Computer Science and Game Theory

2024-09-18 | | Total: 3

#1 Opponent Shaping for Antibody Development [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sebastian Towers ; Aleksandra Kalisz ; Alicia Higueruelo ; Francesca Vianello ; Ming-Han Chloe Tsai ; Harrison Steel ; Jakob N. Foerster

Anti-viral therapies are typically designed or evolved towards the current strains of a virus. In learning terms, this corresponds to a myopic best response, i.e., not considering the possible adaptive moves of the opponent. However, therapy-induced selective pressures act on viral antigens to drive the emergence of mutated strains, against which initial therapies have reduced efficacy. To motivate our work, we consider antibody designs that target not only the current viral strains but also the wide range of possible future variants that the virus might evolve into under the evolutionary pressure exerted by said antibodies. Building on a computational model of binding between antibodies and viral antigens (the Absolut! framework), we design and implement a genetic simulation of the viral evolutionary escape. Crucially, this allows our antibody optimisation algorithm to consider and influence the entire escape curve of the virus, i.e. to guide (or ''shape'') the viral evolution. This is inspired by opponent shaping which, in general-sum learning, accounts for the adaptation of the co-player rather than playing a myopic best response. Hence we call the optimised antibodies shapers. Within our simulations, we demonstrate that our shapers target both current and simulated future viral variants, outperforming the antibodies chosen in a myopic way. Furthermore, we show that shapers exert specific evolutionary pressure on the virus compared to myopic antibodies. Altogether, shapers modify the evolutionary trajectories of viral strains and minimise the viral escape compared to their myopic counterparts. While this is a simple model, we hope that our proposed paradigm will enable the discovery of better long-lived vaccines and antibody therapies in the future, enabled by rapid advancements in the capabilities of simulation tools.

Subjects: Populations and Evolution ; Artificial Intelligence ; Computer Science and Game Theory ; Multiagent Systems

Publish: 2024-09-16 14:56:27 UTC

#2 Online Combinatorial Allocations and Auctions with Few Samples [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Paul Dütting ; Thomas Kesselheim ; Brendan Lucier ; Rebecca Reiffenhäuser ; Sahil Singla

In online combinatorial allocations/auctions, n bidders sequentially arrive, each with a combinatorial valuation (such as submodular/XOS) over subsets of m indivisible items. The aim is to immediately allocate a subset of the remaining items to maximize the total welfare, defined as the sum of bidder valuations. A long line of work has studied this problem when the bidder valuations come from known independent distributions. In particular, for submodular/XOS valuations, we know 2-competitive algorithms/mechanisms that set a fixed price for each item and the arriving bidders take their favorite subset of the remaining items given these prices. However, these algorithms traditionally presume the availability of the underlying distributions as part of the input to the algorithm. Contrary to this assumption, practical scenarios often require the learning of distributions, a task complicated by limited sample availability. This paper investigates the feasibility of achieving O(1)-competitive algorithms under the realistic constraint of having access to only a limited number of samples from the underlying bidder distributions. Our first main contribution shows that a mere single sample from each bidder distribution is sufficient to yield an O(1)-competitive algorithm for submodular/XOS valuations. This result leverages a novel extension of the secretary-style analysis, employing the sample to have the algorithm compete against itself. Although online, this first approach does not provide an online truthful mechanism. Our second main contribution shows that a polynomial number of samples suffices to yield a $(2+\epsilon)$-competitive online truthful mechanism for submodular/XOS valuations and any constant $\epsilon>0$. This result is based on a generalization of the median-based algorithm for the single-item prophet inequality problem to combinatorial settings with multiple items.

Subjects: Computer Science and Game Theory ; Data Structures and Algorithms ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-09-17 11:43:55 UTC

#3 A Continuous-time Tractable Model for Present-biased Agents [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yasunori Akagi ; Hideaki Kim ; Takeshi Kurashima

Present bias, the tendency to overvalue immediate rewards while undervaluing future ones, is a well-known barrier to achieving long-term goals. As artificial intelligence and behavioral economics increasingly focus on this phenomenon, the need for robust mathematical models to predict behavior and guide effective interventions has become crucial. However, existing models are constrained by their reliance on the discreteness of time and limited discount functions. This study introduces a novel continuous-time mathematical model for agents influenced by present bias. Using the variational principle, we model human behavior, where individuals repeatedly act according to a sequence of states that minimize their perceived cost. Our model not only retains analytical tractability but also accommodates various discount functions. Using this model, we consider intervention optimization problems under exponential and hyperbolic discounting and theoretically derive optimal intervention strategies, offering new insights into managing present-biased behavior.

Subjects: Computer Science and Game Theory ; Optimization and Control

Publish: 2024-09-17 14:18:28 UTC