
| Total: 53

#1 Sabre: Hardware-Accelerated Snapshot Compression for Serverless MicroVMs [PDF10] [Copy] [Kimi25] [REL]

Authors: Nikita Lazarev ; Varun Gohil ; James Tsai ; Andy Anderson ; Bhushan Chitlur ; Zhiru Zhang ; Christina Delimitrou

MicroVM snapshotting significantly reduces the cold start overheads in serverless applications. Snapshotting enables storing part of the physical memory of a microVM guest into a file, and later restoring from it to avoid long cold start-up times. Prefetching memory pages from snapshots can further improve the effectiveness of snapshotting. However, the efficacy of prefetching depends on the size of the memory that needs to be restored. Lossless page compression is therefore a great way to improve the coverage of the memory footprint that snapshotting with prefetching achieves. Unfortunately, the high overhead and high CPU cost of software-based (de)compression makes this impractical. We introduce Sabre, a novel approach to snapshot page prefetching based on hardware-accelerated (de)compression. Sabre leverages an increasingly pervasive near-memory analytics accelerator available in modern datacenter processors. We show that by appropriately leveraging such accelerators, microVM snapshots of serverless applications can be compressed up to a factor of 4.5×, with nearly negligible decompression costs. We use this insight to build an efficient page prefetching library capable of speeding up memory restoration from snapshots by up to 55%. We integrate the library with the production-grade Firecracker microVMs and evaluate its end-to-end performance on a wide set of serverless applications.

#2 Nomad: Non-Exclusive Memory Tiering via Transactional Page Migration [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Lingfeng Xiang ; Zhen Lin ; Weishu Deng ; Hui Lu ; Jia Rao ; Yifan Yuan ; Ren Wang

With the advent of byte-addressable memory devices, such as CXL memory, persistent memory, and storage-class memory, tiered memory systems have become a reality. Page migration is the de facto method within operating systems for managing tiered memory. It aims to bring hot data whenever possible into fast memory to optimize the performance of data accesses while using slow memory to accommodate data spilled from fast memory. While the existing research has demonstrated the effectiveness of various optimizations on page migration, it falls short of addressing a fundamental question: Is exclusive memory tiering, in which a page is either present in fast memory or slow memory, but not both simultaneously, the optimal strategy for tiered memory management? We demonstrate that page migration-based exclusive memory tiering suffers significant performance degradation when fast memory is under pressure. In this paper, we propose non-exclusive memory tiering, a page management strategy that retains a copy of pages recently promoted from slow memory to fast memory to mitigate memory thrashing. To enable non-exclusive memory tiering, we develop NOMAD, a new page management mechanism for Linux that features transactional page migration and page shadowing. NOMAD helps remove page migration off the critical path of program execution and makes migration completely asynchronous. Evaluations with carefully crafted micro-benchmarks and real-world applications show that NOMAD is able to achieve up to 6x performance improvement over the state-of-the-art transparent page placement (TPP) approach in Linux when under memory pressure. We also compare NOMAD with a recently proposed hardware-assisted, access sampling-based page migration approach and demonstrate NOMAD's strengths and potential weaknesses in various scenarios.

#3 Managing Memory Tiers with CXL in Virtualized Environments [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Yuhong Zhong ; Daniel S. Berger ; Carl Waldspurger ; Ryan Wee ; Ishwar Agarwal ; Rajat Agarwal ; Frank Hady ; Karthik Kumar ; Mark D. Hill ; Mosharaf Chowdhury ; Asaf Cidon

Cloud providers seek to deploy CXL-based memory to increase aggregate memory capacity, reduce costs, and lower carbon emissions. However, CXL accesses incur higher latency than local DRAM. Existing systems use software to manage data placement across memory tiers at page granularity. Cloud providers are reluctant to deploy software-based tiering due to high overheads in virtualized environments. Hardware-based memory tiering could place data at cacheline granularity, mitigating these drawbacks. However, hardware is oblivious to application-level performance. We propose combining hardware-managed tiering with software-managed performance isolation to overcome the pitfalls of either approach. We introduce Intel® Flat Memory Mode, the first hardware-managed tiering system for CXL. Our evaluation on a full-system prototype demonstrates that it provides performance close to regular DRAM, with no more than 5% degradation for more than 82% of workloads. Despite such small slowdowns, we identify two challenges that can still degrade performance by up to 34% for "outlier" workloads: (1) memory contention across tenants, and (2) intra-tenant contention due to conflicting access patterns. To address these challenges, we introduce Memstrata, a lightweight multi-tenant memory allocator. Memstrata employs page coloring to eliminate inter-VM contention. It improves performance for VMs with access patterns that are sensitive to hardware tiering by allocating them more local DRAM using an online slowdown estimator. In multi-VM experiments on prototype hardware, Memstrata is able to identify performance outliers and reduce their degradation from above 30% to below 6%, providing consistent performance across a wide range of workloads.

#4 Harvesting Memory-bound CPU Stall Cycles in Software with MSH [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Zhihong Luo ; Sam Son ; Sylvia Ratnasamy ; Scott Shenker

Memory-bound stalls account for a significant portion of CPU cycles in datacenter workloads, which makes harvesting them to execute other useful work highly valuable. However, mainstream implementations of the hardware harvesting mechanism, simultaneous multithreading (SMT), are unsatisfactory. They incur high latency overhead and do not offer fine-grained configurability of the trade-off between latency and harvesting throughput, which hinders wide adoption for latency-critical services; and they support only limited degrees of concurrency, which prevents full harvesting of memory stall cycles. We present MSH, the first system that transparently and efficiently harvests memory-bound stall cycles in software. MSH makes full use of stall cycles with concurrency scaling, while incurring minimal and configurable latency overhead. MSH achieves these with a novel co-design of profiling, program analysis, binary instrumentation and runtime scheduling. Our evaluation shows that MSH achieves up to 72% harvesting throughput of SMT for latency SLOs under which SMT has to be disabled, and that strategically combining MSH with SMT leads to higher throughput than SMT due to MSH's capability to fully harvest memory-bound stall cycles.

#5 A Tale of Two Paths: Toward a Hybrid Data Plane for Efficient Far-Memory Applications [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lei Chen ; Shi Liu ; Chenxi Wang ; Haoran Ma ; Yifan Qiao ; Zhe Wang ; Chenggang Wu ; Youyou Lu ; Xiaobing Feng ; Huimin Cui ; Shan Lu ; Harry Xu

With rapid advances in network hardware, far memory has gained a great deal of traction due to its ability to break the memory capacity wall. Existing far memory systems fall into one of two data paths: one that uses the kernel's paging system to transparently access far memory at the page granularity, and a second that bypasses the kernel, fetching data at the object granularity. While it is generally believed that object fetching outperforms paging due to its fine-grained access, it requires significantly more compute resources to run object-level LRU and eviction. We built Atlas, a hybrid data plane enabled by a runtime-kernel co-design that simultaneously enables accesses via these two data paths to provide high efficiency for real-world applications. Atlas uses always-on profiling to continuously measure page locality. For workloads already with good locality, paging is used to fetch data, whereas for those without, object fetching is employed. Object fetching moves objects that are accessed close in time to contiguous local space, dynamically improving locality and making the execution increasingly amenable to paging, which is much more resource-efficient. Our evaluation shows that Atlas improves the throughput (e.g., by 1.5x and 3.2x) and reduces the tail latency (e.g., by one and two orders of magnitude) when using remote memory, compared with AIFM and Fastswap, the state-of-the-art techniques respectively in the two categories.

#6 DRust: Language-Guided Distributed Shared Memory with Fine Granularity, Full Transparency, and Ultra Efficiency [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haoran Ma ; Yifan Qiao ; Shi Liu ; Shan Yu ; Yuanjiang Ni ; Qingda Lu ; Jiesheng Wu ; Yiying Zhang ; Miryung Kim ; Harry Xu

Despite being a powerful concept, distributed shared memory (DSM) has not been made practical due to the extensive synchronization needed between servers to implement memory coherence. This paper shows a practical DSM implementation based on the insight that the ownership model embedded in programming languages such as Rust automatically constrains the order of read and write, providing opportunities for significantly simplifying the coherence implementation if the ownership semantics can be exposed to and leveraged by the runtime. This paper discusses the design and implementation of DRust, a Rust-based DSM system that outperforms the two state-of-the-art DSM systems GAM and Grappa by up to 2.64× and 29.16× in throughput, and scales much better with the number of servers.

#7 Taming Throughput-Latency Tradeoff in LLM Inference with Sarathi-Serve [PDF5] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Amey Agrawal ; Nitin Kedia ; Ashish Panwar ; Jayashree Mohan ; Nipun Kwatra ; Bhargav Gulavani ; Alexey Tumanov ; Ramachandran Ramjee

Each LLM serving request goes through two phases. The first is prefill which processes the entire input prompt and produces the first output token and the second is decode which generates the rest of output tokens, one-at-a-time. Prefill iterations have high latency but saturate GPU compute due to parallel processing of the input prompt. In contrast, decode iterations have low latency but also low compute utilization because a decode iteration processes only a single token per request. This makes batching highly effective for decodes and consequently for overall throughput. However, batching multiple requests leads to an interleaving of prefill and decode iterations which makes it challenging to achieve both high throughput and low latency. We introduce an efficient LLM inference scheduler, Sarathi-Serve, to address this throughput-latency tradeoff. Sarathi-Serve introduces chunked-prefills which splits a prefill request into near equal sized chunks and creates stall-free schedules that adds new requests in a batch without pausing ongoing decodes. Stall-free scheduling unlocks the opportunity to improve throughput with large batch sizes while minimizing the effect of batching on latency. Furthermore, uniform batches in Sarathi-Serve ameliorate the imbalance between iterations resulting in minimal pipeline bubbles. Our techniques yield significant improvements in inference performance across models and hardware under tail latency constraints. For Mistral-7B on single A100 GPUs, we achieve 2.6x higher serving capacity and up to 3.7x higher serving capacity for the Yi-34B model on two A100 GPUs as compared to vLLM. When used with pipeline parallelism on Falcon-180B, Sarathi-Serve provides up to 5.6× gain in the end-to-end serving capacity. The source code for Sarathi-Serve is available at https://github.com/microsoft/sarathi-serve.

#8 ServerlessLLM: Low-Latency Serverless Inference for Large Language Models [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi7] [REL]

Authors: Yao Fu ; Leyang Xue ; Yeqi Huang ; Andrei-Octavian Brabete ; Dmitrii Ustiugov ; Yuvraj Patel ; Luo Mai

This paper presents ServerlessLLM, a distributed system designed to support low-latency serverless inference for Large Language Models (LLMs). By harnessing the substantial near-GPU storage and memory capacities of inference servers, ServerlessLLM achieves effective local checkpoint storage, minimizing the need for remote checkpoint downloads and ensuring efficient checkpoint loading. The design of ServerlessLLM features three core contributions: (i) fast multi-tier checkpoint loading, featuring a new loading-optimized checkpoint format and a multi-tier loading system, fully utilizing the bandwidth of complex storage hierarchies on GPU servers; (ii) efficient live migration of LLM inference, which enables newly initiated inferences to capitalize on local checkpoint storage while ensuring minimal user interruption; and (iii) startup-time-optimized model scheduling, which assesses the locality statuses of checkpoints on each server and schedules the model onto servers that minimize the time to start the inference. Comprehensive evaluations, including microbenchmarks and real-world scenarios, demonstrate that ServerlessLLM dramatically outperforms state-of-the-art serverless systems, reducing latency by 10 - 200X across various LLM inference workloads.

#9 InfiniGen: Efficient Generative Inference of Large Language Models with Dynamic KV Cache Management [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Wonbeom Lee ; Jungi Lee ; Junghwan Seo ; Jaewoong Sim

Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) demonstrate impressive performance across various natural language processing tasks. Serving LLM inference for generating long contents, however, poses a challenge due to the enormous memory footprint of the transient state, known as the key-value (KV) cache, which scales with the sequence length and batch size. In this paper, we present InfiniGen, a novel KV cache management framework tailored for long-text generation, which synergistically works with modern offloading-based inference systems. InfiniGen leverages the key insight that a few important tokens that are essential for computing the subsequent attention layer in the Transformer can be speculated by performing a minimal rehearsal with the inputs of the current layer and part of the query weight and key cache of the subsequent layer. This allows us to prefetch only the essential KV cache entries (without fetching them all), thereby mitigating the fetch overhead from the host memory in offloading-based LLM serving systems. Our evaluation on several representative LLMs shows that InfiniGen improves the overall performance of a modern offloading-based system by up to 3.00× compared to prior KV cache management methods while offering substantially better model accuracy.

#10 Llumnix: Dynamic Scheduling for Large Language Model Serving [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Biao Sun ; Ziming Huang ; Hanyu Zhao ; Wencong Xiao ; Xinyi Zhang ; Yong Li ; Wei Lin

Inference serving for large language models (LLMs) is the key to unleashing their potential in people's daily lives. However, efficient LLM serving remains challenging today because the requests are inherently heterogeneous and unpredictable in terms of resource and latency requirements, as a result of the diverse applications and the dynamic execution nature of LLMs. Existing systems are fundamentally limited in handling these characteristics and cause problems such as severe queuing delays, poor tail latencies, and SLO violations. We introduce Llumnix, an LLM serving system that reacts to such heterogeneous and unpredictable requests by runtime rescheduling across multiple model instances. Similar to context switching across CPU cores in modern operating systems, Llumnix reschedules requests to improve load balancing and isolation, mitigate resource fragmentation, and differentiate request priorities and SLOs. Llumnix implements the rescheduling with an efficient and scalable live migration mechanism for requests and their in-memory states, and exploits it in a dynamic scheduling policy that unifies the multiple rescheduling scenarios elegantly. Our evaluations show that Llumnix improves tail latencies by an order of magnitude, accelerates high-priority requests by up to 1.5×, and delivers up to 36% cost savings while achieving similar tail latencies, compared against state-of-the-art LLM serving systems. Llumnix is publicly available at https://github.com/AlibabaPAI/llumnix.

#11 DistServe: Disaggregating Prefill and Decoding for Goodput-optimized Large Language Model Serving [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Yinmin Zhong ; Shengyu Liu ; Junda Chen ; Jianbo Hu ; Yibo Zhu ; Xuanzhe Liu ; Xin Jin ; Hao Zhang

DistServe improves the performance of large language models (LLMs) serving by disaggregating the prefill and decoding computation. Existing LLM serving systems colocate the two phases and batch the computation of prefill and decoding across all users and requests. We find that this strategy not only leads to strong prefill-decoding interferences but also couples the resource allocation and parallelism plans for both phases. LLM applications often emphasize individual latency for each phase: time to first token (TTFT) for the prefill phase and time per output token (TPOT) of each request for the decoding phase. In the presence of stringent latency requirements, existing systems have to prioritize one latency over the other, or over-provision compute resources to meet both. DistServe assigns prefill and decoding computation to different GPUs, hence eliminating prefill-decoding interferences. Given the application's TTFT and TPOT requirements, DistServe co-optimizes the resource allocation and parallelism strategy tailored for each phase. DistServe also places the two phases according to the serving cluster's bandwidth to minimize the communication caused by disaggregation. As a result, DistServe significantly improves LLM serving performance in terms of the maximum rate that can be served within both TTFT and TPOT constraints on each GPU. Our evaluations show that on various popular LLMs, applications, and latency requirements, DistServe can serve 7.4× more requests or 12.6× tighter SLO, compared to state-of-the-art systems, while staying within latency constraints for > 90% of requests.

#12 ACCL+: an FPGA-Based Collective Engine for Distributed Applications [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Zhenhao He ; Dario Korolija ; Yu Zhu ; Benjamin Ramhorst ; Tristan Laan ; Lucian Petrica ; Michaela Blott ; Gustavo Alonso

FPGAs are increasingly prevalent in cloud deployments, serving as Smart-NICs or network-attached accelerators. To facilitate the development of distributed applications with FPGAs, in this paper we propose ACCL+, an open-source, FPGA-based collective communication library. Portable across different platforms and supporting UDP, TCP, as well as RDMA, ACCL+ empowers FPGA applications to initiate direct FPGA-to-FPGA collective communication. Additionally, it can serve as a collective offload engine for CPU applications, freeing the CPU from networking tasks. It is user-extensible, allowing new collectives to be implemented and deployed without having to re-synthesize the entire design. We evaluated ACCL+ on an FPGA cluster with 100 Gb/s networking, comparing its performance against software MPI over RDMA. The results demonstrate ACCL+'s significant advantages for FPGA-based distributed applications and its competitive performance for CPU applications. We showcase ACCL+'s dual role with two use cases: as a collective offload engine to distribute CPU-based vector-matrix multiplication, and as a component in designing fully FPGA-based distributed deep-learning recommendation inference.

#13 Beaver: Practical Partial Snapshots for Distributed Cloud Services [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Liangcheng Yu ; Xiao Zhang ; Haoran Zhang ; John Sonchack ; Dan Ports ; Vincent Liu

Distributed snapshots are a classic class of protocols used for capturing a causally consistent view of states across machines. Although effective, existing protocols presume an isolated universe of processes to snapshot and require instrumentation and coordination of all. This assumption does not match today's cloud services—it is not always practical to instrument all involved processes nor realistic to assume zero interaction of the machines of interest with the external world. To bridge this gap, this paper presents Beaver, the first practical partial snapshot protocol that ensures causal consistency under external traffic interference. Beaver presents a unique design point that tightly couples its protocol with the regularities of the underlying data center environment. By exploiting the placement of software load balancers in public clouds and their associated communication pattern, Beaver not only requires minimal changes to today's data center operations but also eliminates any form of blocking to existing communication, thus incurring near-zero overhead to user traffic. We demonstrate the Beaver's effectiveness through extensive testbed experiments and novel use cases.

#14 Fast and Scalable In-network Lock Management Using Lock Fission [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hanze Zhang ; Ke Cheng ; Rong Chen ; Haibo Chen

Distributed lock services are extensively utilized in distributed systems to serialize concurrent accesses to shared resources. The need for fast and scalable lock services has become more pronounced with decreasing task execution times and expanding dataset scales. However, traditional lock managers, reliant on server CPUs to handle lock requests, experience significant queuing delays in lock grant latency. Advanced network hardware (e.g. programmable switches) presents an avenue to manage locks without queuing delays due to their high packet processing power. Nevertheless, their constrained memory capacity restricts the manageable lock scale, thereby limiting their effect in large-scale workloads. This paper presents FISSLOCK, a fast and scalable distributed lock service that exploits the programmable switch to improve (tail) latency and peak throughput for millions of locks. The key idea behind FISSLOCK is the concept of lock fission, which decouples lock management into grant decision and participant maintenance. FISSLOCK leverages the programmable switch to decide lock grants synchronously and relies on servers to maintain participants (i.e., holders and waiters) asynchronously. By using the programmable switch for routing, FISSLOCK enables on-demand fine-grained lock migration, thereby reducing the lock grant and release delays. FISSLOCK carefully designs and implements grant decision procedure on the programmable switch, supporting over one million locks. Evaluation using various benchmarks and a real-world application shows the efficiency of FISSLOCK. Compared to the state-of-the-art switch-based approach (NetLock), FISSLOCK cuts up to 79.1% (from 43.0%) of median lock grant time in the microbenchmark and improves transaction throughput for TATP and TPC-C by 1.76× and 2.28×, respectively.

#15 Chop Chop: Byzantine Atomic Broadcast to the Network Limit [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Martina Camaioni ; Rachid Guerraoui ; Matteo Monti ; Pierre-Louis Roman ; Manuel Vidigueira ; Gauthier Voron

At the heart of state machine replication, the celebrated technique enabling decentralized and secure universal computation, lies Atomic Broadcast, a fundamental communication primitive that orders, authenticates, and deduplicates messages. This paper presents Chop Chop, a Byzantine Atomic Broadcast system that uses a novel authenticated memory pool to amortize the cost of ordering, authenticating and deduplicating messages, achieving "line rate" (i.e., closely matching the complexity of a protocol that does not ensure any ordering, authentication or Byzantine resilience) even when processing messages as small as 8 bytes. Chop Chop attains this performance by means of a new form of batching we call distillation. A distilled batch is a set of messages that are fast to authenticate, deduplicate, and order. Batches are distilled using a novel interactive protocol involving brokers, an untrusted layer of facilitating processes between clients and servers. In a geo-distributed deployment of 64 medium-sized servers, Chop Chop processes 43,600,000 messages per second with an average latency of 3.6 seconds. Under the same conditions, state-of-the-art alternatives offer two orders of magnitude less throughput for the same latency. We showcase three simple Chop Chop applications: a Payment system, an Auction house and a "Pixel war" game, respectively achieving 32, 2.3 and 35 million operations per second.

#16 Enabling Tensor Language Model to Assist in Generating High-Performance Tensor Programs for Deep Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yi Zhai ; Sijia Yang ; Keyu Pan ; Renwei Zhang ; Shuo Liu ; Chao Liu ; Zichun Ye ; Jianmin Ji ; Jie Zhao ; Yu Zhang ; Yanyong Zhang

Obtaining high-performance tensor programs with high efficiency continues to be a substantial challenge. Approaches that favor efficiency typically limit their exploration space through heuristic constraints, which often lack generalizability. Conversely, approaches targeting high performance tend to create an expansive exploration space but employ ineffective exploration strategies. We propose a tensor program generation framework for deep learning applications. Its core idea involves maintaining an expansive space to ensure high performance while performing powerful exploration with the help of language models to generate tensor programs efficiently. We thus transform the tensor program exploration task into a language model generation task. To facilitate this, we explicitly design the language model-friendly tensor language that records decision information to represent tensor programs. During the compilation of target workloads, the tensor language model (TLM) combines knowledge from offline learning and previously made decisions to probabilistically sample the best decision in the current decision space. This approach allows more informed space exploration than random sampling commonly used in previously proposed approaches. Experimental results indicate that TLM excels in delivering both efficiency and performance. Compared to fully tuned Ansor/MetaSchedule, TLM matches their performance with a compilation speedup of 61×. Furthermore, when evaluated against Roller, with the same compilation time, TLM improves the performance by 2.25×. Code available at https://github.com/zhaiyi000/tlm.

#17 Ladder: Enabling Efficient Low-Precision Deep Learning Computing through Hardware-aware Tensor Transformation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Lei Wang ; Lingxiao Ma ; Shijie Cao ; Quanlu Zhang ; Jilong Xue ; Yining Shi ; Ningxin Zheng ; Ziming Miao ; Fan Yang ; Ting Cao ; Yuqing Yang ; Mao Yang

The increasing demand for improving deep learning model performance has led to a paradigm shift in supporting low-precision computation to harness the robustness of deep learning to errors. Despite the emergence of new low-precision data types and optimization approaches, existing hardware and software have insufficient and inefficient support for those evolving data types, making it challenging to achieve real performance gains through low-precision computing. This paper introduces Ladder, a novel compiler designed to bridge the gap between evolving custom data types and the fixed precision formats supported by current hardware. Leveraging a general type system, tType, and an extended tensor expression, Ladder transforms deep neural network (DNN) computations into optimized computing pipelines with custom data types as the first-class citizen, exposing an optimization space for efficiently handling data storage, accesses, and type conversions. Ladder employs a new set of tensor scheduling primitives and a hardware-aware optimization policy to navigate the complex transformation space, ensuring optimal performance across different memory layers and DNN operators. Our evaluation demonstrates Ladder's capability to systematically support a wide array of low-bit precision custom data types, significantly enhancing the performance of DNN computations on modern accelerators without necessitating hardware modifications. This innovation empowers model designers with the ability to explore data type optimizations and offers hardware vendors a flexible solution to expand their support for diverse precision formats.

#18 Caravan: Practical Online Learning of In-Network ML Models with Labeling Agents [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Qizheng Zhang ; Ali Imran ; Enkeleda Bardhi ; Tushar Swamy ; Nathan Zhang ; Muhammad Shahbaz ; Kunle Olukotun

Recent work on in-network machine learning (ML) anticipates offline models to operate well in modern networking environments. However, upon deployment, these models struggle to cope with fluctuating traffic patterns and network conditions and, therefore, must be validated and updated frequently in an online fashion. This paper presents CARAVAN, a practical online learning system for in-network ML models. We tackle two primary challenges in facilitating online learning for networking: (a) the automatic labeling of evolving traffic and (b) the efficient monitoring and detection of model performance degradation to trigger retraining. CARAVAN repurposes existing systems (e.g., heuristics, access control lists, and foundation models)— not directly suitable for such dynamic environments—into high-quality labeling sources for generating labeled data for online learning. CARAVAN also introduces a new metric, accuracy proxy, to track model degradation and potential drift to efficiently trigger retraining. Our evaluations show that CARAVAN's labeling strategy enables in-network ML models to closely follow the changes in the traffic dynamics with a 30.3% improvement in F1 score (on average), compared to offline models. Moreover, CARAVAN sustains comparable inference accuracy to that of a continuous-learning system while consuming 61.3% less GPU compute time (on average) via accuracy proxy and retraining triggers.

#19 nnScaler: Constraint-Guided Parallelization Plan Generation for Deep Learning Training [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Zhiqi Lin ; Youshan Miao ; Quanlu Zhang ; Fan Yang ; Yi Zhu ; Cheng Li ; Saeed Maleki ; Xu Cao ; Ning Shang ; Yilei Yang ; Weijiang Xu ; Mao Yang ; Lintao Zhang ; Lidong Zhou

With the growing model size of deep neural networks (DNN), deep learning training is increasingly relying on handcrafted search spaces to find efficient parallelization execution plans. However, our study shows that existing search spaces exclude plans that significantly impact the training performance of well-known DNN models (e.g., AlphaFold2) under important settings, such as when handling large embedding tables in large language models. To address this problem, we propose nnScaler, a framework that generates efficient parallelization plans for deep learning training. Instead of relying on the existing search space, nnScaler advocates a more general approach that empowers domain experts to construct their own search space through three primitives, op-trans, op-assign, and op-order, which capture model transformation and the temporal-spatial scheduling of the transformed model of any parallelization plans. To avoid space explosion, nnScaler allows the application of constraints to those primitives during space construction. With the proposed primitives and constraints, nnScaler can compose existing search spaces as well as new ones. Experiments show that nnScaler can find new parallelization plans in new search spaces that achieve up to 3.5× speedup compared to solutions such as DeepSpeed, Megatron-LM, and Alpa for popular DNN models like SwinTransformer and AlphaFold2.

#20 ChameleonAPI: Automatic and Efficient Customization of Neural Networks for ML Applications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Yuhan Liu ; Chengcheng Wan ; Kuntai Du ; Henry Hoffmann ; Junchen Jiang ; Shan Lu ; Michael Maire

ML APIs have greatly relieved application developers of the burden to design and train their own neural network models—classifying objects in an image can now be as simple as one line of Python code to call an API. However, these APIs offer the same pre-trained models regardless of how their output is used by different applications. This can be suboptimal as not all ML inference errors can cause application failures, and the distinction between inference errors that can or cannot cause failures varies greatly across applications. To tackle this problem, we first study 77 real-world applications, which collectively use six ML APIs from two providers, to reveal common patterns of how ML API output affects applications' decision processes. Inspired by the findings, we propose ChameleonAPI, an optimization framework for ML APIs, which takes effect without changing the application source code. ChameleonAPI provides application developers with a parser that automatically analyzes the application to produce an abstract of its decision process, which is then used to devise an application-specific loss function that only penalizes API output errors critical to the application. ChameleonAPI uses the loss function to efficiently train a neural network model customized for each application and deploys it to serve API invocations from the respective application via existing interface. Compared to a baseline that selects the best-of-all commercial ML API, we show that ChameleonAPI reduces incorrect application decisions by 43%.

#21 SquirrelFS: using the Rust compiler to check file-system crash consistency [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Hayley LeBlanc ; Nathan Taylor ; James Bornholt ; Vijay Chidambaram

This work introduces a new approach to building crash-safe file systems for persistent memory. We exploit the fact that Rust's typestate pattern allows compile-time enforcement of a specific order of operations. We introduce a novel crash-consistency mechanism, Synchronous Soft Updates, that boils down crash safety to enforcing ordering among updates to file-system metadata. We employ this approach to build SquirrelFS, a new file system with crash-consistency guarantees that are checked at compile time. SquirrelFS avoids the need for separate proofs, instead incorporating correctness guarantees into the typestate itself. Compiling SquirrelFS only takes tens of seconds; successful compilation indicates crash consistency, while an error provides a starting point for fixing the bug. We evaluate SquirrelFS against state of the art file systems such as NOVA and WineFS, and find that SquirrelFS achieves similar or better performance on a wide range of benchmarks and applications.

#22 High-throughput and Flexible Host Networking for Accelerated Computing [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Athinagoras Skiadopoulos ; Zhiqiang Xie ; Mark Zhao ; Qizhe Cai ; Saksham Agarwal ; Jacob Adelmann ; David Ahern ; Carlo Contavalli ; Michael Goldflam ; Vitaly Mayatskikh ; Raghu Raja ; Daniel Walton ; Rachit Agarwal ; Shrijeet Mukherjee ; Christos Kozyrakis

Modern network hardware is able to meet the stringent bandwidth demands of applications like GPU-accelerated AI. However, existing host network stacks offer a hard tradeoff between performance (in terms of sustained throughput when compared to network hardware capacity) and flexibility (in terms of the ability to select, customize, and extend different network protocols). This paper explores a clean-slate approach to simultaneously offer high performance and flexibility. We present a co-design of the NIC hardware and the software stack to achieve this. The key idea in our design is the physical separation of the data path (payload transfer between network and application buffers) and the control path (header processing and transport-layer decisions). The NIC enables a high-performance zero-copy data path, independent of the placement of the application (CPU, GPU, FPGA, or other accelerators). The software stack provides a flexible control path by enabling the integration of any network protocol, executing in any environment (in the kernel, in user space, or in an accelerator). We implement and evaluate ZeroNIC, a prototype that combines an FPGA-based NIC with a software stack that integrates the Linux TCP protocol. We demonstrate that ZeroNIC achieves RDMA-like throughput while maintaining the benefits of robust protocols like TCP under various network perturbations. For instance, ZeroNIC enables a single TCP flow to saturate a 100Gbps link while utilizing only 17% of a single CPU core. ZeroNIC improves NCCL and Redis throughput by 2.66X and 3.71X, respectively, over Linux TCP on a Mellanox ConnectX-6 NIC, without requiring application modifications.

#23 IntOS: Persistent Embedded Operating System and Language Support for Multi-threaded Intermittent Computing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yilun Wu ; Byounguk Min ; Mohannad Ismail ; Wenjie Xiong ; Changhee Jung ; Dongyoon Lee

This paper introduces INTOS, an embedded operating system and language support for multi-threaded intermittent computing on a battery-less energy-harvesting platform. INTOS simplifies programming with a traditional "thread" and a "transaction" with automatic undo-logging of persistent objects in non-volatile memory. While INTOS allows the use of volatile memory for performance and energy efficiency, conventional transactions do not ensure crash consistency of volatile register and memory states. To address this challenge, INTOS proposes a novel replay-and-bypass approach, eliminating the need for users to checkpoint volatile states. Upon power restoration, INTOS recovers non-volatile states by undoing the updates of power-interrupted transactions. To reconstruct volatile states, INTOS restarts each thread bypassing committed transactions and system calls by returning recorded results without re-execution. INTOS seeks to build a persistent, full-fledged embedded OS, supporting priority-based preemptive multithreading while ensuring crash consistency even if power failure occurs during a system call or while some threads are blocked. Experiments on a commodity platform MSP430FR5994 show that when subjected to an extreme power failure frequency of 1 ms, INTOS demonstrated 1.24x lower latency and 1.29x less energy consumption than prior work leveraging idempotent processing. This trend turns out to be more pronounced on Apollo 4 Blue Plus.

#24 Data-flow Availability: Achieving Timing Assurance in Autonomous Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ao Li ; Ning Zhang

Due to the continuous interaction with the physical world, autonomous cyber-physical systems (CPS) require both functional and temporal correctness. Despite recent advances in the theoretical foundation of real-time computing, leveraging these results efficiently in modern CPS platforms often requires domain expertise, and presents non-trivial challenges to many developers. To understand the practical challenges in building real-time software, we conducted a survey of 189 software issues from 7 representative CPS open-source projects. Through this exercise, we found that most bugs are due to misalignment in time between cyber and physical states. This inspires us to abstract three key temporal properties: freshness, consistency, and stability. Using a newly developed concept, Data-flow Availability (DFA), which aims to capture temporal/availability expectation of data flow, we show how these essential properties can be represented as timing constraints on data flows. To realize the timing assurance from DFA, we designed and implemented Kairos, which automatically detects and mitigates timing constraint violations. To detect violations, Kairos translates the policy definition from the API-based annotations into run-time program instrumentation. To mitigate the violations, it provides an infrastructure to bridge semantic gaps between schedulers at different abstraction layers to allow for coordinated efforts. End-to-end evaluation on three real-world CPS platforms shows that Kairos improves timing predictability and safety while introducing a minimal 2.8% run-time overhead.

#25 Microkernel Goes General: Performance and Compatibility in the HongMeng Production Microkernel [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Haibo Chen ; Xie Miao ; Ning Jia ; Nan Wang ; Yu Li ; Nian Liu ; Yutao Liu ; Fei Wang ; Qiang Huang ; Kun Li ; Hongyang Yang ; Hui Wang ; Jie Yin ; Yu Peng ; Fengwei Xu

The virtues of security, reliability, and extensibility have made state-of-the-art microkernels prevalent in embedded and safety-critical scenarios. However, they face performance and compatibility issues when targeting more general scenarios, such as smartphones and smart vehicles. This paper presents the design and implementation of HongMeng kernel (HM), a commercialized general-purpose microkernel that preserves most of the virtues of microkernels while addressing the above challenges. For the sake of commercial practicality, we design HM to be compatible with the Linux API and ABI to reuse its rich applications and driver ecosystems. To make it performant despite the constraints of compatibility and being general-purpose, we re-examine the traditional microkernel wisdom, including IPC, capability-based access control, and userspace paging, and retrofit them accordingly. Specifically, we argue that per-invocation IPC is not the only concern for performance, but IPC frequency, state double bookkeeping among OS services, and capabilities that hide kernel objects contribute to significant performance degradation. We mitigate them accordingly with a set of techniques, including differentiated isolation classes, flexible composition, policy-free kernel paging, and address-token-based access control. HM consists of a minimal core kernel and a set of least-privileged OS services, and it can run complex frameworks like AOSP and OpenHarmony. HM has been deployed in production on tens of millions of devices in emerging scenarios, including smart routers, smart vehicles and smartphones, typically with improved performance and security over their Linux counterparts.