
| Total: 55

#1 Ship your Critical Section, Not Your Data: Enabling Transparent Delegation with TCLOCKS [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi9] [REL]

Authors: Vishal Gupta ; Kumar Kartikeya Dwivedi ; Yugesh Kothari ; Yueyang Pan ; Diyu Zhou ; Sanidhya Kashyap

Today's high-performance applications heavily rely on various synchronization mechanisms, such as locks. While locks ensure mutual exclusion of shared data, their design impacts application scalability. Locks, as used in practice, move the lock-guarded shared data to the core holding it, which leads to shared data transfer among cores. This design adds unavoidable critical path latency leading to performance scalability issues. Meanwhile, some locks avoid this shared data movement by localizing the access to shared data on one core, and shipping the critical section to that specific core. However, such locks require modifying applications to explicitly package the critical section, which makes it virtually infeasible for complicated applications with large code bases, such as the Linux kernel. We propose transparent delegation, in which a waiter automatically encodes its critical section information on its stack and notifies the combiner (lock holder). The combiner executes the shipped critical section on the waiter's behalf using a lightweight context switch. Using transparent delegation, we design a family of locking protocols, called TCLocks, that requires zero modification to applications' logic. The evaluation shows that TCLocks provide up to 5.2x performance improvement compared with recent locking algorithms.

#2 RON: One-Way Circular Shortest Routing to Achieve Efficient and Bounded-waiting Spinlocks [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Shiwu Lo ; Han-Ting Lin ; Yao-Hung Hsieh ; Chao-Ting Lin ; Yu-Hsueh Fang ; Ching-Shen Lin ; Ching-Chun (Jim) Huang ; Kam Yiu Lam ; Yuan-Hao Chang

As the number of processor cores increases, the efficiency of accessing shared variables through the lock-unlock method decreases. A NUMA-aware algorithm, which only considers the transmission delay between processors, may not fully utilize the connection network of a multi-core processor. This limits the scalability of a multi-core processor due to the large amount of low- and variable-cost data sharing between cores. The problem is that the reduction in communication cost cannot compensate for the increase in the time complexity of the spinlocks, and the farthest transmission distance becomes longer with more cores. We propose a method called Routing on Network-on-chip (RON) to minimize the communication cost between cores by using a routing table and pre-calculating an optimized locking-unlocking order. RON delivers locks and data in a one-way circular manner among cores to (1) minimize global data movement cost and (2) achieve bounded waiting time. Microbenchmarks provide quantitative analysis, while multi-core benchmarks show performance under various workloads. In terms of user space performance, RON improves the performance of Google LevelDB by 22.1% and 24.2% compared to ShflLock and C-BO-MCS, respectively. In the kernel space, RON is 1.8 times faster than using ShflLock for Google LevelDB. RON-plock solves the problem of oversubscription with constant space complexity and achieves 3.7 times and 18.9 times better performance than ShflLock-B and C-BO-MCS-B, respectively.

#3 Userspace Bypass: Accelerating Syscall-intensive Applications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhe Zhou ; Yanxiang Bi ; Junpeng Wan ; Yangfan Zhou ; Zhou Li

Context switching between kernel mode and user mode often causes prominent overhead, which slows down applications with frequent system calls (or syscalls), e.g., those with high I/O demand. The overhead is further amplified by security mechanisms like Linux kernel page-table isolation (KPTI). To accelerate such applications, many efforts have been put in removing syscalls from the I/O paths, mainly by combining drivers and applications in the same space or batching syscalls. Nonetheless, such solutions require developers to refactor their applications or even update hardware, which impedes their broad adoption. In this paper, we propose another approach, userspace bypass (UB), to accelerate syscall-intensive applications, by transparently moving userspace instructions into kernel. Userspace bypass requires no modification to userspace binaries or code and achieves full binary compatibility. Specifically, to avoid overhead caused by frequent syscalls, kernel identifies the short userspace execution path between consecutive system calls, and converts the instructions in the path into code blocks with Software-Based Fault Isolation (SFI) guarantee. According to our evaluation, I/O micro-benchmark can be accelerated by 30.3 – 88.3%, Redis GET Requests Per Second (RPS) can be improved by 4.4 – 10.8% for 1B – 4KiB data sizes, when the application is executed in a virtualized setting with KPTI turned on. The performance boost will be reduced when KPTI is turned off.

#4 Triangulating Python Performance Issues with SCALENE [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Emery D. Berger ; Sam Stern ; Juan Altmayer Pizzorno ; Awarded Best Paper!

This paper proposes the Scalene Python profiler. Scalene precisely and simultaneously profiles CPU, memory, and GPU usage, all with low overhead. Scalene's CPU and memory profilers help Python programmers direct their optimization efforts by distinguishing between inefficient Python and efficient native execution time and memory usage. Scalene's memory profiler employs a novel sampling algorithm that lets it operate with low overhead yet high precision. It also incorporates a novel algorithm that automatically pinpoints memory leaks within Python or across the Python/native boundary. Scalene tracks a new metric called copy volume, which highlights costly copying operations that can occur when Python silently converts between native and Python data representations, or between CPU and GPU. Since its introduction, Scalene has been widely adopted, with over 675,000 downloads to date. We present experience reports from developers who used Scalene to achieve significant performance improvements and memory savings.

#5 Relational Debugging --- Pinpointing Root Causes of Performance Problems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xiang (Jenny) Ren ; Sitao Wang ; Zhuqi Jin ; David Lion ; Adrian Chiu ; Tianyin Xu ; Ding Yuan

Performance debugging is notoriously elusive—real-world performance problems are rarely clear-cut failures, but manifest through the accumulation of fine-grained symptoms. Oftentimes, it is challenging to determine performance anomalies—absolute measures are unreliable, as system performance is inherently relative to workloads. Existing techniques focus on identifying absolute predicates that deviate between executions, which limits their application to performance problems. This paper introduces relational debugging, a new technique that automatically pinpoints the root causes of performance problems. The core idea is to capture and reason out relations between fine-grained runtime events. We show that relations provide immense utilities to explain performance anomalies and locate root causes. Relational debugging is highly effective with a minimal two executions (a good and a bad run), eliminating the pain point of producing and labeling many different executions required by traditional techniques. We realize relational debugging by developing a practical tool named Perspect. Perspect directly operates on x86 binaries to accommodate real-world diagnosis scenarios. We evaluate Perspect on twelve challenging performance issues with various symptoms in Go runtime, MongoDB, Redis, and Coreutils. Perspect accurately located (or excluded) the root causes of these issues. In particular, we used Perspect to diagnose two open bugs, where developers failed to find root causes—the root causes reported by Perspect were confirmed by developers. A controlled user study shows that Perspect can speed up debugging by at least 10.87 times.

#6 Accountable authentication with privacy protection: The Larch system for universal login [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Emma Dauterman ; Danny Lin ; Henry Corrigan-Gibbs ; David Mazières

Credential compromise is hard to detect and hard to mitigate. To address this problem, we present larch, an accountable authentication framework with strong security and privacy properties. Larch protects user privacy while ensuring that the larch log server correctly records every authentication. Specifically, an attacker who compromises a user’s device cannot authenticate without creating evidence in the log, and the log cannot learn which web service (relying party) the user is authenticating to. To enable fast adoption, larch is backwards-compatible with relying parties that support FIDO2, TOTP, and password-based login. Furthermore, larch does not degrade the security and privacy a user already expects: the log server cannot authenticate on behalf of a user, and larch does not allow relying parties to link a user across accounts. We implement larch for FIDO2, TOTP, and password-based login. Given a client with four cores and a log server with eight cores, an authentication with larch takes 150ms for FIDO2, 91ms for TOTP, and 74ms for passwords (excluding preprocessing, which takes 1.23s for TOTP).

#7 K9db: Privacy-Compliant Storage For Web Applications By Construction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Kinan Dak Albab ; Ishan Sharma ; Justus Adam ; Benjamin Kilimnik ; Aaron Jeyaraj ; Raj Paul ; Artem Agvanian ; Leonhard Spiegelberg ; Malte Schwarzkopf

Data privacy laws like the EU's GDPR grant users new rights, such as the right to request access to and deletion of their data. Manual compliance with these requests is error-prone and imposes costly burdens especially on smaller organizations, as non-compliance risks steep fines. K9db is a new, MySQL-compatible database that complies with privacy laws by construction. The key idea is to make the data ownership and sharing semantics explicit in the storage system. This requires K9db to capture and enforce applications' complex data ownership and sharing semantics, but in exchange simplifies privacy compliance. Using a small set of schema annotations, K9db infers storage organization, generates procedures for data retrieval and deletion, and reports compliance errors if an application risks violating the GDPR. Our K9db prototype successfully expresses the data sharing semantics of real web applications, and guides developers to getting privacy compliance right. K9db also matches or exceeds the performance of existing storage systems, at the cost of a modest increase in state size.

#8 Encrypted Databases Made Secure Yet Maintainable [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mingyu Li ; Xuyang Zhao ; Le Chen ; Cheng Tan ; Huorong Li ; Sheng Wang ; Zeyu Mi ; Yubin Xia ; Feifei Li ; Haibo Chen

State-of-the-art encrypted databases (EDBs) can be divided into two types: one that protects the whole DBMS engine in a trusted domain, and one that protects only operators that support queries over encrypted data. Both types have limitations when dealing with malicious database administrators (DBAs). The first type either exposes the data to DBAs or makes maintenance operations difficult if the DBA role is eliminated. The second type is vulnerable to abuse of the operator interfaces; in particular, we devise a smuggle attack that enables DBAs to secretly and effectively access data. We introduce HEDB, which prevents smuggle attacks and preserves database maintainability. HEDB uses a dual-mode EDB design based on our analysis of DBA maintenance tasks. Execution Mode handles user queries by isolating DBAs from operators to prevent smuggle attacks, while Maintenance Mode enables DBMS maintenance and operator troubleshooting through authenticated replay and anonymized replay, respectively. Our evaluation shows that HEDB blocks smuggle attacks and supports common maintenance tasks with 5.88% runtime cost and 9.26% storage cost.

#9 LVMT: An Efficient Authenticated Storage for Blockchain [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Chenxing Li ; Sidi Mohamed Beillahi ; Guang Yang ; Ming Wu ; Wei Xu ; Fan Long

Authenticated storage access is the performance bottleneck of a blockchain, because each access can be amplified to potentially O(logn) disk I/O operations in the standard Merkle Patricia Trie (MPT) storage structure. In this paper, we propose a multi-Layer Versioned Multipoint Trie (LVMT), a novel high-performance blockchain storage with significantly reduced I/O amplifications. LVMT uses the authenticated multipoint evaluation tree (AMT) vector commitment protocol to update commitment proofs in constant time. LVMT adopts a multi-layer design to support unlimited key-value pairs and stores version numbers instead of value hashes to avoid costly elliptic curve multiplication operations. In our experiment, LVMT outperforms the MPT in real Ethereum traces, delivering read and write operations six times faster. It also boosts blockchain system execution throughput by up to 2.7 times.

#10 Honeycomb: Secure and Efficient GPU Executions via Static Validation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haohui Mai ; Jiacheng Zhao ; Hongren Zheng ; Yiyang Zhao ; Zibin Liu ; Mingyu Gao ; Cong Wang ; Huimin Cui ; Xiaobing Feng ; Christos Kozyrakis

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) unlock emerging use cases like large language models and autonomous driving. They process a large amount of sensitive data, where security is of critical importance. GPU Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) generally provide security to GPU applications with modest overheads. Recent proposals for GPU TEEs are promising, but many of them require hardware changes that have a long lead time to deploy in production environments. This paper presents Honeycomb, a software-based, secure and efficient TEE for GPU applications. The key idea of Honeycomb is to leverage static analysis to validate the security of GPU applications at load time. Co-designing with the CPU TEE, as well as adding OS and driver support, Honeycomb is able to remove both the OS and the driver from the trusted computing base (TCB). Validation also ensures that all applications inside the system are secure, enabling a concise and secure approach to exchange data in plaintext via shared device memory on the GPU. We have prototyped Honeycomb targeting the AMD RX6900XT GPU. Honeycomb is evaluated on five representative benchmarks and 23 applications in total, covering workloads of high performance computing, deep learning, and image processing. The results show that Honeycomb is both practical and efficient to secure real-world GPU applications. Validating applications to run on Honeycomb requires modest developer efforts. The TCB is 18× smaller than the Linux-based systems. Secure inter-process communication is up to 529× faster. Moreover, running large language model workloads like BERT and NanoGPT has ∼2% overheads.

#11 An Extensible Orchestration and Protection Framework for Confidential Cloud Computing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Adil Ahmad ; Alex Schultz ; Byoungyoung Lee ; Pedro Fonseca

Confidential computing solutions are crucial to address the cloud privacy concerns. Although SGX has witnessed significant adoption in the cloud, the reliance on hardware implementation is restrictive for cloud providers in terms of orchestrating deployments and providing stronger security to their clients’ enclaves. eOPF addresses this limitation by providing a comprehensive, secure hypervisor-level instrumentation framework with the ability to monitor all enclave-OS interactions and implement protected services. eOPF overcomes several challenges including bridging the semantic gap between the hypervisor and SGX and attesting the co-location of the framework with enclaves. Using eOPF, we implement two protected services that provide platform resource orchestration and complementary enclave side-channel defense. Our evaluation shows that eOPF incurs very low performance overhead (<2%) in its default state and only a modest overhead (geometric mean of 17% on SPEC) when strong, complementary side-channel defenses are enabled, making eOPF an efficient and practical solution for the cloud.

#12 Nimble: Rollback Protection for Confidential Cloud Services [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sebastian Angel ; Aditya Basu ; Weidong Cui ; Trent Jaeger ; Stella Lau ; Srinath Setty ; Sudheesh Singanamalla

This paper introduces Nimble, a cloud service that helps applications running in trusted execution environments (TEEs) to detect rollback attacks (i.e., detect whether a data item retrieved from persistent storage is the latest version). To achieve this, Nimble realizes an append-only ledger service by employing a simple state machine running in a TEE in conjunction with a crash fault-tolerant storage service. Nimble then replicates this trusted state machine to ensure the system is available even if a minority of state machines crash. A salient aspect of Nimble is a new reconfiguration protocol that allows a cloud provider to replace the set of nodes running the trusted state machine whenever it wishes—without affecting safety. We have formally verified Nimble’s core protocol in Dafny, and have implemented Nimble such that its trusted state machine runs in multiple TEE platforms (Intel SGX and AMD SNP-SEV). Our results show that a deployment of Nimble on machines running in different availability zones can achieve from tens of thousands of requests/sec with an end-to-end latency of under 3.2 ms (based on an in-memory key-value store) to several thousands of requests/sec with a latency of 30ms (based on Azure Table).

#13 Kerveros: Efficient and Scalable Cloud Admission Control [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sultan Mahmud Sajal ; Luke Marshall ; Beibin Li ; Shandan Zhou ; Abhisek Pan ; Konstantina Mellou ; Deepak Narayanan ; Timothy Zhu ; David Dion ; Thomas Moscibroda ; Ishai Menache

The infinite capacity of cloud computing is an illusion: in reality, cloud providers cannot always have enough capacity of the right type, in the right place, at the right time to meet all demand. Consequently, cloud providers need to implement admission-control policies to ensure accepted capacity requests experience high availability. However, admission control in the public cloud is hard due to dynamic changes in both supply and demand: hardware might become unavailable, and actual VM consumption could vary for a variety of reasons including tenant scale-outs and fulfillment of VM reservations made by customers ahead of time. In this paper, we design and implement Kerveros, a flexible admission-control system that has three desired properties: i) high computational scalability to handle a large inventory, ii) accurate capacity provisioning for high VM availability, and iii) good packing efficiency to optimize resource usage. To achieve this, Kerveros uses novel bookkeeping techniques to quickly estimate the capacity available for incoming VM requests. Our system has been deployed in Microsoft Azure. Results from both simulations and production confirm that Kerveros achieves more than four nines of availability while sustaining request processing latencies of a few milliseconds.

#14 Security and Performance in the Delegated User-level Virtualization [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiahao Chen ; Dingji Li ; Zeyu Mi ; Yuxuan Liu ; Binyu Zang ; Haibing Guan ; Haibo Chen

Today’s mainstream virtualization systems are plagued by severe security threats due to the large attack surface exposed by in-kernel hypervisor components such as KVM. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel design called delegated virtualization, which decouples the commodity hypervisor into two planes: the hypervisor plane for hypervisor control (which is typically small and has fixed logic) and the VM plane for handling virtual machine (VM) requests and exceptions at runtime. As our investigation reveals that all known hypervisor vulnerabilities that threaten the host kernel lie in the VM plane, delegated virtualization completely offloads the in-kernel VM plane to a user-space hypervisor called DuVisor that directly interacts with its VM without exiting to the host kernel, based on a small hardware extension (481 lines of Chisel). We have implemented the hardware extension on an open-source RISC-V CPU on FireSim and built a Rust-based DuVisor atop it. The evaluation results demonstrate that DuVisor significantly reduces the attack surface with negligible performance overhead (< 5%). DuVisor’s source code is publicly available at https://github.com/IPADS-DuVisor.

#15 Core slicing: closing the gap between leaky confidential VMs and bare-metal cloud [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ziqiao Zhou ; Yizhou Shan ; Weidong Cui ; Xinyang Ge ; Marcus Peinado ; Andrew Baumann

Virtual machines are the basis of resource isolation in today's public clouds, yet the security risks of entrusting that isolation to a cloud provider's hypervisor are substantial. Such concerns have motivated the design of hardware extensions for "confidential VMs" that seek to remove the hypervisor from the trusted computing base by adding a highly-privileged firmware layer that checks hypervisor actions, and supports memory encryption and remote attestation. However, the hypervisor retains control of resource management and observes associated actions of the guest including nested page table faults and CPU scheduling, and thus confidential VMs remain vulnerable to an ever-changing variety of hypervisor-level side channel attacks. Bare-metal cloud servers avoid such leaks, but remain a niche due to the high cost of dedicated hardware. We observe that typical cloud VMs run with a static allocation of memory and discrete cores, and increasingly rely on I/O offload, thus negating the apparent need for a hypervisor and the fragile hypervisor/guest isolation boundary. Our design, core slicing, enables multiple untrusted guest OSes to run on shared bare-metal hardware. To ensure isolation without the complexity of virtualization, we propose simple hardware extensions that restrict guests to a static slice of a machine's cores, memory and virtual I/O devices, and delegate resource allocation to a dedicated management slice. We demonstrate practicality and evaluate performance with prototypes for RISC-V and x86.

#16 ExoFlow: A Universal Workflow System for Exactly-Once DAGs [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Siyuan Zhuang ; Stephanie Wang ; Eric Liang ; Yi Cheng ; Ion Stoica

Given the fundamental tradeoff between run-time and recovery performance, current distributed systems often build application-specific recovery strategies to minimize overheads. However, it is increasingly common for different applications to be composed into heterogeneous pipelines. Implementing multiple interoperable recovery techniques in the same system is rare and difficult. Thus, today's users must choose between: (1) building on a single system, and face a fixed choice of performance vs. recovery overheads, or (2) the challenging task of stitching together multiple systems that can offer application-specific tradeoffs. We present ExoFlow, a universal workflow system that enables a flexible choice of recovery vs. performance tradeoffs, even within the same application. The key insight behind our solution is to decouple execution from recovery and provide exactly-once semantics as a separate layer from execution. For generality, workflow tasks can return references that capture arbitrary inter-task communication. To enable the workflow system and therefore the end user to take control of recovery, we design task annotations that specify execution semantics such as nondeterminism. ExoFlow generalizes recovery for existing workflow applications ranging from ETL pipelines to stateful serverless workflows, while enabling further optimizations in task communication and recovery.

#17 Hyrax: Fail-in-Place Server Operation in Cloud Platforms [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jialun Lyu ; Marisa You ; Celine Irvene ; Mark Jung ; Tyler Narmore ; Jacob Shapiro ; Luke Marshall ; Savyasachi Samal ; Ioannis Manousakis ; Lisa Hsu ; Preetha Subbarayalu ; Ashish Raniwala ; Brijesh Warrier ; Ricardo Bianchini ; Bianca Schroeder ; Daniel S. Berger

Today’s cloud platforms handle server hardware failures by shutting down the affected server and only turning it back online once it has been repaired by a technician. At cloud scale, this all-or-nothing operating model is becoming increasingly unsustainable. This model is also at odds with technology trends, such as the need for new cooling technology. This paper introduces Hyrax, a datacenter stack that enables compute servers with failed components to continue hosting VMs while hiding the underlying degraded capacity and performance. A key enabler of Hyrax is a novel model of changes in memory interleaving when deactivating faulty memory modules. Experiments on cloud production servers show that Hyrax overcomes common hardware failures without impacting peak VM performance. In large-scale simulations with production traces, Hyrax reduces server repair requirements by 50-60% without impacting VM scheduling.

#18 NCC: Natural Concurrency Control for Strictly Serializable Datastores by Avoiding the Timestamp-Inversion Pitfall [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haonan Lu ; Shuai Mu ; Siddhartha Sen ; Wyatt Lloyd

Strictly serializable datastores greatly simplify application development. However, existing techniques pay unnecessary costs for naturally consistent transactions, which arrive at servers in an order that is already strictly serializable. We exploit this natural arrival order by executing transactions with minimal costs while optimistically assuming they are naturally consistent, and then leverage a timestamp-based technique to efficiently verify if the execution is indeed consistent. In the process of this design, we identify a fundamental pitfall in relying on timestamps to provide strict serializability and name it the timestamp-inversion pitfall. We show that timestamp inversion has affected several existing systems. We present Natural Concurrency Control (NCC), a new concurrency control technique that guarantees strict serializability and ensures minimal costs---i.e., one-round latency, lock-free, and non-blocking execution---in the common case by leveraging natural consistency. NCC is enabled by three components: non-blocking execution, decoupled response management, and timestamp-based consistency checking. NCC avoids the timestamp-inversion pitfall with response timing control and proposes two optimization techniques, asynchrony-aware timestamps and smart retry, to reduce false aborts. Moreover, NCC designs a specialized protocol for read-only transactions, which is the first to achieve optimal best-case performance while guaranteeing strict serializability without relying on synchronized clocks. Our evaluation shows NCC outperforms state-of-the-art strictly serializable solutions by an order of magnitude on many workloads.

#19 Conveyor: One-Tool-Fits-All Continuous Software Deployment at Meta [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Boris Grubic ; Yang Wang ; Tyler Petrochko ; Ran Yaniv ; Brad Jones ; David Callies ; Matt Clarke-Lauer ; Dan Kelley ; Soteris Demetriou ; Kenny Yu ; Chunqiang Tang

We present Conveyor, Meta's software deployment tool, along with the valuable data obtained from managing over 30,000 deployment pipelines that deploy all kinds of services at Meta across millions of machines. We describe a wide range of deployment scenarios that Conveyor supports to achieve universal coverage. At Meta, out of all the deployment pipelines for services deployed via containers, 97% of them employ fully automated deployments without manual intervention: 55% utilize continuous deployment, instantly deploying every code change to production after passing automated tests, and the remaining 42% are automatically deployed on a fixed schedule (mostly daily or weekly) without manual validation. We highlight several distinguishing features of Conveyor, including safe in-place updates to reduce hardware costs, analysis of code dependencies to prevent faulty releases, and the capability to deploy complex ML models at scale.

#20 Chardonnay: Fast and General Datacenter Transactions for On-Disk Databases [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tamer Eldeeb ; Xincheng Xie ; Philip A. Bernstein ; Asaf Cidon ; Junfeng Yang

Distributed on-disk database systems could either use an expensive commit protocol like two-phase commit (2PC) to guarantee atomicity, and suffer from slow distributed transactions, or forgo 2PC, which lead to weaker semantics, limitations to the programming model, or constrained scalability, making the system less general. We argue this compromise is no longer necessary within modern datacenters. Low latency 2PC (∼150 μs on Azure for 2PC over Paxos) can be achieved using low-latency storage for the relatively small transaction logs, fast RPCs, and careful protocol design. With fast 2PC, the data contention bottleneck for many transactions shifts from 2PC to reading the data itself from the relatively slow storage while holding transaction locks. We present Chardonnay, a scalable, on-disk, multi-versioned transactional key-value store optimized for single datacenter deployments with fast 2PC. Chardonnay has a general interface supporting point reads, scans, and writes within multi-step strictly serializable ACID transactions. The key mechanism underlying Chardonnay's design is strongly consistent snapshot reads on commodity hardware, using a novel lock-free read protocol. Chardonnay uses this protocol to cheaply determine the read-write sets of queries, enabling Chardonnay to transparently prefetch data needed for a transaction prior to the execution of the transaction and the acquisition of locks. This enables Chardonnay to achieve fast transactions by minimizing contention, and avoids aborts due to deadlocks by ordering lock requests.

#21 ScaleDB: A Scalable, Asynchronous In-Memory Database [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Syed Akbar Mehdi ; Deukyeon Hwang ; Simon Peter ; Lorenzo Alvisi

ScaleDB is a serializable in-memory transactional database that achieves excellent scalability on multi-core machines by asynchronously updating range indexes. We find that asynchronous range index updates can significantly improve database scalability by applying updates in batches, reducing contention on critical sections. To avoid stale reads, ScaleDB uses small hash indexlets to hold delayed updates. We use indexlets to design ACC, an asynchronous concurrency control protocol providing serializability. With ACC, it is possible to delay range index updates without adverse performance effects on transaction execution in the common case. ACC delivers scalable serializable isolation for transactions, with high throughput and low abort rate. Evaluation on a dual-socket server with 36 cores shows that ScaleDB achieves 9.5× better query throughput than Peloton on the YCSB benchmark and 1.8× better transaction throughput than Cicada on the TPC-C benchmark.

#22 VBASE: Unifying Online Vector Similarity Search and Relational Queries via Relaxed Monotonicity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Qianxi Zhang ; Shuotao Xu ; Qi Chen ; Guoxin Sui ; Jiadong Xie ; Zhizhen Cai ; Yaoqi Chen ; Yinxuan He ; Yuqing Yang ; Fan Yang ; Mao Yang ; Lidong Zhou

Approximate similarity queries on high-dimensional vector indices have become the cornerstone for many critical online services. An increasing need for more sophisticated vector queries requires integrating vector search systems with relational databases. However, high-dimensional vector indices do not exhibit monotonicity, a critical property of conventional indices. The lack of monotonicity forces existing vector systems to rely on monotonicity-preserving tentative indices, set up temporarily for a target vector's TopK nearest neighbors, to facilitate queries. This leads to suboptimal performance due to the difficulty to predict the optimal K. This paper presents VBase, a system that efficiently supports complex queries of both approximate similarity search and relational operators. VBase identifies a common property, relaxed monotonicity, to unify two seemingly incompatible systems. This common property allows VBase to circumvent the constraints of a TopK-only interface to achieve significantly higher efficiency, while provably preserving the semantics of TopK-based solutions. Evaluation results show VBase offers up to three orders-of-magnitude higher performance than state-of-the-art vector systems on complex online vector queries. VBase further enables analytical similarity queries that previous vector systems do not, and shows 7,000× speedup with 99.9% accuracy of exact queries.

#23 Detecting Transactional Bugs in Database Engines via Graph-Based Oracle Construction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zu-Ming Jiang ; Si Liu ; Manuel Rigger ; Zhendong Su

Transactions are an important feature of database management systems (DBMSs), as they provide the ACID guarantees for a sequence of database operations. Consequently, approaches have been proposed to automatically find transactional bugs in DBMSs. However, they cannot handle complex operations and predicates common in real-world database queries, and thus miss bugs. This paper introduces a general, effective technique for finding transactional bugs in DBMSs that supports complex SQL queries and predicates. At the conceptual level, we address the test-oracle problem by constructing semantically-equivalent test cases based on fine-grained statement-level dependencies in transactions. At the technical level, we introduce (1) statement-dependency graphs to describe dependencies among SQL statements in transactions, (2) SQL-level instrumentation to capture possible statement-level dependencies, and (3) transactional oracle construction to generate semantically-equivalent test cases using statement-dependency graphs. We also establish the correctness of our approach in generating semantically-equivalent test cases. We have realized our technique as a tool, TxCheck, and evaluated it on three widely-used and well-tested DBMSs, namely TiDB, MySQL, and MariaDB. In total, TxCheck found 56 unique bugs, 52 of which have been confirmed and 18 already fixed. We believe that TxCheck can help solidify DBMSs’ support for transactions thanks to its generality and effectiveness.

#24 Take Out the TraChe: Maximizing (Tra)nsactional Ca(che) Hit Rate [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Audrey Cheng ; David Chu ; Terrance Li ; Jason Chan ; Natacha Crooks ; Joseph M. Hellerstein ; Ion Stoica ; Xiangyao Yu

Most caching policies focus on increasing object hit rate to improve overall system performance. However, these algorithms are insufficient for transactions. In this work, we define a new metric, transactional hit rate, to capture when caching reduces latency for transactions. We present DeToX, a caching system that leverages transactional dependencies to make eviction and prefetching decisions. DeToX is able to significantly outperform single-object alternatives on real-world workloads and popular OLTP benchmarks, providing up to a 130% increase in transaction hit rate and 3.4x improvement in cache efficiency.

#25 Replicating Persistent Memory Key-Value Stores with Efficient RDMA Abstraction [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Qing Wang ; Youyou Lu ; Jing Wang ; Jiwu Shu

Combining persistent memory (PM) with RDMA is a promising approach to performant replicated distributed key-value stores (KVSs). However, existing replication approaches do not work well when applied to PM KVSs: 1) Using RPC induces software queueing and execution at backups, increasing request latency; 2) Using one-sided RDMA WRITE causes numerous streams of small PM writes, leading to severe device-level write amplification (DLWA) on PM. In this paper, we propose Rowan, an efficient RDMA abstraction to handle replication writes in PM KVSs; it aggregates massive concurrent remote writes from different servers, and lands these writes to PM in a sequential (thus low DLWA) and one-sided (thus low latency) manner. We realize Rowan with off-the-shelf RDMA NICs. Further, we build Rowan-KV, a log-structured PM KVS using Rowan for replication. Evaluation shows that under write-intensive workloads, compared with PM KVSs using RPC and RDMA WRITE for replication, Rowan-KV boosts throughput by 1.22× and 1.39× as well as lowers median PUT latency by 1.77× and 2.11×, respectively, while largely eliminating DLWA.