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End-to-end learning from crowds has recently been introduced as an EM-free approach to training deep neural networks directly from noisy crowdsourced annotations. It models the relationship between true labels and annotations with a specific type of neural layer, termed as the crowd layer, which can be trained using pure backpropagation. Parameters of the crowd layer, however, can hardly be interpreted as annotator reliability, as compared with the more principled probabilistic approach. The lack of probabilistic interpretation further prevents extensions of the approach to account for important factors of annotation processes, e.g., instance difficulty. This paper presents SpeeLFC, a structured probabilistic model that incorporates the constraints of probability axioms for parameters of the crowd layer, which allows to explicitly model annotator reliability while benefiting from the end-to-end training of neural networks. Moreover, we propose SpeeLFC-D, which further takes into account instance difficulty. Extensive validation on real-world datasets shows that our methods improve the state-of-the-art.
Spiking Neural Network (SNN) is considered more biologically plausible and energy-efficient on emerging neuromorphic hardware. Recently backpropagation algorithm has been utilized for training SNN, which allows SNN to go deeper and achieve higher performance. However, most existing SNN models for object recognition are mainly convolutional structures or fully-connected structures, which only have inter-layer connections, but no intra-layer connections. Inspired by Lateral Interactions in neuroscience, we propose a high-performance and noise-robust Spiking Neural Network (dubbed LISNN). Based on the convolutional SNN, we model the lateral interactions between spatially adjacent neurons and integrate it into the spiking neuron membrane potential formula, then build a multi-layer SNN on a popular deep learning framework, i.\,e., PyTorch. We utilize the pseudo-derivative method to solve the non-differentiable problem when applying backpropagation to train LISNN and test LISNN on multiple standard datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can achieve competitive or better performance compared to current state-of-the-art spiking neural networks on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and N-MNIST datasets. Besides, thanks to lateral interactions, our model processes stronger noise-robustness than other SNN. Our work brings a biologically plausible mechanism into SNN, hoping that it can help us understand the visual information processing in the brain.
A rising vision for AI in the open world centers on the development of systems that can complement humans for perceptual, diagnostic, and reasoning tasks. To date, systems aimed at complementing the skills of people have employed models trained to be as accurate as possible in isolation. We demonstrate how an end-to-end learning strategy can be harnessed to optimize the combined performance of human-machine teams by considering the distinct abilities of people and machines. The goal is to focus machine learning on problem instances that are difficult for humans, while recognizing instances that are difficult for the machine and seeking human input on them. We demonstrate in two real-world domains (scientific discovery and medical diagnosis) that human-machine teams built via these methods outperform the individual performance of machines and people. We then analyze conditions under which this complementarity is strongest, and which training methods amplify it. Taken together, our work provides the first systematic investigation of how machine learning systems can be trained to complement human reasoning.
Quality assurance is one of the most important problems in crowdsourcing and human computation, and it has been extensively studied from various aspects. Typical approaches for quality assurance include unsupervised approaches such as introducing task redundancy (i.e., asking the same question to multiple workers and aggregating their answers) and supervised approaches such as using worker performance on past tasks or injecting qualification questions into tasks in order to estimate the worker performance. In this paper, we propose to utilize the worker performance as a global constraint for inferring the true answers. The existing semi-supervised approaches do not consider such use of qualification questions. We also propose to utilize the constraint as a regularizer combined with existing statistical aggregation methods. The experiments using heterogeneous multiple-choice questions demonstrate that the performance constraint not only has the power to estimate the ground truths when used by itself, but also boosts the existing aggregation methods when used as a regularizer.
Aggregating crowd wisdom infers true labels for objects, from multiple noisy labels provided by various sources. Besides labels from sources, side information such as object features is also introduced to achieve higher inference accuracy. Usually, the learning-from-crowds framework is adopted. However, the framework considers each object in isolation and does not make full use of object features to overcome label noise. In this paper, we propose a clustering-based label-aware autoencoder (CLA) to alleviate label noise. CLA utilizes clusters to gather objects with similar features and exploits clustering to infer true labels, by constructing a novel deep generative process to simultaneously generate object features and source labels from clusters. For model inference, CLA extends the framework of variational autoencoders and utilizes maximizing a posteriori (MAP) estimation, which prevents the model from overfitting and trivial solutions. Experiments on real-world tasks demonstrate the significant improvement of CLA compared with the state-of-the-art aggregation algorithms.
This paper suggests a new paradigm for the design of collaborative autonomous agents engaged in executing a joint task alongside a human user. In particular, we focus on the way an agent's failures should affect its decision making, as far as user satisfaction measures are concerned. Unlike the common practice that considers agent (and more broadly, system) failures solely in the prism of their influence over the agent's contribution to the execution of the joint task, we argue that there is an additional, direct, influence which cannot be fully captured by the above measure. Through two series of large-scale controlled experiments with 450 human subjects, recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk, we show that, indeed, such direct influence holds. Furthermore, we show that the use of a simple agent design that takes into account the direct influence of failures in its decision making yields considerably better user satisfaction, compared to an agent that focuses exclusively on maximizing its absolute contribution to the joint task.
This paper suggests a new paradigm for the design of collaborative autonomous agents engaged in executing a joint task alongside a human user. In particular, we focus on the way an agent's failures should affect its decision making, as far as user satisfaction measures are concerned. Unlike the common practice that considers agent (and more broadly, system) failures solely in the prism of their influence over the agent's contribution to the execution of the joint task, we argue that there is an additional, direct, influence which cannot be fully captured by the above measure. Through two series of large-scale controlled experiments with 450 human subjects, recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk, we show that, indeed, such direct influence holds. Furthermore, we show that the use of a simple agent design that takes into account the direct influence of failures in its decision making yields considerably better user satisfaction, compared to an agent that focuses exclusively on maximizing its absolute contribution to the joint task.
Existing schemes cannot assign complex tasks to the most suitable workers because they either cannot measure skills quantitatively or do not consider assigning tasks to workers who are the most suitable but unavailable temporarily. In this paper, we investigate how to realize optimal complex task assignment. Firstly, we formulate the multiple-skill based task assignment problem in service crowdsourcing. We then propose a weighted multi-skill tree (WMST) to model multiple skills and their correlations. Next, we propose the acceptance expectation to uniformly measure the probabilities that different categories of workers will accept and complete specified tasks. Finally, we propose an acceptance-expectation-based task assignment (AE-TA) algorithm, which reserves tasks for the most suitable workers even unavailable temporarily. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that our WMST model and AE-TA algorithm significantly outperform related proposals.
Recent deep learning-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) decoding algorithms mainly focus on spatial-temporal features, while failing to explicitly explore spectral information which is one of the most important cues for BCI. In this paper, we propose a novel regional attention convolutional neural network (RACNN) to take full advantage of spectral-spatial-temporal features for EEG motion intention recognition. Time-frequency based analysis is adopted to reveal spectral-temporal features in terms of neural oscillations of primary sensorimotor. The basic idea of RACNN is to identify the activated area of the primary sensorimotor adaptively. The RACNN aggregates a varied number of spectral-temporal features produced by a backbone convolutional neural network into a compact fixed-length representation. Inspired by the neuroscience findings that functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemisphere, we propose a region biased loss to encourage high attention weights for the most critical regions. Extensive evaluations on two benchmark datasets and real-world BCI dataset show that our approach significantly outperforms previous methods.
Knowledge tracing (KT) defines the task of predicting whether students can correctly answer questions based on their historical response. Although much research has been devoted to exploiting the question information, plentiful advanced information among questions and skills hasn't been well extracted, making it challenging for previous work to perform adequately. In this paper, we demonstrate that large gains on KT can be realized by pre-training embeddings for each question on abundant side information, followed by training deep KT models on the obtained embeddings. To be specific, the side information includes question difficulty and three kinds of relations contained in a bipartite graph between questions and skills. To pre-train the question embeddings, we propose to use product-based neural networks to recover the side information. As a result, adopting the pre-trained embeddings in existing deep KT models significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on three common KT datasets.