IJCAI.2024 - Computer Vision

| Total: 140

#1 Bring Metric Functions into Diffusion Models [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Jie An ; Zhengyuan Yang ; Jianfeng Wang ; Linjie Li ; Zicheng Liu ; Lijuan Wang ; Jiebo Luo

We introduce a Cascaded Diffusion Model (Cas-DM) that improves a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) by effectively incorporating additional metric functions in training. Metric functions such as the LPIPS loss have been proven highly effective in consistency models derived from the score matching. However, for the diffusion counterparts, the methodology and efficacy of adding extra metric functions remain unclear. One major challenge is the mismatch between the noise predicted by a DDPM at each step and the desired clean image that the metric function works well on. To address this problem, we propose Cas-DM, a network architecture that cascades two network modules to effectively apply metric functions to the diffusion model training. The first module, similar to a standard DDPM, learns to predict the added noise and is unaffected by the metric function. The second cascaded module learns to predict the clean image, thereby facilitating the metric function computation. Experiment results show that the proposed diffusion model backbone enables the effective use of the LPIPS loss, improving the image quality (FID, sFID) of diffusion models on various established benchmarks.

#2 Attention Shifting to Pursue Optimal Representation for Adapting Multi-granularity Tasks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Gairui Bai ; Wei Xi ; Yihan Zhao ; Xinhui Liu ; Jizhong Zhao

Object recognition in open environments, e.g., video surveillance, poses significant challenges due to the inclusion of unknown and multi-granularity tasks (MGT). However, recent methods exhibit limitations as they struggle to capture subtle differences between different parts within an object and adaptively handle MGT. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a Class-semantic Guided Attention Shift (SegAS) method. SegAS transforms adaptive MGT into dynamic combinations of invariant discriminant representations across different levels to effectively enhance adaptability to multi-granularity downstream tasks. Specifically, SegAS incorporates a hardness-based Attention Part Filtering Strategy (ApFS) to dynamically decompose objects into complementary parts based on the object structure and relevance to the instance. Then, SegAS shifts attention to the optimal discriminant region of each part under the guidance of hierarchical class semantics. Finally, a diversity loss is employed to emphasize the importance and distinction of different partial features. Extensive experiments validate SegAS' effectiveness in multi-granularity recognition of three tasks.

#3 SGDCL: Semantic-Guided Dynamic Correlation Learning for Explainable Autonomous Driving [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chengtai Cao ; Xinhong Chen ; Jianping Wang ; Qun Song ; Rui Tan ; Yung-Hui Li

By learning expressive representations, deep learning (DL) has revolutionized autonomous driving (AD). Despite significant advancements, the inherent opacity of DL models engenders public distrust, impeding their widespread adoption. For explainable autonomous driving, current studies primarily concentrate on extracting features from input scenes to predict driving actions and their corresponding explanations. However, these methods underutilize semantics and correlation information within actions and explanations (collectively called categories in this work), leading to suboptimal performance. To address this issue, we propose Semantic-Guided Dynamic Correlation Learning (SGDCL), a novel approach that effectively exploits semantic richness and dynamic interactions intrinsic to categories. SGDCL employs a semantic-guided learning module to obtain category-specific representations and a dynamic correlation learning module to adaptively capture intricate correlations among categories. Additionally, we introduce an innovative loss term to leverage fine-grained co-occurrence statistics of categories for refined regularization. We extensively evaluate SGDCL on two well-established benchmarks, demonstrating its superiority over seven state-of-the-art baselines and a large vision-language model. SGDCL significantly promotes explainable autonomous driving with up to 15.3% performance improvement and interpretable attention scores, bolstering public trust in AD.

#4 MLP-DINO: Category Modeling and Query Graphing with Deep MLP for Object Detection [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guiping Cao ; Wenjian Huang ; Xiangyuan Lan ; Jianguo Zhang ; Dongmei Jiang ; Yaowei Wang

Popular transformer-based detectors detect objects in a one-to-one manner, where both the bounding box and category of each object are predicted only by the single query, leading to the box-sensitive category predictions. Additionally, the initialization of positional queries solely based on the predicted confidence scores or learnable embeddings neglects the significant spatial interrelation between different queries. This oversight leads to an imbalanced spatial distribution of queries (SDQ). In this paper, we propose a new MLP-DINO model to address these issues. Firstly, we present a new Query-Independent Category Supervision (QICS) approach for modeling categories information, decoupling the sensitive bounding box prediction process to improve the detection performance. Additionally, to further improve the category predictions, we introduce a deep MLP model into transformer-based detection framework to capture the long-range and short-range information simultaneously. Thirdly, to balance the SDQ, we design a novel Graph-based Query Selection (GQS) method that distributes each query point in a discrete manner by graphing the spatial information of queries to cover a broader range of potential objects, significantly enhancing the hit-rate of queries. Experimental results on COCO indicate that our MLP-DINO achieves 54.6% AP with only 44M parame ters under 36-epoch setting, greatly outperforming the original DINO by +3.7% AP with fewer parameters and FLOPs. The source codes will be available at https://github.com/Med-Process/MLP-DINO.

#5 CoAtFormer: Vision Transformer with Composite Attention [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhiyong Chang ; Mingjun Yin ; Yan Wang

Transformer has recently gained significant attention and achieved state-of-the-art performance in various computer vision applications, including image classification, instance segmentation, and object detection. However, the self-attention mechanism underlying the transformer leads to quadratic computational cost with respect to image size,limiting its widespread adoption in state-of-the-art vision backbones. In this paper we introduce an efficient and effective attention module we call Composite Attention. It features parallel branches, enabling the modeling of various global dependencies. In each composite attention module, one branch employs a dynamic channel attention module to capture global channel dependencies, while the other branch utilizes an efficient spatial attention module to extract long-range spatial interactions. In addition, we effectively blending composite attention module with convolutions, and accordingly develop a simple hierarchical vision backbone, dubbed CoAtFormer, by simply repeating the basic building block over multiple stages. Extensive experiments show our CoAtFormer achieves state-of-the-art results on various different tasks. Without any pre-training and extra data, CoAtFormer-Tiny, CoAtFormer-Small, and CoAtFormer-Base achieve 84.4%, 85.3%, and 85.9% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K with 24M, 37M, and 73M parameters, respectively. Furthermore, CoAtFormer also consistently outperform prior work in other vision tasks such as object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. When further pretraining on the larger dataset ImageNet-22k, we achieve 88.7% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K

#6 Enhancing Cross-Modal Retrieval via Visual-Textual Prompt Hashing [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Bingzhi Chen ; Zhongqi Wu ; Yishu Liu ; Biqing Zeng ; Guangming Lu ; Zheng Zhang

Cross-modal hashing has garnered considerable research interest due to its rapid retrieval and low storage costs. However, the majority of existing methods suffer from the limitations of context loss and information redundancy, particularly in simulated textual environments enriched with manually annotated tags or virtual descriptions. To mitigate these issues, we propose a novel Visual-Textual Prompt Hashing (VTPH) that aims to bridge the gap between simulated textual and visual modalities within a unified prompt optimization paradigm for cross-modal retrieval. By seamlessly integrating robust reasoning capabilities inherent in large-scale models, we design the visual and textual alignment prompt mechanisms to collaboratively enhance the contextual awareness and semantic capabilities embedded within simulated textual features. Furthermore, an affinity-adaptive contrastive learning strategy is dedicated to dynamically recalibrating the semantic interaction between visual and textual modalities by modeling the nuanced heterogeneity and semantic gaps between simulated and real-world textual environments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to integrate both visual and textual prompt learning into cross-modal hashing, facilitating the efficacy of semantic coherence between diverse modalities. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets consistently demonstrate the superiority and robustness of our VTPH method over state-of-the-art competitors.

#7 Evolutionary Generalized Zero-Shot Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Dubing Chen ; Chenyi Jiang ; Haofeng Zhang

Attribute-based Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) has revolutionized the ability of models to recognize new classes not seen during training. However, with the advancement of large-scale models, the expectations have risen. Beyond merely achieving zero-shot generalization, there is a growing demand for universal models that can continually evolve in expert domains using unlabeled data. To address this, we introduce a scaled-down instantiation of this challenge: Evolutionary Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (EGZSL). This setting allows a low-performing zero-shot model to adapt to the test data stream and evolve online. We elaborate on three challenges of this special task, \ie, catastrophic forgetting, initial prediction bias, and evolutionary data class bias. Moreover, we propose targeted solutions for each challenge, resulting in a generic method capable of continuous evolution from a given initial IGZSL model. Experiments on three popular GZSL benchmark datasets demonstrate that our model can learn from the test data stream while other baselines fail. The codes are available at https://github.com/cdb342/EGZSL.

#8 Cross-Domain Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation via Doubly Matching Transformation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Jiayi Chen ; Rong Quan ; Jie Qin

Cross-Domain Few-shot Semantic Segmentation (CD-FSS) aims to train generalized models that can segment classes from different domains with a few labeled images. Previous works have proven the effectiveness of feature transformation in addressing CD-FSS. However, they completely rely on support images for feature transformation, and repeatedly utilizing a few support images for each class may easily lead to overfitting and overlooking intra-class appearance differences. In this paper, we propose a Doubly Matching Transformation-based Network (DMTNet) to solve the above issue. Instead of completely relying on support images, we propose Self-Matching Transformation (SMT) to construct query-specific transformation matrices based on query images themselves to transform domain-specific query features into domain-agnostic ones. Calculating query-specific transformation matrices can prevent overfitting, especially for the meta-testing stage where only one or several images are used as support images to segment hundreds or thousands of images. After obtaining domain-agnostic features, we exploit a Dual Hypercorrelation Construction (DHC) module to explore the hypercorrelations between the query image with the foreground and background of the support image, based on which foreground and background prediction maps are generated and supervised, respectively, to enhance the segmentation result. In addition, we propose a Test-time Self-Finetuning (TSF) strategy to more accurately self-tune the query prediction in unseen domains. Extensive experiments on four popular datasets show that DMTNet achieves superior performance over state-of-the-art approaches. Code is available at https://github.com/ChenJiayi68/DMTNet.

#9 Bridging LiDAR Gaps: A Multi-LiDARs Domain Adaptation Dataset for 3D Semantic Segmentation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shaoyang Chen ; Bochun Yang ; Yan Xia ; Ming Cheng ; Siqi Shen ; Cheng Wang

We focus on the domain adaptation problem for 3D semantic segmentation, addressing the challenge of data variability in point clouds collected by different LiDARs. Existing benchmarks often mix different types of datasets, which blurs and complicates segmentation evaluations. Here, we introduce a Multi-LiDARs Domain Adaptation Segmentation (MLDAS) dataset, which contains point-wise semantic annotated point clouds captured simultaneously by a 128-beam LiDAR, a 64-beam LiDAR, a 32-beam LiDAR. We select 31,875 scans from 2 representative scenarios: campus and urban street. Furthermore, we evaluate the current 3D segmentation unsupervised domain adaptation methods on the proposed dataset and propose Hierarchical Segmentation Network with Spatial Consistency (HSSC) as a novel knowledge transfer method to mitigate the domain gap significantly using spatial-temporal consistency constraints. Extensive experiments show that HSSC greatly improves the state-of-the-art cross-domain semantic segmentation methods. Our project is available at https://sychen320.github.io/projects/MLDAS.

#10 A Transformer-Based Adaptive Prototype Matching Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sihan Chen ; Yadang Chen ; Yuhui Zheng ; Zhi-Xin Yang ; Enhua Wu

Few-shot semantic segmentation (FSS) aims to generate a model for segmenting novel classes using a limited number of annotated samples. Previous FSS methods have shown sensitivity to background noise due to inherent bias, attention bias, and spatial-aware bias. In this study, we propose a Transformer-Based Adaptive Prototype Matching Network to establish robust matching relationships by improving the semantic and spatial perception of query features. The model includes three modules: target enhancement module (TEM), dual constraint aggregation module (DCAM), and dual classification module (DCM). In particular, TEM mitigates inherent bias by exploring the relevance of multi-scale local context to enhance foreground features. Then, DCAM addresses attention bias through the dual semantic-aware attention mechanism to strengthen constraints. Finally, the DCM module decouples the segmentation task into semantic alignment and spatial alignment to alleviate spatial-aware bias. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i confirm the effectiveness of our approach.

#11 D3ETR: Decoder Distillation for Detection Transformer [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xiaokang Chen ; Jiahui Chen ; Yan Liu ; Jiaxiang Tang ; Gang Zeng

Although various knowledge distillation (KD) methods for CNN-based detectors have been proven effective in improving small students, build- ing baselines and recipes for DETR-based detec- tors remains a challenge. This paper concentrates on the transformer decoder of DETR-based detec- tors and explores KD methods suitable for them. However, the random order of the decoder outputs poses a challenge for knowledge distillation as it provides no direct correspondence between the pre- dictions of the teacher and the student. To this end, we propose MixMatcher that aligns the de- coder outputs of DETR-based teacher and student, by mixing two teacher-student matching strategies for combined advantages. The first strategy, Adap- tive Matching, applies bipartite matching to adap- tively match the outputs of the teacher and the stu- dent in each decoder layer. The second strategy, Fixed Matching, fixes the correspondence between the outputs of the teacher and the student with the same object queries as input, which alleviates in- stability of bipartite matching in Adaptive Match- ing. Using both strategies together produces bet- ter results than using either strategy alone. Based on MixMatcher, we devise Decoder Distillation for DEtection TRansformer (D3ETR), which dis- tills knowledge in decoder predictions and attention maps from the teacher to student. D3ETR shows superior performance on various DETR-based de- tectors with different backbones. For instance, D3ETR improves Conditional DETR-R50-C5 by 8.3 mAP under 12 epochs training setting with Conditional DETR-R101-C5 serving as the teacher. The code will be released.

#12 EVE: Efficient Zero-Shot Text-Based Video Editing With Depth Map Guidance and Temporal Consistency Constraints [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yutao Chen ; Xingning Dong ; Tian Gan ; Chunluan Zhou ; Ming Yang ; Qingpei Guo

Motivated by the superior performance of image diffusion models, more and more researchers strive to extend these models to the text-based video editing task. Nevertheless, current video editing tasks mainly suffer from the dilemma between the high fine-tuning cost and the limited generation capacity. Compared with images, we conjecture that videos necessitate more constraints to preserve the temporal consistency during editing. Towards this end, we propose EVE, a robust and Efficient zero-shot Video Editing method. Under the guidance of depth maps and temporal consistency constraints, EVE derives satisfactory video editing results with an affordable computational and time cost. Moreover, recognizing the absence of a publicly available video editing dataset for fair comparisons, we construct a new benchmark named ZVE-50 dataset. Through comprehensive experimentation, we validate that EVE achieves a satisfactory trade-off between performance and efficiency. Codebase, datasets, and video editing demos are available at https://github.com/alipay/Ant-Multi-Modal-Framework/blob/main/prj/EVE.

#13 MetaISP: Efficient RAW-to-sRGB Mappings with Merely 1M Parameters [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zigeng Chen ; Chaowei Liu ; Yuan Yuan ; Michael Bi Mi ; Xinchao Wang

State-of-the-art deep ISP models alleviate the dilemma of limited generalization capabilities across heterogeneous inputs by increasing the size and complexity of the network, which inevitably leads to considerable growth in parameter counts and FLOPs. To address this challenge, this paper presents MetaISP - a streamlined model that achieves superior reconstruction quality by adaptively modulating its parameters and architecture in response to diverse inputs. Our rationale revolves around obtaining corresponding spatial and channel-wise correction matrices for various inputs within distinct feature spaces, which assists in assigning optimal attention. This is achieved by predicting dynamic weights for each input image and combining these weights with multiple learnable basis matrices to construct the correction matrices. The proposed MetaISP makes it possible to obtain best performance while being computationally efficient. SOTA results are achieved on two large-scale datasets, e.g. 23.80dB PSNR on ZRR, exceeding the previous SOTA 0.19dB with only 9.2% of its parameter count and 10.6% of its FLOPs; 25.06dB PSNR on MAI21, exceeding the previous SOTA 0.17dB with only 0.9% of its parameter count and 2.7% of its FLOPs.

#14 Denoising Diffusion-Augmented Hybrid Video Anomaly Detection via Reconstructing Noised Frames [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Kai Cheng ; Yaning Pan ; Yang Liu ; Xinhua Zeng ; Rui Feng

Video Anomaly Detection (VAD) is crucial for enhancing security and surveillance systems through automatic identification of irregular events, thereby enabling timely responses and augmenting overall situational awareness. Although existing methods have achieved decent detection performances on benchmarks, their predicted objects still remain ambiguous in terms of the semantic aspect. To overcome this limitation, we propose the Denoising diffusion-augmented Hybrid Video Anomaly Detection (DHVAD) framework. The proposed Denoising diffusion-based Reconstruction Unit (DRU) enhances the understanding of semantically accurate normality as a crucial component in DHVAD. Meanwhile, we propose a detection strategy that integrates the advantages of a prediction-based Frame Prediction Unit (FPU) with DRU by exploring the spatial-temporal consistency seamlessly. The competitive performance of DHVAD compared with state-of-the-art methods on three benchmark datasets proves the effectiveness of our framework. The extended experimental analysis demonstrates that our framework can gain a better understanding of the normality in terms of semantic accuracy for VAD and efficiently leverage the strengths of both components.

#15 Imperio: Language-Guided Backdoor Attacks for Arbitrary Model Control [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ka-Ho Chow ; Wenqi Wei ; Lei Yu

Natural language processing (NLP) has received unprecedented attention. While advancements in NLP models have led to extensive research into their backdoor vulnerabilities, the potential for these advancements to introduce new backdoor threats remains unexplored. This paper proposes Imperio, which harnesses the language understanding capabilities of NLP models to enrich backdoor attacks. Imperio provides a new model control experience. Demonstrated through controlling image classifiers, it empowers the adversary to manipulate the victim model with arbitrary output through language-guided instructions. This is achieved using a language model to fuel a conditional trigger generator, with optimizations designed to extend its language understanding capabilities to backdoor instruction interpretation and execution. Our experiments across three datasets, five attacks, and nine defenses confirm Imperio's effectiveness. It can produce contextually adaptive triggers from text descriptions and control the victim model with desired outputs, even in scenarios not encountered during training. The attack reaches a high success rate without compromising the accuracy of clean inputs and exhibits resilience against representative defenses. Supplementary materials are available at https://khchow.com/Imperio.

#16 Fast One-Stage Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Search [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tianxiang Cui ; Huibing Wang ; Jinjia Peng ; Ruoxi Deng ; Xianping Fu ; Yang Wang

Unsupervised person search aims to localize a particular target person from a gallery set of scene images without annotations, which is extremely challenging due to the unexpected variations of the unlabeled domains. However, most existing methods dedicate to developing multi-stage models to adapt domain variations while using clustering for iterative model training, which inevitably increase model complexity. To address this issue, we propose a Fast One-stage Unsupervised person Search (FOUS) which complementaryly integrates domain adaption with label adaption within an end-to-end manner without iterative clustering. To minimize the domain discrepancy, FOUS introduced an Attention-based Domain Alignment Module (ADAM) which can not only align various domains for both detection and ReID tasks but also construct an attention mechanism to reduce the adverse impacts of low-quality candidates resulting from unsupervised detection. Moreover, to avoid the redundant iterative clustering mode, FOUS adopts a prototype-guided labeling method which minimizes redundant correlation computations for partial samples and assigns noisy coarse label groups efficiently. The coarse label groups will be continuously refined via label-flexible training network with an adaptive selection strategy. With the adapted domains and labels, FOUS can achieve the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on two benchmark datasets, CUHK-SYSU and PRW. The code is available at https://github.com/whbdmu/FOUS.

#17 Hybrid Frequency Modulation Network for Image Restoration [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yuning Cui ; Mingyu Liu ; Wenqi Ren ; Alois Knoll

Image restoration involves recovering a high-quality image from its corrupted counterpart. This paper presents an effective and efficient framework for image restoration, termed CSNet, based on ``channel + spatial" hybrid frequency modulation. Different feature channels include different degradation patterns and degrees, however, most current networks ignore the importance of channel interactions. To alleviate this issue, we propose a frequency-based channel feature modulation module to facilitate channel interactions through the channel-dimension Fourier transform. Furthermore, based on our observations, we develop a multi-scale frequency-based spatial feature modulation module to refine the direct-current component of features using extremely lightweight learnable parameters. This module contains a densely connected coarse-to-fine learning paradigm for enhancing multi-scale representation learning. In addition, we introduce a frequency-inspired loss function to achieve omni-frequency learning. Extensive experiments on nine datasets demonstrate that the proposed network achieves state-of-the-art performance for three image restoration tasks, including image dehazing, image defocus deblurring, and image desnowing. The code and models are available at https://github.com/c-yn/CSNet.

#18 FreqFormer: Frequency-aware Transformer for Lightweight Image Super-resolution [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tao Dai ; Jianping Wang ; Hang Guo ; Jinmin Li ; Jinbao Wang ; Zexuan Zhu

Transformer-based models have been widely and successfully used in various low-vision visual tasks, and have achieved remarkable performance in single image super-resolution (SR). Despite the significant progress in SR, Transformer-based SR methods (e.g., SwinIR) still suffer from the problems of heavy computation cost and low-frequency preference, while ignoring the reconstruction of rich high-frequency information, hence hindering the representational power of Transformers. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel Frequency-aware Transformer (FreqFormer) for lightweight image SR. Specifically, a Frequency Division Module (FDM) is first introduced to separately handle high- and low-frequency information in a divide-and-conquer manner. Moreover, we present Frequency-aware Transformer Block (FTB) to extracting both spatial frequency attention and channel transposed attention to recover high-frequency details. Extensive experimental results on public datasets demonstrate the superiority of our FreqFormer over state-of-the-art SR methods in terms of both quantitative metrics and visual quality. Code and models are available at https://github.com/JPWang-CS/FreqFormer.

#19 Bridging Generative and Discriminative Models for Unified Visual Perception with Diffusion Priors [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shiyin Dong ; Mingrui Zhu ; Kun Cheng ; Nannan Wang ; Xinbo Gao

The remarkable prowess of diffusion models in image generation has spurred efforts to extend their application beyond generative tasks. However, a persistent challenge exists in lacking a unified approach to apply diffusion models to visual perception tasks with diverse semantic granularity requirements. Our purpose is to establish a unified visual perception framework, capitalizing on the potential synergies between generative and discriminative models. In this paper, we propose Vermouth, a simple yet effective framework comprising a pre-trained Stable Diffusion (SD) model containing rich generative priors, a unified head (U-head) capable of integrating hierarchical representations, and an Adapted-Expert providing discriminative priors. Comprehensive investigations unveil potential characteristics of Vermouth, such as varying granularity of perception concealed in latent variables at distinct time steps and various U-net stages. We emphasize that there is no necessity for incorporating a heavyweight or intricate decoder to transform diffusion models into potent representation learners. Extensive comparative evaluations against tailored discriminative models showcase the efficacy of our approach on zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval (ZS-SBIR), few-shot classification, and open-vocabulary (OV) semantic segmentation tasks. The promising results demonstrate the potential of diffusion models as formidable learners, establishing their significance in furnishing informative and robust visual representations.

#20 Unified Physical-Digital Face Attack Detection [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hao Fang ; Ajian Liu ; Haocheng Yuan ; Junze Zheng ; Dingheng Zeng ; Yanhong Liu ; Jiankang Deng ; Sergio Escalera ; Xiaoming Liu ; Jun Wan ; Zhen Lei

Face Recognition (FR) systems can suffer from physical (i.e., print photo) and digital (i.e., DeepFake) attacks. However, previous related work rarely considers both situations at the same time. This implies the deployment of multiple models and thus more computational burden. The main reasons for this lack of an integrated model are caused by two factors: (1) The lack of a dataset including both physical and digital attacks which the same ID covers the real face and all attack types; (2) Given the large intra-class variance between these two attacks, it is difficult to learn a compact feature space to detect both attacks simultaneously. To address these issues, we collect a Unified physical-digital Attack dataset, called UniAttackData. The dataset consists of 1,800 participations of 2 and 12 physical and digital attacks, respectively, resulting in a total of 28,706 videos. Then, we propose a Unified Attack Detection framework based on Vision-Language Models (VLMs), namely UniAttackDetection, which includes three main modules: the Teacher-Student Prompts (TSP) module, focused on acquiring unified and specific knowledge respectively; the Unified Knowledge Mining (UKM) module, designed to capture a comprehensive feature space; and the Sample-Level Prompt Interaction (SLPI) module, aimed at grasping sample-level semantics. These three modules seamlessly form a robust unified attack detection framework. Extensive experiments on UniAttackData and three other datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach for unified face attack detection. Dataset link: https://sites.google.com/view/face-anti-spoofing-challenge/dataset-download/uniattackdatacvpr2024

#21 CF-Deformable DETR: An End-to-End Alignment-Free Model for Weakly Aligned Visible-Infrared Object Detection [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haolong Fu ; Jin Yuan ; Guojin Zhong ; Xuan He ; Jiacheng Lin ; Zhiyong Li

Weakly aligned visible-infrared object detection poses significant challenges due to the imprecise alignment between visible and infrared images. Most existing methods explore the alignment strategies between visible and infrared images, yielding unbearable computation costs. This paper first proposes an end-to-end alignment-free architecture Cross-modal Fusion Deformable DEtection TRansformer (``CF-Deformable DETR'') for weakly aligned visible-infrared object detection. Abandoning the traditional image alignment, CF-Deformable DETR introduces a simple yet effective cross-modal deformable attention mechanism to directly implement automatic cross-modal point mapping, generating well-aligned bimodal features with high efficiency. Moreover, we design a Point-level Feature Consistency Loss to guide the cross-modal point mapping, ensuring the consistency of paired features to support the following fusion. Extensive experiments are conducted on three benchmark datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that CF-Deformable DETR achieves close accuracy on weakly aligned and strictly aligned data as well as maintains stable performance to a certain extent against various offset degrees of weakly aligned data. Code is available at https://github.com/116508/CF-Deformable-DETR.

#22 Self-Supervised Pre-training with Symmetric Superimposition Modeling for Scene Text Recognition [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zuan Gao ; Yuxin Wang ; Yadong Qu ; Boqiang Zhang ; Zixiao Wang ; Jianjun Xu ; Hongtao Xie

In text recognition, self-supervised pre-training emerges as a good solution to reduce dependence on expansive annotated real data. Previous studies primarily focus on local visual representation by leveraging mask image modeling or sequence contrastive learning. However, they omit modeling the linguistic information in text images, which is crucial for recognizing text. To simultaneously capture local character features and linguistic information in visual space, we propose Symmetric Superimposition Modeling (SSM). The objective of SSM is to reconstruct the direction-specific pixel and feature signals from the symmetrically superimposed input. Specifically, we add the original image with its inverted views to create the symmetrically superimposed inputs. At the pixel level, we reconstruct the original and inverted images to capture character shapes and texture-level linguistic context. At the feature level, we reconstruct the feature of the same original image and inverted image with different augmentations to model the semantic-level linguistic context and the local character discrimination. In our design, we disrupt the character shape and linguistic rules. Consequently, the dual-level reconstruction facilitates understanding character shapes and linguistic information from the perspective of visual texture and feature semantics. Experiments on various text recognition benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of SSM, with 4.1\% average performance gains and 86.6% new state-of-the-art average word accuracy on Union14M benchmarks. The code is available at https://github.com/FaltingsA/SSM.

#23 A Dataset and Model for Realistic License Plate Deblurring [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haoyan Gong ; Yuzheng Feng ; Zhenrong Zhang ; Xianxu Hou ; Jingxin Liu ; Siqi Huang ; Hongbin Liu

Vehicle license plate recognition is a crucial task in intelligent traffic management systems. However, the challenge of achieving accurate recognition persists due to motion blur from fast-moving vehicles. Despite the widespread use of image synthesis approaches in existing deblurring and recognition algorithms, their effectiveness in real-world scenarios remains unproven. To address this, we introduce the first large-scale license plate deblurring dataset named License Plate Blur (LPBlur), captured by a dual-camera system and processed through a post-processing pipeline to avoid misalignment issues. Then, we propose a License Plate Deblurring Generative Adversarial Network (LPDGAN) to tackle the license plate deblurring: 1) a Feature Fusion Module to integrate multi-scale latent codes; 2) a Text Reconstruction Module to restore structure through textual modality; 3) a Partition Discriminator Module to enhance the model's perception of details in each letter. Extensive experiments validate the reliability of the LPBlur dataset for both model training and testing, showcasing that our proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art motion deblurring methods in realistic license plate deblurring scenarios. The dataset and code are available at https://github.com/haoyGONG/LPDGAN.

#24 Cross-Scale Domain Adaptation with Comprehensive Information for Pansharpening [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Meiqi Gong ; Hao Zhang ; Hebaixu Wang ; Jun Chen ; Jun Huang ; Xin Tian ; Jiayi Ma

Deep learning-based pansharpening methods typically use simulated data at the reduced-resolution scale for training. It limits their performance when generalizing the trained model to the full-resolution scale due to incomprehensive information utilization of panchromatic (PAN) images at the full-resolution scale and low generalization ability. In this paper, we adopt two targeted strategies to address the above two problems. On the one hand, we introduce a cross-scale comprehensive information capture module, which improves the information utilization of the original PAN image through fully-supervised reconstruction. On the other hand, we pioneer a domain adaptation strategy to tackle the problem of low generalization across different scales. Considering the instinct domain gap between different scales, we leverage the maximum mean discrepancy loss and the inherent pixel-level correlations between features at different scales to reduce the scale variance, thus boosting the generalization ability of our model. Experiments on various satellites demonstrate the superiority of our method over the state-of-the-arts in terms of information retention. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Meiqi-Gong/SDIPS.

#25 Enhancing Cross-modal Completion and Alignment for Unsupervised Incomplete Text-to-Image Person Retrieval [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tiantian Gong ; Junsheng Wang ; Liyan Zhang

Traditional text-image person retrieval methods heavily rely on fully matched and identity-annotated multimodal data, representing an ideal yet limited scenario. The issues of handling incomplete multimodal data and the complexities of labeling multimodal data are common challenges encountered in real-world applications. In response to these challenges encountered, we consider a more robust and pragmatic setting termed unsupervised incomplete text-image person retrieval, where person images and text descriptions are not fully matched and lack the supervision of identity labels. To tackle these two problems, we propose the Enhancing Cross-modal Completion and Alignment (ECCA) method. Specifically, we propose a feature-level cross-modal completion strategy for incomplete data. This approach leverages the available cross-modal high semantic similarity features to construct relational graphs for missing modal data, which can generate more reliable completion features. Additionally, to address the cross-modal matching ambiguity, we propose weighted inter-instance granularity alignment as well as enhanced prototype-wise granularity alignment modules that can map semantically similar image-text pairs more compact in the common embedding space. Extensive experiments on public datasets, fully demonstrate the consistent superiority of our method over SOTA text-image person retrieval methods.