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Bipartite graphs manifest as a stream of edges that represent transactions, e.g., purchases by retail customers. Recommender systems employ neighborhood-based measures of node similarity, such as the pairwise number of common neighbors (CN) and related metrics. While the number of node pairs that share neighbors is potentially enormous, only a relatively small proportion of them have many common neighbors. This motivates finding a weighted sampling approach to preferentially sample these node pairs. This paper presents a new sampling algorithm that provides a fixed size unbiased estimate of the similarity matrix resulting from a bipartite edge stream projection. The algorithm has two components. First, it maintains a reservoir of sampled bipartite edges with sampling weights that favor selection of high similarity nodes. Second, arriving edges generate a stream of similarity updates, based on their adjacency with the current sample. These updates are aggregated in a second reservoir sample-based stream aggregator to yield the final unbiased estimate. Experiments on real world graphs show that a 10% sample at each stage yields estimates of high similarity edges with weighted relative errors of about 1%.
Real-time spatiotemporal population data is attracting a great deal of attention for understanding crowd movements in cities.The data is the aggregation of personal location information and consists of just areas and the number of people in each area at certain time instants. Accordingly, it does not explicitly represent crowd movement. This paper proposes a probabilistic model based on collective graphical models that can estimate crowd movement from spatiotemporal population data. There are two technical challenges: (i) poor estimation accuracy as the traditional approach means the model would have too many degrees of freedom, (ii) excessive computation cost. Our key idea for overcoming these two difficulties is to model the transition probability between grid cells (cells hereafter) in a geospatial grid space by using three factors: departure probability of cells, gathering score of cells, and geographical distance between cells. These advances enable us to reduce the degrees of freedom of the model appropriately and derive an efficient estimation algorithm. To evaluate the performance of our method, we conduct experiments using real-world spatiotemporal population data. The results confirm the effectiveness of our method, both in estimation accuracy and computation cost.
Recommending a point-of-interest (POI) a user will visit next based on temporal and spatial context information is an important task in mobile-based applications. Recently, several POI recommendation models based on conventional sequential-data modeling approaches have been proposed. However, such models focus on only a user's check-in sequence information and the physical distance between POIs. Furthermore, they do not utilize the characteristics of POIs or the relationships between POIs. To address this problem, we propose CAPE, the first content-aware POI embedding model which utilizes text content that provides information about the characteristics of a POI. CAPE consists of a check-in context layer and a text content layer. The check-in context layer captures the geographical influence of POIs from the check-in sequence of a user, while the text content layer captures the characteristics of POIs from the text content. To validate the efficacy of CAPE, we constructed a large-scale POI dataset. In the experimental evaluation, we show that the performance of the existing POI recommendation models can be significantly improved by simply applying CAPE to the models.
The web link selection problem is to select a small subset of web links from a large web link pool, and to place the selected links on a web page that can only accommodate a limited number of links, e.g., advertisements, recommendations, or news feeds. Despite the long concerned click-through rate which reflects the attractiveness of the link itself, revenue can only be obtained from user actions after clicks, e.g., purchasing after being directed to the product pages by recommendation links. Thus, web links have an intrinsic multi-level feedback structure. With this observation, we consider the context-free web link selection problem, where the objective is to maximize revenue while ensuring that the attractiveness is no less than a preset threshold. The key challenge of the problem is that each link's multi-level feedbacks are stochastic, and unobservable unless the link is selected. We model this problem with a constrained stochastic multi-armed bandit formulation, and design an efficient link selection algorithm, called Constrained Upper Confidence Bound algorithm (Con-UCB). We prove O(sqrt(T ln(T))) bounds on both regret and violation of the attractiveness constraint. We also conduct extensive experiments on three real-world datasets, and show that Con-UCB outperforms state-of-the-art context-free bandit algorithms concerning the multi-level feedback structure.
In the smart power grid, short-term load forecasting (STLF) is a crucial step in scheduling and planning for future load, so as to improve the reliability, cost, and emissions of the power grid. Different from traditional time series forecast, STLF is a more challenging task, because of the complex demand of active and reactive power from numerous categories of electrical loads and the effects of environment. Therefore, we propose NeuCast, a seasonal neural forecasting method, which dynamically models various loads as co-evolving time series in a hidden space, as well as extra weather conditions, in a neural network structure. NeuCast captures seasonality and patterns of the time series by integrating factor modeling and hidden state recognition. NeuCast can also detect anomalies and forecast under different temperature assumptions. Extensive experiments on 134 real-word datasets show the improvements of NeuCast over the stateof-the-art methods.
The rapid development of sensor networks enables recognition of complex activities (CAs) using multivariate time series. However, CAs are usually performed over long periods of time, which causes slow recognition by models based on fully observed data. Therefore, predicting CAs at early stages becomes an important problem. In this paper, we propose Simultaneous Complex Activities Recognition and Action Sequence Discovering (SimRAD), an algorithm which predicts a CA over time by mining a sequence of multivariate actions from sensor data using a Deep Neural Network. SimRAD simultaneously learns two probabilistic models for inferring CAs and action sequences, where the estimations of the two models are conditionally dependent on each other. SimRAD continuously predicts the CA and the action sequence, thus the predictions are mutually updated until the end of the CA. We conduct evaluations on a real-world CA dataset consisting of a rich amount of sensor data, and the results show that SimRAD outperforms state-of-the-art methods by average 7.2% in prediction accuracy with high confidence.
Among various recommendation methods, latent factor models are usually considered to be state-of-the-art techniques, which aim to learn user and item embeddings for predicting user-item preferences. When applying latent factor models to recommendation with implicit feedback, the quality of embeddings always suffers from inadequate positive feedback and noisy negative feedback. Inspired by the idea of NSVD that represents users based on their interacted items, this paper proposes a dual-embedding based deep latent factor model named DELF for recommendation with implicit feedback. In addition to learning a single embedding for a user (resp. item), we represent each user (resp. item) with an additional embedding from the perspective of the interacted items (resp. users). We employ an attentive neural method to discriminate the importance of interacted users/items for dual-embedding learning. We further introduce a neural network architecture to incorporate dual embeddings for recommendation. A novel attempt of DELF is to model each user-item interaction with four deep representations that are subtly fused for preference prediction. We conducted extensive experiments on real-world datasets. The results verify the effectiveness of user/item dual embeddings and the superior performance of DELF on item recommendation.
Making sense of the surrounding context and ongoing events through not only the visual inputs but also acoustic cues is critical for various AI applications. This paper presents an attempt to learn a neural network model that recognizes more than 500 different sound events from the audio part of user generated videos (UGV). Aside from the large number of categories and the diverse recording conditions found in UGV, the task is challenging because a sound event may occur only for a short period of time in a video clip. Our model specifically tackles this issue by combining a main subnet that aggregates information from the entire clip to make clip-level predictions, and a supplementary subnet that examines each short segment of the clip for segment-level predictions. As the labeled data available for model training are typically on the clip level, the latter subnet learns to pay attention to segments selectively to facilitate attentional segment-level supervision. We call our model the M&mnet, for it leverages both “M”acro (clip-level) supervision and “m”icro (segment-level) supervision derived from the macro one. Our experiments show that M&mnet works remarkably well for recognizing sound events, establishing a new state-of-theart for DCASE17 and AudioSet data sets. Qualitative analysis suggests that our model exhibits strong gains for short events. In addition, we show that the micro subnet is computationally light and we can use multiple micro subnets to better exploit information in different temporal scales.
Most existing recommender systems leverage the primary feedback data only, such as the purchase records in E-commerce. In this work, we additionally integrate view data into implicit feedback based recommender systems (dubbed as Implicit Recommender Systems). We propose to model the pairwise ranking relations among purchased, viewed, and non-viewed interactions, being more effective and flexible than typical pointwise matrix factorization (MF) methods. However, such a pairwise formulation poses efficiency challenges in learning the model. To address this problem, we design a new learning algorithm based on the element-wise Alternating Least Squares (eALS) learner. Notably, our algorithm can efficiently learn model parameters from the whole user-item matrix (including all missing data), with a rather low time complexity that is dependent on the observed data only. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art MF methods by 10% ∼ 28.4%. Our implementation is available at: https://github.com/ dingjingtao/View_enhanced_ALS.
General recommender and sequential recommender are two commonly applied modeling paradigms for recommendation tasks. General recommender focuses on modeling the general user preferences, ignoring the sequential patterns in user behaviors; whereas sequential recommender focuses on exploring the item-to-item sequential relations, failing to model the global user preferences. In addition, better recommendation performance has recently been achieved by adopting an approach to combine them. However, previous approaches are unable to solve both tasks in a unified way and cannot capture the whole historical sequential information. In this paper, we propose a recommendation model named Recurrent Collaborative Filtering (RCF), which unifies both paradigms within a single model.Specifically, we combine recurrent neural network (the sequential recommender part) and matrix factorization model (the general recommender part) in a multi-task learning framework, where we perform joint optimization with shared model parameters enforcing the two parts to regularize each other. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate on MovieLens and Netflix datasets that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods across the tasks of both sequential and general recommender.
Opioid (e.g., heroin and morphine) addiction has become one of the largest and deadliest epidemics in the United States. To combat such deadly epidemic, in this paper, we propose a novel framework named HinOPU to automatically detect opioid users from Twitter, which will assist in sharpening our understanding toward the behavioral process of opioid addiction and treatment. In HinOPU, to model the users and the posted tweets as well as their rich relationships, we introduce structured heterogeneous information network (HIN) for representation. Afterwards, we use meta-graph based approach to characterize the semantic relatedness over users; we then formulate different similarities over users based on different meta-graphs on HIN. To reduce the cost of acquiring labeled samples for supervised learning, we propose a transductive classification method to build the base classifiers based on different similarities formulated by different meta-graphs. Then, to further improve the detection accuracy, we construct an ensemble to combine different predictions from different base classifiers for opioid user detection. Comprehensive experiments on real sample collections from Twitter are conducted to validate the effectiveness of HinOPU in opioid user detection by comparisons with other alternate methods.
Network embedding has attracted a surge of attention in recent years. It is to learn the low-dimensional representation for nodes in a network, which benefits downstream tasks such as node classification and link prediction. Most of the existing approaches learn node representations only based on the topological structure, yet nodes are often associated with rich attributes in many real-world applications. Thus, it is important and necessary to learn node representations based on both the topological structure and node attributes. In this paper, we propose a novel deep attributed network embedding approach, which can capture the high non-linearity and preserve various proximities in both topological structure and node attributes. At the same time, a novel strategy is proposed to guarantee the learned node representation can encode the consistent and complementary information from the topological structure and node attributes. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets have verified the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
The identification of drug-target interactions (DTIs) is a key task in drug discovery, where drugs are chemical compounds and targets are proteins. Traditional DTI prediction methods are either time consuming (simulation-based methods) or heavily dependent on domain expertise (similarity-based and feature-based methods). In this work, we propose an end-to-end neural network model that predicts DTIs directly from low level representations. In addition to making predictions, our model provides biological interpretation using two-way attention mechanism. Instead of using simplified settings where a dataset is evaluated as a whole, we designed an evaluation dataset from BindingDB following more realistic settings where predictions of unobserved examples (proteins and drugs) have to be made. We experimentally compared our model with matrix factorization, similarity-based methods, and a previous deep learning approach. Overall, the results show that our model outperforms other approaches without requiring domain knowledge and feature engineering. In a case study, we illustrated the ability of our approach to provide biological insights to interpret the predictions.
Network embedding has been recently used in social network recommendations by embedding low-dimensional representations of network items for recommendation. However, existing item recommendation models in social networks suffer from two limitations. First, these models partially use item information and mostly ignore important contextual information in social networks such as textual content and social tag information. Second, network embedding and item recommendations are learned in two independent steps without any interaction. To this end, we in this paper consider item recommendations based on heterogeneous information sources. Specifically, we combine item structure, textual content and tag information for recommendation. To model the multi-source heterogeneous information, we use two coupled neural networks to capture the deep network representations of items, based on which a new recommendation model Collaborative multi-source Deep Network Embedding (CDNE for short) is proposed to learn different latent representations. Experimental results on two real-world data sets demonstrate that CDNE can use network representation learning to boost the recommendation performance.
The spread of invasive species to new areas threatens the stability of ecosystems and causes major economic losses. We propose a novel approach to minimize the spread of an invasive species given a limited intervention budget. We first model invasive species spread using Hawkes processes, and then derive closed-form expressions for characterizing the effect of an intervention action on the invasion process. We use this to obtain an optimal intervention plan based on an integer programming formulation, and compare the optimal plan against several ecologically-motivated heuristic strategies used in practice. We present an empirical study of two variants of the invasive control problem: minimizing the final rate of invasions, and minimizing the number of invasions at the end of a given time horizon. The optimized intervention achieves nearly the same level of control that would be attained by completely eradicating the species, but at only 60-80\% of the cost.
Latent factor models have been widely used for recommendation. Most existing latent factor models mainly utilize the rating information between users and items, although some recently extended models add some auxiliary information to learn a unified latent factor between users and items. The unified latent factor only represents the latent features of users and items from the aspect of purchase history. However, the latent features of users and items may stem from different aspects, e.g., the brand-aspect and category-aspect of items. In this paper, we propose a Neural network based Aspect-level Collaborative Filtering model (NeuACF) to exploit different aspect latent factors. Through modelling rich objects and relations in recommender system as a heterogeneous information network, NeuACF first extracts different aspect-level similarity matrices of users and items through different meta-paths and then feeds an elaborately designed deep neural network with these matrices to learn aspect-level latent factors. Finally, the aspect-level latent factors are effectively fused with an attention mechanism for the top-N recommendation. Extensive experiments on three real datasets show that NeuACF significantly outperforms both existing latent factor models and recent neural network models.
New contents like blogs and online videos are produced in every second in the new media age. We argue that attraction is one of the decisive factors for user selection of new contents. However, collaborative filtering cannot work without user feedback; and the existing content-based recommender systems are ineligible to capture and interpret the attractive points on new contents. Accordingly, we propose attraction modeling to learn and interpret user attractiveness. Specially, we build a multilevel attraction model (MLAM) over the content features -- the story (textual data) and cast members (categorical data) of movies. In particular, we design multilevel personal filters to calculate users' attractiveness on words, sentences and cast members at different levels. The experimental results show the superiority of MLAM over the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, a case study is provided to demonstrate the interpretability of MLAM by visualizing user attractiveness on a movie.
Network embedding is to learn a low-dimensional representation for a network in order to capture intrinsic features of the network. It has been applied to many applications, e.g., network community detection and user recommendation. One of the recent research topics for network embedding has been focusing on exploitation of diverse information, including network topology and semantic information on nodes of networks. However, such diverse information has not been fully utilized nor adequately integrated in the existing methods, so that the resulting network embedding is far from satisfactory. In this paper, we develop a weight-free multi-component network embedding approach by network reconstruction via a deep Autoencoder. Three key components make our new approach effective, i.e., a uniformed graph representation of network topology and semantic information, enhancement to the graph representation using local network structure (i.e., pairwise relationship on nodes) by sampling with latent space regularization, and integration of the diverse information in graph forms in a deep Autoencoder. Extensive experimental results on seven real-world networks demonstrate a superior performance of our method over nine state-of-the-art methods for embedding.
Our interactions with an application frequently leave a heterogeneous and contemporaneous trail of actions and adoptions (e.g., clicks, bookmarks, purchases). Given a sequence of a particular type (e.g., purchases)-- referred to as the target sequence, we seek to predict the next item expected to appear beyond this sequence. This task is known as next-item recommendation. We hypothesize two means for improvement. First, within each time step, a user may interact with multiple items (a basket), with potential latent associations among them. Second, predicting the next item in the target sequence may be helped by also learning from another supporting sequence (e.g., clicks). We develop three twin network structures modeling the generation of both target and support basket sequences. One based on "Siamese networks" facilitates full sharing of parameters between the two sequence types. The other two based on "fraternal networks" facilitate partial sharing of parameters. Experiments on real-world datasets show significant improvements upon baselines relying on one sequence type.
Label propagation spreads the soft labels from few labeled data to a large amount of unlabeled data according to the intrinsic graph structure. Nonetheless, most label propagation solutions work under relatively small-scale data and fail to cope with many real applications, such as social network analysis, where graphs usually have millions of nodes. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm named \algo to deal with large-scale data. A lightweight iterative process derived from the well-known stochastic gradient descent strategy is used to reduce memory overhead and accelerate the solving process. We also give a theoretical analysis on the necessity of the warm-start technique for label propagation. Experiments show that our algorithm can handle million-scale graphs in few seconds while achieving highly competitive performance with existing algorithms.
Numerous sensors have been deployed in different geospatial locations to continuously and cooperatively monitor the surrounding environment, such as the air quality. These sensors generate multiple geo-sensory time series, with spatial correlations between their readings. Forecasting geo-sensory time series is of great importance yet very challenging as it is affected by many complex factors, i.e., dynamic spatio-temporal correlations and external factors. In this paper, we predict the readings of a geo-sensor over several future hours by using a multi-level attention-based recurrent neural network that considers multiple sensors' readings, meteorological data, and spatial data. More specifically, our model consists of two major parts: 1) a multi-level attention mechanism to model the dynamic spatio-temporal dependencies. 2) a general fusion module to incorporate the external factors from different domains. Experiments on two types of real-world datasets, viz., air quality data and water quality data, demonstrate that our method outperforms nine baseline methods.
Predicting users’ activity and location preferences is of great significance in location based services. Considering that users’ activity and location preferences interplay with each other, many scholars tried to figure out the relation between users’ activities and locations for improving prediction performance. However, most previous works enforce a rigid human-defined modeling strategy to capture these two factors, either activity purpose controlling location preference or spatial region determining activity preference. Unlike existing methods, we introduce spatial-activity topics as the latent factor capturing both users’ activity and location preferences. We propose Multi-task Context Aware Recurrent Neural Network to leverage the spatial activity topic for activity and location prediction. More specifically, a novel Context Aware Recurrent Unit is designed to integrate the sequential dependency and temporal regularity of spatial activity topics. Extensive experimental results based on real-world public datasets demonstrate that the proposed model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
A variety of machine learning models have been proposed to assess the performance of players in professional sports. However, they have only a limited ability to model how player performance depends on the game context. This paper proposes a new approach to capturing game context: we apply Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to learn an action-value Q function from 3M play-by-play events in the National Hockey League (NHL). The neural network representation integrates both continuous context signals and game history, using a possession-based LSTM. The learned Q-function is used to value players' actions under different game contexts. To assess a player's overall performance, we introduce a novel Game Impact Metric (GIM) that aggregates the values of the player's actions. Empirical Evaluation shows GIM is consistent throughout a play season, and correlates highly with standard success measures and future salary.
User and item features of side information are crucial for accurate recommendation. However, the large number of feature dimensions, e.g., usually larger than 107, results in expensive storage and computational cost. This prohibits fast recommendation especially on mobile applications where the computational resource is very limited. In this paper, we develop a generic feature-based recommendation model, called Discrete Factorization Machine (DFM), for fast and accurate recommendation. DFM binarizes the real-valued model parameters (e.g., float32) of every feature embedding into binary codes (e.g., boolean), and thus supports efficient storage and fast user-item score computation. To avoid the severe quantization loss of the binarization, we propose a convergent updating rule that resolves the challenging discrete optimization of DFM. Through extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, we show that 1) DFM consistently outperforms state-of-the-art binarized recommendation models, and 2) DFM shows very competitive performance compared to its real-valued version (FM), demonstrating the minimized quantization loss.
Hashtags have always been important elements in many social network platforms and micro-blog services. Semantic understanding of hashtags is a critical and fundamental task for many applications on social networks, such as event analysis, theme discovery, information retrieval, etc. However, this task is challenging due to the sparsity, polysemy, and synonymy of hashtags. In this paper, we investigate the problem of hashtag embedding by combining the short text content with the various heterogeneous relations in social networks. Specifically, we first establish a network with hashtags as its nodes. Hierarchically, each of the hashtag nodes is associated with a set of tweets and each tweet contains a set of words. Then we devise an embedding model, called Hashtag2Vec, which exploits multiple relations of hashtag-hashtag, hashtag-tweet, tweet-word, and word-word relations based on the hierarchical heterogeneous network. In addition to embedding the hashtags, our proposed framework is capable of embedding the short social texts as well. Extensive experiments are conducted on two real-world datasets, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.