USENIX-Sec.2024 - Fall

| Total: 145

#1 Towards Generic Database Management System Fuzzing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yupeng Yang ; Yongheng Chen ; Rui Zhong ; Jizhou Chen ; Wenke Lee

Database Management Systems play an indispensable role in modern cyberspace. While multiple fuzzing frameworks have been proposed in recent years to test relational (SQL) DBMSs to improve their security, non-relational (NoSQL) DBMSs have yet to experience the same scrutiny and lack an effective testing solution in general. In this work, we identify three limitations of existing approaches when extended to fuzz the DBMSs effectively in general: being non-generic, using static constraints, and generating loose data dependencies. Then, we propose effective solutions to address these limitations. We implement our solutions into an end-to-end fuzzing framework, BUZZBEE, which can effectively fuzz both relational and non-relational DBMSs. BUZZBEE successfully discovered 40 vulnerabilities in eight DBMSs of four different data models, of which 25 have been fixed with 4 new CVEs assigned. In our evaluation, BUZZBEE outperforms state-of-the-art generic fuzzers by up to 177% in terms of code coverage and discovers 30x more bugs than the second-best fuzzer for non-relational DBMSs, while achieving comparable results with specialized SQL fuzzers for the relational counterpart.

#2 Speculative Denial-of-Service Attacks In Ethereum [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Aviv Yaish ; Kaihua Qin ; Liyi Zhou ; Aviv Zohar ; Arthur Gervais

Transaction fees compensate actors for resources expended on transactions and can only be charged from transactions included in blocks. But, the expressiveness of Turing-complete contracts implies that verifying if transactions can be included requires executing them on the current blockchain state. In this work, we show that adversaries can craft malicious transactions that decouple the work imposed on blockchain actors from the compensation offered in return. We introduce three attacks: (i) ConditionalExhaust, a conditional resource-exhaustion attack against blockchain actors. (ii) MemPurge, an attack for evicting transactions from actors' mempools. (iii) GhostTX, an attack on the reputation system used in Ethereum's proposer-builder separation ecosystem. We evaluate our attacks on an Ethereum testnet and find that by combining ConditionalExhaust and MemPurge, adversaries can simultaneously burden victims' computational resources and clog their mempools to the point where victims are unable to include transactions in blocks. Thus, victims create empty blocks, thereby hurting the system's liveness. The attack's expected cost is $376, but becomes cheaper if adversaries are validators. For other attackers, costs decrease if censorship is prevalent in the network. ConditionalExhaust and MemPurge are made possible by inherent features of Turing-complete blockchains, and potential mitigations may result in reducing a ledger's scalability.

#3 "I feel physically safe but not politically safe": Understanding the Digital Threats and Safety Practices of OnlyFans Creators [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Ananta Soneji ; Vaughn Hamilton ; Adam Doupé ; Allison McDonald ; Elissa M. Redmiles

OnlyFans is a subscription-based social media platform with over 1.5 million content creators and 150 million users worldwide. OnlyFans creators primarily produce intimate content for sale on the platform. As such, they are distinctly positioned as content creators and sex workers. Through a qualitative interview study with OnlyFans creators (n=43), building on an existing framework of online hate and harassment, we shed light on the nuanced threats they face and their safety practices. Additionally, we examine the impact of factors such as stigma, prominence, and platform policies on shaping the threat landscape for OnlyFans creators and detail the preemptive practices they undertake to protect themselves. Leveraging these results, we synthesize opportunities to address the challenges of sexual content creators.

#4 PINE: Efficient Verification of a Euclidean Norm Bound of a Secret-Shared Vector [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Guy N. Rothblum ; Eran Omri ; Junye Chen ; Kunal Talwar

Secure aggregation of high-dimensional vectors is a fundamental primitive in federated statistics and learning. A two-server system such as PRIO allows for scalable aggregation of secret-shared vectors. Adversarial clients might try to manipulate the aggregate, so it is important to ensure that each (secret-shared) contribution is well-formed. In this work, we focus on the important and well-studied goal of ensuring that each contribution vector has bounded Euclidean norm. Existing protocols for ensuring bounded-norm contributions either incur a large communication overhead, or only allow for approximate verification of the norm bound. We propose Private Inexpensive Norm Enforcement (PINE): a new protocol that allows exact norm verification with little communication overhead. For high-dimensional vectors, our approach has a communication overhead of a few percent, compared to the 16-32x overhead of previous approaches.

#5 SHiFT: Semi-hosted Fuzz Testing for Embedded Applications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Alejandro Mera ; Changming Liu ; Ruimin Sun ; Engin Kirda ; Long Lu

Modern microcontrollers (MCU)s are ubiquitous on critical embedded applications in the IoT era. Therefore, securing MCU firmware is fundamental. To analyze MCU firmware security, existing works mostly adopt re-hosting based techniques. These techniques transplant firmware to an engineered platform and require tailored hardware or emulation of different parts of the MCU. As a result, security practitioners have observed low-fidelity, false positives, and reduced compatibility with real and complex hardware. This paper presents SHiFT, a framework that leverages the industry semihosting philosophy to provide a brandnew method that analyzes firmware natively in MCUs. This novel method provides high fidelity, reduces false positives, and grants compatibility with complex peripherals, asynchronous events, real-time operations, and direct memory access (DMA). We verified compatibility of SHiFT with thirteen popular embedded architectures, and fully evaluated prototypes for ARMv7-M, ARMv8-M and Xtensa architectures. Our evaluation shows that SHiFT can detect a wide range of firmware faults with instrumentation running natively in the MCU. In terms of performance, SHiFT is up to two orders of magnitude faster (i.e., ×100) than software-based emulation, and even comparable to fuzz testing native applications in a workstation. Thanks to SHiFT's unique characteristics, we discovered five previously unknown vulnerabilities, including a zero-day on the popular FreeRTOS kernel, with no false positives. Our prototypes and source code are publicly available at

#6 CAMP: Compositional Amplification Attacks against DNS [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huayi Duan ; Marco Bearzi ; Jodok Vieli ; David Basin ; Adrian Perrig ; Si Liu ; Bernhard Tellenbach

While DNS is often exploited by reflective DoS attacks, it can also be weaponized as a powerful amplifier to overload itself, as evidenced by a stream of recently discovered application-layer amplification attacks. Given the importance of DNS, the question arises of what the fundamental traits are for such attacks. To answer this question, we perform a systematic investigation by establishing a taxonomy of amplification primitives intrinsic to DNS and a framework to analyze their composability. This approach leads to the discovery of a large family of compositional amplification (CAMP) vulnerabilities, which can produce multiplicative effects with message amplification factors of hundreds to thousands. Our measurements with popular DNS implementations and open resolvers indicate the ubiquity and severity of CAMP vulnerabilities and the serious threats they pose to the Internet's crucial naming infrastructure.

#7 Rise of Inspectron: Automated Black-box Auditing of Cross-platform Electron Apps [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mir Masood Ali ; Mohammad Ghasemisharif ; Chris Kanich ; Jason Polakis

Browser-based cross-platform applications have become increasingly popular as they allow software vendors to sidestep two major issues in the app ecosystem. First, web apps can be impacted by the performance deterioration affecting browsers, as the continuous adoption of diverse and complex features has led to bloating. Second, re-developing or porting apps to different operating systems and execution environments is a costly, error-prone process. Instead, frameworks like Electron allow the creation of standalone apps for different platforms using JavaScript code (e.g., reused from an existing web app) and by incorporating a stripped down and configurable browser engine. Despite the aforementioned advantages, these apps face significant security and privacy threats that are either non-applicable to traditional web apps (due to the lack of access to certain system-facing APIs) or ineffective against them (due to countermeasures already baked into browsers). In this paper we present Inspectron, an automated dynamic analysis framework that audits packaged Electron apps for potential security vulnerabilities stemming from developers' deviation from recommended security practices. Our study reveals a multitude of insecure practices and problematic trends in the Electron app ecosystem, highlighting the gap filled by Inspectron as it provides extensive and comprehensive auditing capabilities for developers and researchers.

#8 DVa: Extracting Victims and Abuse Vectors from Android Accessibility Malware [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haichuan Xu ; Mingxuan Yao ; Runze Zhang ; Mohamed Moustafa Dawoud ; Jeman Park ; Brendan Saltaformaggio

The Android accessibility (a11y) service is widely abused by malware to conduct on-device monetization fraud. Existing mitigation techniques focus on malware detection but overlook providing users evidence of abuses that have already occurred and notifying victims to facilitate defenses. We developed DVa, a malware analysis pipeline based on dynamic victim-guided execution and abuse-vector-guided symbolic analysis, to help investigators uncover a11y malware's targeted victims, victim-specific abuse vectors, and persistence mechanisms. We deployed DVa to investigate Android devices infected with 9,850 a11y malware. From the extractions, DVa uncovered 215 unique victims targeted with an average of 13.9 abuse routines. DVa also extracted six persistence mechanisms empowered by the a11y service.

#9 VoltSchemer: Use Voltage Noise to Manipulate Your Wireless Charger [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Zihao Zhan ; Yirui Yang ; Haoqi Shan ; Hanqiu Wang ; Yier Jin ; Shuo Wang

Wireless charging is becoming an increasingly popular charging solution in portable electronic products for a more convenient and safer charging experience than conventional wired charging. However, our research identified new vulnerabilities in wireless charging systems, making them susceptible to intentional electromagnetic interference. These vulnerabilities facilitate a set of novel attack vectors, enabling adversaries to manipulate the charger and perform a series of attacks. In this paper, we propose VoltSchemer, a set of innovative attacks that grant attackers control over commercial-off-the-shelf wireless chargers merely by modulating the voltage from the power supply. These attacks represent the first of its kind, exploiting voltage noises from the power supply to manipulate wireless chargers without necessitating any malicious modifications to the chargers themselves. The significant threats imposed by VoltSchemer are substantiated by three practical attacks, where a charger can be manipulated to: control voice assistants via inaudible voice commands, damage devices being charged through overcharging or overheating, and bypass Qi-standard specified foreign-object-detection mechanism to damage valuable items exposed to intense magnetic fields. We demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of the VoltSchemer attacks with successful attacks on 9 top-selling COTS wireless chargers. Furthermore, we discuss the security implications of our findings and suggest possible countermeasures to mitigate potential threats.

#10 SoK: State of the Krawlers – Evaluating the Effectiveness of Crawling Algorithms for Web Security Measurements [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aleksei Stafeev ; Giancarlo Pellegrino

Web crawlers are tools widely used in web security measurements whose performance and impact have been limitedly studied so far. In this paper, we bridge this gap. Starting from the past 12 years of the top security, web measurement, and software engineering literature, we categorize and decompose in building blocks crawling techniques and methodologic choices. We then reimplement and patch crawling techniques and integrate them into Arachnarium, a framework for comparative evaluations, which we use to run one of the most comprehensive experimental evaluations against nine real and two benchmark web applications and top 10K CrUX websites to assess the performance and adequacy of algorithms across three metrics (code, link, and JavaScript source coverage). Finally, we distill 14 insights and lessons learned. Our results show that despite a lack of clear and homogeneous descriptions hindering reimplementations, proposed and commonly used crawling algorithms offer a lower coverage than randomized ones, indicating room for improvement. Also, our results show a complex relationship between experiment parameters, the study's domain, and the available computing resources, where no single best-performing crawler configuration exists. We hope our results will guide future researchers when setting up their studies.

#11 That Doesn't Go There: Attacks on Shared State in Multi-User Augmented Reality Applications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Carter Slocum ; Yicheng Zhang ; Erfan Shayegani ; Pedram Zaree ; Nael Abu-Ghazaleh ; Jiasi Chen

Augmented Reality (AR) can enable shared virtual experiences between multiple users. In order to do so, it is crucial for multi-user AR applications to establish a consensus on the "shared state" of the virtual world and its augmentations through which users interact. Current methods to create and access shared state collect sensor data from devices (e.g., camera images), process them, and integrate them into the shared state. However, this process introduces new vulnerabilities and opportunities for attacks. Maliciously writing false data to "poison" the shared state is a major concern for the security of the downstream victims that depend on it. Another type of vulnerability arises when reading the shared state: by providing false inputs, an attacker can view hologram augmentations at locations they are not allowed to access. In this work, we demonstrate a series of novel attacks on multiple AR frameworks with shared states, focusing on three publicly accessible frameworks. We show that these frameworks, while using different underlying implementations, scopes, and mechanisms to read from and write to the shared state, have shared vulnerability to a unified threat model. Our evaluations of these state-of-the-art AR frameworks demonstrate reliable attacks both on updating and accessing the shared state across different systems. To defend against such threats, we discuss a number of potential mitigation strategies that can help enhance the security of multi-user AR applications and implement an initial prototype.

#12 SDFuzz: Target States Driven Directed Fuzzing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Penghui Li ; Wei Meng ; Chao Zhang

Directed fuzzers often unnecessarily explore program code and paths that cannot trigger the target vulnerabilities. We observe that the major application scenarios of directed fuzzing provide detailed vulnerability descriptions, from which highly-valuable program states (i.e., target states) can be derived, e.g., call traces when a vulnerability gets triggered. By driving to expose such target states, directed fuzzers can exclude massive unnecessary exploration. Inspired by the observation, we present SDFuzz, an efficient directed fuzzing tool driven by target states. SDFuzz first automatically extracts target states in vulnerability reports and static analysis results. SDFuzz employs a selective instrumentation technique to reduce the fuzzing scope to the required code for reaching target states. SDFuzz then early terminates the execution of a test case once SDFuzz probes that the remaining execution cannot reach the target states. It further uses a new target state feedback and refines prior imprecise distance metric into a two-dimensional feedback mechanism to proactively drive the exploration towards the target states. We thoroughly evaluated SDFuzz on known vulnerabilities and compared it to related works. The results show that SDFuzz could improve vulnerability exposure capability with more vulnerability triggered and less time used, outperforming the state-of-the-art solutions. SDFuzz could significantly improve the fuzzing throughput. Our application of SDFuzz to automatically validate the static analysis results successfully discovered four new vulnerabilities in well-tested applications. Three of them have been acknowledged by developers.

#13 FEASE: Fast and Expressive Asymmetric Searchable Encryption [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Long Meng ; Liqun Chen ; Yangguang Tian ; Mark Manulis ; Suhui Liu

Asymmetric Searchable Encryption (ASE) is a promising cryptographic mechanism that enables a semi-trusted cloud server to perform keyword searches over encrypted data for users. To be useful, an ASE scheme must support expressive search queries, which are expressed as conjunction, disjunction, or any Boolean formulas. In this paper, we propose a fast and expressive ASE scheme that is adaptively secure, called FEASE. It requires only 3 pairing operations for searching any conjunctive set of keywords independent of the set size and has linear complexity for encryption and trapdoor algorithms in the number of keywords. FEASE is based on a new fast Anonymous Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (A-KP-ABE) scheme as our first proposal, which is of independent interest. To address optional protection against keyword guessing attacks, we extend FEASE into the first expressive Public-Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search (PAEKS) scheme. We provide implementations and evaluate the performance of all three schemes, while also comparing them with the state of the art. We observe that FEASE outperforms all existing expressive ASE constructions and that our A-KP-ABE scheme offers anonymity with efficiency comparable to the currently fastest yet non-anonymous KP-ABE schemes FAME (ACM CCS 2017) and FABEO (ACM CCS 2022).

#14 Critical Code Guided Directed Greybox Fuzzing for Commits [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yi Xiang ; Xuhong Zhang ; Peiyu Liu ; Shouling Ji ; Xiao Xiao ; Hong Liang ; Jiacheng Xu ; Wenhai Wang

Newly submitted commits are prone to introducing vulnerabilities into programs. As a promising countermeasure, directed greybox fuzzers can be employed to test commit changes by designating the commit change sites as targets. However, existing directed fuzzers primarily focus on reaching a single target and neglect the diverse exploration of the additional affected code. As a result, they may overlook bugs that crash at a distant site from the change site and lack directness in multi-target scenarios, which are both very common in the context of commit testing. In this paper, we propose WAFLGO, a direct greybox fuzzer, to effectively discover vulnerabilities introduced by commits. WAFLGO employs a novel critical code guided input generation strategy to thoroughly explore the affected code. Specifically, we identify two types of critical code: pathprefix code and data-suffix code. The critical code first guides the input generation to gradually and incrementally reach the change sites. Then while maintaining the reachability of the critical code, the input generation strategy further encourages the diversity of the generated inputs in exploring the affected code. Additionally, WAFLGO introduces a lightweight multitarget distance metric for directness and thorough examination of all change sites. We implement WAFLGO and evaluate it with 30 real-world bugs introduced by commits. Compared to eight state-of-the-art tools, WAFLGO achieves an average speedup of 10.3×. Furthermore, WAFLGO discovers seven new vulnerabilities including four CVEs while testing the most recent 50 commits of real-world software, including libtiff, fig2dev, and libming, etc.

#15 Page-Oriented Programming: Subverting Control-Flow Integrity of Commodity Operating System Kernels with Non-Writable Code Pages [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Seunghun Han ; Seong-Joong Kim ; Wook Shin ; Byung Joon Kim ; Jae-Cheol Ryou

This paper presents a novel attack technique called page-oriented programming, which reuses existing code gadgets by remapping physical pages to the virtual address space of a program at runtime. The page remapping vulnerabilities may lead to data breaches or may damage kernel integrity. Therefore, manufacturers have recently released products equipped with hardware-assisted guest kernel integrity enforcement. This paper extends the notion of the page remapping attack to another type of code-reuse attack, which can not only be used for altering or sniffing kernel data but also for building and executing malicious code at runtime. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this attack on state-of-the-art hardware and software, where control-flow integrity policies are enforced, thus highlighting its capability to render most legacy systems vulnerable.

#16 A Linear Reconstruction Approach for Attribute Inference Attacks against Synthetic Data [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Meenatchi Sundaram Muthu Selva Annamalai ; Andrea Gadotti ; Luc Rocher

Recent advances in synthetic data generation (SDG) have been hailed as a solution to the difficult problem of sharing sensitive data while protecting privacy. SDG aims to learn statistical properties of real data in order to generate "artificial" data that are structurally and statistically similar to sensitive data. However, prior research suggests that inference attacks on synthetic data can undermine privacy, but only for specific outlier records. In this work, we introduce a new attribute inference attack against synthetic data. The attack is based on linear reconstruction methods for aggregate statistics, which target all records in the dataset, not only outliers. We evaluate our attack on state-of-the-art SDG algorithms, including Probabilistic Graphical Models, Generative Adversarial Networks, and recent differentially private SDG mechanisms. By defining a formal privacy game, we show that our attack can be highly accurate even on arbitrary records, and that this is the result of individual information leakage (as opposed to population-level inference). We then systematically evaluate the tradeoff between protecting privacy and preserving statistical utility. Our findings suggest that current SDG methods cannot consistently provide sufficient privacy protection against inference attacks while retaining reasonable utility. The best method evaluated, a differentially private SDG mechanism, can provide both protection against inference attacks and reasonable utility, but only in very specific settings. Lastly, we show that releasing a larger number of synthetic records can improve utility but at the cost of making attacks far more effective.

#17 SoK (or SoLK?): On the Quantitative Study of Sociodemographic Factors and Computer Security Behaviors [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Miranda Wei ; Jaron Mink ; Yael Eiger ; Tadayoshi Kohno ; Elissa M. Redmiles ; Franziska Roesner

Researchers are increasingly exploring how gender, culture, and other sociodemographic factors correlate with user computer security and privacy behaviors. To more holistically understand relationships between these factors and behaviors, we make two contributions. First, we broadly survey existing scholarship on sociodemographics and secure behavior (151 papers) before conducting a focused literature review of 47 papers to synthesize what is currently known and identify open questions for future research. Second, by incorporating contemporary social and critical theories, we establish guidelines for future studies of sociodemographic factors and security behaviors that address how to overcome common pitfalls. We present a case study to demonstrate our guidelines in action, at-scale, that conduct a measurement study of the relationships between sociodemographics and de-identified, aggregated log data of security and privacy behaviors among 16,829 users on Facebook across 16 countries. Through these contributions, we position our work as a systemization of a lack of knowledge (SoLK). Overall, we find contradictory results and vast unknowns about how identity shapes security behavior. Through our guidelines and discussion, we chart new directions to more deeply examine how and why sociodemographic factors affect security behaviors.

#18 On the Difficulty of Defending Contrastive Learning against Backdoor Attacks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Changjiang Li ; Ren Pang ; Bochuan Cao ; Zhaohan Xi ; Jinghui Chen ; Shouling Ji ; Ting Wang

Recent studies have shown that contrastive learning, like supervised learning, is highly vulnerable to backdoor attacks wherein malicious functions are injected into target models, only to be activated by specific triggers. However, thus far it remains under-explored how contrastive backdoor attacks fundamentally differ from their supervised counterparts, which impedes the development of effective defenses against the emerging threat. This work represents a solid step toward answering this critical question. Specifically, we define TRL, a unified framework that encompasses both supervised and contrastive backdoor attacks. Through the lens of TRL, we uncover that the two types of attacks operate through distinctive mechanisms: in supervised attacks, the learning of benign and backdoor tasks tends to occur independently, while in contrastive attacks, the two tasks are deeply intertwined both in their representations and throughout their learning processes. This distinction leads to the disparate learning dynamics and feature distributions of supervised and contrastive attacks. More importantly, we reveal that the specificities of contrastive backdoor attacks entail important implications from a defense perspective: existing defenses for supervised attacks are often inadequate and not easily retrofitted to contrastive attacks. We also explore several promising alternative defenses and discuss their potential challenges. Our findings highlight the need for defenses tailored to the specificities of contrastive backdoor attacks, pointing to promising directions for future research.

#19 "I chose to fight, be brave, and to deal with it": Threat Experiences and Security Practices of Pakistani Content Creators [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lea Gröber ; Waleed Arshad ; Shanza ; Angelica Goetzen ; Elissa M. Redmiles ; Maryam Mustafa ; Katharina Krombholz

Content creators are exposed to elevated risks compared to the general Internet user. This study explores the threat landscape that creators in Pakistan are exposed to, how they protect themselves, and which support structures they rely on. We conducted a semi-structured interview study with 23 creators from diverse backgrounds who create content on various topics. Our data suggests that online threats frequently spill over into the offline world, especially for gender minorities. Creating content on sensitive topics like politics, religion, and human rights is associated with elevated risks. We find that defensive mechanisms and external support structures are non-existent, lacking, or inadequately adjusted to the sociocultural context of Pakistan. Disclaimer: This paper contains quotes describing harmful experiences relating to sexual and physical assault, eating disorders, and extreme threats of violence.

#20 More Simplicity for Trainers, More Opportunity for Attackers: Black-Box Attacks on Speaker Recognition Systems by Inferring Feature Extractor [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yunjie Ge ; Pinji Chen ; Qian Wang ; Lingchen Zhao ; Ningping Mou ; Peipei Jiang ; Cong Wang ; Qi Li ; Chao Shen

Recent studies have revealed that deep learning-based speaker recognition systems (SRSs) are vulnerable to adversarial examples (AEs). However, the practicality of existing black-box AE attacks is restricted by the requirement for extensive querying of the target system or the limited attack success rates (ASR). In this paper, we introduce VoxCloak, a new targeted AE attack with superior performance in both these aspects. Distinct from existing methods that optimize AEs by querying the target model, VoxCloak initially employs a small number of queries (e.g., a few hundred) to infer the feature extractor used by the target system. It then utilizes this feature extractor to generate any number of AEs locally without the need for further queries. We evaluate VoxCloak on four commercial speaker recognition (SR) APIs and seven voice assistants. On the SR APIs, VoxCloak surpasses the existing transfer-based attacks, improving ASR by 76.25% and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by 13.46 dB, as well as the decision-based attacks, requiring 33 times fewer queries and improving SNR by 7.87 dB while achieving comparable ASRs. On the voice assistants, VoxCloak outperforms the existing methods with a 49.40% improvement in ASR and a 15.79 dB improvement in SNR.

#21 EaTVul: ChatGPT-based Evasion Attack Against Software Vulnerability Detection [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Shigang Liu ; Di Cao ; Junae Kim ; Tamas Abraham ; Paul Montague ; Seyit Camtepe ; Jun Zhang ; Yang Xiang

Recently, deep learning has demonstrated promising results in enhancing the accuracy of vulnerability detection and identifying vulnerabilities in software. However, these techniques are still vulnerable to attacks. Adversarial examples can exploit vulnerabilities within deep neural networks, posing a significant threat to system security. This study showcases the susceptibility of deep learning models to adversarial attacks, which can achieve 100% attack success rate. The proposed method, EaTVul, encompasses six stages: identification of important adversarial samples using support vector machines, identification of important features using the attention mechanism, generation of adversarial data based on these features, preparation of an adversarial attack pool, selection of seed data using a fuzzy genetic algorithm, and the execution of an evasion attack. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of EaTVul, achieving an attack success rate of more than 83% when the snippet size is greater than 2. Furthermore, in most cases with a snippet size of 4, EaTVul achieves a 100% attack success rate. The findings of this research emphasize the necessity of robust defenses against adversarial attacks in software vulnerability detection.

#22 How Does a Deep Learning Model Architecture Impact Its Privacy? A Comprehensive Study of Privacy Attacks on CNNs and Transformers [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Guangsheng Zhang ; Bo Liu ; Huan Tian ; Tianqing Zhu ; Ming Ding ; Wanlei Zhou

As a booming research area in the past decade, deep learning technologies have been driven by big data collected and processed on an unprecedented scale. However, privacy concerns arise due to the potential leakage of sensitive information from the training data. Recent research has revealed that deep learning models are vulnerable to various privacy attacks, including membership inference attacks, attribute inference attacks, and gradient inversion attacks. Notably, the efficacy of these attacks varies from model to model. In this paper, we answer a fundamental question: Does model architecture affect model privacy? By investigating representative model architectures from convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to Transformers, we demonstrate that Transformers generally exhibit higher vulnerability to privacy attacks than CNNs. Additionally, we identify the micro design of activation layers, stem layers, and LN layers, as major factors contributing to the resilience of CNNs against privacy attacks, while the presence of attention modules is another main factor that exacerbates the privacy vulnerability of Transformers. Our discovery reveals valuable insights for deep learning models to defend against privacy attacks and inspires the research community to develop privacy-friendly model architectures.

#23 Fast and Private Inference of Deep Neural Networks by Co-designing Activation Functions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Abdulrahman Diaa ; Lucas Fenaux ; Thomas Humphries ; Marian Dietz ; Faezeh Ebrahimianghazani ; Bailey Kacsmar ; Xinda Li ; Nils Lukas ; Rasoul Akhavan Mahdavi ; Simon Oya ; Ehsan Amjadian ; Florian Kerschbaum

Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) is an increasingly popular design where a company with abundant computing resources trains a deep neural network and offers query access for tasks like image classification. The challenge with this design is that MLaaS requires the client to reveal their potentially sensitive queries to the company hosting the model. Multi-party computation (MPC) protects the client's data by allowing encrypted inferences. However, current approaches suffer from prohibitively large inference times. The inference time bottleneck in MPC is the evaluation of non-linear layers such as ReLU activation functions. Motivated by the success of previous work co-designing machine learning and MPC, we develop an activation function co-design. We replace all ReLUs with a polynomial approximation and evaluate them with single-round MPC protocols, which give state-of-theart inference times in wide-area networks. Furthermore, to address the accuracy issues previously encountered with polynomial activations, we propose a novel training algorithm that gives accuracy competitive with plaintext models. Our evaluation shows between 3 and 110× speedups in inference time on large models with up to 23 million parameters while maintaining competitive inference accuracy.

#24 Transferability of White-box Perturbations: Query-Efficient Adversarial Attacks against Commercial DNN Services [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Meng Shen ; Changyue Li ; Qi Li ; Hao Lu ; Liehuang Zhu ; Ke Xu

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been proven to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Existing decision-based adversarial attacks require large numbers of queries to find an effective adversarial example, resulting in a heavy query cost and also performance degradation under defenses. In this paper, we propose the Dispersed Sampling Attack (DSA), which is a query-efficient decision-based adversarial attack by exploiting the transferability of white-box perturbations. DSA can generate diverse examples with different locations in the embedding space, which provides more information about the adversarial region of substitute models and allows us to search for transferable perturbations. Specifically, DSA samples in a hypersphere centered on an original image, and progressively constrains the perturbation. Extensive experiments are conducted on public datasets to evaluate the performance of DSA in closed-set and open-set scenarios. DSA outperforms the state-of-the-art attacks in terms of both attack success rate (ASR) and average number of queries (AvgQ). Specifically, DSA achieves an ASR of about 90% with an AvgQ of 200 on 4 well-known commercial DNN services.

#25 Query Recovery from Easy to Hard: Jigsaw Attack against SSE [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hao Nie ; Wei Wang ; Peng Xu ; Xianglong Zhang ; Laurence T. Yang ; Kaitai Liang

Searchable symmetric encryption schemes often unintentionally disclose certain sensitive information, such as access, volume, and search patterns. Attackers can exploit such leakages and other available knowledge related to the user's database to recover queries. We find that the effectiveness of query recovery attacks depends on the volume/frequency distribution of keywords. Queries containing keywords with high volumes/frequencies are more susceptible to recovery, even when countermeasures are implemented. Attackers can also effectively leverage these "special" queries to recover all others. By exploiting the above finding, we propose a Jigsaw attack that begins by accurately identifying and recovering those distinctive queries. Leveraging the volume, frequency, and cooccurrence information, our attack achieves 90% accuracy in three tested datasets, which is comparable to previous attacks (Oya et al., USENIX' 22 and Damie et al., USENIX' 21). With the same runtime, our attack demonstrates an advantage over the attack proposed by Oya et al (approximately 15% more accuracy when the keyword universe size is 15k). Furthermore, our proposed attack outperforms existing attacks against widely studied countermeasures, achieving roughly 60% and 85% accuracy against the padding and the obfuscation, respectively. In this context, with a large keyword universe (≥3k), it surpasses current state-of-the-art attacks by more than 20%.