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In past years, the minimax type single-level optimization formulation and its variations have been widely utilized to address Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Unfortunately, it has been proved that these alternating learning strategies cannot exactly reveal the intrinsic relationship between the generator and discriminator, thus easily result in a series of issues, including mode collapse, vanishing gradients and oscillations in the training phase, etc. In this work, by investigating the fundamental mechanism of GANs from the perspective of hierarchical optimization, we propose Best-Response Constraint (BRC), a general learning framework, that can explicitly formulate the potential dependency of the generator on the discriminator. Rather than adopting these existing time-consuming bilevel iterations, we design an implicit gradient scheme with outer-product Hessian approximation as our fast solution strategy. \emph{Noteworthy, we demonstrate that even with different motivations and formulations, a variety of existing GANs ALL can be uniformly improved by our flexible BRC methodology.} Extensive quantitative and qualitative experimental results verify the effectiveness, flexibility and stability of our proposed framework.