
| Total: 51

#1 Matchmaker: Data Drift Mitigation in Machine Learning for Large-Scale Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Ankur Mallick ; Kevin Hsieh ; Behnaz Arzani ; Gauri Joshi

Today's data centers rely more heavily on machine learning (ML) in their deployed systems. However, these systems are vulnerable to the data drift problem, that is, a mismatch between training and test data, which can lead to significant performance degradation and system inefficiencies. In this paper, we demonstrate the impact of data drift in production by studying two real-world deployments in a leading cloud provider. Our study shows that, despite frequent model retraining, these deployed models experience major accuracy drops (up to 40%) and high accuracy variation, which lead to drastic increase in operational costs. None of the current solutions to the data drift problem are designed for large-scale deployments, which need to address real-world issues such as scale, ground truth latency, and mixed types of data drift. We propose Matchmaker, the first scalable, adaptive, and flexible solution to the data drift problem in large-scale production systems. Matchmaker finds the most similar training data batch and uses the corresponding ML model for inference on each test point. As part of Matchmaker, we introduce a novel similarity metric to address multiple types of data drifts while only incurring limited overhead. Experiments on our two real-world ML deployments show matchmaker significantly improve model accuracy (upto 14\% and 2\%), which saves 18\% and 1\% in the operational costs. At the same time, Matchmaker provides 8x- and 4x- faster predictions than a state-of-the-art ML data drift solution, AUE.

#2 Hydrozoa: Dynamic Hybrid-Parallel DNN Training on Serverless Containers [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Runsheng Guo ; Victor Guo ; Antonio Kim ; Josh Hildred ; Khuzaima Daudjee

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are often trained in parallel on a cluster of virtual machines (VMs) so as to reduce training time. However, this requires explicit cluster management, which is cumbersome and often results in costly overprovisioning of resources. Training DNNs on serverless compute is an attractive alternative that is receiving growing interest. In a serverless environment, users do not need to handle cluster management and can scale compute resources at a fine-grained level while paying for resources only when actively used. Despite these potential benefits, existing serverless systems for DNN training are ineffective because they are limited to CPU-based training and bottlenecked by expensive distributed communication. We present Hydrozoa, a system that trains DNNs on serverless containers with a hybrid-parallel architecture that flexibly combines data- and model-parallelism. Hydrozoa supports GPU-based training and leverages hybrid-parallelism and serverless resource scaling to achieve up to 155.5x and 5.4x higher throughput-per-dollar compared to existing serverless and VM-based training systems. Hydrozoa also allows users to implement dynamic worker-scaling policies during training. We show that dynamic worker scaling improves statistical training efficiency and reduces training costs.

#3 SRIFTY: Swift and Thrifty Distributed Neural Network Training on the Cloud [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Liang Luo ; Peter West ; Pratyush Patel ; Arvind Krishnamurthy ; Luis Ceze

Finding the best VM configuration is key to achieve lower cost and higher throughput, two primary concerns in cloud-based distributed neural network (NN) training today. Optimal VM selection that meets user constraints requires efficiently navigating a large search space while controlling for the performance variance associated with sharing cloud instances and networks.In this work, we characterize this variance in the context of distributed NN training and present results of a comprehensive throughput and cost-efficiency study we conducted across a wide array of instances to prune for the optimal VM search space. Using insights from these studies, we built Srifty, a system that combines runtime profiling with learned performance models to accurately predict training performance and find the best VM choice that satisfies user constraints, potentially leveraging both heterogeneous setups and spot instances. We integrated Srifty with PyTorch and evaluated it on Amazon EC2. We conducted a large-scale generalization study of Srifty across more than 2K training setups on EC2. Our results show that Srifty achieves an iteration latency prediction error of 8%, and its VM instance recommendations offer significant throughput gain and cost reduction while satisfying user constraints compared to existing solutions in complex, real-world scenarios.

#4 TyXe: Pyro-based Bayesian neural nets for Pytorch [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hippolyt Ritter ; Theofanis Karaletsos

We introduce TyXe, a Bayesian neural network library built on top of Pytorch and Pyro. Our leading design principle is to cleanly separate architecture, prior, inference and likelihood specification, allowing for a flexible workflow where users can quickly iterate over combinations of these components. In contrast to existing packages TyXe does not implement any layer classes, and instead relies on architectures defined in generic Pytorch code. TyXe then provides modular choices for canonical priors, variational guides, inference techniques, and layer selections for a Bayesian treatment of the specified architecture. Sampling tricks for variance reduction, such as local reparameterization or flipout, are implemented as effect handlers, which can be applied independently of other specifications. We showcase the ease of use of TyXe to explore Bayesian versions of popular models from various libraries: toy regression with a pure Pytorch neural network; large-scale image classification with torchvision ResNets; graph neural networks based on DGL; and Neural Radiance Fields built on top of Pytorch3D. Finally, we provide convenient abstractions for variational continual learning. In all cases the change from a deterministic to a Bayesian neural network comes with minimal modifications to existing code, offering a broad range of researchers and practitioners alike practical access to uncertainty estimation techniques. The library is available at

#5 A Tale of Two Models: Constructing Evasive Attacks on Edge Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Wei Hao ; Aahil Awatramani ; Jiayang Hu ; Chengzhi Mao ; Pin-Chun Chen ; Eyal Cidon ; Asaf Cidon ; Junfeng Yang

Full-precision deep learning models are typically too large or costly to deploy on edge devices. To accommodate to the limited hardware resources, models are adapted to the edge using various edge-adaptation techniques, such as quantization and pruning.While such techniques may have a negligible impact on top-line accuracy, the adapted models exhibit subtle differences in output compared to the original model from which they are derived.In this paper, we introduce a new evasive attack, DIVA, that exploits these differences in edge adaptation, by adding adversarial noise to input data that maximizes the output difference between the original and adapted model. Such an attack is particularly dangerous, because the malicious input will trick the adapted model running on the edge, but will be virtually undetectable by the original model, which typically serves as the authoritative model version, used for validation, debugging and retraining.We compare DIVA to a state-of-the-art attack, PGD, and show that DIVA is only 1.7--3.6% worse on attacking the adapted model but 1.9--4.2 times more likely not to be detected by the the original model under a whitebox and semi-blackbox setting, compared to PGD.

#6 Sequential Aggregation and Rematerialization: Distributed Full-batch Training of Graph Neural Networks on Large Graphs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Hesham Mostafa

We present the Sequential Aggregation and Rematerialization (SAR) scheme for distributed full-batch training of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) on large graphs. Large-scale training of GNNs has recently been dominated by sampling-based methods and methods based on non-learnable message passing. SAR on the other hand is a distributed technique that can train any GNN type directly on an entire large graph. The key innovation in SAR is the distributed sequential rematerialization scheme which sequentially re-constructs then frees pieces of the prohibitively large GNN computational graph during the backward pass. This results in excellent memory scaling behavior where the memory consumption per worker goes down linearly with the number of workers, even for densely connected graphs. Using SAR, we report the largest applications of full-batch GNN training to-date, and demonstrate large memory savings as the number of workers increases. We also present a general technique based on kernel fusion and attention-matrix rematerialization to optimize both the runtime and memory efficiency of attention-based models. We show that, coupled with SAR, our optimized attention kernels lead to significant speedups and memory savings in attention-based GNNs.

#7 Random Offset Block Embedding (ROBE) for compressed embedding tables in deep learning recommendation systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Aditya Desai ; Li Chou ; Anshumali Shrivastava

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#8 Bolt: Bridging the Gap between Auto-tuners and Hardware-native Performance [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiarong Xing ; Leyuan Wang ; Shang Zhang ; Jack Chen ; Ang Chen ; Yibo Zhu

Today’s auto-tuners (e.g., AutoTVM, Ansor) generate efficient tensor programs by navigating a large search space to identify effective implementations, but they do so with opaque hardware details. Thus, their performance could fall behind that of hardware-native libraries (e.g., cuBLAS, cuDNN), which are hand-optimized by device vendors to extract high performance. On the other hand, these vendor libraries have a fixed set of supported functions and lack the customization and automation support afforded by auto-tuners. Bolt bridges this gap and achieves the best of both worlds by using hardware-native templated search, which is enabled by the recent trend that vendor libraries (e.g., CUTLASS) are increasingly modularized and reconfigurable. Bolt provides new opportunities to rethink end-to-end tensor optimizations at the graph, operator, and model levels. We demonstrate this concept by prototyping in TVM on NVIDIA GPUs—both in large deployment in our production environment. Our experiments show that Bolt can improve the inference speed of common convolutional neural networks by 2.5x on average over the state of the art, and it auto-tunes these models within 20 minutes.

#9 NURD: Negative-Unlabeled Learning for Online Datacenter Straggler Prediction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yi Ding ; Avinash Rao ; Hyebin Song ; Rebecca Willett ; Henry (Hank) Hoffmann

Datacenters execute large computational jobs, which are composed of smaller tasks. A job completes when all its tasks finish, so stragglers---rare, yet extremely slow tasks---are a major impediment to datacenter performance. Accurately predicting stragglers would enable proactive intervention, allowing datacenter operators to mitigate stragglers before they delay a job. While much prior work applies machine learning to predict computer system performance, these approaches rely on complete labels---i.e., sufficient examples of all possible behaviors, including straggling and non-straggling---or strong assumptions about the underlying latency distributions---e.g., whether Gaussian or not. Within a running job, however, none of this information is available until stragglers have revealed themselves when they have already delayed the job. To predict stragglers accurately and early without labeled positive examples or assumptions on latency distributions, this paper presents NURD, a novel Negative-Unlabeled learning approach with Reweighting and Distribution-compensation that only trains on negative and unlabeled streaming data. The key idea is to train a predictor using finished tasks of non-stragglers to predict latency for unlabeled running tasks, and then reweight each unlabeled task's prediction based on a weighting function of its feature space. We evaluate NURD on two production traces from Google and Alibaba, and find that compared to the best baseline approach, NURD produces 2--11 percentage point increases in the F1 score in terms of prediction accuracy, and 4.7--8.8 percentage point improvements in job completion time.

#10 TAGLETS: A System for Automatic Semi-Supervised Learning with Auxiliary Data [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wasu Piriyakulkij ; Cristina Menghini ; Ross Briden ; Nihal Vivekanand Nayak ; Jeffrey Zhu ; Elaheh Raisi ; Stephen Bach

Machine learning practitioners often have access to a spectrum of data: labeled data for the target task (which is often limited), unlabeled data, and auxiliary data, the many available labeled datasets for other tasks. We describe TAGLETS, a system built to study techniques for automatically exploiting all three types of data and creating high-quality, servable classifiers. The key components of TAGLETS are: (1) auxiliary data organized according to a knowledge graph, (2) modules encapsulating different methods for exploiting auxiliary and unlabeled data, and (3) a distillation stage in which the ensembled modules are combined into a servable model. We compare TAGLETS with state-of-the-art transfer learning and semi-supervised learning methods on four image classification tasks. Our study covers a range of settings, varying the amount of labeled data and the semantic relatedness of the auxiliary data to the target task. We find that the intelligent incorporation of auxiliary and unlabeled data into multiple learning techniques enables TAGLETS to match---and most often significantly surpass---these alternatives. TAGLETS is available as an open-source system at

#11 Collapsible Linear Blocks for Super-Efficient Super Resolution [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kartikeya Bhardwaj ; Milos Milosavljevic ; Liam O'Neil ; Dibakar Gope ; Ramon Matas ; Alex Chalfin ; Naveen Suda ; Lingchuan Meng ; Danny Loh

With the advent of smart devices that support 4K and 8K resolution, Single Image Super Resolution (SISR) has become an important computer vision problem. However, most super resolution deep networks are computationally very expensive. In this paper, we propose Super-Efficient Super Resolution (SESR) networks that establish a new state-of-the-art for efficient super resolution. Our approach is based on linear overparameterization of CNNs and creates an efficient model architecture for SISR. With theoretical analysis, we uncover the limitations of existing overparameterization methods and show how the proposed method alleviates them. Detailed experiments across six benchmark datasets demonstrate that SESR achieves similar or better image quality than state-of-the-art models while requiring 2x to 330x fewer Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) operations. As a result, SESR can be used on constrained hardware to perform x2 (1080p to 4K) and x4 (1080p to 8K) SISR. Towards this, we estimate hardware performance numbers for a commercial Arm mobile-Neural Processing Unit (NPU) for 1080p to 4K (x2) and 1080p to 8K (x4) SISR. Our results highlight the challenges faced by super resolution on AI accelerators and demonstrate that SESR is significantly faster (e.g., 6x-8x higher FPS) than existing models on mobile-NPU. Finally, SESR outperforms prior models by 1.5x-2x in latency on Arm CPU and GPU when deployed on a real mobile device. The code for this work is available at

#12 Pathways: Asynchronous Distributed Dataflow for ML [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Paul Barham ; Aakanksha Chowdhery ; Jeff Dean ; Sanjay Ghemawat ; Steven Hand ; Daniel Hurt ; Michael Isard ; Hyeontaek Lim ; Ruoming Pang ; Sudip Roy ; Brennan Saeta ; Parker Schuh ; Ryan Sepassi ; Laurent Shafey ; Chandu Thekkath ; Yonghui Wu

We present the design of a new large scale orchestration layer for accelerators. Our system, Pathways, is explicitly designed to enable exploration of new systems and ML research ideas, while retaining state of the art performance for current models. Pathways uses a sharded dataflow graph of asynchronous operators that consume and produce futures, and efficiently gang-schedules heterogeneous parallel computations on thousands of accelerators while coordinating data transfers over their dedicated interconnects. Pathways makes use of a novel asynchronous distributed dataflow design that lets the control plane execute in parallel despite dependencies in the data plane. This design, with careful engineering, allows Pathways to adopt a single-controller model that makes it easier to express complex new parallelism patterns. We demonstrate that Pathways can achieve performance parity (~100% accelerator utilization) with state-of-the-art systems when running SPMD computations over 2048 TPUs, while also delivering throughput comparable to the SPMD case for Transformer models that are pipelined across 16 stages, or sharded across two islands of accelerators connected over a data center network.

#13 Randomness in Neural Network Training: Characterizing the Impact of Tooling [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Donglin Zhuang ; Xingyao Zhang ; Shuaiwen Song ; Sara Hooker

The quest for determinism in machine learning has disproportionately focused on characterizing the impact of noise introduced by algorithmic design choices. In this work, we address a less well understood and studied question: how does our choice of tooling introduce randomness to deep neural network training. We conduct large scale experiments across different types of hardware, accelerators, state-of-the-art networks, and open-source datasets, to characterize how tooling choices contribute to the level of non-determinism in a system, the impact of said non-determinism, and the cost of eliminating different sources of noise. Our findings suggest that the impact of non-determinism is nuanced. While top-line metrics such as top-1 accuracy are not noticeably impacted, model performance on certain parts of the data distribution is far more sensitive to the introduction of randomness. Our results suggest that deterministic tooling is critical for AI safety. However, we also find that the cost of ensuring determinism varies dramatically between neural network architectures and hardware types, e.g., with overhead up to \textit{746\%} on a spectrum of widely used GPU accelerator architectures, relative to non-deterministic training.

#14 Sustainable AI: Environmental Implications, Challenges and Opportunities [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Carole-Jean Wu ; Ramya Raghavendra ; Udit Gupta ; Bilge Acun ; Newsha Ardalani ; Kiwan Maeng ; Gloria Chang ; Fiona Aga ; Jinshi Huang ; Charles Bai ; Michael Gschwind ; Anurag Gupta ; Myle Ott ; Anastasia Melnikov ; Salvatore Candido ; David Brooks ; Geeta Chauhan ; Benjamin Lee ; Hsien-Hsin Lee ; Bugra Akyildiz ; Maximilian Balandat ; Joe Spisak ; Ravi Jain ; Mike Rabbat ; Kim Hazelwood

This paper explores the environmental impact of the super-linear growth trends for AI from a holistic perspective, spanning Data, Algorithms, and System Hardware. We characterize the carbon footprint of AI computing by examining the model development cycle across industry-scale machine learning use cases and, at the same time, considering the life cycle of system hardware. Taking a step further, we capture the operational and manufacturing carbon footprint of AI computing and present an end-to-end analysis for what and how hardware-software design and at-scale optimization can help reduce the overall carbon footprint of AI. Based on the industry experience and lessons learned, we share the key challenges and chart out important development directions across the many dimensions of AI. We hope the key messages and insights presented in this paper can inspire the community to advance the field of AI in an environmentally-responsible manner.

#15 URSABench: A System for Comprehensive Benchmarking of Bayesian Deep Neural Network Models and Inference methods [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Meet Vadera ; Jinyang Li ; Adam Cobb ; Brian Jalaian ; Tarek Abdelzaher ; Benjamin Marlin

While deep learning methods continue to improve in predictive accuracy on a wide range of application domains, significant issues remain with other aspects of their performance, including their ability to quantify uncertainty and their robustness. Recent advances in approximate Bayesian inference hold significant promise for addressing these concerns, but the computational scalability of these methods can be problematic when applied to large-scale models. In this paper, we present URSABench (the Uncertainty, Robustness, Scalability, and Accuracy Benchmark), an open-source suite of models, inference methods, tasks and benchmarking tools. URSABench supports comprehensive assessment of Bayesian deep learning models and approximate Bayesian inference methods, with a focus on classification tasks performed both on server and edge GPUs.

#16 Towards the Co-design of Neural Networks and Accelerators [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yanqi Zhou ; Xuanyi Dong ; Tianjian Meng ; Mingxing Tan ; Berkin Akin ; Daiyi Peng ; Amir Yazdanbakhsh ; Da Huang ; Ravi Narayanaswami ; James Laudon

Better neural architectures and new hardware accelerators are two driving forces for the progress in deep learning. Previous works typically focus on one aspect: they either design new neural architectures for fixed hardware like GPUs or customize hardware (often on FPGAs) for a fixed set of neural models like ResNets or Transformers. In this work, we aim to jointly optimize neural architecture and hardware configurations for Google's Edge TPUs. Through extensive studies, we observe that: 1) the neural architecture search space has to be customized to fully leverage the targeted hardware, 2) neural architecture and hardware accelerator should be jointly searched to achieve the best of both worlds, and 3) conventional metrics such as FLOPs and parameter size often do not well represent model efficiency in real accelerators. Our experiments show that our joint search approach, named NaaS, consistently outperforms previous state-of-the-art results, such as EfficientNet, on both image classification and segmentation tasks. Furthermore, our approach reduces energy consumption by up to 2x under the same accuracy on Edge TPUs.

#17 QuadraLib: A Performant Quadratic Neural Network Library for Architecture Optimization and Design Exploration [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zirui Xu ; Fuxun Yu ; Jinjun Xiong ; Xiang Chen

The significant success of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is highly promoted by the multiple sophisticated DNN libraries. On the contrary, although some work have proved that Quadratic Deep Neuron Networks (QDNNs) show better non-linearity and learning capability than the traditional first-order DNNs, their neuron design suffers certain drawbacks from theoretical performance to practical deployment. In this paper, we first proposed a new QDNN neuron architecture design, and further developed QuadraLib, a QDNN library to provide architecture optimization and design exploration for QDNNs. Extensive experiments show that our design has better performance regarding prediction accuracy and computation consumption on multiple learning tasks.

#18 Revelio: ML-Generated Debugging Queries for Finding Root Causes in Distributed Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pradeep Dogga ; Karthik Narasimhan ; Anirudh Sivaraman ; Shiv Saini ; George Varghese ; Ravi Netravali

A major difficulty in debugging distributed systems lies in manually determining which of the many available debugging tools to use and how to query that tool’s logs. Our own study of a production debugging workflow confirms the magnitude of this burden. This paper explores whether a deep neural network trained on past bug reports and debugging logs can assist developers in distributed systems debugging. We present Revelio, a debugging assistant which takes user reports and system logs as input, and outputs debugging queries that developers can use to find a bug’s root cause. The key challenges lie in (1) combining inputs of different types (e.g., natural language reports and quantitative logs) and (2) generalizing to unseen faults. Revelio addresses these by employ-ing deep neural networks to uniformly embed diverse input sources and potential queries into a high-dimensional vector space. In addition, it exploits observations from production systems to factorize query generation into two computationally and statistically simpler learning tasks. To evaluate Revelio, we built a testbed with multiple distributed applications and debugging tools. By injecting faults and training on logs and reports from 800 Mechanical Turkers, we show that Revelio includes the most helpful query in its predicted list of top-3 relevant queries 96% of the time. Our developer study confirms the utility of Revelio.

#19 BNS-GCN: Efficient Full-Graph Training of Graph Convolutional Networks with Partition-Parallelism and Random Boundary Node Sampling [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Cheng Wan ; Youjie Li ; Ang Li ; Nam Sung Kim ; Yingyan Lin

Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) have emerged as the state-of-the-art method for graph-based learning tasks. However, training GCNs at scale is still challenging, hindering both the exploration of more sophisticated GCN architectures and their applications to real-world large graphs. While it might be natural to consider graph partition and distributed training for tackling this challenge, this direction has only been slightly scratched the surface in the previous works due to the limitations of existing designs. In this work, we first analyze why distributed GCN training is ineffective and identify the underlying cause to be the excessive number of boundary nodes of each partitioned subgraph, which easily explodes the memory and communication costs for GCN training. Furthermore, we propose a simple yet effective method dubbed BNS-GCN that adopts random Boundary-Node-Sampling to enable efficient and scalable distributed GCN training. Experiments and ablation studies consistently validate the effectiveness of BNS-GCN, e.g., boosting the throughput by up to 16.2× and reducing the memory usage by up to 58%, while maintaining a full-graph accuracy. Furthermore, both theoretical and empirical analysis show that BNS-GCN enjoys a better convergence than existing sampling-based methods. We believe that our BNS-GCN has opened up a new paradigm for enabling GCN training at scale. The code is available at

#20 LightSecAgg: a Lightweight and Versatile Design for Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jinhyun So ; Chaoyang He ; Chien-Sheng Yang ; Songze Li ; Qian Yu ; Ramy E. Ali ; Basak Guler ; Salman Avestimehr

Secure model aggregation is a key component of federated learning (FL) that aims at protecting the privacy of each user’s individual model while allowing for their global aggregation. It can be applied to any aggregation-based FL approach for training a global or personalized model. Model aggregation needs to also be resilient against likely user dropouts in FL systems, making its design substantially more complex. State-of-the-art secure aggregation protocols rely on secret sharing of the random-seeds used for mask generations at the users to enable the reconstruction and cancellation of those belonging to the dropped users. The complexity of such approaches, however, grows substantially with the number of dropped users. We propose a new approach, named LightSecAgg, to overcome this bottleneck by changing the design from random-seed reconstruction of the dropped users'' toone-shot aggregate-mask reconstruction of the active users via mask encoding/decoding''. We show that LightSecAgg achieves the same privacy and dropout-resiliency guarantees as the state-of-the-art protocols while significantly reducing the overhead for resiliency against dropped users. We also demonstrate that, unlike existing schemes, LightSecAgg can be applied to secure aggregation in the asynchronous FL setting. Furthermore, we provide a modular system design and optimized on-device parallelization for scalable implementation, by enabling computational overlapping between model training and on-device encoding, as well as improving the speed of concurrent receiving and sending of chunked masks. We evaluate LightSecAgg via extensive experiments for training diverse models (logistic regression, shallow CNNs, MobileNetV3, and EfficientNet-B0) on various datasets (MNIST, FEMNIST, CIFAR-10, GLD-23K) in a realistic FL system with large number of users and demonstrate that LightSecAgg significantly reduces the total training time.

#21 Learning Compressed Embeddings for On-Device Inference [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Niketan Pansare ; Jay Katukuri ; Aditya Arora ; Frank Cipollone ; Riyaaz Shaik ; Noyan Tokgozoglu ; Chandru Venkataraman

In deep learning, embeddings are widely used to represent categorical entities such as words, apps, and movies. An embedding layer maps each entity to a unique vector, causing the layer’s memory requirement to be proportional to the number of entities. In the recommendation domain, a given category can have hundreds of thousands of entities, and its embedding layer can take gigabytes of memory. The scale of these networks makes them difficult to deploy in resource constrained environments, such as smartphones. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for reducing the size of an embedding table while still mapping each entity to its own unique embedding. Rather than maintaining the full embedding table, we construct each entity’s embedding “on the fly” using two separate embedding tables. The first table employs hashing to force multiple entities to share an embedding. The second table contains one trainable weight per entity, allowing the model to distinguish between entities sharing the same embedding. Since these two tables are trained jointly, the network is able to learn a unique embedding per entity, helping it maintain a discriminative capability similar to a model with an uncompressed embedding table. We call this approach MEmCom (Multi-Embedding Compression). We compare with state-of-the-art model compression techniques for multiple problem classes including classification and ranking using datasets from various domains. On four popular recommender system datasets, MEmCom had a 4% relative loss in nDCG while compressing the input embedding sizes of our recommendation models by 16x, 4x, 12x, and 40x. MEmCom outperforms the state-of-the-art model compression techniques, which achieved 16%, 6%, 10%, and 8% relative loss in nDCG at the respective compression ratios. Additionally, MEmCom is able to compress the RankNet ranking model by 32x on a dataset with millions of users’ interactions with games while incurring only a 1% relative loss in nDCG.

#22 Gyro Dropout: Maximizing Ensemble Effect in Neural Network Training [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Junyeol Lee ; Hyeongju Kim ; Hyungjun Oh ; Jaemin Kim ; Hongseok Jeung ; Yung-Kyun Noh ; Jiwon Seo

This paper proposes gyro dropout, a variant of dropout that improves the efficiency of training neural net-works. Instead of randomly dropping out neurons in every training iteration, gyro dropout pre-selects and trains a fixed number of subnetworks. Because each subnetwork is more stably trained, they are more diversified and thus their ensemble achieves good generalization. We further propose block-wise gyro dropout, or simply block-wise dropout, which is a GPU-friendly variant of gyro dropout. Block-wise dropout partitions hidden neurons into a number of groups that should be dropped out together throughout learning; this makes it efficient to prune the corresponding warp executions on GPUs. We evaluate the two dropout methods with seven neural networks and ten public datasets. In our evaluation, gyro dropout improves the accuracy of trained models by up to 1.93%; gyro dropout consistently achieves higher accuracy than conventional dropout in all experiments. Moreover, block-wise dropout speeds up the training of neural networks by up to 29.8% with little to no accuracy loss. Ourimplementation of gyro dropout is publicly available at

#23 A Transferable Approach for Partitioning Machine Learning Models on Multi-Chip-Modules [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xinfeng Xie ; Prakash Prabhu ; Ulysse Beaugnon ; Phitchaya Phothilimthana ; Sudip Roy ; Azalia Mirhoseini ; Eugene Brevdo ; James Laudon ; Yanqi Zhou

Multi-Chip-Modules (MCMs) reduce the design and fabrication cost of machine learning (ML) accelerators while delivering performance and energy efficiency on par with a monolithic large chip. However, ML compilers targeting MCMs need to solve complex optimization problems optimally and efficiently to achieve this high performance. One such problem is the multi-chip partitioning problem where compilers determine the optimal partitioning and placement of operations in tensor computation graphs on chiplets in MCMs. Partitioning ML graphs for MCMs is particularly hard as the search space grows exponentially with the number of chiplets available and the number of nodes in the neural network. Furthermore, the constraints imposed by the underlying hardware produce a search space where valid solutions are extremely sparse. In this paper, we present a strategy using a deep reinforcement learning (RL) framework to emit a possibly invalid candidate partition that is then corrected by a constraint solver. Using the constraint solver ensures that RL encounters valid solutions in the sparse space frequently enough to converge with fewer samples as compared to non-learned strategies. The graphical neural network and sequential attention mechanism in our RL framework enable the generalization across different ML graphs. Our evaluation of a production-scale model, BERT, on real hardware reveals that the partitioning generated using RL policy achieves 6.11% and 5.85% higher throughput than random search and simulated annealing. In addition, fine-tuning the pre-trained RL policy reduces the search time from 3 hours to only 9 minutes, while achieving the same throughput as training RL policy from scratch.

#24 On the Utility of Gradient Compression in Distributed Training Systems [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Saurabh Agarwal ; Hongyi Wang ; Shivaram Venkataraman ; Dimitris Papailiopoulos

A rich body of prior work has highlighted the existence of communication bottlenecks in synchronous data-parallel training. To alleviate these bottlenecks, a long line of recent research proposes gradient and model compression methods. In this work, we evaluate the efficacy of gradient compression methods and compare their scalability with optimized implementations of synchronous data-parallel SGD across more than 200 realistic distributed setups. Surprisingly, we observe that only in 6 cases out of more than 200, gradient compression methods provide speedup over optimized synchronous data-parallel training in the typical data-center setting. We conduct an extensive investigation to identify the root causes of this phenomenon, and offer a performance model that can be used to identify the benefits of gradient compression for a variety of system setups. Based on our analysis, we propose a list of desirable properties that gradient compression methods should satisfy, in order for them to provide meaningful utility.

#25 REX: Revisiting Budgeted Training with an Improved Schedule [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: John Chen ; Cameron Wolfe ; Tasos Kyrillidis

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