
| Total: 23

#1 MAPX: Controlled Data Migration in the Expansion of Decentralized Object-Based Storage Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Li Wang, Yiming Zhang, Jiawei Xu, Guangtao Xue

Data placement is critical for the scalability of decentralized object-based storage systems. The state-of-the-art CRUSH placement method is a decentralized algorithm that deterministically places object replicas onto storage devices without relying on a central directory. While enjoying the benefits of decentralization such as high scalability, robustness, and performance, CRUSH-based storage systems suffer from uncontrolled data migration when expanding the clusters, which will cause significant performance degradation when the expansion is nontrivial. This paper presents MAPX, a novel extension to CRUSH that uses an extra time-dimension mapping (from object creation times to cluster expansion times) for controlled data migration in cluster expansions. Each expansion is viewed as a new layer of the CRUSH map represented by a virtual node beneath the CRUSH root. MAPX controls the mapping from objects onto layers by manipulating the timestamps of the intermediate placement groups (PGs). MAPX is applicable to a large variety of object-based storage scenarios where object timestamps can be maintained as higher-level metadata. For example, we apply MAPX to Ceph-RBD by extending the RBD metadata structure to maintain and retrieve approximate object creation times at the granularity of expansions layers. Experimental results show that the MAPX-based migration-free system outperforms the CRUSH-based system (which is busy in migrating objects after expansions) by up to 4.25× in the tail latency.

#2 Lock-Free Collaboration Support for Cloud Storage Services with Operation Inference and Transformation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jian Chen, Minghao Zhao, Zhenhua Li, Ennan Zhai, Feng Qian, Hongyi Chen, Yunhao Liu, Tianyin Xu

This paper studies how today’s cloud storage services support collaborative file editing. As a tradeoff for transparency/user-friendliness, they do not ask collaborators to use version control systems but instead implement their own heuristics for handling conflicts, which however often lead to unexpected and undesired experiences. With measurements and reverse engineering, we unravel a number of their design and implementation issues as the root causes of poor experiences. Driven by the findings, we propose to reconsider the collaboration support of cloud storage services from a novel perspective of operations without using any locks. To enable this idea, we design intelligent approaches to the inference and transformation of users’ editing operations, as well as optimizations to the maintenance of files’ historic versions. We build an open-source system UFC2 (User-Friendly Collaborative Cloud) to embody our design, which can avoid most (98%) conflicts with little (2%) time overhead.

#3 POLARDB Meets Computational Storage: Efficiently Support Analytical Workloads in Cloud-Native Relational Database [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wei Cao, Yang Liu, Zhushi Cheng, Ning Zheng, Wei Li, Wenjie Wu, Linqiang Ouyang, Peng Wang, Yijing Wang, Ray Kuan, Zhenjun Liu, Feng Zhu, Tong Zhang

This paper reports the deployment of computational storage drives in Alibaba Cloud, aiming to enable cloud-native relational database cost-effectively support analytical workloads. With its compute-storage decoupled architecture, cloud-native relational database must proactively pushdown certain data-intensive tasks (e.g., table scan) from front-end database nodes to back-end storage nodes in order to effectively support analytical workloads. This however makes it a challenge to maintain the cost effectiveness of storage nodes. The emerging computational storage opens a new opportunity to address this challenge: By replacing commodity SSDs with computational storage drives, storage nodes can leverage the in-storage computing power to much more efficiently serve table scans. Practical implementation of this simple idea is non-trivial and demands cohesive innovations across the software (i.e., database, filesystem and I/O) and hardware (i.e., computational storage drive) layers. This paper reports a holistic implementation for Alibaba cloud-native relational database POLARDB and its deployment in Alibaba Cloud. This paper discusses the major implementation challenges, and presents the design techniques that have been developed to tackle these challenges. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first real-world deployment of cloud-native databases with computational storage drives ever reported in the open literature.

#4 Carver: Finding Important Parameters for Storage System Tuning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhen Cao, Geoff Kuenning, Erez Zadok

Storage systems usually have many parameters that affect their behavior. Tuning those parameters can provide significant gains in performance. Alas, both manual and automatic tuning methods struggle due to the large number of parameters and exponential number of possible configurations. Since previous research has shown that some parameters have greater performance impact than others, focusing on a smaller number of more important parameters can speed up auto-tuning systems because they would have a smaller state space to explore. In this paper, we propose Carver, which uses (1) a variance-based metric to quantify storage parameters’ importance, (2) Latin Hypercube Sampling to sample huge parameter spaces; and (3) a greedy but efficient parameter-selection algorithm that can identify important parameters. We evaluated Carver on datasets consisting of more than 500,000 experiments on 7 file systems, under 4 representative workloads. Carver successfully identified important parameters for all file systems and showed that importance varies with different workloads. We demonstrated that Carver was able to identify a near-optimal set of important parameters in our datasets. We showed Carver’s efficiency by testing it with a small fraction of our dataset; it was able to identify the same set of important parameters with as little as 0.4% of the whole dataset.

#5 Read as Needed: Building WiSER, a Flash-Optimized Search Engine [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jun He, Kan Wu, Sudarsun Kannan, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau

We describe WiSER, a clean-slate search engine designed to exploit high-performance SSDs with the philosophy "read as needed". WiSER utilizes many techniques to deliver high throughput and low latency with a relatively small amount of main memory; the techniques include an optimized data layout, a novel two-way cost-aware Bloom filter, adaptive prefetching, and space-time trade-offs. In a system with memory that is significantly smaller than the working set, these techniques increase storage space usage (up to 50%), but reduce read amplification by up to 3x, increase query throughput by up to 2.7x, and reduce latency by 16x when compared to the state-of-the-art Elasticsearch. We believe that the philosophy of "read as needed" can be applied to more applications as the read performance of storage devices keeps improving.

#6 How to Copy Files [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yang Zhan, Alexander Conway, Yizheng Jiao, Nirjhar Mukherjee, Ian Groombridge, Michael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton, William Jannen, Rob Johnson, Donald E. Porter, Jun Yuan

Making logical copies, or clones, of files and directories is critical to many real-world applications and workflows, including backups, virtual machines, and containers. An ideal clone implementation meets the following performance goals: (1) creating the clone has low latency; (2) reads are fast in all versions (i.e., spatial locality is always maintained, even after modifications); (3) writes are fast in all versions; (4) the overall system is space efficient. Implementing a clone operation that realizes all four properties, which we call a nimble clone, is a long-standing open problem. This paper describes nimble clones in BetrFS, an open-source, full-path-indexed, and write-optimized file system. The key observation behind our work is that standard copy-on-write heuristics can be too coarse to be space efficient, or too fine-grained to preserve locality. On the other hand, a write-optimized key-value store, as used in BetrFS or an LSM-tree, can decouple the logical application of updates from the granularity at which data is physically copied. In our write-optimized clone implementation, data sharing among clones is only broken when a clone has changed enough to warrant making a copy, a policy we call copy-on-abundant-write. We demonstrate that the algorithmic work needed to batch and amortize the cost of BetrFS clone operations does not erode the performance advantages of baseline BetrFS; BetrFS performance even improves in a few cases. BetrFS cloning is efficient; for example, when using the clone operation for container creation, BetrFS outperforms a simple recursive copy by up to two orders-of-magnitude and outperforms file systems that have specialized LXC backends by 3-4×

#7 Uncovering Access, Reuse, and Sharing Characteristics of I/O-Intensive Files on Large-Scale Production HPC Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tirthak Patel, Suren Byna, Glenn K. Lockwood, Nicholas J. Wright, Philip Carns, Robert Ross, Devesh Tiwari

Large-scale high-performance computing (HPC) applications running on supercomputers produce large amounts of data routinely and store it in files on multi-PB shared parallel storage systems. Unfortunately, storage community has a limited understanding of the access and reuse patterns of these files. This paper investigates the access and reuse patterns of I/O- intensive files on a production-scale supercomputer.

#8 GIFT: A Coupon Based Throttle-and-Reward Mechanism for Fair and Efficient I/O Bandwidth Management on Parallel Storage Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tirthak Patel, Rohan Garg, Devesh Tiwari

Large-scale parallel applications are highly data-intensive and perform terabytes of I/O routinely. Unfortunately, on a large-scale system where multiple applications run concurrently, I/O contention negatively affects system efficiency and causes unfair bandwidth allocation among applications. To address these challenges, this paper introduces GIFT, a principled dynamic approach to achieve fairness among competing applications and improve system efficiency.

#9 Scalable Parallel Flash Firmware for Many-core Architectures [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jie Zhang, Miryeong Kwon, Michael Swift, Myoungsoo Jung

NVMe is designed to unshackle flash from a traditional storage bus by allowing hosts to employ many threads to achieve higher bandwidth. While NVMe enables users to fully exploit all levels of parallelism offered by modern SSDs, current firmware designs are not scalable and have difficulty in handling a large number of I/O requests in parallel due to its limited computation power and many hardware contentions. We propose DeepFlash, a novel manycore-based storage platform that can process more than a million I/O requests in a second (1MIOPS) while hiding long latencies imposed by its internal flash media. Inspired by a parallel data analysis system, we design the firmware based on many-to-many threading model that can be scaled horizontally. The proposed DeepFlash can extract the maximum performance of the underlying flash memory complex by concurrently executing multiple firmware components across many cores within the device. To show its extreme parallel scalability, we implement DeepFlash on a many-core prototype processor that employs dozens of lightweight cores, analyze new challenges from parallel I/O processing and address the challenges by applying concurrency-aware optimizations. Our comprehensive evaluation reveals that DeepFlash can serve around 4.5 GB/s, while minimizing the CPU demand on microbenchmarks and real server workloads.

#10 A Study of SSD Reliability in Large Scale Enterprise Storage Deployments [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Stathis Maneas, Kaveh Mahdaviani, Tim Emami, Bianca Schroeder

This paper presents the first large-scale field study of NAND-based SSDs in enterprise storage systems (in contrast to drives in distributed data center storage systems). The study is based on a very comprehensive set of field data, covering 1.4 million SSDs of a major storage vendor (NetApp). The drives comprise three different manufacturers, 18 different models, 12 different capacities, and all major flash technologies (SLC, cMLC, eMLC, 3D-TLC). The data allows us to study a large number of factors that were not studied in previous works, including the effect of firmware versions, the reliability of TLC NAND, and correlations between drives within a RAID system. This paper presents our analysis, along with a number of practical implications derived from it.

#11 Making Disk Failure Predictions SMARTer! [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sidi Lu, Bing Luo, Tirthak Patel, Yongtao Yao, Devesh Tiwari, Weisong Shi

Disk drives are one of the most commonly replaced hardware components and continue to pose challenges for accurate failure prediction. In this work, we present analysis and findings from one of the largest disk failure prediction studies covering a total of 380,000 hard drives over a period of two months across 64 sites of a large leading data center operator. Our proposed machine learning based models predict disk failures with 0.95 F-measure and 0.95 Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) for 10-days prediction horizon on average.

#12 An Empirical Guide to the Behavior and Use of Scalable Persistent Memory [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jian Yang, Juno Kim, Morteza Hoseinzadeh, Joseph Izraelevitz, Steve Swanson

After nearly a decade of anticipation, scalable nonvolatile memory DIMMs are finally commercially available with the release of Intel’s Optane DIMM. This new nonvolatile DIMM supports byte-granularity accesses with access times on the order of DRAM, while also providing data storage that survives power outages. Researchers have not idly waited for real nonvolatile DIMMs (NVDIMMs) to arrive. Over the past decade, they have written a slew of papers proposing new programming models, file systems, libraries, and applications built to exploit the performance and flexibility that NVDIMMs promised to deliver. Those papers drew conclusions and made design decisions without detailed knowledge of how real NVDIMMs would behave or how industry would integrate them into computer architectures. Now that Optane NVDIMMs are actually here, we can provide detailed performance numbers, concrete guidance for programmers on these systems, reevaluate prior art for performance, and reoptimize persistent memory software for the real Optane DIMM. In this paper, we explore the performance properties and characteristics of Intel’s new Optane DIMM at the micro and macro level. First, we investigate the basic characteristics of the device, taking special note of the particular ways in which its performance is peculiar relative to traditional DRAM or other past methods used to emulate NVM. From these observations, we recommend a set of best practices to maximize the performance of the device. With our improved understanding, we then explore and reoptimize the performance of prior art in application-level software for persistent memory.

#13 DC-Store: Eliminating Noisy Neighbor Containers using Deterministic I/O Performance and Resource Isolation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Miryeong Kwon, Donghyun Gouk, Changrim Lee, Byounggeun Kim, Jooyoung Hwang, Myoungsoo Jung

We propose DC-store, a storage framework that offers deterministic I/O performance for a multi-container execution environment. DC-store’s hardware-level design implements multiple NVM sets on a shared storage pool, each providing a deterministic SSD access time by removing internal resource conflicts. In parallel, software support of DC-Store is aware of the NVM sets and enlightens Linux kernel to isolate noisy neighbor containers, performing page frame reclaiming, from peers. We prototype both hardware and software counterparts of DC-Store and evaluate them in a real system. The evaluation results demonstrate that containerized data-intensive applications on DC-Store exhibit 31% shorter average execution time, on average, compared to those on a baseline system.

#14 GoSeed: Generating an Optimal Seeding Plan for Deduplicated Storage [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aviv Nachman, Gala Yadgar, Sarai Sheinvald

Deduplication decreases the physical occupancy of files in a storage volume by removing duplicate copies of data chunks, but creates data-sharing dependencies that complicate standard storage management tasks. Specifically, data migration plans must consider the dependencies between files that are remapped to new volumes and files that are not. Thus far, only greedy approaches have been suggested for constructing such plans, and it is unclear how they compare to one another and how much they can be improved. We set to bridge this gap for seeding—migration in which the target volume is initially empty. We present GoSeed, a formulation of seeding as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem, and three acceleration methods for applying it to real-sized storage volumes. Our experimental evaluation shows that, while the greedy approaches perform well on "easy" problem instances, the cost of their solution can be significantly higher than that of GoSeed's solution on “hard” instances, for which they are sometimes unable to find a solution at all.

#15 Characterizing, Modeling, and Benchmarking RocksDB Key-Value Workloads at Facebook [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhichao Cao, Siying Dong, Sagar Vemuri, David H.C. Du

Persistent key-value stores are widely used as building blocks in today's IT infrastructure for managing and storing large amounts of data. However, studies of characterizing real-world workloads for key-value stores are limited due to the lack of tracing/analyzing tools and the difficulty of collecting traces in operational environments. In this paper, we first present a detailed characterization of workloads from three typical RocksDB production use cases at Facebook: UDB (a MySQL storage layer for social graph data), ZippyDB (a distributed key-value store), and UP2X (a distributed key-value store for AI/ML services). These characterizations reveal several interesting findings: first, that the distribution of key and value sizes are highly related to the use cases/applications; second, that the accesses to key-value pairs have a good locality and follow certain special patterns; and third, that the collected performance metrics show a strong diurnal pattern in the UDB, but not the other two. We further discover that although the widely used key-value benchmark YCSB provides various workload configurations and key-value pair access distribution models, the YCSB-triggered workloads for underlying storage systems are still not close enough to the workloads we collected due to ignorance of key-space localities. To address this issue, we propose a key-range based modeling and develop a benchmark that can better emulate the workloads of real-world key-value stores. This benchmark can synthetically generate more precise key-value queries that represent the reads and writes of key-value stores to the underlying storage system.

#16 FPGA-Accelerated Compactions for LSM-based Key-Value Store [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Teng Zhang, Jianying Wang, Xuntao Cheng, Hao Xu, Nanlong Yu, Gui Huang, Tieying Zhang, Dengcheng He, Feifei Li, Wei Cao, Zhongdong Huang, Jianling Sun

Log-Structured Merge Tree (LSM-tree) key-value (KV) stores have been widely deployed in the industry due to its high write efficiency and low costs as a tiered storage. To maintain such advantages, LSM-tree relies on a background compaction operation to merge data records or collect garbages for housekeeping purposes. In this work, we identify that slow compactions jeopardize the system performance due to unchecked oversized levels in the LSM-tree, and resource contentions for the CPU and the I/O. We further find that the rising I/O capabilities of the latest disk storage have pushed compactions to be bounded by CPUs when merging short KVs. This causes both query/transaction processing and background compactions to compete for the bottlenecked CPU resources extensively in an LSM-tree KV store. In this paper, we propose to offload compactions to FPGAs aiming at accelerating compactions and reducing the CPU bottleneck for storing short KVs. Evaluations have shown that the proposed FPGA-offloading approach accelerates compactions by 2 to 5 times, improves the system throughput by up to 23%, and increases the energy efficiency (number of transactions per watt) by up to 31.7%, compared with the fine-tuned CPU-only baseline. Without loss of generality, we implement our proposal in X-Engine, a latest LSM-tree storage engine.

#17 HotRing: A Hotspot-Aware In-Memory Key-Value Store [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiqiang Chen, Liang Chen, Sheng Wang, Guoyun Zhu, Yuanyuan Sun, Huan Liu, Feifei Li

Due to travel restrictions, the authors could not attend the conference and their work was presented by Le Cai, Alibaba Group. In-memory key-value stores (KVSes) are widely used to cache hot data, in order to solve the hotspot issue in disk-based storage or distributed systems. The hotspot issue inside in-memory KVSes is however being overlooked. Due to the recent trend that hotspot issue becomes more serious, the lack of hotspot-awareness in existing KVSes make them poorly performed and unreliable on highly skewed workloads. In this paper, we explore hotspot-aware designs for in-memory index structures in KVSes. We first analyze the potential benefits from ideal hotspot-aware indexes, and discuss challenges (i.e., hotspot shift and concurrent access issues) in effectively leveraging hotspot-awareness. Based on these insights, we propose a novel hotspot-aware KVS, named HotRing, that is optimized for massively concurrent accesses to a small portion of items. HotRing is based on an ordered-ring hash index structure, which provides fast access to hot items by moving head pointers closer to them. It also applies a lightweight strategy to detect hotspot shifts at run-time. HotRing comprehensively adopts lock-free structures in its design, for both common operations (i.e., read, update) and HotRing-specific operations (i.e., hotspot shift detection, head pointer movement and ordered-ring rehash), so that massively concurrent requests can better leverage multi-core architectures. The extensive experiments show that our approach is able to achieve 2.58× improvement compared to other in-memory KVSes on highly skewed workloads.

#18 BCW: Buffer-Controlled Writes to HDDs for SSD-HDD Hybrid Storage Server [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shucheng Wang, Ziyi Lu, Qiang Cao, Hong Jiang, Jie Yao, Yuanyuan Dong, Puyuan Yang

Hybrid Storage servers combining high-speed SSDs and high-capacity HDDs are designed for high cost-effectiveness and provide μs-level responsiveness for applications. Observations from the production hybrid cloud storage system Pangu suggest that HDDs are often severely underutilized while SSDs are overused, especially for writes that dominate the hybrid storage. This lopsided utilization between HDDs and SSDs leads to not only fast wear-out in the latter but also very high tail latency due to frequent garbage collections induced by intensive writes to the latter. On the other hand, our extensive experimental study reveals that a series of sequential and continuous writes to HDDs exhibit a periodic, staircase shaped pattern of write latency, i.e., low (e.g., 35μs), middle (e.g., 55μs), and high latency (e.g., 12ms), resulting from buffered writes in HDD’s controller. This suggests that HDDs can potentially provide μs-level write IO delay (for appropriately scheduled writes), which is close to SSDs’ write performance. These observations inspire us to effectively exploit this performance potential of HDDs to absorb as many writes as possible to avoid SSD overuse without performance degradation. To achieve this goal, we first characterize performance behaviors of hybrid storage in general and its HDDs in particular. Based on the findings on sequential and continuous writes, we propose a prediction model to accurately determine next write latency state (i.e., fast, middle and slow). With this model, a Buffer-Controlled Write approach, BCW, is proposed to proactively and effectively control buffered writes so that low- and mid-latency periods in HDDs are scheduled with application write data and high-latency periods are filled with padded data. Based on BCW, we design a mixed IO scheduler (MIOS) to adaptively steer incoming data to SSDs and HDDs according to write patterns, runtime queue lengths, and disk status. We perform extensive evaluations under production workloads and benchmarks. The results show that MIOS removes up to 93% amount of data written to SSDs, reduces average and 99th-percentile latencies of the hybrid server by 65% and 85% respectively.

#19 InfiniCache: Exploiting Ephemeral Serverless Functions to Build a Cost-Effective Memory Cache [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ao Wang, Jingyuan Zhang, Xiaolong Ma, Ali Anwar, Lukas Rupprecht, Dimitrios Skourtis, Vasily Tarasov, Feng Yan, Yue Cheng

Internet-scale web applications are becoming increasingly storage-intensive and rely heavily on in-memory object caching to attain required I/O performance. We argue that the emerging serverless computing paradigm provides a well-suited, cost-effective platform for object caching. We present InfiniCache, a first-of-its-kind in-memory object caching system that is completely built and deployed atop ephemeral serverless functions. InfiniCache exploits and orchestrates serverless functions' memory resources to enable elastic pay-per-use caching. InfiniCache's design combines erasure coding, intelligent billed duration control, and an efficient data backup mechanism to maximize data availability and cost-effectiveness while balancing the risk of losing cached state and performance. We implement InfiniCache on AWS Lambda and show that it: (1) achieves 31 – 96× tenant-side cost savings compared to AWS ElastiCache for a large-object-only production workload, (2) can effectively provide 95.4% data availability for each one hour window, and (3) enables comparative performance seen in a typical in-memory cache.

#20 Quiver: An Informed Storage Cache for Deep Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Abhishek Vijaya Kumar, Muthian Sivathanu

We introduce Quiver, an informed storage cache for deep learning training (DLT) jobs in a cluster of GPUs. Quiver employs domain-specific intelligence within the caching layer, to achieve much higher efficieny compared to a generic storage cache. First, Quiver uses a secure hash-based addressing to transparently reuse cached data across multiple jobs and even multiple users operating on the same dataset. Second, by co-designing with the deep learning framework (\eg, PyTorch), Quiver employs a technique of {\em substitutable cache hits} to get more value from the existing contents of the cache, thus avoiding cache thrashing when cache capacity is much smaller than the working set. Third, Quiver dynamically prioritizes cache allocation to jobs that benefit the most from the caching. With a prototype implementation in PyTorch, we show that Quiver can significantly improve throughput of deep learning workloads.

#21 CRaft: An Erasure-coding-supported Version of Raft for Reducing Storage Cost and Network Cost [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zizhong Wang, Tongliang Li, Haixia Wang, Airan Shao, Yunren Bai, Shangming Cai, Zihan Xu, Dongsheng Wang

Due to travel restrictions, the authors could not attend the conference and their work was presented by Xiaoqi Chen, Princeton University. Consensus protocols can provide highly reliable and available distributed services. In these protocols, log entries are completely replicated to all servers. This complete-entry replication causes high storage and network costs, which harms performance. Erasure coding is a common technique to reduce storage and network costs while keeping the same fault tolerance ability. If the complete-entry replication in consensus protocols can be replaced with an erasure coding replication, storage and network costs can be greatly reduced. RS-Paxos is the first consensus protocol to support erasure-coded data, but it has much poorer availability compared to commonly used consensus protocols, like Paxos and Raft. We point out RS-Paxos's liveness problem and try to solve it. Based on Raft, we present a new protocol, CRaft. Providing two different replication methods, CRaft can use erasure coding to save storage and network costs like RS-Paxos, while it also keeps the same liveness as Raft. To demonstrate the benefits of our protocols, we built a key-value store based on CRaft, and evaluated it. In our experiments, CRaft could save 66% of storage, reach a 250% improvement on write throughput and reduce 60.8% of write latency compared to original Raft.

#22 Hybrid Data Reliability for Emerging Key-Value Storage Devices [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Rekha Pitchumani, Yang-suk Kee

Rapid growth in data storage technologies created the modern data-driven world. Modern workloads and application have influenced the evolution of storage devices from simple block devices to more intelligent object devices. Emerging, next-generation Key-Value (KV) storage devices allow storage and retrieval of variable-length user data directly onto the devices and can be addressed by user-desired variable-length keys. Traditional reliability schemes for multiple block storage devices, such as Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), have been around for a long time and used by most systems with multiple devices. Now, the question arises as to what an equivalent for such emerging object devices would look like, and how it would compare against the traditional mechanism. In this paper, we present Key-Value Multi-Device (KVMD), a hybrid data reliability manager that employs a variety of reliability techniques with different trade-offs, for key-value devices. We present three stateless reliability techniques suitable for variable length values, and evaluate the hybrid data reliability mechanism employing these techniques using KV SSDs from Samsung. Our evaluation shows that, compared to Linux mdadm-based RAID throughput degradation for block devices, data reliability for KV devices can be achieved at a comparable or lower throughput degradation. In addition, the KV API enables much quicker rebuild and recovery of failed devices, and also allows for both hybrid reliability configuration set automatically based on, say, value sizes, and custom per-object reliability configuration for user data.

#23 Strong and Efficient Consistency with Consistency-Aware Durability [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aishwarya Ganesan, Ramnatthan Alagappan, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau

We introduce consistency-aware durability or CAD, a new approach to durability in distributed storage that enables strong consistency while delivering high performance. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach by designing cross-client monotonic reads, a novel and strong consistency property that provides monotonic reads across failures and sessions in leader-based systems. We build ORCA, a modified version of ZooKeeper that implements CAD and cross-client monotonic reads. We experimentally show that ORCA provides strong consistency while closely matching the performance of weakly consistent ZooKeeper. Compared to strongly consistent ZooKeeper, ORCA provides significantly higher throughput (1.8 – 3.3×), and notably reduces latency, sometimes by an order of magnitude in geo-distributed settings.