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#1 Vidu: a Highly Consistent, Dynamic and Skilled Text-to-Video Generator with Diffusion Models [PDF22] [Copy] [Kimi13]

Authors: Fan Bao ; Chendong Xiang ; Gang Yue ; Guande He ; Hongzhou Zhu ; Kaiwen Zheng ; Min Zhao ; Shilong Liu ; Yaole Wang ; Jun Zhu

We introduce Vidu, a high-performance text-to-video generator that is capable of producing 1080p videos up to 16 seconds in a single generation. Vidu is a diffusion model with U-ViT as its backbone, which unlocks the scalability and the capability for handling long videos. Vidu exhibits strong coherence and dynamism, and is capable of generating both realistic and imaginative videos, as well as understanding some professional photography techniques, on par with Sora -- the most powerful reported text-to-video generator. Finally, we perform initial experiments on other controllable video generation, including canny-to-video generation, video prediction and subject-driven generation, which demonstrate promising results.