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#1 Discretized Quantum Exhaustive Search for Variational Quantum Algorithms [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Dekel Meirom ; Ittay Alfassi ; Tal Mor

Quantum computers promise a great computational advantage over classical computers, yet currently available quantum devices have only a limited amount of qubits and a high level of noise, limiting the size of problems that can be solved accurately with those devices. Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) have emerged as a leading strategy to address these limitations by optimizing cost functions based on measurement results of shallow-depth circuits. However, the optimization process usually suffers from severe trainability issues as a result of the exponentially large search space, mainly local minima and barren plateaus. Here we propose a novel method that can improve variational quantum algorithms -- ``discretized quantum exhaustive search''. On classical computers, exhaustive search, also named brute force, solves small-size NP complete and NP hard problems. Exhaustive search and efficient partial exhaustive search help designing heuristics and exact algorithms for solving larger-size problems by finding easy subcases or good approximations. We adopt this method to the quantum domain, by relying on mutually unbiased bases for the $2^n$-dimensional Hilbert space. We define a discretized quantum exhaustive search that works well for small size problems. We provide an example of an efficient partial discretized quantum exhaustive search for larger-size problems, in order to extend classical tools to the quantum computing domain, for near future and far future goals. Our method enables obtaining intuition on NP-complete and NP-hard problems as well as on Quantum Merlin Arthur (QMA)-complete and QMA-hard problems. We demonstrate our ideas in many simple cases, providing the energy landscape for various problems and presenting two types of energy curves via VQAs.

Subject: Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-07-24 22:06:05 UTC