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#1 Data-driven approach to mixed-state multipartite entanglement characterisation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Eric Brunner ; Aaron Xie ; Gabriel Dufour ; Andreas Buchleitner

We develop a statistical framework, based on a manifold learning embedding, to extract relevant features of multipartite entanglement structures of mixed quantum states from the measurable correlation data of a quantum computer. We show that the statistics of the measured correlators contains sufficient information to characterise the entanglement, and to quantify the mixedness of the state of the computer's register. The transition to the maximally mixed regime, in the embedding space, displays a sharp boundary between entangled and separable states. Away from this boundary, the multipartite entanglement structure is robust to finite noise.

Subject: Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-07-25 13:07:26 UTC