IJCAI.2021 - Others

| Total: 137

#1 Partition Function Estimation: A Quantitative Study [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Durgesh Agrawal ; Yash Pote ; Kuldeep S. Meel

Probabilistic graphical models have emerged as a powerful modeling tool for several real-world scenarios where one needs to reason under uncertainty. A graphical model's partition function is a central quantity of interest, and its computation is key to several probabilistic reasoning tasks. Given the #P-hardness of computing the partition function, several techniques have been proposed over the years with varying guarantees on the quality of estimates and their runtime behavior. This paper seeks to present a survey of 18 techniques and a rigorous empirical study of their behavior across an extensive set of benchmarks. Our empirical study draws up a surprising observation: exact techniques are as efficient as the approximate ones, and therefore, we conclude with an optimistic view of opportunities for the design of approximate techniques with enhanced scalability. Motivated by the observation of an order of magnitude difference between the Virtual Best Solver and the best performing tool, we envision an exciting line of research focused on the development of portfolio solvers.

#2 A Survey of Machine Learning-Based Physics Event Generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yasir Alanazi ; Nobuo Sato ; Pawel Ambrozewicz ; Astrid Hiller-Blin ; Wally Melnitchouk ; Marco Battaglieri ; Tianbo Liu ; Yaohang Li

Event generators in high-energy nuclear and particle physics play an important role in facilitating studies of particle reactions. We survey the state of the art of machine learning (ML) efforts at building physics event generators. We review ML generative models used in ML-based event generators and their specific challenges, and discuss various approaches of incorporating physics into the ML model designs to overcome these challenges. Finally, we explore some open questions related to super-resolution, fidelity, and extrapolation for physics event generation based on ML technology.

#3 Distortion in Social Choice Problems: The First 15 Years and Beyond [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Elliot Anshelevich ; Aris Filos-Ratsikas ; Nisarg Shah ; Alexandros A. Voudouris

The notion of distortion in social choice problems has been defined to measure the loss in efficiency---typically measured by the utilitarian social welfare, the sum of utilities of the participating agents---due to having access only to limited information about the preferences of the agents. We survey the most significant results of the literature on distortion from the past 15 years, and highlight important open problems and the most promising avenues of ongoing and future work.

#4 Building Affordance Relations for Robotic Agents - A Review [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Paola Ardón ; Èric Pairet ; Katrin S. Lohan ; Subramanian Ramamoorthy ; Ron P. A. Petrick

Affordances describe the possibilities for an agent to perform actions with an object. While the significance of the affordance concept has been previously studied from varied perspectives, such as psychology and cognitive science, these approaches are not always sufficient to enable direct transfer, in the sense of implementations, to artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems and robotics. However, many efforts have been made to pragmatically employ the concept of affordances, as it represents great potential for AI agents to effectively bridge perception to action. In this survey, we review and find common ground amongst different strategies that use the concept of affordances within robotic tasks, and build on these methods to provide guidance for including affordances as a mechanism to improve autonomy. To this end, we outline common design choices for building representations of affordance relations, and their implications on the generalisation capabilities of an agent when facing previously unseen scenarios. Finally, we identify and discuss a range of interesting research directions involving affordances that have the potential to improve the capabilities of an AI agent.

#5 Recent Advances in Adversarial Training for Adversarial Robustness [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tao Bai ; Jinqi Luo ; Jun Zhao ; Bihan Wen ; Qian Wang

Adversarial training is one of the most effective approaches for deep learning models to defend against adversarial examples. Unlike other defense strategies, adversarial training aims to enhance the robustness of models intrinsically. During the past few years, adversarial training has been studied and discussed from various aspects, which deserves a comprehensive review. For the first time in this survey, we systematically review the recent progress on adversarial training for adversarial robustness with a novel taxonomy. Then we discuss the generalization problems in adversarial training from three perspectives and highlight the challenges which are not fully tackled. Finally, we present potential future directions.

#6 Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search: Survey and Taxonomy [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hadjer Benmeziane ; Kaoutar El Maghraoui ; Hamza Ouarnoughi ; Smail Niar ; Martin Wistuba ; Naigang Wang

There is no doubt that making AI mainstream by bringing powerful, yet power hungry deep neural networks (DNNs) to resource-constrained devices would required an efficient co-design of algorithms, hardware and software. The increased popularity of DNN applications deployed on a wide variety of platforms, from tiny microcontrollers to data-centers, have resulted in multiple questions and challenges related to constraints introduced by the hardware. In this survey on hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS), we present some of the existing answers proposed in the literature for the following questions: "Is it possible to build an efficient DL model that meets the latency and energy constraints of tiny edge devices?", "How can we reduce the trade-off between the accuracy of a DL model and its ability to be deployed in a variety of platforms?". The survey provides a new taxonomy of HW-NAS and assesses the hardware cost estimation strategies. We also highlight the challenges and limitations of existing approaches and potential future directions. We hope that this survey will help to fuel the research towards efficient deep learning.

#7 Recent Trends in Word Sense Disambiguation: A Survey [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Michele Bevilacqua ; Tommaso Pasini ; Alessandro Raganato ; Roberto Navigli

Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) aims at making explicit the semantics of a word in context by identifying the most suitable meaning from a predefined sense inventory. Recent breakthroughs in representation learning have fueled intensive WSD research, resulting in considerable performance improvements, breaching the 80% glass ceiling set by the inter-annotator agreement. In this survey, we provide an extensive overview of current advances in WSD, describing the state of the art in terms of i) resources for the task, i.e., sense inventories and reference datasets for training and testing, as well as ii) automatic disambiguation approaches, detailing their peculiarities, strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we highlight the current limitations of the task itself, but also point out recent trends that could help expand the scope and applicability of WSD, setting up new promising directions for the future.

#8 When Computational Representation Meets Neuroscience: A Survey on Brain Encoding and Decoding [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lu Cao ; Dandan Huang ; Yue Zhang

Real human language mechanisms and the artificial intelligent language processing methods are two independent systems. Exploring the relationship between the two can help develop human-like language models and is also beneficial to reveal the neuroscience of the reading brain. The flourishing research in this interdisciplinal research field calls for surveys to systemically study and analyze the recent successes. However, such a comprehensive review still cannot be found, which motivates our work. This article first briefly introduces the interdisciplinal research progress, then systematically discusses the task of brain decoding from the perspective of simple concepts and complete sentences, and also describes main limitations in this field and put forward with possible solutions. Finally, we conclude this survey with certain open research questions that will stimulate further studies.

#9 Combinatorial Optimization and Reasoning with Graph Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Quentin Cappart ; Didier Chételat ; Elias B. Khalil ; Andrea Lodi ; Christopher Morris ; Petar Veličković

Combinatorial optimization is a well-established area in operations research and computer science. Until recently, its methods have mostly focused on solving problem instances in isolation, ignoring the fact that they often stem from related data distributions in practice. However, recent years have seen a surge of interest in using machine learning, especially graph neural networks, as a key building block for combinatorial tasks, either directly as solvers or by enhancing the former. This paper presents a conceptual review of recent key advancements in this emerging field, aiming at researchers in both optimization and machine learning.

#10 Mechanism Design for Facility Location Problems: A Survey [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hau Chan ; Aris Filos-Ratsikas ; Bo Li ; Minming Li ; Chenhao Wang

The study of approximate mechanism design for facility location has been in the center of research at the intersection of artificial intelligence and economics for the last decade, largely due to its practical importance in various domains, such as social planning and clustering. At a high level, the goal is to select a number of locations on which to build a set of facilities, aiming to optimize some social objective based on the preferences of strategic agents, who might have incentives to misreport their private information. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the significant progress that has been made since the introduction of the problem, highlighting all the different variants and methodologies, as well as the most interesting directions for future research.

#11 Knowledge-aware Zero-Shot Learning: Survey and Perspective [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiaoyan Chen ; Yuxia Geng ; Zhuo Chen ; Ian Horrocks ; Jeff Z. Pan ; Huajun Chen

Zero-shot learning (ZSL) which aims at predicting classes that have never appeared during the training using external knowledge (a.k.a. side information) has been widely investigated. In this paper we present a literature review towards ZSL in the perspective of external knowledge, where we categorize the external knowledge, review their methods and compare different external knowledge. With the literature review, we further discuss and outlook the role of symbolic knowledge in addressing ZSL and other machine learning sample shortage issues.

#12 Causal Learning for Socially Responsible AI [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lu Cheng ; Ahmadreza Mosallanezhad ; Paras Sheth ; Huan Liu

There have been increasing concerns about Artificial Intelligence (AI) due to its unfathomable potential power. To make AI address ethical challenges and shun undesirable outcomes, researchers proposed to develop socially responsible AI (SRAI). One of these approaches is causal learning (CL). We survey state-of-the-art methods of CL for SRAI. We begin by examining the seven CL tools to enhance the social responsibility of AI, then review how existing works have succeeded using these tools to tackle issues in developing SRAI such as fairness. The goal of this survey is to bring forefront the potentials and promises of CL for SRAI.

#13 Understanding the Relationship between Interactions and Outcomes in Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuchen Cui ; Pallavi Koppol ; Henny Admoni ; Scott Niekum ; Reid Simmons ; Aaron Steinfeld ; Tesca Fitzgerald

Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning (HIL-ML) is a widely adopted paradigm for instilling human knowledge in autonomous agents. Many design choices influence the efficiency and effectiveness of such interactive learning processes, particularly the interaction type through which the human teacher may provide feedback. While different interaction types (demonstrations, preferences, etc.) have been proposed and evaluated in the HIL-ML literature, there has been little discussion of how these compare or how they should be selected to best address a particular learning problem. In this survey, we propose an organizing principle for HIL-ML that provides a way to analyze the effects of interaction types on human performance and training data. We also identify open problems in understanding the effects of interaction types.

#14 Argumentative XAI: A Survey [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kristijonas Čyras ; Antonio Rago ; Emanuele Albini ; Pietro Baroni ; Francesca Toni

Explainable AI (XAI) has been investigated for decades and, together with AI itself, has witnessed unprecedented growth in recent years. Among various approaches to XAI, argumentative models have been advocated in both the AI and social science literature, as their dialectical nature appears to match some basic desirable features of the explanation activity. In this survey we overview XAI approaches built using methods from the field of computational argumentation, leveraging its wide array of reasoning abstractions and explanation delivery methods. We overview the literature focusing on different types of explanation (intrinsic and post-hoc), different models with which argumentation-based explanations are deployed, different forms of delivery, and different argumentation frameworks they use. We also lay out a roadmap for future work.

#15 Explanation in Constraint Satisfaction: A Survey [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sharmi Dev Gupta ; Begum Genc ; Barry O'Sullivan

Much of the focus on explanation in the field of artificial intelligence has focused on machine learning methods and, in particular, concepts produced by advanced methods such as neural networks and deep learning. However, there has been a long history of explanation generation in the general field of constraint satisfaction, one of the AI's most ubiquitous subfields. In this paper we survey the major seminal papers on the explanation and constraints, as well as some more recent works. The survey sets out to unify many disparate lines of work in areas such as model-based diagnosis, constraint programming, Boolean satisfiability, truth maintenance systems, quantified logics, and related areas.

#16 Bayesian Nonparametric Space Partitions: A Survey [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xuhui Fan ; Bin Li ; Ling Luo ; Scott A. Sisson

Bayesian nonparametric space partition (BNSP) models provide a variety of strategies for partitioning a D-dimensional space into a set of blocks, such that the data within the same block share certain kinds of homogeneity. BNSP models are applicable to many areas, including regression/classification trees, random feature construction, and relational modelling. This survey provides the first comprehensive review of this subject. We explore the current progress of BNSP research through three perspectives: (1) Partition strategies, where we review the various techniques for generating partitions and discuss their theoretical foundation, `self-consistency'; (2) Applications, where we detail the current mainstream usages of BNSP models and identify some potential future applications; and (3) Challenges, where we discuss current unsolved problems and possible avenues for future research.

#17 Where Is Your Place, Visual Place Recognition? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sourav Garg ; Tobias Fischer ; Michael Milford

Visual Place Recognition (VPR) is often characterized as being able to recognize the same place despite significant changes in appearance and viewpoint. VPR is a key component of Spatial Artificial Intelligence, enabling robotic platforms and intelligent augmentation platforms such as augmented reality devices to perceive and understand the physical world. In this paper, we observe that there are three "drivers" that impose requirements on spatially intelligent agents and thus VPR systems: 1) the particular agent including its sensors and computational resources, 2) the operating environment of this agent, and 3) the specific task that the artificial agent carries out. In this paper, we characterize and survey key works in the VPR area considering those drivers, including their place representation and place matching choices. We also provide a new definition of VPR based on the visual overlap - akin to spatial view cells in the brain - that enables us to find similarities and differences to other research areas in the robotics and computer vision fields. We identify several open challenges and suggest areas that require more in-depth attention in future works.

#18 A Comprehensive Survey on Image Dehazing Based on Deep Learning [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jie Gui ; Xiaofeng Cong ; Yuan Cao ; Wenqi Ren ; Jun Zhang ; Jing Zhang ; Dacheng Tao

The presence of haze significantly reduces the quality of images. Researchers have designed a variety of algorithms for image dehazing (ID) to restore the quality of hazy images. However, there are few studies that summarize the deep learning (DL) based dehazing technologies. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the recent proposed dehazing methods. Firstly, we conclude the commonly used datasets, loss functions and evaluation metrics. Secondly, we group the existing researches of ID into two major categories: supervised ID and unsupervised ID. The core ideas of various influential dehazing models are introduced. Finally, the open issues for future research on ID are pointed out.

#19 Emerging Methods of Auction Design in Social Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuhang Guo ; Dong Hao

In recent years, a new branch of auction models called diffusion auction has extended the traditional auction into social network scenarios. The diffusion auction models the auction as a networked market whose nodes are potential customers and whose edges are the relations between these customers. The diffusion auction mechanism can incentivize buyers to not only submit a truthful bid, but also further invite their surrounding neighbors to participate into the auction. It can convene more participants than traditional auction mechanisms, which leads to better optimizations of different key aspects, such as social welfare, seller’s revenue, amount of redistributed money and so on. The diffusion auctions have recently attracted a discrete interest in the algorithmic game theory and market design communities. This survey summarizes the current progress of diffusion auctions.

#20 Recent Advances in Heterogeneous Relation Learning for Recommendation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Chao Huang

Recommender systems have played a critical role in many web applications to meet user's personalized interests and alleviate the information overload. In this survey, we review the development of recommendation frameworks with the focus on heterogeneous relational learning, which consists of different types of dependencies among users and items. The objective of this task is to map heterogeneous relational data into latent representation space, such that the structural and relational properties from both user and item domain can be well preserved. To address this problem, recent research developments can fall into three major categories: social recommendation, knowledge graph-enhanced recommender system, and multi-behavior recommendation. We discuss the learning approaches in each category, such as matrix factorization, attention mechanism and graph neural networks, for effectively distilling heterogeneous contextual information. Finally, we present exploratory outlook to highlight several promising directions and opportunities in heterogeneous relational learning frameworks for recommendation.

#21 Optimal Transport for Deep Generative Models: State of the Art and Research Challenges [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Viet Huynh ; Dinh Phung ; He Zhao

Optimal transport has a long history in mathematics which was proposed by Gaspard Monge in the eighteenth century (Monge, 1781). However, until recently, advances in optimal transport theory pave the way for its use in the AI community, particularly for formulating deep generative models. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the literature in the field of deep generative models using optimal transport theory with an aim of providing a systematic review as well as outstanding problems and more importantly, open research opportunities to use the tools from the established optimal transport theory in the deep generative model domain.

#22 Reasoning-Based Learning of Interpretable ML Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Alexey Ignatiev ; Joao Marques-Silva ; Nina Narodytska ; Peter J. Stuckey

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used in decision making procedures in myriads of real-world applications across important practical areas such as finance, healthcare, education, and safety critical systems. Due to its ubiquitous use in safety and privacy critical domains, it is often vital to understand the reasoning behind the AI decisions, which motivates the need for explainable AI (XAI). One of the major approaches to XAI is represented by computing so-called interpretable machine learning (ML) models, such as decision trees (DT), decision lists (DL) and decision sets (DS). These models build on the use of if-then rules and are thus deemed to be easily understandable by humans. A number of approaches have been proposed in the recent past to devising all kinds of interpretable ML models, the most prominent of which involve encoding the problem into a logic formalism, which is then tackled by invoking a reasoning or discrete optimization procedure. This paper overviews the recent advances of the reasoning and constraints based approaches to learning interpretable ML models and discusses their advantages and limitations.

#23 If Only We Had Better Counterfactual Explanations: Five Key Deficits to Rectify in the Evaluation of Counterfactual XAI Techniques [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mark T. Keane ; Eoin M. Kenny ; Eoin Delaney ; Barry Smyth

In recent years, there has been an explosion of AI research on counterfactual explanations as a solution to the problem of eXplainable AI (XAI). These explanations seem to offer technical, psychological and legal benefits over other explanation techniques. We survey 100 distinct counterfactual explanation methods reported in the literature. This survey addresses the extent to which these methods have been adequately evaluated, both psychologically and computationally, and quantifies the shortfalls occurring. For instance, only 21% of these methods have been user tested. Five key deficits in the evaluation of these methods are detailed and a roadmap, with standardised benchmark evaluations, is proposed to resolve the issues arising; issues, that currently effectively block scientific progress in this field.

#24 End-to-End Constrained Optimization Learning: A Survey [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: James Kotary ; Ferdinando Fioretto ; Pascal Van Hentenryck ; Bryan Wilder

This paper surveys the recent attempts at leveraging machine learning to solve constrained optimization problems. It focuses on surveying the work on integrating combinatorial solvers and optimization methods with machine learning architectures. These approaches hold the promise to develop new hybrid machine learning and optimization methods to predict fast, approximate, solutions to combinatorial problems and to enable structural logical inference. This paper presents a conceptual review of the recent advancements in this emerging area.

#25 A Survey on Complex Knowledge Base Question Answering: Methods, Challenges and Solutions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yunshi Lan ; Gaole He ; Jinhao Jiang ; Jing Jiang ; Wayne Xin Zhao ; Ji-Rong Wen

Knowledge base question answering (KBQA) aims to answer a question over a knowledge base (KB). Recently, a large number of studies focus on semantically or syntactically complicated questions. In this paper, we elaborately summarize the typical challenges and solutions for complex KBQA. We begin with introducing the background about the KBQA task. Next, we present the two mainstream categories of methods for complex KBQA, namely semantic parsing-based (SP-based) methods and information retrieval-based (IR-based) methods. We then review the advanced methods comprehensively from the perspective of the two categories. Specifically, we explicate their solutions to the typical challenges. Finally, we conclude and discuss some promising directions for future research.