is to control the joint policies' divergence, which is difficult to estimate accurately by imposing the trust-region constraint on the joint policy. Although it has lower computational complexity to decompose the joint policy and impose trust-region constraints on the factorized policies, simple policy factorization like mean-field approximation will lead to more considerable policy divergence, which can be considered as the trust-region decomposition dilemma. We model the joint policy as a pairwise Markov random field and propose a trust-region decomposition network (TRD-Net) based on message passing to estimate the joint policy divergence more accurately. The Multi-Agent Mirror descent policy algorithm with Trust region decomposition, called MAMT, is established by adjusting the trust-region of the local policies adaptively in an end-to-end manner. MAMT can approximately constrain the consecutive joint policies' divergence to satisfy $\delta$-stationarity and alleviate the non-stationarity problem. Our method can bring noticeable and stable performance improvement compared with baselines in cooperative tasks of different complexity.

#12 Model Zoo: A Growing Brain That Learns Continually [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Rahul Ramesh, Pratik A Chaudhari

This paper argues that continual learning methods can benefit by splitting the capacity of the learner across multiple models. We use statistical learning theory and experimental analysis to show how multiple tasks can interact with each other in a non-trivial fashion when a single model is trained on them. The generalization error on a particular task can improve when it is trained with synergistic tasks, but can also deteriorate when trained with competing tasks. This theory motivates our method named Model Zoo which, inspired from the boosting literature, grows an ensemble of small models, each of which is trained during one episode of continual learning. We demonstrate that Model Zoo obtains large gains in accuracy on a wide variety of continual learning benchmark problems.

#13 Learning to Dequantise with Truncated Flows [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shawn Tan, Chin-Wei Huang, Alessandro Sordoni, Aaron Courville

Dequantisation is a general technique used for transforming data described by a discrete random variable $x$ into a continuous (latent) random variable $z$, for the purpose of it being modeled by likelihood-based density models. Dequantisation was first introduced in the context of ordinal data, such as image pixel values. However, when the data is categorical, the dequantisation scheme is not obvious.We learn such a dequantisation scheme $q(z | x)$, using variational inference with TRUncated FLows (TRUFL) --- a novel flow-based model that allows the dequantiser to have a learnable truncated support. Unlike previous work, the TRUFL dequantiser is (i) capable of embedding the data losslessly in certain cases, since the truncation allows the conditional distributions $q(z | x)$ to have non-overlapping bounded supports, while being (ii) trainable with back-propagation. Addtionally, since the support of the marginal $q(z)$ is bounded and the support of prior $p(z)$ is not, we propose renormalising the prior distribution over the support of $q(z)$. We derive a lower bound for training, and propose a rejection sampling scheme to account for the invalid samples during generation.Experimentally, we benchmark TRUFL on constrained generation tasks, and find that it outperforms prior approaches. In addition, we find that rejection sampling results in higher validity for the constrained problems.

#14 Pretraining Text Encoders with Adversarial Mixture of Training Signal Generators [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yu Meng, Chenyan Xiong, Payal Bajaj, saurabh tiwary, Paul N Bennett, Jiawei Han, Xia Song

We present a new framework AMOS that pretrains text encoders with an Adversarial learning curriculum via a Mixture Of Signals from multiple auxiliary generators. Following ELECTRA-style pretraining, the main encoder is trained as a discriminator to detect replaced tokens generated by auxiliary masked language models (MLMs). Different from ELECTRA which trains one MLM as the generator, we jointly train multiple MLMs of different sizes to provide training signals at various levels of difficulty. To push the discriminator to learn better with challenging replaced tokens, we learn mixture weights over the auxiliary MLMs' outputs to maximize the discriminator loss by backpropagating the gradient from the discriminator via Gumbel-Softmax. For better pretraining efficiency, we propose a way to assemble multiple MLMs into one unified auxiliary model. AMOS outperforms ELECTRA and recent state-of-the-art pretrained models by about 1 point on the GLUE benchmark for BERT base-sized models.

#15 Gradient Information Matters in Policy Optimization by Back-propagating through Model [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chongchong Li, Yue Wang, Wei Chen, Yuting Liu, Zhi-Ming Ma, Tie-Yan Liu

Model-based reinforcement learning provides an efficient mechanism to find the optimal policy by interacting with the learned environment. In addition to treating the learned environment like a black-box simulator, a more effective way to use the model is to exploit its differentiability. Such methods require the gradient information of the learned environment model when calculating the policy gradient. However, since the error of gradient is not considered in the model learning phase, there is no guarantee for the model's accuracy. To address this problem, we first analyze the convergence rate for the policy optimization methods when the policy gradient is calculated using the learned environment model. The theoretical results show that the model gradient error matters in the policy optimization phrase. Then we propose a two-model-based learning method to control the prediction error and the gradient error. We separate the different roles of these two models at the model learning phase and coordinate them at the policy optimization phase. After proposing the method, we introduce the directional derivative projection policy optimization (DDPPO) algorithm as a practical implementation to find the optimal policy. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the proposed algorithm has better sample efficiency when achieving a comparable or better performance on benchmark continuous control tasks.

#16 Multimeasurement Generative Models [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Saeed Saremi, Rupesh K Srivastava

We formally map the problem of sampling from an unknown distribution with a density in $\mathbb{R}^d$ to the problem of learning and sampling a smoother density in $\mathbb{R}^{Md}$ obtained by convolution with a fixed factorial kernel: the new density is referred to as M-density and the kernel as multimeasurement noise model (MNM). The M-density in $\mathbb{R}^{Md}$ is smoother than the original density in $\mathbb{R}^d$, easier to learn and sample from, yet for large $M$ the two problems are mathematically equivalent since clean data can be estimated exactly given a multimeasurement noisy observation using the Bayes estimator. To formulate the problem, we derive the Bayes estimator for Poisson and Gaussian MNMs in closed form in terms of the unnormalized M-density. This leads to a simple least-squares objective for learning parametric energy and score functions. We present various parametrization schemes of interest including one in which studying Gaussian M-densities directly leads to multidenoising autoencoders—this is the first theoretical connection made between denoising autoencoders and empirical Bayes in the literature. Samples in $\mathbb{R}^d$ are obtained by walk-jump sampling (Saremi & Hyvarinen, 2019) via underdamped Langevin MCMC (walk) to sample from M-density and the multimeasurement Bayes estimation (jump). We study permutation invariant Gaussian M-densities on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and FFHQ-256 datasets, and demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework for realizing fast-mixing stable Markov chains in high dimensions.

#17 Sound Adversarial Audio-Visual Navigation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yinfeng Yu, Wenbing Huang, Fuchun Sun, Changan Chen, Yikai Wang, Xiaohong Liu

Audio-visual navigation task requires an agent to find a sound source in a realistic, unmapped 3D environment by utilizing egocentric audio-visual observations. Existing audio-visual navigation works assume a clean environment that solely contains the target sound, which, however, would not be suitable in most real-world applications due to the unexpected sound noise or intentional interference. In this work, we design an acoustically complex environment in which, besides the target sound, there exists a sound attacker playing a zero-sum game with the agent. More specifically, the attacker can move and change the volume and category of the sound to make the agent suffer from finding the sounding object while the agent tries to dodge the attack and navigate to the goal under the intervention. Under certain constraints to the attacker, we can improve the robustness of the agent towards unexpected sound attacks in audio-visual navigation. For better convergence, we develop a joint training mechanism by employing the property of a centralized critic with decentralized actors. Experiments on two real-world 3D scan datasets, Replica, and Matterport3D, verify the effectiveness and the robustness of the agent trained under our designed environment when transferred to the clean environment or the one containing sound attackers with random policy. Project: https://yyf17.github.io/SAAVN .

#18 Denoising Likelihood Score Matching for Conditional Score-based Data Generation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chen-Hao Chao, Wei-Fang Sun, Bo-Wun Cheng, Yi-Chen Lo, Chia-Che Chang, Yu-Lun Liu, Yu-Lin Chang, Chia-Ping Chen, Chun-Yi Lee

Many existing conditional score-based data generation methods utilize Bayes' theorem to decompose the gradients of a log posterior density into a mixture of scores. These methods facilitate the training procedure of conditional score models, as a mixture of scores can be separately estimated using a score model and a classifier. However, our analysis indicates that the training objectives for the classifier in these methods may lead to a serious score mismatch issue, which corresponds to the situation that the estimated scores deviate from the true ones. Such an issue causes the samples to be misled by the deviated scores during the diffusion process, resulting in a degraded sampling quality. To resolve it, we theoretically formulate a novel training objective, called Denoising Likelihood Score Matching (DLSM) loss, for the classifier to match the gradients of the true log likelihood density. Our experimental evidences show that the proposed method outperforms the previous methods on both Cifar-10 and Cifar-100 benchmarks noticeably in terms of several key evaluation metrics. We thus conclude that, by adopting DLSM, the conditional scores can be accurately modeled, and the effect of the score mismatch issue is alleviated.

#19 Rethinking Supervised Pre-Training for Better Downstream Transferring [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yutong Feng, Jianwen Jiang, Mingqian Tang, Rong Jin, Yue Gao

The pretrain-finetune paradigm has shown outstanding performance on many applications of deep learning, where a model is pre-trained on an upstream large dataset (e.g. ImageNet), and is then fine-tuned to different downstream tasks. Though for most cases, the pre-training stage is conducted based on supervised methods, recent works on self-supervised pre-training have shown powerful transferability and even outperform supervised pre-training on multiple downstream tasks. It thus remains an open question how to better generalize supervised pre- training model to downstream tasks. In this paper, we argue that the worse transferability of existing supervised pre-training methods arise from the negligence of valuable intra-class semantic difference. This is because these methods tend to push images from the same class close to each other despite of the large diversity in their visual contents, a problem to which referred as “overfit of upstream tasks”. To alleviate this problem, we propose a new supervised pre-training method based on Leave-One-Out K-Nearest-Neighbor, or LOOK for short. It relieves the problem of overfitting upstream tasks by only requiring each image to share its class label with most of its k nearest neighbors, thus allowing each class to exhibit a multi-mode distribution and consequentially preserving part of intra-class difference for better transferring to downstream tasks. We developed efficient implementation of the proposed method that scales well to large datasets. Experimental studies on multiple downstream tasks show that LOOK outperforms other state-of-the-art methods for supervised and self-supervised pre-training.

#20 Cross-Domain Imitation Learning via Optimal Transport [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Arnaud Fickinger, samuel cohen, Stuart Russell, Brandon Amos

Cross-domain imitation learning studies how to leverage expert demonstrations of one agent to train an imitation agent with a different embodiment or morphology. Comparing trajectories and stationary distributions between the expert and imitation agents is challenging because they live on different systems that may not even have the same dimensionality. We propose Gromov-Wasserstein Imitation Learning (GWIL), a method for cross-domain imitation that uses the Gromov-Wasserstein distance to align and compare states between the different spaces of the agents. Our theory formally characterizes the scenarios where GWIL preserves optimality, revealing its possibilities and limitations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of GWIL in non-trivial continuous control domains ranging from simple rigid transformation of the expert domain to arbitrary transformation of the state-action space.

#21 Towards General Function Approximation in Zero-Sum Markov Games [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Baihe Huang, Jason Lee, Zhaoran Wang, Zhuoran Yang

This paper considers two-player zero-sum finite-horizon Markov games with simultaneous moves. The study focuses on the challenging settings where the valuefunction or the model is parameterized by general function classes. Provably efficientalgorithms for both decoupled and coordinated settings are developed. In the decoupled setting where the agent controls a single player and plays against an arbitrary opponent, we propose a new model-free algorithm. The sample complexity is governed by the Minimax Eluder dimension—a new dimension of the function class in Markov games. As a special case, this method improves the state-of-the-art algorithmby a $\sqrt{d}$ factor in the regret when the reward function and transition kernel are parameterized with d-dimensional linear features. In the coordinated setting where bothplayers are controlled by the agent, we propose a model-based algorithm and a model-free algorithm. In the model-based algorithm, we prove that sample complexity canbe bounded by a generalization of Witness rank to Markov games. The model-freealgorithm enjoys a $\sqrt{K}$-regret upper bound where $K$ is the number of episodes. Ouralgorithms are based on new techniques of alternate optimism

#22 Mapping Language Models to Grounded Conceptual Spaces [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Roma Patel, Ellie Pavlick

A fundamental criticism of text-only language models (LMs) is their lack of grounding---that is, the ability to tie a word for which they have learned a representation, to its actual use in the world. However, despite this limitation, large pre-trained LMs have been shown to have a remarkable grasp of the conceptual structure of language, as demonstrated by their ability to answer questions, generate fluent text, or make inferences about entities, objects, and properties that they have never physically observed. In this work we investigate the extent to which the rich conceptual structure that LMs learn indeed reflects the conceptual structure of the non-linguistic world---which is something that LMs have never observed. We do this by testing whether the LMs can learn to map an entire conceptual domain (e.g., direction or colour) onto a grounded world representation given only a small number of examples. For example, we show a model what the word ``left" means using a textual depiction of a grid world, and assess how well it can generalise to related concepts, for example, the word ``right", in a similar grid world. We investigate a range of generative language models of varying sizes (including GPT-2 and GPT-3), and see that although the smaller models struggle to perform this mapping, the largest model can not only learn to ground the concepts that it is explicitly taught, but appears to generalise to several instances of unseen concepts as well. Our results suggest an alternative means of building grounded language models: rather than learning grounded representations ``from scratch'', it is possible that large text-only models learn a sufficiently rich conceptual structure that could allow them to be grounded in a data-efficient way.

#23 Provable Learning-based Algorithm For Sparse Recovery [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xinshi Chen, Haoran Sun, Le Song

Recovering sparse parameters from observational data is a fundamental problem in machine learning with wide applications. Many classic algorithms can solve this problem with theoretical guarantees, but their performances rely on choosing the correct hyperparameters. Besides, hand-designed algorithms do not fully exploit the particular problem distribution of interest. In this work, we propose a deep learning method for algorithm learning called PLISA (Provable Learning-based Iterative Sparse recovery Algorithm). PLISA is designed by unrolling a classic path-following algorithm for sparse recovery, with some components being more flexible and learnable. We theoretically show the improved recovery accuracy achievable by PLISA. Furthermore, we analyze the empirical Rademacher complexity of PLISA to characterize its generalization ability to solve new problems outside the training set. This paper contains novel theoretical contributions to the area of learning-based algorithms in the sense that (i) PLISA is generically applicable to a broad class of sparse estimation problems, (ii) generalization analysis has received less attention so far, and (iii) our analysis makes novel connections between the generalization ability and algorithmic properties such as stability and convergence of the unrolled algorithm, which leads to a tighter bound that can explain the empirical observations. The techniques could potentially be applied to analyze other learning-based algorithms in the literature.

#24 Which Shortcut Cues Will DNNs Choose? A Study from the Parameter-Space Perspective [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Luca Scimeca, Seong Joon Oh, Sanghyuk Chun, Michael Poli, Sangdoo Yun

Deep neural networks (DNNs) often rely on easy–to–learn discriminatory features, or cues, that are not necessarily essential to the problem at hand. For example, ducks in an image may be recognized based on their typical background scenery, such as lakes or streams. This phenomenon, also known as shortcut learning, is emerging as a key limitation of the current generation of machine learning models. In this work, we introduce a set of experiments to deepen our understanding of shortcut learning and its implications. We design a training setup with several shortcut cues, named WCST-ML, where each cue is equally conducive to the visual recognition problem at hand. Even under equal opportunities, we observe that (1) certain cues are preferred to others, (2) solutions biased to the easy–to–learn cues tend to converge to relatively flat minima on the loss surface, and (3) the solutions focusing on those preferred cues are far more abundant in the parameter space. We explain the abundance of certain cues via their Kolmogorov (descriptional) complexity: solutions corresponding to Kolmogorov-simple cues are abundant in the parameter space and are thus preferred by DNNs. Our studies are based on the synthetic dataset DSprites and the face dataset UTKFace. In our WCST-ML, we observe that the inborn bias of models leans toward simple cues, such as color and ethnicity. Our findings emphasize the importance of active human intervention to remove the inborn model biases that may cause negative societal impacts.

#25 On Covariate Shift of Latent Confounders in Imitation and Reinforcement Learning [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guy Tennenholtz, Assaf Hallak, Gal Dalal, Shie Mannor, Gal Chechik, Uri Shalit

We consider the problem of using expert data with unobserved confounders for imitation and reinforcement learning. We begin by defining the problem of learning from confounded expert data in a contextual MDP setup. We analyze the limitations of learning from such data with and without external reward and propose an adjustment of standard imitation learning algorithms to fit this setup. In addition, we discuss the problem of distribution shift between the expert data and the online environment when partial observability is present in the data. We prove possibility and impossibility results for imitation learning under arbitrary distribution shift of the missing covariates. When additional external reward is provided, we propose a sampling procedure that addresses the unknown shift and prove convergence to an optimal solution. Finally, we validate our claims empirically on challenging assistive healthcare and recommender system simulation tasks.