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In this article we consider a modification of the Stein's spherical maximal operator of complex order α on Rn: Mα[1,2]f(x)=sup We show that when n\geq 2, suppose \|{\mathfrak M}^{\alpha}_{[1,2]} f \|_{L^q({\mathbb R^n})} \leq C\|f \|_{L^p({\mathbb R^n})} holds for some \alpha\in \mathbb{C}, p,q\geq1, then we must have that q\geq p and {\rm Re}\,\alpha\geq \sigma_n(p,q):=\max\left\{\frac{1}{p}-\frac{n}{q},\ \frac{n+1}{2p}-\frac{n-1}{2}\left(\frac{1}{q}+1\right),\frac{n}{p}-n+1\right\}. Conversely, we show that {\mathfrak M}^\alpha_{[1,2]} is bounded from L^p({\mathbb R^n}) to L^q({\mathbb R^n}) provided that q\geq p and {\rm Re}\,\alpha>\sigma_2(p,q) for n=2; and {\rm Re}\,\alpha>\max\left\{\sigma_n(p,q), 1/(2p)- (n-2)/(2q) -(n-1)/4\right\} for n>2. The range of \alpha,p and q is almost optimal in the case either n=2, or \alpha=0, or (p,q) lies in some regions for n>2.