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The artworks by Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch are well known for their incredible wealth of details. The popular BoschBot regularly posts small segments of the digitized paintings on Twitter, thus relieving their density and making them more accessible. CaptioningBoschBot, the Twitter bot presented in this demo, reverses the creative process of the artist: It uses the out-of-context painting segments as input for an encoder-decoder model to generate captions that interpret the painted objects. As the model was only trained on realistic, photographic images, curious interpretations of the otherworldly details can be observed. The generated captions are again posted on Twitter to encourage discussions about Bosch's masterpieces and the AI technology in general.
This paper outlines an automated creation system for Chinese landscape paintings based on generative adversarial networks. The system consists of three cascaded modules: generation, resizing, and super-resolution. The generation module first generates a square-shaped painting, then the resizing module predicts an appropriate aspect ratio for it and performs resizing, and finally the super-resolution module is used to increase the resolution and improve the quality. After training each module with the images we collected from the web, our system can create high-resolution landscape paintings in arbitrary sizes.
In this paper, we present a novel system (denoted as Polaca) to generate poetic Chinese landscape painting with calligraphy. Unlike previous single image-to-image painting generation, Polaca takes the classic poetry as input and outputs the artistic landscape painting image with the corresponding calligraphy. It is equipped with three different modules to complete the whole piece of landscape painting artwork: the first one is a text-to-image module to generate landscape painting image, the second one is an image-to-image module to generate stylistic calligraphy image, and the third one is an image fusion module to fuse the two images into a whole piece of aesthetic artwork.