NAACL.2022 - Findings

| Total: 209

#1 PubHealthTab: A Public Health Table-based Dataset for Evidence-based Fact Checking [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mubashara Akhtar ; Oana Cocarascu ; Elena Simperl

Inspired by human fact checkers, who use different types of evidence (e.g. tables, images, audio) in addition to text, several datasets with tabular evidence data have been released in recent years. Whilst the datasets encourage research on table fact-checking, they rely on information from restricted data sources, such as Wikipedia for creating claims and extracting evidence data, making the fact-checking process different from the real-world process used by fact checkers. In this paper, we introduce PubHealthTab, a table fact-checking dataset based on real world public health claims and noisy evidence tables from sources similar to those used by real fact checkers. We outline our approach for collecting evidence data from various websites and present an in-depth analysis of our dataset. Finally, we evaluate state-of-the-art table representation and pre-trained models fine-tuned on our dataset, achieving an overall F1 score of 0.73.

#2 Masked Measurement Prediction: Learning to Jointly Predict Quantities and Units from Textual Context [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Daniel Spokoyny ; Ivan Lee ; Zhao Jin ; Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick

Physical measurements constitute a large portion of numbers in academic papers, engineering reports, and web tables. Current benchmarks fall short of properly evaluating numeracy of pretrained language models on measurements, hindering research on developing new methods and applying them to numerical tasks. To that end, we introduce a novel task, Masked Measurement Prediction (MMP), where a model learns to reconstruct a number together with its associated unit given masked text. MMP is useful for both training new numerically informed models as well as evaluating numeracy of existing systems. To address this task, we introduce a new Generative Masked Measurement (GeMM) model that jointly learns to predict numbers along with their units. We perform fine-grained analyses comparing our model with various ablations and baselines. We use linear probing of traditional pretrained transformer models (RoBERTa) to show that they significantly underperform jointly trained number-unit models, highlighting the difficulty of this new task and the benefits of our proposed pretraining approach. We hope this framework accelerates the progress towards building more robust numerical reasoning systems in the future.

#3 PromptGen: Automatically Generate Prompts using Generative Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yue Zhang ; Hongliang Fei ; Dingcheng Li ; Ping Li

Recently, prompt learning has received significant attention, where the downstream tasks are reformulated to the mask-filling task with the help of a textual prompt. The key point of prompt learning is finding the most appropriate prompt. This paper proposes a novel model PromptGen, which can automatically generate prompts conditional on the input sentence. PromptGen is the first work considering dynamic prompt generation for knowledge probing, based on a pre-trained generative model. To mitigate any label information leaking from the pre-trained generative model, when given a generated prompt, we replace the query input with “None”. We pursue that this perturbed context-free prompt cannot trigger the correct label. We evaluate our model on the knowledge probing LAMA benchmark, and show that PromptGen significantly outperforms other baselines.

#4 Improving Conversational Recommendation Systems’ Quality with Context-Aware Item Meta-Information [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Bowen Yang ; Cong Han ; Yu Li ; Lei Zuo ; Zhou Yu

A key challenge of Conversational Recommendation Systems (CRS) is to integrate the recommendation function and the dialog generation function smoothly. Previous works employ graph neural networks with external knowledge graphs (KG) to model individual recommendation items and integrate KGs with language models through attention mechanism for response generation. Although previous approaches prove effective, there is still room for improvement. For example, KG-based approaches only rely on entity relations and bag-of-words to recommend items and neglect the information in the conversational context. We propose to improve the usage of dialog context for both recommendation and response generation using an encoding architecture along with the self-attention mechanism of transformers. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective architecture comprising a pre-trained language model (PLM) and an item metadata encoder to integrate the recommendation and the dialog generation better. The proposed item encoder learns to map item metadata to embeddings reflecting the rich information of the item, which can be matched with dialog context. The PLM then consumes the context-aware item embeddings and dialog context to generate high-quality recommendations and responses. Experimental results on the benchmark dataset ReDial show that our model obtains state-of-the-art results on both recommendation and response generation tasks.

#5 SEQZERO: Few-shot Compositional Semantic Parsing with Sequential Prompts and Zero-shot Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jingfeng Yang ; Haoming Jiang ; Qingyu Yin ; Danqing Zhang ; Bing Yin ; Diyi Yang

Recent research showed promising results on combining pretrained language models (LMs) with canonical utterance for few-shot semantic parsing. The canonical utterance is often lengthy and complex due to the compositional structure of formal languages. Learning to generate such canonical utterance requires significant amount of data to reach high performance. Fine-tuning with only few-shot samples, the LMs can easily forget pretrained knowledge, overfit spurious biases, and suffer from compositionally out-of-distribution generalization errors. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel few-shot semantic parsing method – SEQZERO. SEQZERO decomposes the problem into a sequence of sub-problems, which corresponds to the sub-clauses of the formal language. Based on the decomposition, the LMs only need to generate short answers using prompts for predicting sub-clauses. Thus, SEQZERO avoids generating a long canonical utterance at once. Moreover, SEQZERO employs not only a few-shot model but also a zero-shot model to alleviate the overfitting.In particular, SEQZERO brings out the merits from both models via ensemble equipped with our proposed constrained rescaling.SEQZERO achieves SOTA performance of BART-based models on GeoQuery and EcommerceQuery, which are two few-shot datasets with compositional data split.

#6 MultiVerS: Improving scientific claim verification with weak supervision and full-document context [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: David Wadden ; Kyle Lo ; Lucy Lu Wang ; Arman Cohan ; Iz Beltagy ; Hannaneh Hajishirzi

The scientific claim verification task requires an NLP system to label scientific documents which Support or Refute an input claim, and to select evidentiary sentences (or rationales) justifying each predicted label. In this work, we present MultiVerS, which predicts a fact-checking label and identifies rationales in a multitask fashion based on a shared encoding of the claim and full document context. This approach accomplishes two key modeling goals. First, it ensures that all relevant contextual information is incorporated into each labeling decision. Second, it enables the model to learn from instances annotated with a document-level fact-checking label, but lacking sentence-level rationales. This allows MultiVerS to perform weakly-supervised domain adaptation by training on scientific documents labeled using high-precision heuristics. Our approach outperforms two competitive baselines on three scientific claim verification datasets, with particularly strong performance in zero / few-shot domain adaptation experiments. Our code and data are available at

#7 An Item Response Theory Framework for Persuasion [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Anastassia Kornilova ; Vladimir Eidelman ; Daniel Douglass

In this paper, we apply Item Response Theory, popular in education and political science research, to the analysis of argument persuasiveness in language. We empirically evaluate the model’s performance on three datasets, including a novel dataset in the area of political advocacy. We show the advantages of separating these components under several style and content representations, including evaluating the ability of the speaker embeddings generated by the model to parallel real-world observations about persuadability.

#8 Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning with Adversarial Perturbations for Defending Word Substitution-based Attacks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhao Meng ; Yihan Dong ; Mrinmaya Sachan ; Roger Wattenhofer

In this paper, we present an approach to improve the robustness of BERT language models against word substitution-based adversarial attacks by leveraging adversarial perturbations for self-supervised contrastive learning. We create a word-level adversarial attack generating hard positives on-the-fly as adversarial examples during contrastive learning. In contrast to previous works, our method improves model robustness without using any labeled data. Experimental results show that our method improves robustness of BERT against four different word substitution-based adversarial attacks, and combining our method with adversarial training gives higher robustness than adversarial training alone. As our method improves the robustness of BERT purely with unlabeled data, it opens up the possibility of using large text datasets to train robust language models against word substitution-based adversarial attacks.

#9 Quiz Design Task: Helping Teachers Create Quizzes with Automated Question Generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Philippe Laban ; Chien-Sheng Wu ; Lidiya Murakhovs’ka ; Wenhao Liu ; Caiming Xiong

Question generation (QGen) models are often evaluated with standardized NLG metrics that are based on n-gram overlap. In this paper, we measure whether these metric improvements translate to gains in a practical setting, focusing on the use case of helping teachers automate the generation of reading comprehension quizzes. In our study, teachers building a quiz receive question suggestions, which they can either accept or refuse with a reason. Even though we find that recent progress in QGen leads to a significant increase in question acceptance rates, there is still large room for improvement, with the best model having only 68.4% of its questions accepted by the ten teachers who participated in our study. We then leverage the annotations we collected to analyze standard NLG metrics and find that model performance has reached projected upper-bounds, suggesting new automatic metrics are needed to guide QGen research forward.

#10 In-BoXBART: Get Instructions into Biomedical Multi-Task Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mihir Parmar ; Swaroop Mishra ; Mirali Purohit ; Man Luo ; Murad Mohammad ; Chitta Baral

Single-task models have proven pivotal in solving specific tasks; however, they have limitations in real-world applications where multi-tasking is necessary and domain shifts are exhibited. Recently, instructional prompts have shown significant improvement towards multi-task generalization; however, the effect of instructional prompts and Multi-Task Learning (MTL) has not been systematically studied in the biomedical domain. Motivated by this, this paper explores the impact of instructional prompts for biomedical MTL. We introduce the BoX, a collection of 32 instruction tasks for Biomedical NLP across (X) various categories. Using this meta-dataset, we propose a unified model termed as In-BoXBART, that can jointly learn all tasks of the BoX without any task-specific modules. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to propose a unified model in the biomedical domain and use instructions to achieve generalization across several biomedical tasks. Experimental results indicate that the proposed model: 1) outperforms single-task baseline by ~3% and multi-task (without instruction) baseline by ~18% on an average, and 2) shows ~23% improvement compared to single-task baseline in few-shot learning (i.e., 32 instances per task) on an average. Our analysis indicates that there is significant room for improvement across tasks in the BoX, implying the scope for future research direction.

#11 How to Translate Your Samples and Choose Your Shots? Analyzing Translate-train & Few-shot Cross-lingual Transfer [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Iman Jundi ; Gabriella Lapesa

Translate-train or few-shot cross-lingual transfer can be used to improve the zero-shot performance of multilingual pretrained language models. Few-shot utilizes high-quality low-quantity samples (often manually translated from the English corpus ). Translate-train employs a machine translation of the English corpus, resulting in samples with lower quality that could be scaled to high quantity. Given the lower cost and higher availability of machine translation compared to manual professional translation, it is important to systematically compare few-shot and translate-train, understand when each has an advantage, and investigate how to choose the shots to translate in order to increase the few-shot gain. This work aims to fill this gap: we compare and quantify the performance gain of few-shot vs. translate-train using three different base models and a varying number of samples for three tasks/datasets (XNLI, PAWS-X, XQuAD) spanning 17 languages. We show that scaling up the training data using machine translation gives a larger gain compared to using the small-scale (higher-quality) few-shot data. When few-shot is beneficial, we show that there are random sets of samples that perform better across languages and that the performance on English and on the machine-translation of the samples can both be used to choose the shots to manually translate for an increased few-shot gain.

#12 Multi-Hop Open-Domain Question Answering over Structured and Unstructured Knowledge [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yue Feng ; Zhen Han ; Mingming Sun ; Ping Li

Open-domain question answering systems need to answer question of our interests with structured and unstructured information. However, existing approaches only select one source to generate answer or only conduct reasoning on structured information. In this paper, we pro- pose a Document-Entity Heterogeneous Graph Network, referred to as DEHG, to effectively integrate different sources of information, and conduct reasoning on heterogeneous information. DEHG employs a graph constructor to integrate structured and unstructured information, a context encoder to represent nodes and question, a heterogeneous information reasoning layer to conduct multi-hop reasoning on both information sources, and an answer decoder to generate answers for the question. Experimental results on HybirdQA dataset show that DEHG outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

#13 FedNLP: Benchmarking Federated Learning Methods for Natural Language Processing Tasks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Bill Yuchen Lin ; Chaoyang He ; Zihang Ze ; Hulin Wang ; Yufen Hua ; Christophe Dupuy ; Rahul Gupta ; Mahdi Soltanolkotabi ; Xiang Ren ; Salman Avestimehr

Increasing concerns and regulations about data privacy and sparsity necessitate the study of privacy-preserving, decentralized learning methods for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Federated learning (FL) provides promising approaches for a large number of clients (e.g., personal devices or organizations) to collaboratively learn a shared global model to benefit all clients while allowing users to keep their data locally. Despite interest in studying FL methods for NLP tasks, a systematic comparison and analysis is lacking in the literature. Herein, we present the FedNLP, a benchmarking framework for evaluating federated learning methods on four different task formulations: text classification, sequence tagging, question answering, and seq2seq. We propose a universal interface between Transformer-based language models (e.g., BERT, BART) and FL methods (e.g., FedAvg, FedOPT, etc.) under various non-IID partitioning strategies. Our extensive experiments with FedNLP provide empirical comparisons between FL methods and help us better understand the inherent challenges of this direction. The comprehensive analysis points to intriguing and exciting future research aimed at developing FL methods for NLP tasks.

#14 SemAttack: Natural Textual Attacks via Different Semantic Spaces [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Boxin Wang ; Chejian Xu ; Xiangyu Liu ; Yu Cheng ; Bo Li

Recent studies show that pre-trained language models (LMs) are vulnerable to textual adversarial attacks. However, existing attack methods either suffer from low attack success rates or fail to search efficiently in the exponentially large perturbation space. We propose an efficient and effective framework SemAttack to generate natural adversarial text by constructing different semantic perturbation functions. In particular, SemAttack optimizes the generated perturbations constrained on generic semantic spaces, including typo space, knowledge space (e.g., WordNet), contextualized semantic space (e.g., the embedding space of BERT clusterings), or the combination of these spaces. Thus, the generated adversarial texts are more semantically close to the original inputs. Extensive experiments reveal that state-of-the-art (SOTA) large-scale LMs (e.g., DeBERTa-v2) and defense strategies (e.g., FreeLB) are still vulnerable to SemAttack. We further demonstrate that SemAttack is general and able to generate natural adversarial texts for different languages (e.g., English and Chinese) with high attack success rates. Human evaluations also confirm that our generated adversarial texts are natural and barely affect human performance. Our code is publicly available at

#15 Lacuna Reconstruction: Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Low-Resource Historical Document Transcription [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nikolai Vogler ; Jonathan Allen ; Matthew Miller ; Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick

We present a self-supervised pre-training approach for learning rich visual language representations for both handwritten and printed historical document transcription. After supervised fine-tuning of our pre-trained encoder representations for low-resource document transcription on two languages, (1) a heterogeneous set of handwritten Islamicate manuscript images and (2) early modern English printed documents, we show a meaningful improvement in recognition accuracy over the same supervised model trained from scratch with as few as 30 line image transcriptions for training. Our masked language model-style pre-training strategy, where the model is trained to be able to identify the true masked visual representation from distractors sampled from within the same line, encourages learning robust contextualized language representations invariant to scribal writing style and printing noise present across documents.

#16 FreeTransfer-X: Safe and Label-Free Cross-Lingual Transfer from Off-the-Shelf Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yinpeng Guo ; Liangyou Li ; Xin Jiang ; Qun Liu

Cross-lingual transfer (CLT) is of various applications. However, labeled cross-lingual corpus is expensive or even inaccessible, especially in the fields where labels are private, such as diagnostic results of symptoms in medicine and user profiles in business. Nevertheless, there are off-the-shelf models in these sensitive fields. Instead of pursuing the original labels, a workaround for CLT is to transfer knowledge from the off-the-shelf models without labels. To this end, we define a novel CLT problem named FreeTransfer-X that aims to achieve knowledge transfer from the off-the-shelf models in rich-resource languages. To address the problem, we propose a 2-step knowledge distillation (KD, Hinton et al., 2015) framework based on multilingual pre-trained language models (mPLM). The significant improvement over strong neural machine translation (NMT) baselines demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method. In addition to reducing annotation cost and protecting private labels, the proposed method is compatible with different networks and easy to be deployed. Finally, a range of analyses indicate the great potential of the proposed method.

#17 Opportunities for Human-centered Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Daniel Liebling ; Katherine Heller ; Samantha Robertson ; Wesley Deng

Machine translation models are embedded in larger user-facing systems. Although model evaluation has matured, evaluation at the systems level is still lacking. We review literature from both the translation studies and HCI communities about who uses machine translation and for what purposes. We emphasize an important difference in evaluating machine translation models versus the physical and cultural systems in which they are embedded. We then propose opportunities for improved measurement of user-facing translation systems. We pay particular attention to the need for design and evaluation to aid engendering trust and enhancing user agency in future machine translation systems.

#18 Aligning Generative Language Models with Human Values [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ruibo Liu ; Ge Zhang ; Xinyu Feng ; Soroush Vosoughi

Although current large-scale generative language models (LMs) can show impressive insights about factual knowledge, they do not exhibit similar success with respect to human values judgements (e.g., whether or not the generations of an LM are moral). Existing methods learn human values either by directly mimicking the behavior of human data, or rigidly constraining the generation space to human-chosen tokens. These methods are inherently limited in that they do not consider the contextual and abstract nature of human values and as a result often fail when dealing with out-of-domain context or sophisticated and abstract human values. This paper proposes SENSEI, a new reinforcement learning based method that can embed human values judgements into each step of language generation. SENSEI deploys an Actor-Critic framework, where the Critic is a reward distributor that simulates the reward assignment procedure of humans, while the Actor guides the generation towards the maximum reward direction. Compared with five existing methods in three human values alignment datasets, SENSEI not only achieves higher alignment performance in terms of both automatic and human evaluations, but also shows improvements on robustness and transfer learning on unseen human values.

#19 PerKGQA: Question Answering over Personalized Knowledge Graphs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ritam Dutt ; Kasturi Bhattacharjee ; Rashmi Gangadharaiah ; Dan Roth ; Carolyn Rose

Previous studies on question answering over knowledge graphs have typically operated over a single knowledge graph (KG). This KG is assumed to be known a priori and is lever- aged similarly for all users’ queries during inference. However, such an assumption is not applicable to real-world settings, such as health- care, where one needs to handle queries of new users over unseen KGs during inference. Furthermore, privacy concerns and high computational costs render it infeasible to query the single KG that has information about all users while answering a specific user’s query. The above concerns motivate our question answer- ing setting over personalized knowledge graphs (PERKGQA) where each user has restricted access to their KG. We observe that current state-of-the-art KGQA methods that require learning prior node representations fare poorly. We propose two complementary approaches, PATHCBR and PATHRGCN for PERKGQA. The former is a simple non-parametric technique that employs case-based reasoning, while the latter is a parametric approach using graph neural networks. Our proposed methods circumvent learning prior representations, can generalize to unseen KGs, and outperform strong baselines on an academic and an internal dataset by 6.5% and 10.5%.

#20 Zero-shot Cross-lingual Conversational Semantic Role Labeling [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Han Wu ; Haochen Tan ; Kun Xu ; Shuqi Liu ; Lianwei Wu ; Linqi Song

While conversational semantic role labeling (CSRL) has shown its usefulness on Chinese conversational tasks, it is still under-explored in non-Chinese languages due to the lack of multilingual CSRL annotations for the parser training. To avoid expensive data collection and error-propagation of translation-based methods, we present a simple but effective approach to perform zero-shot cross-lingual CSRL.Our model implicitly learns language-agnostic, conversational structure-aware and semantically rich representations with the hierarchical encoders and elaborately designed pre-training objectives. Experimental results show that our model outperforms all baselines by large margins on two newly collected English CSRL test sets. More importantly, we confirm the usefulness of CSRL to non-Chinese conversational tasks such as the question-in-context rewriting task in English and the multi-turn dialogue response generation tasks in English, German and Japanese by incorporating the CSRL information into the downstream conversation-based models. We believe this finding is significant and will facilitate the research of non-Chinese dialogue tasks which suffer the problems of ellipsis and anaphora.

#21 A Framework to Generate High-Quality Datapoints for Multiple Novel Intent Detection [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ankan Mullick ; Sukannya Purkayastha ; Pawan Goyal ; Niloy Ganguly

Systems like Voice-command based conversational agents are characterized by a pre-defined set of skills or intents to perform user specified tasks. In the course of time, newer intents may emerge requiring retraining. However, the newer intents may not be explicitly announced and need to be inferred dynamically. Thus, there are two important tasks at hand (a). identifying emerging new intents, (b). annotating data of the new intents so that the underlying classifier can be retrained efficiently. The tasks become specially challenging when a large number of new intents emerge simultaneously and there is a limited budget of manual annotation. In this paper, we propose MNID (Multiple Novel Intent Detection) which is a cluster based framework to detect multiple novel intents with budgeted human annotation cost. Empirical results on various benchmark datasets (of different sizes) demonstrate that MNID, by intelligently using the budget for annotation, outperforms the baseline methods in terms of accuracy and F1-score.

#22 Design Challenges for a Multi-Perspective Search Engine [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sihao Chen ; Siyi Liu ; Xander Uyttendaele ; Yi Zhang ; William Bruno ; Dan Roth

Many users turn to document retrieval systems (e.g. search engines) to seek answers to controversial or open-ended questions. However, classical document retrieval systems fall short at delivering users a set of direct and diverse responses in such cases, which requires identifying responses within web documents in the context of the query, and aggregating the responses based on their different perspectives. The goal of this work is to survey and study the user information needs for building a multi-perspective search engine of such. We examine the challenges of synthesizing such language understanding objectives with document retrieval, and study a new perspective-oriented document retrieval paradigm. We discuss and assess the inherent natural language understanding challenges one needs to address in order to achieve the goal. Following the design challenges and principles, we propose and evaluate a practical prototype pipeline system. We use the prototype system to conduct a user survey in order to assess the utility of our paradigm, as well as understanding the user information needs when issuing controversial and open-ended queries to a search engine.

#23 Exploring the Value of Multi-View Learning for Session-Aware Query Representation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Diego Ortiz ; Jose Moreno ; Gilles Hubert ; Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat ; Lynda Tamine

Recent years have witnessed a growing interest towards learning distributed query representations that are able to capture search intent semantics. Most existing approaches learn query embeddings using relevance supervision making them suited only to document ranking tasks. Besides, they generally consider either user’s query reformulations or system’s rankings whereas previous findings show that user’s query behavior and knowledge change depending on the system’s results, intertwine and affect each other during the completion of a search task. In this paper, we explore the value of multi-view learning for generic and unsupervised session-aware query representation learning. First, single-view query embeddings are obtained in separate spaces from query reformulations and document ranking representations using transformers. Then, we investigate the use of linear (CCA) and non linear (UMAP) multi-view learning methods, to align those spaces with the aim of revealing similarity traits in the multi-view shared space. Experimental evaluation is carried out in a query classification and session-based retrieval downstream tasks using respectively the KDD and TREC session datasets. The results show that multi-view learning is an effective and controllable approach for unsupervised learning of generic query representations and can reflect search behavior patterns.

#24 Hierarchical Relation-Guided Type-Sentence Alignment for Long-Tail Relation Extraction with Distant Supervision [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yang Li ; Guodong Long ; Tao Shen ; Jing Jiang

Distant supervision uses triple facts in knowledge graphs to label a corpus for relation extraction, leading to wrong labeling and long-tail problems. Some works use the hierarchy of relations for knowledge transfer to long-tail relations. However, a coarse-grained relation often implies only an attribute (e.g., domain or topic) of the distant fact, making it hard to discriminate relations based solely on sentence semantics. One solution is resorting to entity types, but open questions remain about how to fully leverage the information of entity types and how to align multi-granular entity types with sentences. In this work, we propose a novel model to enrich distantly-supervised sentences with entity types. It consists of (1) a pairwise type-enriched sentence encoding module injecting both context-free and -related backgrounds to alleviate sentence-level wrong labeling, and (2) a hierarchical type-sentence alignment module enriching a sentence with the triple fact’s basic attributes to support long-tail relations. Our model achieves new state-of-the-art results in overall and long-tail performance on benchmarks.

#25 PCEE-BERT: Accelerating BERT Inference via Patient and Confident Early Exiting [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhen Zhang ; Wei Zhu ; Jinfan Zhang ; Peng Wang ; Rize Jin ; Tae-Sun Chung

BERT and other pretrained language models (PLMs) are ubiquitous in modern NLP. Even though PLMs are the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models for almost every NLP task (CITATION), the significant latency during inference prohibits wider industrial usage. In this work, we propose Patient and Confident Early Exiting BERT (PCEE-BERT), an off-the-shelf sample-dependent early exiting method that can work with different PLMs and can also work along with popular model compression methods. With a multi-exit BERT as the backbone model, PCEE-BERT will make the early exiting decision if enough numbers (patience parameter) of consecutive intermediate layers are confident about their predictions. The entropy value measures the confidence level of an intermediate layer’s prediction. Experiments on the GLUE benchmark demonstrate that our method outperforms previous SOTA early exiting methods. Ablation studies show that: (a) our method performs consistently well on other PLMs, such as ALBERT and TinyBERT; (b) PCEE-BERT can achieve different speed-up ratios by adjusting the patience parameter and the confidence threshold. The code for PCEE-BERT can be found at