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In continuation of the similarly titled paper on the e2<m2 Reissner -- Nordström (RN) metric (arXiv 2409.03786), in this paper it was verified whether it is possible to send (by means of timelike and null geodesics) messages to one's own past in the maximally extended {\it extreme} (e2=m2) RN spacetime with the asymptotically flat regions being identified. Numerical examples show that timelike and nonradial null geodesics originating outside the horizon have their turning points to the future of the past light cone of the future copy of the emitter. This means that they cannot reach the causal past of the emitter's future copy. Ingoing radial null geodesics hit the singularity at r=0 and stop there. So, unlike in the e2<m2 case, identification of the asymptotically flat regions does not lead to causality breaches. A formal mathematical proof of this thesis (as opposed to the numerical examples given in this paper) is still lacking and desired.