
| Total: 2634

#1 Active Statistical Inference [PDF46] [Copy] [Kimi92] [REL]

Authors: Tijana Zrnic ; Emmanuel Candes

Inspired by the concept of active learning, we propose active inference---a methodology for statistical inference with machine-learning-assisted data collection. Assuming a budget on the number of labels that can be collected, the methodology uses a machine learning model to identify which data points would be most beneficial to label, thus effectively utilizing the budget. It operates on a simple yet powerful intuition: prioritize the collection of labels for data points where the model exhibits uncertainty, and rely on the model's predictions where it is confident. Active inference constructs valid confidence intervals and hypothesis tests while leveraging any black-box machine learning model and handling any data distribution. The key point is that it achieves the same level of accuracy with far fewer samples than existing baselines relying on non-adaptively-collected data. This means that for the same number of collected samples, active inference enables smaller confidence intervals and more powerful tests. We evaluate active inference on datasets from public opinion research, census analysis, and proteomics.

#2 Hybrid$^2$ Neural ODE Causal Modeling and an Application to Glycemic Response [PDF15] [Copy] [Kimi42] [REL]

Authors: Bob Junyi Zou ; Matthew E Levine ; Dessi P. Zaharieva ; Ramesh Johari ; Emily Fox

Hybrid models composing mechanistic ODE-based dynamics with flexible and expressive neural network components have grown rapidly in popularity, especially in scientific domains where such ODE-based modeling offers important interpretability and validated causal grounding (e.g., for counterfactual reasoning). The incorporation of mechanistic models also provides inductive bias in standard blackbox modeling approaches, critical when learning from small datasets or partially observed, complex systems. Unfortunately, as the hybrid models become more flexible, the causal grounding provided by the mechanistic model can quickly be lost. We address this problem by leveraging another common source of domain knowledge: *ranking* of treatment effects for a set of interventions, even if the precise treatment effect is unknown. We encode this information in a *causal loss* that we combine with the standard predictive loss to arrive at a *hybrid loss* that biases our learning towards causally valid hybrid models. We demonstrate our ability to achieve a win-win, state-of-the-art predictive performance *and* causal validity, in the challenging task of modeling glucose dynamics post-exercise in individuals with type 1 diabetes.

#3 GPTSwarm: Language Agents as Optimizable Graphs [PDF27] [Copy] [Kimi51] [REL]

Authors: Mingchen Zhuge ; Wenyi Wang ; Louis Kirsch ; Francesco Faccio ; Dmitrii Khizbullin ; Jürgen Schmidhuber

Various human-designed prompt engineering techniques have been proposed to improve problem solvers based on Large Language Models (LLMs), yielding many disparate code bases. We unify these approaches by describing LLM-based agents as computational graphs. The nodes implement functions to process multimodal data or query LLMs, and the edges describe the information flow between operations. Graphs can be recursively combined into larger composite graphs representing hierarchies of inter-agent collaboration (where edges connect operations of different agents). Our novel automatic graph optimizers (1) refine node-level LLM prompts (node optimization) and (2) improve agent orchestration by changing graph connectivity (edge optimization). Experiments demonstrate that our framework can be used to efficiently develop, integrate, and automatically improve various LLM agents. Our code is public.

#4 PRISE: LLM-Style Sequence Compression for Learning Temporal Action Abstractions in Control [PDF10] [Copy] [Kimi25] [REL]

Authors: Ruijie Zheng ; Ching-An Cheng ; Hal Daumé Iii ; Furong Huang ; Andrey Kolobov

Temporal action abstractions, along with belief state representations, are a powerful knowledge sharing mechanism for sequential decision making. In this work, we propose a novel view that treats inducing temporal action abstractions as a sequence compression problem. To do so, we bring a subtle but critical component of LLM training pipelines -- input tokenization via byte pair encoding (BPE) -- to bear on the seemingly distant task of learning skills of variable time span in continuous control domains. We introduce an approach called Primitive Sequence Encoding (PRISE) that combines continuous action quantization with BPE to learn powerful action abstractions. We empirically show that high-level skills discovered by PRISE from a multitask set of robotic manipulation demonstrations significantly boost the learning performance of behavior cloning on downstream tasks.

#5 GaLore: Memory-Efficient LLM Training by Gradient Low-Rank Projection [PDF27] [Copy] [Kimi40] [REL]

Authors: Jiawei Zhao ; Zhenyu Zhang ; Beidi Chen ; Zhangyang Wang ; Anima Anandkumar ; Yuandong Tian

Training Large Language Models (LLMs) presents significant memory challenges, predominantly due to the growing size of weights and optimizer states. Common memory-reduction approaches, such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA), add a trainable low-rank matrix to the frozen pre-trained weight in each layer, reducing trainable parameters and optimizer states. However, such approaches typically underperform training with full-rank weights in both pre-training and fine-tuning stages since they limit the parameter search to a low-rank subspace and alter the training dynamics, and further, may require full-rank warm start. In this work, we propose Gradient Low-Rank Projection (GaLore), a training strategy that allows full-parameter learning but is more memory-efficient than common low-rank adaptation methods such as LoRA. Our approach reduces memory usage by up to 65.5% in optimizer states while maintaining both efficiency and performance for pre-training on LLaMA 1B and 7B architectures with C4 dataset with up to 19.7B tokens, and on fine-tuning RoBERTa on GLUE tasks. Our 8-bit GaLore further reduces optimizer memory by up to 82.5% and total training memory by 63.3%, compared to a BF16 baseline. Notably, we demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility of pre-training a 7B model on consumer GPUs with 24GB memory (e.g., NVIDIA RTX 4090) without model parallel, checkpointing, or offloading strategies.

#6 CompeteAI: Understanding the Competition Dynamics of Large Language Model-based Agents [PDF19] [Copy] [Kimi25] [REL]

Authors: Qinlin Zhao ; Jindong Wang ; Yixuan Zhang ; Yiqiao Jin ; Kaijie Zhu ; Hao Chen ; Xing Xie

Large language models (LLMs) have been widely used as agents to complete different tasks, such as personal assistance or event planning. Although most of the work has focused on cooperation and collaboration between agents, little work explores *competition*, another important mechanism that promotes the development of society and economy. In this paper, we seek to examine the competition dynamics in LLM-based agents. We first propose a general framework for studying the competition between agents. Then, we implement a practical competitive environment using GPT-4 to simulate a virtual town with two types of agents, including restaurant agents and customer agents. Specifically, the restaurant agents compete with each other to attract more customers, where competition encourages them to transform, such as cultivating new operating strategies. Simulation experiments reveal several interesting findings at the micro and macro levels, which align well with existing market and sociological theories. We hope that the framework and environment can be a promising testbed to study the competition that fosters understanding of society. Code is available at: https://github.com/microsoft/competeai.

#7 APT: Adaptive Pruning and Tuning Pretrained Language Models for Efficient Training and Inference [PDF19] [Copy] [Kimi27] [REL]

Authors: Bowen Zhao ; Hannaneh Hajishirzi ; Qingqing Cao

Fine-tuning and inference with large Language Models (LM) are generally known to be expensive. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning over pretrained LMs reduces training memory by updating a small number of LM parameters but does not improve inference efficiency. Structured pruning improves LM inference efficiency by removing consistent parameter blocks, yet often increases training memory and time. To improve both training and inference efficiency, we introduce APT that adaptively *prunes* and *tunes* parameters for the LMs. At the early stage of fine-tuning, APT dynamically adds *salient* tuning parameters for fast and accurate convergence while discarding unimportant parameters for efficiency. Compared to baselines, our experiments show that APT maintains up to 98% task performance when pruning RoBERTa and T5 models with 40% parameters left while keeping 86.4% LLaMA models' performance with 70% parameters remaining. Furthermore, APT speeds up LMs' fine-tuning by up to 8$\times$ and reduces large LMs' memory training footprint by up to 70%. Our code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/ROIM1998/APT.

#8 Probabilistic Inference in Language Models via Twisted Sequential Monte Carlo [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi16] [REL]

Authors: Stephen Zhao ; Rob Brekelmans ; Alireza Makhzani ; Roger Baker Grosse

Numerous capability and safety techniques of Large Language Models (LLMs), including RLHF, automated red-teaming, prompt engineering, and infilling, can be cast as sampling from an unnormalized target distribution defined by a given reward or potential function over the full sequence. In this work, we leverage the rich toolkit of Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) for these probabilistic inference problems. In particular, we use learned twist functions to estimate the expected future value of the potential at each timestep, which enables us to focus inference-time computation on promising partial sequences. We propose a novel contrastive method for learning the twist functions, and establish connections with the rich literature of soft reinforcement learning. As a complementary application of our twisted SMC framework, we present methods for evaluating the accuracy of language model inference techniques using novel bidirectional SMC bounds on the log partition function. These bounds can be used to estimate the KL divergence between the inference and target distributions in both directions. We apply our inference evaluation techniques to show that twisted SMC is effective for sampling undesirable outputs from a pretrained model (a useful component of harmlessness training and automated red-teaming), generating reviews with varied sentiment, and performing infilling tasks.

#9 Position: Measure Dataset Diversity, Don't Just Claim It [PDF11] [Copy] [Kimi25] [REL]

Authors: Dora Zhao ; Jerone Andrews ; Orestis Papakyriakopoulos ; Alice Xiang

Machine learning (ML) datasets, often perceived as neutral, inherently encapsulate abstract and disputed social constructs. Dataset curators frequently employ value-laden terms such as diversity, bias, and quality to characterize datasets. Despite their prevalence, these terms lack clear definitions and validation. Our research explores the implications of this issue by analyzing "diversity" across 135 image and text datasets. Drawing from social sciences, we apply principles from measurement theory to identify considerations and offer recommendations for conceptualizing, operationalizing, and evaluating diversity in datasets. Our findings have broader implications for ML research, advocating for a more nuanced and precise approach to handling value-laden properties in dataset construction.

#10 EquiPocket: an E(3)-Equivariant Geometric Graph Neural Network for Ligand Binding Site Prediction [PDF9] [Copy] [Kimi15] [REL]

Authors: Yang Zhang ; Zhewei Wei ; Ye Yuan ; Chongxuan Li ; Wenbing Huang

Predicting the binding sites of target proteins plays a fundamental role in drug discovery. Most existing deep-learning methods consider a protein as a 3D image by spatially clustering its atoms into voxels and then feed the voxelized protein into a 3D CNN for prediction. However, the CNN-based methods encounter several critical issues: 1) defective in representing irregular protein structures; 2) sensitive to rotations; 3) insufficient to characterize the protein surface; 4) unaware of protein size shift. To address the above issues, this work proposes EquiPocket, an E(3)-equivariant Graph Neural Network (GNN) for binding site prediction, which comprises three modules: the first one to extract local geometric information for each surface atom, the second one to model both the chemical and spatial structure of protein and the last one to capture the geometry of the surface via equivariant message passing over the surface atoms. We further propose a dense attention output layer to alleviate the effect incurred by variable protein size. Extensive experiments on several representative benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our framework to the state-of-the-art methods.

#11 Candidate Pseudolabel Learning: Enhancing Vision-Language Models by Prompt Tuning with Unlabeled Data [PDF11] [Copy] [Kimi16] [REL]

Authors: Jiahan Zhang ; Qi Wei ; Feng Liu ; Lei Feng

Fine-tuning vision-language models (VLMs) with abundant unlabeled data recently has attracted increasing attention. Existing methods that resort to the pseudolabeling strategy would suffer from heavily incorrect hard pseudolabels when VLMs exhibit low zero-shot performance in downstream tasks. To alleviate this issue, we propose a **C**andidate **P**seudolabel **L**earning method, termed **CPL**, to fine-tune VLMs with suitable candidate pseudolabels of unlabeled data in downstream tasks. The core of our method lies in the generation strategy of candidate pseudolabels, which progressively generates refined candidate pseudolabels by both intra- and inter-instance label selection, based on a confidence score matrix for all unlabeled data. This strategy can result in better performance in true label inclusion and class-balanced instance selection. In this way, we can directly apply existing loss functions to learn with generated candidate psueudolabels. Extensive experiments on nine benchmark datasets with three learning paradigms demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our code can be found here.

#12 Interpreting and Improving Large Language Models in Arithmetic Calculation [PDF11] [Copy] [Kimi19] [REL]

Authors: Wei Zhang ; Chaoqun Wan ; Yonggang Zhang ; Yiu-Ming Cheung ; Xinmei Tian ; Xu Shen ; Jieping Ye

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable potential across numerous applications and have shown an emergent ability to tackle complex reasoning tasks, such as mathematical computations. However, even for the simplest arithmetic calculations, the intrinsic mechanisms behind LLMs remains mysterious, making it challenging to ensure reliability. In this work, we delve into uncovering a specific mechanism by which LLMs execute calculations. Through comprehensive experiments, we find that LLMs frequently involve a small fraction (<5%) of attention heads, which play a pivotal role in focusing on operands and operators during calculation processes. Subsequently, the information from these operands is processed through multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), progressively leading to the final solution. These pivotal heads/MLPs, though identified on a specific dataset, exhibit transferability across different datasets and even distinct tasks. This insight prompted us to investigate the potential benefits of selectively fine-tuning these essential heads/MLPs to boost the LLMs' computational performance. We empirically find that such precise tuning can yield notable enhancements on mathematical prowess, without compromising the performance on non-mathematical tasks. Our work serves as a preliminary exploration into the arithmetic calculation abilities inherent in LLMs, laying a solid foundation to reveal more intricate mathematical tasks.

#13 Online Matching with Stochastic Rewards: Provable Better Bound via Adversarial Reinforcement Learning [PDF6] [Copy] [Kimi12] [REL]

Authors: Qiankun Zhang ; Aocheng Shen ; Boyu Zhang ; Hanrui Jiang ; Bingqian Du

For a specific online optimization problem, for example, online bipartite matching (OBM), research efforts could be made in two directions before it is finally closed, i.e., the optimal competitive online algorithm is found. One is to continuously design algorithms with better performance. To this end, reinforcement learning (RL) has demonstrated great success in literature. However, little is known on the other direction: whether RL helps explore how hard an online problem is. In this paper, we study a generalized model of OBM, named online matching with stochastic rewards (OMSR, FOCS 2012), for which the optimal competitive ratio is still unknown. We adopt an adversarial RL approach that trains two RL agents adversarially and iteratively: the algorithm agent learns for algorithms with larger competitive ratios, while the adversarial agent learns to produce a family of hard instances. Through such a framework, agents converge at the end with a robust algorithm, which empirically outperforms the state of the art (STOC 2020). Much more significantly, it allows to track how the hard instances are generated. We succeed in distilling two structural properties from the learned graph patterns, which remarkably reduce the action space, and further enable theoretical improvement on the best-known hardness result of OMSR, from $0.621$ (FOCS 2012) to $0.597$. To the best of our knowledge, this gives the first evidence that RL can help enhance the theoretical understanding of an online problem.

#14 MagicLens: Self-Supervised Image Retrieval with Open-Ended Instructions [PDF6] [Copy] [Kimi11] [REL]

Authors: Kai Zhang ; Yi Luan ; Hexiang Hu ; Kenton Lee ; Siyuan Qiao ; Wenhu Chen ; Yu Su ; Ming-Wei Chang

Image retrieval, i.e., finding desired images given a reference image, inherently encompasses rich, multi-faceted search intents that are difficult to capture solely using image-based measures. Recent works leverage text instructions to allow users to more freely express their search intents. However, they primarily focus on image pairs that are visually similar and/or can be characterized by a small set of pre-defined relations. The core thesis of this paper is that text instructions can enable retrieving images with richer relations beyond visual similarity. To show this, we introduce MagicLens, a series of self-supervised image retrieval models that support open-ended instructions. MagicLens is built on a key novel insight: image pairs that naturally occur on the same web pages contain a wide range of implicit relations (e.g., inside view of), and we can bring those implicit relations explicit by synthesizing instructions via foundation models. Trained on 36.7M (query image, instruction, target image) triplets with rich semantic relations mined from the web, MagicLens achieves results comparable with or better than prior best on eight benchmarks of various image retrieval tasks, while maintaining high parameter efficiency with a significantly smaller model size. Additional human analyses on a 1.4M-image unseen corpus further demonstrate the diversity of search intents supported by MagicLens. Code and models are publicly available at the https://open-vision-language.github.io/MagicLens/.

#15 Theoretical Analysis of Learned Database Operations under Distribution Shift through Distribution Learnability [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Sepanta Zeighami ; Cyrus Shahabi

Use of machine learning to perform database operations, such as indexing, cardinality estimation, and sorting, is shown to provide substantial performance benefits. However, when datasets change and data distribution shifts, empirical results also show performance degradation for learned models, possibly to worse than non-learned alternatives. This, together with a lack of theoretical understanding of learned methods undermines their practical applicability, since there are no guarantees on how well the models will perform after deployment. In this paper, we present the first known theoretical characterization of the performance of learned models in dynamic datasets, for the aforementioned operations. Our results show novel theoretical characteristics achievable by learned models and provide bounds on the performance of the models that characterize their advantages over non-learned methods, showing why and when learned models can outperform the alternatives. Our analysis develops the *distribution learnability* framework and novel theoretical tools which build the foundation for the analysis of learned database operations in the future.

#16 Low-Cost High-Power Membership Inference Attacks [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi11] [REL]

Authors: Sajjad Zarifzadeh ; Philippe Liu ; Reza Shokri

Membership inference attacks aim to detect if a particular data point was used in training a model. We design a novel statistical test to perform robust membership inference attacks (RMIA) with low computational overhead. We achieve this by a fine-grained modeling of the null hypothesis in our likelihood ratio tests, and effectively leveraging both reference models and reference population data samples. RMIA has superior test power compared with prior methods, throughout the TPR-FPR curve (even at extremely low FPR, as low as 0). Under computational constraints, where only a limited number of pre-trained reference models (as few as 1) are available, and also when we vary other elements of the attack (e.g., data distribution), our method performs exceptionally well, unlike prior attacks that approach random guessing. RMIA lays the groundwork for practical yet accurate data privacy risk assessment in machine learning.

#17 ViP: A Differentially Private Foundation Model for Computer Vision [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi13] [REL]

Authors: Yaodong Yu ; Maziar Sanjabi ; Yi Ma ; Kamalika Chaudhuri ; Chuan Guo

Artificial intelligence (AI) has seen a tremendous surge in capabilities thanks to the use of foundation models trained on internet-scale data. On the flip side, the uncurated nature of internet-scale data also poses significant privacy and legal risks, as they often contain personal information or copyrighted material that should not be trained on without permission. In this work, we propose as a mitigation measure a recipe to train foundation vision models via self-supervised learning with differential privacy (DP) guarantee. We identify masked autoencoders as a suitable learning algorithm that aligns well with DP-SGD, and train *ViP*---a **Vi**sion transformer with differential **P**rivacy---under a strict privacy budget of $\epsilon=8$ on the LAION400M dataset. We evaluate the quality of representation learned by ViP using standard downstream vision tasks; in particular, ViP achieves a (non-private) linear probing accuracy of 55.7% on ImageNet, comparable to that of end-to-end trained AlexNet (trained and evaluated on ImageNet). Our result suggests that scaling to internet-scale data can be practical for private learning. Code and DP pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/ViP-MAE.

#18 Compressible Dynamics in Deep Overparameterized Low-Rank Learning & Adaptation [PDF11] [Copy] [Kimi16] [REL]

Authors: Can Yaras ; Peng Wang ; Laura Balzano ; Qing Qu

While overparameterization in machine learning models offers great benefits in terms of optimization and generalization, it also leads to increased computational requirements as model sizes grow. In this work, we show that by leveraging the inherent low-dimensional structures of data and compressible dynamics within the model parameters, we can reap the benefits of overparameterization without the computational burdens. In practice, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach for deep low-rank matrix completion as well as fine-tuning language models. Our approach is grounded in theoretical findings for deep overparameterized low-rank matrix recovery, where we show that the learning dynamics of each weight matrix are confined to an invariant low-dimensional subspace. Consequently, we can construct and train compact, highly compressed factorizations possessing the same benefits as their overparameterized counterparts. In the context of deep matrix completion, our technique substantially improves training efficiency while retaining the advantages of overparameterization. For language model fine-tuning, we propose a method called "Deep LoRA", which improves the existing low-rank adaptation (LoRA) technique, leading to reduced overfitting and a simplified hyperparameter setup, while maintaining comparable efficiency. We validate the effectiveness of Deep LoRA on natural language tasks, particularly when fine-tuning with limited data.

#19 SAM as the Guide: Mastering Pseudo-Label Refinement in Semi-Supervised Referring Expression Segmentation [PDF5] [Copy] [Kimi7] [REL]

Authors: Danni Yang ; Jiayi Ji ; Yiwei Ma ; Tianyu Guo ; Haowei Wang ; Xiaoshuai Sun ; Rongrong Ji

In this paper, we introduce SemiRES, a semi-supervised framework that effectively leverages a combination of labeled and unlabeled data to perform RES. A significant hurdle in applying semi-supervised techniques to RES is the prevalence of noisy pseudo-labels, particularly at the boundaries of objects. SemiRES incorporates the Segment Anything Model (SAM), renowned for its precise boundary demarcation, to improve the accuracy of these pseudo-labels. Within SemiRES, we offer two alternative matching strategies: IoU-based Optimal Matching (IOM) and Composite Parts Integration (CPI). These strategies are designed to extract the most accurate masks from SAM's output, thus guiding the training of the student model with enhanced precision. In instances where a precise mask cannot be matched from the available candidates, we develop the Pixel-Wise Adjustment (PWA) strategy, guiding the student model's training directly by the pseudo-labels. Extensive experiments on three RES benchmarks—RefCOCO, RefCOCO+, and G-Ref reveal its superior performance compared to fully supervised methods, especially in low-data scenarios. Remarkably, with only 1% labeled data, our SemiRES outperforms the supervised baseline by a large margin, e.g. +18.64% gains on RefCOCO val set.

#20 MorphGrower: A Synchronized Layer-by-layer Growing Approach for Plausible Neuronal Morphology Generation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi8] [REL]

Authors: Nianzu Yang ; Kaipeng Zeng ; Haotian Lu ; Yexin Wu ; Zexin Yuan ; Danni Chen ; Shengdian Jiang ; Jiaxiang Wu ; Yimin Wang ; Junchi Yan

Neuronal morphology is essential for studying brain functioning and understanding neurodegenerative disorders. As acquiring real-world morphology data is expensive, computational approaches for morphology generation have been studied. Traditional methods heavily rely on expert-set rules and parameter tuning, making it difficult to generalize across different types of morphologies. Recently, MorphVAE was introduced as the sole learning-based method, but its generated morphologies lack plausibility, i.e., they do not appear realistic enough and most of the generated samples are topologically invalid. To fill this gap, this paper proposes **MorphGrower**, which mimicks the neuron natural growth mechanism for generation. Specifically, MorphGrower generates morphologies layer by layer, with each subsequent layer conditioned on the previously generated structure. During each layer generation, MorphGrower utilizes a pair of sibling branches as the basic generation block and generates branch pairs synchronously. This approach ensures topological validity and allows for fine-grained generation, thereby enhancing the realism of the final generated morphologies. Results on four real-world datasets demonstrate that MorphGrower outperforms MorphVAE by a notable margin. Importantly, the electrophysiological response simulation demonstrates the plausibility of our generated samples from a neuroscience perspective. Our code is available at [https://github.com/Thinklab-SJTU/MorphGrower](https://github.com/Thinklab-SJTU/MorphGrower).

#21 Principled Preferential Bayesian Optimization [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi7] [REL]

Authors: Wenjie Xu ; Wenbin Wang ; Yuning Jiang ; Bratislav Svetozarevic ; Colin Jones

We study the problem of preferential Bayesian optimization (BO), where we aim to optimize a black-box function with only preference feedback over a pair of candidate solutions. Inspired by the likelihood ratio idea, we construct a confidence set of the black-box function using only the preference feedback. An optimistic algorithm with an efficient computational method is then developed to solve the problem, which enjoys an information-theoretic bound on the total cumulative regret, a first-of-its-kind for preferential BO. This bound further allows us to design a scheme to report an estimated best solution, with a guaranteed convergence rate. Experimental results on sampled instances from Gaussian processes, standard test functions, and a thermal comfort optimization problem all show that our method stably achieves better or competitive performance as compared to the existing state-of-the-art heuristics, which, however, do not have theoretical guarantees on regret bounds or convergence.

#22 Is DPO Superior to PPO for LLM Alignment? A Comprehensive Study [PDF24] [Copy] [Kimi16] [REL]

Authors: Shusheng Xu ; Wei Fu ; Jiaxuan Gao ; Wenjie Ye ; Weilin Liu ; Zhiyu Mei ; Guangju Wang ; Chao Yu ; Yi Wu

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is currently the most widely used method to align large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. Existing RLHF methods can be roughly categorized as either reward-based or reward-free. Novel applications such as ChatGPT and Claude leverage reward-based methods that first learn a reward model and apply actor-critic algorithms, such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). However, in academic benchmarks, state-of-the-art results are often achieved via reward-free methods, such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). Is DPO truly superior to PPO? Why does PPO perform poorly on these benchmarks? In this paper, we first conduct both theoretical and empirical studies on the algorithmic properties of DPO and show that DPO may have fundamental limitations. Moreover, we also comprehensively examine PPO and reveal the key factors for the best performances of PPO in fine-tuning LLMs. Finally, we benchmark DPO and PPO across a collection of RLHF testbeds, ranging from dialogue to code generation. Experiment results demonstrate that PPO is able to surpass other alignment methods in all cases and achieve state-of-the-art results in challenging code competitions.

#23 Sparse Inducing Points in Deep Gaussian Processes: Enhancing Modeling with Denoising Diffusion Variational Inference [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Jian Xu ; Delu Zeng ; John Paisley

Deep Gaussian processes (DGPs) provide a robust paradigm in Bayesian deep learning. In DGPs, a set of sparse integration locations called inducing points are selected to approximate the posterior distribution of the model. This is done to reduce computational complexity and improve model efficiency. However, inferring the posterior distribution of inducing points is not straightforward. Traditional variational inference techniques methods to approximate the posterior often leads to significant bias. To address this issue, we propose an alternative named Denoising Diffusion Variational Inference (DDVI) that utilizes a denoising diffusion stochastic differential equation (SDE) for generating posterior samples of inducing variables. We refer to the score matching method in the denoising diffusion model to approximate challenging score functions using a neural network. Furthermore, by combining classical mathematical theory of SDE with the minimization of KL divergence between the approximate and true processes, we propose a novel explicit variational lower bound for the marginal likelihood function of DGP. Through extensive experiments on various datasets and comparisons with baseline methods, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the DDVI method in posterior inference of inducing points for DGP models.

#24 Less is More: on the Over-Globalizing Problem in Graph Transformers [PDF9] [Copy] [Kimi7] [REL]

Authors: Yujie Xing ; Xiao Wang ; Yibo Li ; Hai Huang ; Chuan Shi

Graph Transformer, due to its global attention mechanism, has emerged as a new tool in dealing with graph-structured data. It is well recognized that the global attention mechanism considers a wider receptive field in a fully connected graph, leading many to believe that useful information can be extracted from all the nodes. In this paper, we challenge this belief: does the globalizing property always benefit Graph Transformers? We reveal the over-globalizing problem in Graph Transformer by presenting both empirical evidence and theoretical analysis, i.e., the current attention mechanism overly focuses on those distant nodes, while the near nodes, which actually contain most of the useful information, are relatively weakened. Then we propose a novel Bi-Level Global Graph Transformer with Collaborative Training (CoBFormer), including the inter-cluster and intra-cluster Transformers, to prevent the over-globalizing problem while keeping the ability to extract valuable information from distant nodes. Moreover, the collaborative training is proposed to improve the model's generalization ability with a theoretical guarantee. Extensive experiments on various graphs well validate the effectiveness of our proposed CoBFormer.

#25 Improving Transformers with Dynamically Composable Multi-Head Attention [PDF21] [Copy] [Kimi17] [REL]

Authors: Da Xiao ; Qingye Meng ; Shengping Li ; Xingyuan Yuan

Multi-Head Attention (MHA) is a key component of Transformer. In MHA, attention heads work independently, causing problems such as low-rank bottleneck of attention score matrices and head redundancy. We propose Dynamically Composable Multi-Head Attention (DCMHA), a parameter and computation efficient attention architecture that tackles the shortcomings of MHA and increases the expressive power of the model by dynamically composing attention heads. At the core of DCMHA is a Compose function that transforms the attention score and weight matrices in an input-dependent way. DCMHA can be used as a drop-in replacement of MHA in any transformer architecture to obtain the corresponding DCFormer. DCFormer significantly outperforms Transformer on different architectures and model scales in language modeling, matching the performance of models with 1.7x-2.0x compute. For example, DCPythia-6.9B outperforms open source Pythia-12B on both pretraining perplexity and downstream task evaluation.