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#1 Fast and Accurate Deep Bidirectional Language Representations for Unsupervised Learning [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Joongbo Shin, Yoonhyung Lee, Seunghyun Yoon, Kyomin Jung

Even though BERT achieves successful performance improvements in various supervised learning tasks, applying BERT for unsupervised tasks still holds a limitation that it requires repetitive inference for computing contextual language representations. To resolve the limitation, we propose a novel deep bidirectional language model called Transformer-based Text Autoencoder (T-TA). The T-TA computes contextual language representations without repetition and has benefits of the deep bidirectional architecture like BERT. In run-time experiments on CPU environments, the proposed T-TA performs over six times faster than the BERT-based model in the reranking task and twelve times faster in the semantic similarity task. Furthermore, the T-TA shows competitive or even better accuracies than those of BERT on the above tasks.

Subject: Computation and Language

Publish: 2020-04-17 07:43:38 UTC