NAACL.2024 - Findings

| Total: 296

#1 Structured Pruning for Large Language Models Using Coupled Components Elimination and Minor Fine-tuning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Honghe Zhang ; XiaolongShi XiaolongShi ; Jingwei Sun ; Guangzhong Sun

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated powerful capabilities in natural language processing, yet their vast number of parameters poses challenges for deployment and inference efficiency. Structured model pruning emerges as a viable approach to reduce model size and accelerate inference, without requiring specialized operators and libraries for deployment. However, structured pruning often severely weakens the model’s capability.Despite repetitive fine-tuning can restore the capability to a certain extent, it impairs LLMs’ utility as versatile problem solvers.To address this issue, we propose a novel structured pruning algorithm tailored for LLMs. It derives the importance of different components, namely rows and columns in parameter matrices, based on intermediate data dependencies. Then it removes coupled components across different layers simultaneously and preserves dependency relationships within remaining parameters, avoiding significant performance degradation. The pruned model requires only few epochs of fine-tuning to restore its performance, ensuring the model’s ability to generalize.Empirical evaluations on LLaMA, Vicuna, and ChatGLM3 demonstrate our algorithm’s efficacy, yielding 20% parameter reduction while retaining at least 94.4% of original performance metrics.

#2 Weight-Inherited Distillation for Task-Agnostic BERT Compression [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Taiqiang Wu ; Cheng Hou ; Shanshan Lao ; Jiayi Li ; Ngai Wong ; Zhe Zhao ; Yujiu Yang

Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a predominant approach for BERT compression.Previous KD-based methods focus on designing extra alignment losses for the student model to mimic the behavior of the teacher model.These methods transfer the knowledge in an indirect way.In this paper, we propose a novel Weight-Inherited Distillation (WID), which directly transfers knowledge from the teacher.WID does not require any additional alignment loss and trains a compact student by inheriting the weights, showing a new perspective of knowledge distillation.Specifically, we design the row compactors and column compactors as mappings and then compress the weights via structural re-parameterization.Experimental results on the GLUE and SQuAD benchmarks show that WID outperforms previous state-of-the-art KD-based baselines.Further analysis indicates that WID can also learn the attention patterns from the teacher model without any alignment loss on attention distributions.The code is available at

#3 Ignore Me But Don’t Replace Me: Utilizing Non-Linguistic Elements for Pretraining on the Cybersecurity Domain [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Eugene Jang ; Jian Cui ; Dayeon Yim ; Youngjin Jin ; Jin-Woo Chung ; Seungwon Shin ; Yongjae Lee

Cybersecurity information is often technically complex and relayed through unstructured text, making automation of cyber threat intelligence highly challenging. For such text domains that involve high levels of expertise, pretraining on in-domain corpora has been a popular method for language models to obtain domain expertise. However, cybersecurity texts often contain non-linguistic elements (such as URLs and hash values) that could be unsuitable with the established pretraining methodologies. Previous work in other domains have removed or filtered such text as noise, but the effectiveness of these methods have not been investigated, especially in the cybersecurity domain. We experiment with different pretraining methodologies to account for non-linguistic elements (NLEs) and evaluate their effectiveness through downstream tasks and probing tasks. Our proposed strategy, a combination of selective MLM and jointly training NLE token classification, outperforms the commonly taken approach of replacing NLEs. We use our domain-customized methodology to train CyBERTuned, a cybersecurity domain language model that outperforms other cybersecurity PLMs on most tasks.

#4 Extremely efficient online query encoding for dense retrieval [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nachshon Cohen ; Yaron Fairstein ; Guy Kushilevitz

Existing dense retrieval systems utilize the same model architecture for encoding both the passages and the queries, even though queries are much shorter and simpler than passages. This leads to high latency of the query encoding, which is performed online and therefore might impact user experience. We show that combining a standard large passage encoder with a small efficient query encoder can provide significant latency drops with only a small decrease in quality. We offer a pretraining and training solution for multiple small query encoder architectures. Using a small transformer architecture we are able to decrease latency by up to ∼12×, while MRR@10 on the MS MARCO dev set only decreases from 38.2 to 36.2. If this solution does not reach the desired latency requirements, we propose an efficient RNN as the query encoder, which processes the query prefix incrementally and only infers the last word after the query is issued. This shortens latency by ∼38× with only a minor drop in quality, reaching 35.5 MRR@10 score.

#5 DIVKNOWQA: Assessing the Reasoning Ability of LLMs via Open-Domain Question Answering over Knowledge Base and Text [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wenting Zhao ; Ye Liu ; Tong Niu ; Yao Wan ; Philip Yu ; Shafiq Joty ; Yingbo Zhou ; Semih Yavuz

Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive generation capabilities, but they suffer from hallucinations when solely relying on their internal knowledge, especially when answering questions that require less commonly known information. Retrievalaugmented LLMs have emerged as a potential solution to ground LLMs in external knowledge. Nonetheless, recent approaches have primarily emphasized retrieval from unstructured text corpora, owing to its seamless integration into prompts. When using structured data such as knowledge graphs, most methods simplify it into natural text, neglecting the underlying structures. Moreover, a significant gap in the current landscape is the absence of a realistic benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of grounding LLMs on heterogeneous knowledge sources (e.g., knowledge base and text). To fill this gap, we have curated a comprehensive dataset that poses two unique challenges: (1) Two-hop multi-source questions that require retrieving information from both open-domain structured and unstructured knowledge sources; retrieving information from structured knowledge sources is a critical component in correctly answering the questions. (2) Generation of symbolic queries (e.g., SPARQL for Wikidata) is a key requirement, which adds another layer of challenge. Our dataset is created using a combination of automatic generation through predefined reasoning chains and human annotation. We also introduce a novel approach that leverages multiple retrieval tools, including text passage retrieval and symbolic language-assisted retrieval. Our model outperforms previous approaches by a significant margin, demonstrating its effectiveness in addressing the above-mentioned reasoning challenges.

#6 SpeedE: Euclidean Geometric Knowledge Graph Embedding Strikes Back [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aleksandar Pavlović ; Emanuel Sallinger

Geometric knowledge graph embedding models (gKGEs) have shown great potential for knowledge graph completion (KGC), i.e., automatically predicting missing triples. However, contemporary gKGEs require high embedding dimensionalities or complex embedding spaces for good KGC performance, drastically limiting their space and time efficiency. Facing these challenges, we propose SpeedE, a lightweight Euclidean gKGE that (1) provides strong inference capabilities, (2) is competitive with state-of-the-art gKGEs, even significantly outperforming them on YAGO3-10 and WN18RR, and (3) dramatically increases their efficiency, in particular, needing solely a fifth of the training time and a fourth of the parameters of the state-of-the-art ExpressivE model on WN18RR to reach the same KGC performance.

#7 Language Guided Exploration for RL Agents in Text Environments [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hitesh Golchha ; Sahil Yerawar ; Dhruvesh Patel ; Soham Dan ; Keerthiram Murugesan

Real-world sequential decision making is characterized by sparse rewards and large decision spaces, posing significant difficulty for experiential learning systems like tabula rasa reinforcement learning (RL) agents. Large Language Models (LLMs), with a wealth of world knowledge, can help RL agents learn quickly and adapt to distribution shifts. In this work, we introduce Language Guided Exploration (LGE) framework, which uses a pre-trained language model (called GUIDE ) to provide decision-level guidance to an RL agent (called EXPLORER ). We observe that on ScienceWorld (Wang et al., 2022), a challenging text environment, LGE outperforms vanilla RL agents significantly and also outperforms other sophisticated methods like Behaviour Cloning and Text Decision Transformer.

#8 GPT-who: An Information Density-based Machine-Generated Text Detector [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Saranya Venkatraman ; Adaku Uchendu ; Dongwon Lee

The Uniform Information Density (UID) principle posits that humans prefer to spread information evenly during language production. We examine if this UID principle can help capture differences between Large Language Models (LLMs)-generated and human-generated texts. We propose GPT-who, the first psycholinguistically-inspired domain-agnostic statistical detector. This detector employs UID-based featuresto model the unique statistical signature of each LLM and human author for accurate detection. We evaluate our method using 4 large-scale benchmark datasets and find that GPT-who outperforms state-of-the-art detectors (both statistical- & non-statistical) such as GLTR, GPTZero, DetectGPT, OpenAI detector, and ZeroGPT by over 20% across domains.In addition to better performance, it is computationally inexpensive and utilizes an interpretable representation of text articles. We find that GPT-who can distinguish texts generated by very sophisticated LLMs, even when the overlying text is indiscernible.UID-based measures for all datasets and code are available at

#9 DEED: Dynamic Early Exit on Decoder for Accelerating Encoder-Decoder Transformer Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Peng Tang ; Pengkai Zhu ; Tian Li ; Srikar Appalaraju ; Vijay Mahadevan ; R. Manmatha

Encoder-decoder transformer models have achieved great success on various vision-language (VL) and language tasks, but they suffer from high inference latency. Typically, the decoder takes up most of the latency because of the auto-regressive decoding. To accelerate the inference, we propose an approach of performing Dynamic Early Exit on Decoder (DEED). We build a multi-exit encoder-decoder transformer model which is trained with deep supervision so that each of its decoder layers is capable of generating plausible predictions. In addition, we leverage simple yet practical techniques, including shared generation head and adaptation modules, to keep accuracy when exiting at shallow decoder layers. Based on the multi-exit model, we perform step-level dynamic early exit during inference, where the model may decide to use fewer decoder layers based on its confidence of the current layer at each individual decoding step. Considering different number of decoder layers may be used at different decoding steps, we compute deeper-layer decoder features of previous decoding steps just-in-time, which ensures the features from different decoding steps are semantically aligned. We evaluate our approach with three state-of-the-art encoder-decoder transformer models on various VL and language tasks. We show our approach can reduce overall inference latency by 20%-74% with comparable or even higher accuracy compared to baselines.

#10 Attention Alignment and Flexible Positional Embeddings Improve Transformer Length Extrapolation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ta-Chung Chi ; Ting-Han Fan ; Alexander Rudnicky

An ideal length-extrapolatable Transformer language model can handle sequences longer than the training length without any fine-tuning. Such long-context utilization capability relies heavily on a flexible positional embedding design. Upon investigating the flexibility of existing large pre-trained Transformer language models, we find that the T5 family deserves a closer look, as its positional embeddings capture rich and flexible attention patterns. However, T5 suffers from the dispersed attention issue: the longer the input sequence, the flatter the attention distribution. To alleviate the issue, we propose two attention alignment strategies via temperature scaling. Our findings show improvement on the long-context utilization capability of T5 on language modeling, retrieval, multi-document question answering, and code completion tasks without any fine-tuning. This suggests that a flexible positional embedding design and attention alignment can go a long way toward Transformer length extrapolation. The code is released at:

#11 Automatic Pair Construction for Contrastive Post-training [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Canwen Xu ; Corby Rosset ; Ethan Chau ; Luciano Corro ; Shweti Mahajan ; Julian McAuley ; Jennifer Neville ; Ahmed Awadallah ; Nikhil Rao

Alignment serves as an important step to steer large language models (LLMs) towards human preferences. In this paper, we propose an automatic way to construct contrastive data for LLM, using preference pairs from multiple models of varying strengths (e.g., InstructGPT, ChatGPT and GPT-4). We compare the contrastive techniques of SLiC and DPO to SFT baselines and find that DPO provides a step-function improvement even after continuing SFT saturates. We also explore a data curriculum learning scheme for contrastive post-training, which starts by learning from “easier” pairs and transitioning to “harder” ones, which further improves alignment. Finally, we scale up our experiments to train with more data and larger models like Orca. Remarkably, our automatic contrastive post-training further improves the performance of Orca, already a state-of-the-art instruction learning model tuned with GPT-4 outputs, to outperform ChatGPT.

#12 Self-Checker: Plug-and-Play Modules for Fact-Checking with Large Language Models [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Miaoran Li ; Baolin Peng ; Michel Galley ; Jianfeng Gao ; Zhu Zhang

Fact-checking is an essential task in NLP that is commonly utilized to validate the factual accuracy of a piece of text. Previous approaches mainly involve the resource-intensive process of fine-tuning pre-trained language models on specific datasets. In addition, there is a notable gap in datasets that focus on fact-checking texts generated by large language models (LLMs). In this paper, we introduce Self-Checker, a plug-and-play framework that harnesses LLMs for efficient and rapid fact-checking in a few-shot manner. We also present the BingCheck dataset, specifically designed for fact-checking texts generated by LLMs. Empirical results demonstrate the potential of Self-Checker in the use of LLMs for fact-checking. Compared to state-of-the-art fine-tuned models, there is still significant room for improvement, indicating that adopting LLMs could be a promising direction for future fact-checking research.

#13 Low-resource neural machine translation with morphological modeling [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Antoine Nzeyimana

Morphological modeling in neural machine translation (NMT) is a promising approach to achieving open-vocabulary machine translation for morphologically-rich languages. However, existing methods such as sub-word tokenization and character-based models are limited to the surface forms of the words. In this work, we propose a framework-solution for modeling complex morphology in low-resource settings. A two-tier transformer architecture is chosen to encode morphological information at the inputs. At the target-side output, a multi-task multi-label training scheme coupled with a beam search-based decoder are found to improve machine translation performance. An attention augmentation scheme to the transformer model is proposed in a generic form to allow integration of pre-trained language models and also facilitate modeling of word order relationships between the source and target languages. Several data augmentation techniques are evaluated and shown to increase translation performance in low-resource settings. We evaluate our proposed solution on Kinyarwanda ↔ English translation using public-domain parallel text. Our final models achieve competitive performance in relation to large multi-lingual models. We hope that our results will motivate more use of explicit morphological information and the proposed model and data augmentations in low-resource NMT.

#14 Self-Cleaning: Improving a Named Entity Recognizer Trained on Noisy Data with a Few Clean Instances [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhendong Chu ; Ruiyi Zhang ; Tong Yu ; Rajiv Jain ; Vlad Morariu ; Jiuxiang Gu ; Ani Nenkova

To achieve state-of-the-art performance, one still needs to train NER models on large-scale, high-quality annotated data, an asset that is both costly and time-intensive to accumulate. In contrast, real-world applications often resort to massive low-quality labeled data through non-expert annotators via crowdsourcing and external knowledge bases via distant supervision as a cost-effective alternative. However, these annotation methods result in noisy labels, which in turn lead to a notable decline in performance. Hence, we propose to denoise the noisy NER data with guidance from a small set of clean instances. Along with the main NER model we train a discriminator model and use its outputs to recalibrate the sample weights. The discriminator is capable of detecting both span and category errors with different discriminative prompts. Results on public crowdsourcing and distant supervision datasets show that the proposed method can consistently improve performance with a small guidance set.

#15 VLUE: A New Benchmark and Multi-task Knowledge Transfer Learning for Vietnamese Natural Language Understanding [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Phong Do ; Son Tran ; Phu Hoang ; Kiet Nguyen ; Ngan Nguyen

The success of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) benchmarks in various languages, such as GLUE for English, CLUE for Chinese, KLUE for Korean, and IndoNLU for Indonesian, has facilitated the evaluation of new NLU models across a wide range of tasks. To establish a standardized set of benchmarks for Vietnamese NLU, we introduce the first Vietnamese Language Understanding Evaluation (VLUE) benchmark. The VLUE benchmark encompasses five datasets covering different NLU tasks, including text classification, span extraction, and natural language understanding. To provide an insightful overview of the current state of Vietnamese NLU, we then evaluate seven state-of-the-art pre-trained models, including both multilingual and Vietnamese monolingual models, on our proposed VLUE benchmark. Furthermore, we present CafeBERT, a new state-of-the-art pre-trained model that achieves superior results across all tasks in the VLUE benchmark. Our model combines the proficiency of a multilingual pre-trained model with Vietnamese linguistic knowledge. CafeBERT is developed based on the XLM-RoBERTa model, with an additional pretraining step utilizing a significant amount of Vietnamese textual data to enhance its adaptation to the Vietnamese language. For the purpose of future research, CafeBERT is made publicly available for research purposes.

#16 LETI: Learning to Generate from Textual Interactions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xingyao Wang ; Hao Peng ; Reyhaneh Jabbarvand ; Heng Ji

Fine-tuning pre-trained language models (LMs) is essential for enhancing their capabilities.Existing techniques commonly fine-tune on input-output pairs (e.g., instruction tuning) or with numerical rewards that gauge the output quality (e.g., RLHF). We explore LMs’ potential to **le**arn from **t**extual **i**nteractions (**LETI**) that not only check their correctness with *binary labels* but also pinpoint and explain errors in their outputs through *textual feedback*.Our focus is the code generation task, where the model produces code based on natural language instructions. This setting invites a natural and scalable way to acquire textual feedback: the error messages and stack traces from code execution using a Python interpreter. LETI iteratively fine-tunes the model, using the LM objective, on a concatenation of natural language instructions, LM-generated programs, and textual feedback. Prepended to this fine-tuning text, a binary reward token is used to differentiate correct and buggy solutions.LETI requires *no* ground-truth outputs for training and even outperforms a fine-tuned baseline that does. LETI not only improves the performance of LMs on a code generation dataset MBPP, but also generalizes to other datasets. Trained on MBPP, it achieves comparable or better performance than the base LMs on unseen problems in HumanEval. Furthermore, compared to binary feedback, we observe that textual feedback leads to improved generation quality and sample efficiency, achieving the same performance with fewer than half of the gradient steps.LETI is equally applicable in natural language tasks when they can be formulated as code generation, which we empirically verified on event argument extraction.

#17 Bilateral Masking with prompt for Knowledge Graph Completion [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Yonghui Kong ; Cunhang Fan ; Yujie Chen ; Shuai Zhang ; Zhao Lv ; Jianhua Tao

The pre-trained language model (PLM) has achieved significant success in the field of knowledge graph completion (KGC) by effectively modeling entity and relation descriptions. In recent studies, the research in this field has been categorized into methods based on word matching and sentence matching, with the former significantly lags behind. However, there is a critical issue in word matching methods, which is that these methods fail to obtain satisfactory single embedding representations for entities.To address this issue and enhance entity representation, we propose the Bilateral Masking with prompt for Knowledge Graph Completion (BMKGC) approach.Our methodology employs prompts to narrow the distance between the predicted entity and the known entity. Additionally, the BMKGC model incorporates a bi-encoder architecture, enabling simultaneous predictions at both the head and tail. Furthermore, we propose a straightforward technique to augment positive samples, mitigating the problem of degree bias present in knowledge graphs and thereby improving the model’s robustness. Experimental results conclusively demonstrate that BMKGC achieves state-of-the-art performance on the WN18RR dataset.

#18 MiLe Loss: a New Loss for Mitigating the Bias of Learning Difficulties in Generative Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhenpeng Su ; Zijia Lin ; Baixue Baixue ; Hui Chen ; Songlin Hu ; Wei Zhou ; Guiguang Ding ; Xing W

Generative language models are usually pre-trained on large text corpus via predicting the next token (i.e., sub-word/word/phrase) given the previous ones. Recent works have demonstrated the impressive performance of large generative language models on downstream tasks. However, existing generative language models generally neglect an inherent challenge in text corpus during training, i.e., the imbalance between frequent tokens and infrequent ones. It can lead a language model to be dominated by common and easy-to-learn tokens, thereby overlooking the infrequent and difficult-to-learn ones. To alleviate that, we propose a **MiLe Loss** function for **mi**tigating the bias of **le**arning difficulties with tokens. During training, it can dynamically assess the learning difficulty of a to-be-learned token, according to the information entropy of the corresponding predicted probability distribution over the vocabulary. Then it scales the training loss adaptively, trying to lead the model to focus more on the difficult-to-learn tokens. On the Pile dataset, we train generative language models at different scales of 468M, 1.2B, and 6.7B parameters. Experiments reveal that models incorporating the proposed MiLe Loss can gain consistent performance improvement on downstream benchmarks.

#19 GOLD: Geometry Problem Solver with Natural Language Description [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiaxin Zhang ; Yashar Moshfeghi

Addressing the challenge of automated geometry math problem-solving in artificial intelligence (AI) involves understanding multi-modal information and mathematics. blackCurrent methods struggle with accurately interpreting geometry diagrams, which hinders effective problem-solving. To tackle this issue, we present the Geometry problem sOlver with natural Language Description (GOLD) model. GOLD enhances the extraction of geometric relations by separately processing symbols and geometric primitives within the diagram. Subsequently, it converts the extracted relations into natural language descriptions, efficiently utilizing large language models to solve geometry math problems. Experiments show that the GOLD model outperforms the Geoformer model, the previous best method on the UniGeo dataset, by achieving accuracy improvements of 12.7% and 42.1% in calculation and proving subsets. Additionally, it surpasses the former best model on the PGPS9K and Geometry3K datasets, PGPSNet, by obtaining accuracy enhancements of 1.8% and 3.2%, respectively.

#20 RoDia: A New Dataset for Romanian Dialect Identification from Speech [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Rotaru Codruț ; Nicolae Ristea ; Radu Ionescu

We introduce RoDia, the first dataset for Romanian dialect identification from speech. The RoDia dataset includes a varied compilation of speech samples from five distinct regions of Romania, covering both urban and rural environments, totaling 2 hours of manually annotated speech data. Along with our dataset, we introduce a set of competitive models to be used as baselines for future research. The top scoring model achieves a macro F1 score of 59.83% and a micro F1 score of 62.08%, indicating that the task is challenging. We thus believe that RoDia is a valuable resource that will stimulate research aiming to address the challenges of Romanian dialect identification. We release our dataset at

#21 Examining Modularity in Multilingual LMs via Language-Specialized Subnetworks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Rochelle Choenni ; Ekaterina Shutova ; Dan Garrette

Recent work has proposed explicitly inducing language-wise modularity in multilingual LMs via sparse fine-tuning (SFT) on per-language subnetworks as a means of better guiding cross-lingual sharing. In this paper, we investigate (1) the degree to which language-wise modularity *naturally* arises within models with no special modularity interventions, and (2) how cross-lingual sharing and interference differ between such models and those with explicit SFT-guided subnetwork modularity. In order to do so, we use XLM-R as our multilingual LM. Moreover, to quantify language specialization and cross-lingual interaction, we use a Training Data Attribution method that estimates the degree to which a model’s predictions are influenced by in-language or cross-language training examples. Our results show that language-specialized subnetworks do naturally arise, and that SFT, rather than always increasing modularity, can decrease language specialization of subnetworks in favor of more cross-lingual sharing.

#22 Reverse Chain: A Generic-Rule for LLMs to Master Multi-API Planning [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yinger Zhang ; Hui Cai ; Xierui Song ; Yicheng Chen ; Rui Sun ; Jing Zheng

While enabling large language models to implement function calling (known as APIs) can greatly enhance the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs), function calling is still a challenging task due to the complicated relations between different APIs, especially in a context-learning setting without fine-tuning. This paper introduces “Reverse Chain”, a controllable, target-driven approach designed to empower LLMs with the capability to operate external APIs only via prompts. Recognizing that most LLMs have limited tool-use capabilities, Reverse Chain limits LLMs to executing simple tasks, e.g., API Selection and Argument Completion. Furthermore, to manage a controllable multi-function calling, Reverse Chain adopts a generic rule-based on a backward reasoning process. This rule determines when to do API selection or Argument completion. To evaluate the multi-tool-use capability of LLMs, we have released a compositional multi-tool task dataset, available at Extensive numerical experiments validate the remarkable proficiency of Reverse Chain in managing multiple API calls.

#23 Incorporating Exponential Smoothing into MLP: a Simple but Effective Sequence Model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: JiqunChu JiqunChu ; Zuoquan Lin

Modeling long-range dependencies in sequential data is a crucial step in sequence learning. A recently developed model, the Structured State Space (S4), demonstrated significant effectiveness in modeling long-range sequences. However, It is unclear whether the success of S4 can be attributed to its intricate parameterization and HiPPO initialization or simply due to State Space Models (SSMs). To further investigate the potential of the deep SSMs, we start with exponential smoothing (ETS), a simple SSM, and propose a stacked architecture by directly incorporating it into an element-wise MLP. We augment simple ETS with additional parameters and complex field to reduce the inductive bias. Despite increasing less than 1% of parameters of element-wise MLP, our models achieve comparable results to S4 on the LRA benchmark.

#24 OpenFMNav: Towards Open-Set Zero-Shot Object Navigation via Vision-Language Foundation Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuxuan Kuang ; Hai Lin ; Meng Jiang

Object navigation (ObjectNav) requires an agent to navigate through unseen environments to find queried objects. Many previous methods attempted to solve this task by relying on supervised or reinforcement learning, where they are trained on limited household datasets with close-set objects. However, two key challenges are unsolved: understanding free-form natural language instructions that demand open-set objects, and generalizing to new environments in a zero-shot manner. Aiming to solve the two challenges, in this paper, we propose **OpenFMNav**, an **Open**-set **F**oundation **M**odel based framework for zero-shot object **Nav**igation. We first unleash the reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs) to extract proposed objects from natural language instructions that meet the user’s demand. We then leverage the generalizability of large vision language models (VLMs) to actively discover and detect candidate objects from the scene, building a *Versatile Semantic Score Map (VSSM)*. Then, by conducting common sense reasoning on *VSSM*, our method can perform effective language-guided exploration and exploitation of the scene and finally reach the goal. By leveraging the reasoning and generalizing abilities of foundation models, our method can understand free-form human instructions and perform effective open-set zero-shot navigation in diverse environments. Extensive experiments on the HM3D ObjectNav benchmark show that our method surpasses all the strong baselines on all metrics, proving our method’s effectiveness. Furthermore, we perform real robot demonstrations to validate our method’s open-set-ness and generalizability to real-world environments.

#25 Comparing Two Model Designs for Clinical Note Generation; Is an LLM a Useful Evaluator of Consistency? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nathan Brake ; Thomas Schaaf

Following an interaction with a patient, physicians are responsible for the submission of clinical documentation, often organized as a SOAP note. A clinical note is not simply a summary of the conversation but requires the use of appropriate medical terminology. The relevant information can then be extracted and organized according to the structure of the SOAP note. In this paper we analyze two different approaches to generate the different sections of a SOAP note based on the audio recording of the conversation, and specifically examine them in terms of note consistency. The first approach generates the sections independently, while the second method generates them all together. In this work we make use of PEGASUS-X Transformer models and observe that both methods lead to similar ROUGE values (less than 1% difference) and have no difference in terms of the Factuality metric. We perform a human evaluation to measure aspects of consistency and demonstrate that LLMs like Llama2 can be used to perform the same tasks with roughly the same agreement as the human annotators. Between the Llama2 analysis and the human reviewers we observe a Cohen Kappa inter-rater reliability of 0.79, 1.00, and 0.32 for consistency of age, gender, and body part injury, respectively. With this we demonstrate the usefulness of leveraging an LLM to measure quality indicators that can be identified by humans but are not currently captured by automatic metrics. This allows scaling evaluation to larger data sets, and we find that clinical note consistency improves by generating each new section conditioned on the output of all previously generated sections.