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#1 JWST FRESCO: a comprehensive census of H$β$+[OIII] emitters at 6.8<z<9.0 in the GOODS fields [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: R. A. Meyer ; P. A. Oesch ; E. Giovinazzo ; A. Weibel ; G. Brammer ; J. Matthee ; R. P. Naidu ; R. J. Bouwens ; J. Chisholm ; A. Covelo-Paz ; Y. Fudamoto ; M. Maseda ; E. Nelson ; I. Shivaei ; M. Xiao ; T. Herard-Demanche ; G. D. Illingworth ; J. Kerutt ; I. Kramarenko ; I. Labbe ; E. Leonova ; D. Magee ; J. Matharu ; G. Prieto Lyon ; N. Reddy ; D. Schaerer ; A. Shapley ; M. Stefanon ; M. A. Wozniak ; S. Wuyts

We present the census of H$\beta$+[O III] $4960,5008$ \AA emitters at $6.8<z<9.0$ from the JWST FRESCO survey over 124 arcmin$^2$ in the GOODS-North and GOODS-South fields. Our unbiased spectroscopic search results in 137 spectroscopically-confirmed galaxies at $6.8<z<9.0$ with observed [O III] fluxes $f_{[O III]}\gtrsim 1\times 10^{-18}\ \rm{erg}\ \rm{s}^{-1} \ \rm{cm}^{-2}$. The rest-frame optical line ratios of the median stacked spectrum indicate negligible dust attenuation, low metallicity ($12+\log(\rm{O/H})= 7.2-7.7$) and a high ionisation parameter $\log_{10}U \simeq -2.5$ at a median UV magnitude $M_{\rm{UV}}=-19.65^{+0.59}_{-1.05}$. We find a factor $\times\ 1.3$ difference in the number density of $6.8<z<9.0$ galaxies between GOODS-South and GOODS-North, which is caused by single overdensity at $7.0<z<7.2$ in GOODS-North. The bright end of the UV luminosity function of spectroscopically-confirmed [O III] emitters is in good agreement with that from pre-JWST dropout-selected samples. Discrepancies between the observed [O III] LF, [O III] /UV ratio and [O III] equivalent widths distribution and that predicted by theoretical models suggest burstier star-formation histories and/or more heterogeneous metallicity and ionising conditions in $z>7$ galaxies. We report a rapid decline of the [O III] luminosity density at $z\gtrsim 6-7$ which cannot be explained solely by the evolution of the cosmic star-formation rate density. Finally, we find that FRESCO, in only $2$h, captures star-forming galaxies likely accounting for $\sim 10-20\%$ of the ionising budget at $z=7$ and $z=8$, raising the prospect of detecting directly all the sources of reionisation with JWST.