Let Ω⊂R be a nonempty and open set, then for all f,g,h∈C2(Ω) we have d2dx2(f⋅g⋅h)−fd2dx2(g⋅h)−gd2dx2(f⋅h)−hd2dx2(f⋅g)+f⋅gd2dx2h+f⋅hd2dx2g+g⋅hd2dx2f=0
The aim of this paper is to consider the corresponding operator equation D(f⋅g⋅h)−fD(g⋅h)−gD(f⋅h)−hD(f⋅g)+f⋅gD(h)+f⋅hD(g)+g⋅hD(f)=0
for operators D:Ck(Ω)→C(Ω), where k is a given nonnegative integer and the above identity is supposed to hold for all f,g,h∈Ck(Ω). We show that besides the operators of first and second derivative, there are more solutions to this equation. Some special cases characterizing differential operators are also studied.