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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) cohorts collect data longitudinally to study the association between CVD risk factors and event times. An important area of scientific research is to better understand what features of CVD risk factor trajectories are associated with the disease. We develop methods for feature selection in joint models where feature selection is viewed as a bi-level variable selection problem with multiple features nested within multiple longitudinal risk factors. We modify a previously proposed Bayesian sparse group selection (BSGS) prior, which has not been implemented in joint models until now, to better represent prior beliefs when selecting features both at the group level (longitudinal risk factor) and within group (features of a longitudinal risk factor). One of the advantages of our method over the BSGS method is the ability to account for correlation among the features within a risk factor. As a result, it selects important features similarly, but excludes the unimportant features within risk factors more efficiently than BSGS. We evaluate our prior via simulations and apply our method to data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, a population-based, prospective cohort study consisting of over 15,000 men and women aged 45-64, measured at baseline and at six additional times. We evaluate which CVD risk factors and which characteristics of their trajectories (features) are associated with death from CVD. We find that systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glucose, and total cholesterol are important risk factors with different important features associated with CVD death in both men and women.