Artificial Intelligence

2024-10-22 | | Total: 306

#1 Reflection-Bench: probing AI intelligence with reflection [PDF6] [Copy] [Kimi10] [REL]

Authors: Lingyu Li ; Yixu Wang ; Haiquan Zhao ; Shuqi Kong ; Yan Teng ; Chunbo Li ; Yingchun Wang

The ability to adapt beliefs or behaviors in response to unexpected outcomes, reflection, is fundamental to intelligent systems' interaction with the world. From a cognitive science perspective, this serves as a core principle of intelligence applicable to both human and AI systems. To address the debate on the intelligence of large language models (LLMs), we propose Reflection-Bench, a comprehensive benchmark comprising 7 tasks spanning core cognitive functions crucial for reflection, including perception, memory, belief updating, decision-making, prediction, counterfactual thinking, and meta-reflection. We evaluate the performances of 13 prominent LLMs such as OpenAI o1, GPT-4, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, etc. The results indicate that current LLMs still lack satisfactory reflection ability. We discuss the underlying causes of these results and suggest potential avenues for future research. In conclusion, Reflection-Bench offers both evaluation tools and inspiration for developing AI capable of reliably interacting with the environment. Our data and code are available at

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:59:50 UTC

#2 MoRE: Multi-Modal Contrastive Pre-training with Transformers on X-Rays, ECGs, and Diagnostic Report [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Samrajya Thapa ; Koushik Howlader ; Subhankar Bhattacharjee ; Wei le

In this paper, we introduce a novel Multi-Modal Contrastive Pre-training Framework that synergistically combines X-rays, electrocardiograms (ECGs), and radiology/cardiology reports. Our approach leverages transformers to encode these diverse modalities into a unified representation space, aiming to enhance diagnostic accuracy and facilitate comprehensive patient assessments. We utilize LoRA-Peft to significantly reduce trainable parameters in the LLM and incorporate recent linear attention dropping strategy in the Vision Transformer(ViT) for smoother attention. Furthermore, we provide novel multimodal attention explanations and retrieval for our model. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose an integrated model that combines X-ray, ECG, and Radiology/Cardiology Report with this approach. By utilizing contrastive loss, MoRE effectively aligns modality-specific features into a coherent embedding, which supports various downstream tasks such as zero-shot classification and multimodal retrieval. Employing our proposed methodology, we achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the Mimic-IV, CheXpert, Edema Severity, and PtbXl downstream datasets, surpassing existing multimodal approaches. Our proposed framework shows significant improvements in capturing intricate inter-modal relationships and its robustness in medical diagnosis that establishes a framework for future research in multimodal learning in the healthcare sector.

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence ; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:42:41 UTC

#3 Comprehensive benchmarking of large language models for RNA secondary structure prediction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: L. I. Zablocki ; L. A. Bugnon ; M. Gerard ; L. Di Persia ; G. Stegmayer ; D. H. Milone

Inspired by the success of large language models (LLM) for DNA and proteins, several LLM for RNA have been developed recently. RNA-LLM uses large datasets of RNA sequences to learn, in a self-supervised way, how to represent each RNA base with a semantically rich numerical vector. This is done under the hypothesis that obtaining high-quality RNA representations can enhance data-costly downstream tasks. Among them, predicting the secondary structure is a fundamental task for uncovering RNA functional mechanisms. In this work we present a comprehensive experimental analysis of several pre-trained RNA-LLM, comparing them for the RNA secondary structure prediction task in an unified deep learning framework. The RNA-LLM were assessed with increasing generalization difficulty on benchmark datasets. Results showed that two LLM clearly outperform the other models, and revealed significant challenges for generalization in low-homology scenarios.

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence ; Machine Learning ; Biomolecules

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:12:06 UTC

#4 Improve Vision Language Model Chain-of-thought Reasoning [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Ruohong Zhang ; Bowen Zhang ; Yanghao Li ; Haotian Zhang ; Zhiqing Sun ; Zhe Gan ; Yinfei Yang ; Ruoming Pang ; Yiming Yang

Chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning in vision language models (VLMs) is crucial for improving interpretability and trustworthiness. However, current training recipes lack robust CoT reasoning data, relying on datasets dominated by short annotations with minimal rationales. In this work, we show that training VLM on short answers does not generalize well to reasoning tasks that require more detailed responses. To address this, we propose a two-fold approach. First, we distill rationales from GPT-4o model to enrich the training data and fine-tune VLMs, boosting their CoT performance. Second, we apply reinforcement learning to further calibrate reasoning quality. Specifically, we construct positive (correct) and negative (incorrect) pairs of model-generated reasoning chains, by comparing their predictions with annotated short answers. Using this pairwise data, we apply the Direct Preference Optimization algorithm to refine the model's reasoning abilities. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements in CoT reasoning on benchmark datasets and better generalization to direct answer prediction as well. This work emphasizes the importance of incorporating detailed rationales in training and leveraging reinforcement learning to strengthen the reasoning capabilities of VLMs.

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence ; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:00:06 UTC

#5 Learning How to Vote With Principles: Axiomatic Insights Into the Collective Decisions of Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Levin Hornischer ; Zoi Terzopoulou

Can neural networks be applied in voting theory, while satisfying the need for transparency in collective decisions? We propose axiomatic deep voting: a framework to build and evaluate neural networks that aggregate preferences, using the well-established axiomatic method of voting theory. Our findings are: (1) Neural networks, despite being highly accurate, often fail to align with the core axioms of voting rules, revealing a disconnect between mimicking outcomes and reasoning. (2) Training with axiom-specific data does not enhance alignment with those axioms. (3) By solely optimizing axiom satisfaction, neural networks can synthesize new voting rules that often surpass and substantially differ from existing ones. This offers insights for both fields: For AI, important concepts like bias and value-alignment are studied in a mathematically rigorous way; for voting theory, new areas of the space of voting rules are explored.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 16:35:58 UTC

#6 GenAI Assisting Medical Training [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Stefan Fritsch ; Matthias Tschoepe ; Vitor Fortes Rey ; Lars Krupp ; Agnes Gruenerbl ; Eloise Monger ; Sarah Travenna

Medical procedures such as venipuncture and cannulation are essential for nurses and require precise skills. Learning this skill, in turn, is a challenge for educators due to the number of teachers per class and the complexity of the task. The study aims to help students with skill acquisition and alleviate the educator's workload by integrating generative AI methods to provide real-time feedback on medical procedures such as venipuncture and cannulation.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 16:31:16 UTC

#7 A Data-driven Crowd Simulation Framework Integrating Physics-informed Machine Learning with Navigation Potential Fields [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Runkang Guo ; Bin Chen ; Qi Zhang ; Yong Zhao ; Xiao Wang ; Zhengqiu Zhu

Traditional rule-based physical models are limited by their reliance on singular physical formulas and parameters, making it difficult to effectively tackle the intricate tasks associated with crowd simulation. Recent research has introduced deep learning methods to tackle these issues, but most current approaches focus primarily on generating pedestrian trajectories, often lacking interpretability and failing to provide real-time dynamic simulations.To address the aforementioned issues, we propose a novel data-driven crowd simulation framework that integrates Physics-informed Machine Learning (PIML) with navigation potential fields. Our approach leverages the strengths of both physical models and PIML. Specifically, we design an innovative Physics-informed Spatio-temporal Graph Convolutional Network (PI-STGCN) as a data-driven module to predict pedestrian movement trends based on crowd spatio-temporal data. Additionally, we construct a physical model of navigation potential fields based on flow field theory to guide pedestrian movements, thereby reinforcing physical constraints during the simulation. In our framework, navigation potential fields are dynamically computed and updated based on the movement trends predicted by the PI-STGCN, while the updated crowd dynamics, guided by these fields, subsequently feed back into the PI-STGCN. Comparative experiments on two publicly available large-scale real-world datasets across five scenes demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms existing rule-based methods in accuracy and fidelity. The similarity between simulated and actual pedestrian trajectories increases by 10.8%, while the average error is reduced by 4%. Moreover, our framework exhibits greater adaptability and better interpretability compared to methods that rely solely on deep learning for trajectory generation.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 15:56:17 UTC

#8 SMART: Self-learning Meta-strategy Agent for Reasoning Tasks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Rongxing Liu ; Kumar Shridhar ; Manish Prajapat ; Patrick Xia ; Mrinmaya Sachan

Tasks requiring deductive reasoning, especially those involving multiple steps, often demand adaptive strategies such as intermediate generation of rationales or programs, as no single approach is universally optimal. While Language Models (LMs) can enhance their outputs through iterative self-refinement and strategy adjustments, they frequently fail to apply the most effective strategy in their first attempt. This inefficiency raises the question: Can LMs learn to select the optimal strategy in the first attempt, without a need for refinement? To address this challenge, we introduce SMART (Self-learning Meta-strategy Agent for Reasoning Tasks), a novel framework that enables LMs to autonomously learn and select the most effective strategies for various reasoning tasks. We model the strategy selection process as a Markov Decision Process and leverage reinforcement learning-driven continuous self-improvement to allow the model to find the suitable strategy to solve a given task. Unlike traditional self-refinement methods that rely on multiple inference passes or external feedback, SMART allows an LM to internalize the outcomes of its own reasoning processes and adjust its strategy accordingly, aiming for correct solutions on the first attempt. Our experiments across various reasoning datasets and with different model architectures demonstrate that SMART significantly enhances the ability of models to choose optimal strategies without external guidance (+15 points on the GSM8K dataset). By achieving higher accuracy with a single inference pass, SMART not only improves performance but also reduces computational costs for refinement-based strategies, paving the way for more efficient and intelligent reasoning in LMs.

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-10-21 15:55:04 UTC

#9 Multi-Sensor Fusion for UAV Classification Based on Feature Maps of Image and Radar Data [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nikos Sakellariou ; Antonios Lalas ; Konstantinos Votis ; Dimitrios Tzovaras

The unique cost, flexibility, speed, and efficiency of modern UAVs make them an attractive choice in many applications in contemporary society. This, however, causes an ever-increasing number of reported malicious or accidental incidents, rendering the need for the development of UAV detection and classification mechanisms essential. We propose a methodology for developing a system that fuses already processed multi-sensor data into a new Deep Neural Network to increase its classification accuracy towards UAV detection. The DNN model fuses high-level features extracted from individual object detection and classification models associated with thermal, optronic, and radar data. Additionally, emphasis is given to the model's Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based architecture that combines the features of the three sensor modalities by stacking the extracted image features of the thermal and optronic sensor achieving higher classification accuracy than each sensor alone.

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence ; Signal Processing

Publish: 2024-10-21 15:12:37 UTC

#10 Critical Example Mining for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction using Flow-based Generative Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhezhang Ding ; Huijing Zhao

Precise trajectory prediction in complex driving scenarios is essential for autonomous vehicles. In practice, different driving scenarios present varying levels of difficulty for trajectory prediction models. However, most existing research focuses on the average precision of prediction results, while ignoring the underlying distribution of the input scenarios. This paper proposes a critical example mining method that utilizes a data-driven approach to estimate the rareness of the trajectories. By combining the rareness estimation of observations with whole trajectories, the proposed method effectively identifies a subset of data that is relatively hard to predict BEFORE feeding them to a specific prediction model. The experimental results show that the mined subset has higher prediction error when applied to different downstream prediction models, which reaches +108.1% error (greater than two times compared to the average on dataset) when mining 5% samples. Further analysis indicates that the mined critical examples include uncommon cases such as sudden brake and cancelled lane-change, which helps to better understand and improve the performance of prediction models.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 15:02:30 UTC

#11 On-Device LLMs for SMEs: Challenges and Opportunities [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jeremy Stephen Gabriel Yee Zhi Wen ; Pai Chet Ng ; Zhengkui Wang ; Ian McLoughlin ; Aik Beng Ng ; Simon See

This paper presents a systematic review of the infrastructure requirements for deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) on-device within the context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), focusing on both hardware and software perspectives. From the hardware viewpoint, we discuss the utilization of processing units like GPUs and TPUs, efficient memory and storage solutions, and strategies for effective deployment, addressing the challenges of limited computational resources typical in SME settings. From the software perspective, we explore framework compatibility, operating system optimization, and the use of specialized libraries tailored for resource-constrained environments. The review is structured to first identify the unique challenges faced by SMEs in deploying LLMs on-device, followed by an exploration of the opportunities that both hardware innovations and software adaptations offer to overcome these obstacles. Such a structured review provides practical insights, contributing significantly to the community by enhancing the technological resilience of SMEs in integrating LLMs.

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence ; Computation and Language

Publish: 2024-10-21 14:48:35 UTC

#12 A New Approach to Solving SMAC Task: Generating Decision Tree Code from Large Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yue Deng ; Weiyu Ma ; Yuxin Fan ; Yin Zhang ; Haifeng Zhang ; Jian Zhao

StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) is one of the most commonly used experimental environments in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), where the specific task is to control a set number of allied units to defeat enemy forces. Traditional MARL algorithms often require interacting with the environment for up to 1 million steps to train a model, and the resulting policies are typically non-interpretable with weak transferability. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to solving SMAC tasks called LLM-SMAC. In our framework, agents leverage large language models (LLMs) to generate decision tree code by providing task descriptions. The model is further self-reflection using feedback from the rewards provided by the environment. We conduct experiments in the SMAC and demonstrate that our method can produce high-quality, interpretable decision trees with minimal environmental exploration. Moreover, these models exhibit strong transferability, successfully applying to similar SMAC environments without modification. We believe this approach offers a new direction for solving decision-making tasks in the future.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 13:58:38 UTC

#13 Are Language Model Logits Calibrated? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Charles Lovering ; Michael Krumdick ; Viet Dac Lai ; Nilesh Kumar ; Varshini Reddy ; Rik Koncel-Kedziorski ; Chris Tanner

Some information is factual (e.g., "Paris is in France"), whereas other information is probabilistic (e.g., "the coin flip will be a [Heads/Tails]."). We believe that good Language Models (LMs) should understand and reflect this nuance. Our work investigates this by testing if LMs' output probabilities are calibrated to their textual contexts. We define model "calibration" as the degree to which the output probabilities of candidate tokens are aligned with the relative likelihood that should be inferred from the given context. For example, if the context concerns two equally likely options (e.g., heads or tails for a fair coin), the output probabilities should reflect this. Likewise, context that concerns non-uniformly likely events (e.g., rolling a six with a die) should also be appropriately captured with proportionate output probabilities. We find that even in simple settings the best LMs (1) are poorly calibrated, and (2) have systematic biases (e.g., preferred colors and sensitivities to word orderings). For example, gpt-4o-mini often picks the first of two options presented in the prompt regardless of the options' implied likelihood, whereas Llama-3.1-8B picks the second. Our other consistent finding is mode-collapse: Instruction-tuned models often over-allocate probability mass on a single option. These systematic biases introduce non-intuitive model behavior, making models harder for users to understand.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 13:41:15 UTC

#14 PROMPTHEUS: A Human-Centered Pipeline to Streamline SLRs with LLMs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: João Pedro Fernandes Torres ; Catherine Muligan ; Joaquim Jorge ; Catarina Moreira

The growing volume of academic publications poses significant challenges for researchers conducting timely and accurate Systematic Literature Reviews, particularly in fast-evolving fields like artificial intelligence. This growth of academic literature also makes it increasingly difficult for lay people to access scientific knowledge effectively, meaning academic literature is often misrepresented in the popular press and, more broadly, in society. Traditional SLR methods are labor-intensive and error-prone, and they struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of new research. To address these issues, we developed \textit{PROMPTHEUS}: an AI-driven pipeline solution that automates the SLR process using Large Language Models. We aimed to enhance efficiency by reducing the manual workload while maintaining the precision and coherence required for comprehensive literature synthesis. PROMPTHEUS automates key stages of the SLR process, including systematic search, data extraction, topic modeling using BERTopic, and summarization with transformer models. Evaluations conducted across five research domains demonstrate that PROMPTHEUS reduces review time, achieves high precision, and provides coherent topic organization, offering a scalable and effective solution for conducting literature reviews in an increasingly crowded research landscape. In addition, such tools may reduce the increasing mistrust in science by making summarization more accessible to laypeople. The code for this project can be found on the GitHub repository at

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 13:05:33 UTC

#15 Enabling Energy-Efficient Deployment of Large Language Models on Memristor Crossbar: A Synergy of Large and Small [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Zhehui Wang ; Tao Luo ; Cheng Liu ; Weichen Liu ; Rick Siow Mong Goh ; Weng-Fai Wong

Large language models (LLMs) have garnered substantial attention due to their promising applications in diverse domains. Nevertheless, the increasing size of LLMs comes with a significant surge in the computational requirements for training and deployment. Memristor crossbars have emerged as a promising solution, which demonstrated a small footprint and remarkably high energy efficiency in computer vision (CV) models. Memristors possess higher density compared to conventional memory technologies, making them highly suitable for effectively managing the extreme model size associated with LLMs. However, deploying LLMs on memristor crossbars faces three major challenges. Firstly, the size of LLMs increases rapidly, already surpassing the capabilities of state-of-the-art memristor chips. Secondly, LLMs often incorporate multi-head attention blocks, which involve non-weight stationary multiplications that traditional memristor crossbars cannot support. Third, while memristor crossbars excel at performing linear operations, they are not capable of executing complex nonlinear operations in LLM such as softmax and layer normalization. To address these challenges, we present a novel architecture for the memristor crossbar that enables the deployment of state-of-the-art LLM on a single chip or package, eliminating the energy and time inefficiencies associated with off-chip communication. Our testing on BERT_Large showed negligible accuracy loss. Compared to traditional memristor crossbars, our architecture achieves enhancements of up to 39X in area overhead and 18X in energy consumption. Compared to modern TPU/GPU systems, our architecture demonstrates at least a 68X reduction in the area-delay product and a significant 69% energy consumption reduction.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 13:04:44 UTC

#16 AI-Driven Innovations in Modern Cloud Computing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Animesh Kumar

The world has witnessed rapid technological transformation, past couple of decades and with Advent of Cloud computing the landscape evolved exponentially leading to efficient and scalable application development. Now, the past couple of years the digital ecosystem has brought in numerous innovations with integration of Artificial Intelligence commonly known as AI. This paper explores how AI and cloud computing intersect to deliver transformative capabilities for modernizing applications by providing services and infrastructure. Harnessing the combined potential of both AI & Cloud technologies, technology providers can now exploit intelligent resource management, predictive analytics, automated deployment & scaling with enhanced security leading to offering innovative solutions to their customers. Furthermore, by leveraging such technologies of cloud & AI businesses can reap rich rewards in the form of reducing operational costs and improving service delivery. This paper further addresses challenges associated such as data privacy concerns and how it can be mitigated with robust AI governance frameworks.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 12:45:10 UTC

#17 User-centric evaluation of explainability of AI with and for humans: a comprehensive empirical study [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Szymon Bobek ; Paloma Korycińska ; Monika Krakowska ; Maciej Mozolewski ; Dorota Rak ; Magdalena Zych ; Magdalena Wójcik ; Grzegorz J. Nalepa

This study is located in the Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) and focuses on the results of a user-centered assessment of commonly used eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) algorithms, specifically investigating how humans understand and interact with the explanations provided by these algorithms. To achieve this, we employed a multi-disciplinary approach that included state-of-the-art research methods from social sciences to measure the comprehensibility of explanations generated by a state-of-the-art lachine learning model, specifically the Gradient Boosting Classifier (XGBClassifier). We conducted an extensive empirical user study involving interviews with 39 participants from three different groups, each with varying expertise in data science, data visualization, and domain-specific knowledge related to the dataset used for training the machine learning model. Participants were asked a series of questions to assess their understanding of the model's explanations. To ensure replicability, we built the model using a publicly available dataset from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository, focusing on edible and non-edible mushrooms. Our findings reveal limitations in existing XAI methods and confirm the need for new design principles and evaluation techniques that address the specific information needs and user perspectives of different classes of AI stakeholders. We believe that the results of our research and the cross-disciplinary methodology we developed can be successfully adapted to various data types and user profiles, thus promoting dialogue and address opportunities in HCAI research. To support this, we are making the data resulting from our study publicly available.

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-10-21 12:32:39 UTC

#18 Redefining Finance: The Influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Animesh Kumar

With rapid transformation of technologies, the fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in finance is disrupting the entire ecosystem and operations which were followed for decades. The current landscape is where decisions are increasingly data-driven by financial institutions with an appetite for automation while mitigating risks. The segments of financial institutions which are getting heavily influenced are retail banking, wealth management, corporate banking & payment ecosystem. The solution ranges from onboarding the customers all the way fraud detection & prevention to enhancing the customer services. Financial Institutes are leap frogging with integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in mainstream applications and enhancing operational efficiency through advanced predictive analytics, extending personalized customer experiences, and automation to minimize risk with fraud detection techniques. However, with Adoption of AI & ML, it is imperative that the financial institute also needs to address ethical and regulatory challenges, by putting in place robust governance frameworks and responsible AI practices.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 12:32:17 UTC

#19 IGMaxHS -- An Incremental MaxSAT Solver with Support for XOR Clauses [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Ole Lübke

Recently, a novel, MaxSAT-based method for error correction in quantum computing has been proposed that requires both incremental MaxSAT solving capabilities and support for XOR constraints, but no dedicated MaxSAT solver fulfilling these criteria existed yet. We alleviate that and introduce IGMaxHS, which is based on the existing solvers iMaxHS and GaussMaxHS, but poses fewer restrictions on the XOR constraints than GaussMaxHS. IGMaxHS is fuzz tested with xwcnfuzz, an extension of wcnfuzz that can directly output XOR constraints. As a result, IGMaxHS is the only solver that reported neither incorrect unsatisfiability verdicts nor invalid models nor incoherent cost model combinations in a final fuzz testing comparison of all three solvers with 10000 instances. We detail the steps required for implementing Gaussian elimination on XOR constraints in CDCL SAT solvers, and extend the recently proposed re-entrant incremental MaxSAT solver application program interface to allow for incremental addition of XOR constraints. Finally, we show that IGMaxHS is capable of decoding quantum color codes through simulation with the Munich Quantum Toolkit.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 11:21:21 UTC

#20 How to Build a Pre-trained Multimodal model for Simultaneously Chatting and Decision-making? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zuojin Tang ; Bin Hu ; Chenyang Zhao ; De Ma ; Gang Pan ; Bin Liu

Existing large pre-trained models typically map text input to text output in an end-to-end manner, such as ChatGPT, or map a segment of text input to a hierarchy of action decisions, such as OpenVLA. However, humans can simultaneously generate text and actions when receiving specific input signals. For example, a driver can make precise driving decisions while conversing with a friend in the passenger seat. Motivated by this observation, we consider the following question in this work: is it possible to construct a pre-trained model that can provide both language interaction and precise decision-making capabilities in dynamic open scenarios. We provide a definitive answer to this question by developing a new model architecture termed Visual Language Action model for Chatting and Decision Making (VLA4CD), and further demonstrating its performance in challenging autonomous driving tasks. Specifically, we leverage LoRA to fine-tune a pre-trained LLM with data of multiple modalities covering language, visual, and action. Unlike the existing LoRA operations used for LLM fine-tuning, we have designed new computational modules and training cost functions for VLA4CD. These designs enable VLA4CD to provide continuous-valued action decisions while outputting text responses. In contrast, existing LLMs can only output text responses, and current VLA models can only output action decisions. Moreover, these VLA models handle action data by discretizing and then tokenizing the discretized actions, a method unsuitable for complex decision-making tasks involving high-dimensional continuous-valued action vectors, such as autonomous driving. The experimental results on CARLA validate that: (1) our proposed model construction method is effective; (2) compared to the SOTA VLA model, VLA4CD can provide more accurate real-time decision-making while retaining the text interaction capability inherent to LLMs.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 11:02:42 UTC

#21 LLM4GRN: Discovering Causal Gene Regulatory Networks with LLMs -- Evaluation through Synthetic Data Generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tejumade Afonja ; Ivaxi Sheth ; Ruta Binkyte ; Waqar Hanif ; Thomas Ulas ; Matthias Becker ; Mario Fritz

Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) represent the causal relationships between transcription factors (TFs) and target genes in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. Understanding these networks is crucial for uncovering disease mechanisms and identifying therapeutic targets. In this work, we investigate the potential of large language models (LLMs) for GRN discovery, leveraging their learned biological knowledge alone or in combination with traditional statistical methods. We develop a task-based evaluation strategy to address the challenge of unavailable ground truth causal graphs. Specifically, we use the GRNs suggested by LLMs to guide causal synthetic data generation and compare the resulting data against the original dataset. Our statistical and biological assessments show that LLMs can support statistical modeling and data synthesis for biological research.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 09:46:37 UTC

#22 The effect of fine-tuning on language model toxicity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Will Hawkins ; Brent Mittelstadt ; Chris Russell

Fine-tuning language models has become increasingly popular following the proliferation of open models and improvements in cost-effective parameter efficient fine-tuning. However, fine-tuning can influence model properties such as safety. We assess how fine-tuning can impact different open models' propensity to output toxic content. We assess the impacts of fine-tuning Gemma, Llama, and Phi models on toxicity through three experiments. We compare how toxicity is reduced by model developers during instruction-tuning. We show that small amounts of parameter-efficient fine-tuning on developer-tuned models via low-rank adaptation on a non-adversarial dataset can significantly alter these results across models. Finally, we highlight the impact of this in the wild, demonstrating how toxicity rates of models fine-tuned by community contributors can deviate in hard-to-predict ways.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 09:39:09 UTC

#23 RAG4ITOps: A Supervised Fine-Tunable and Comprehensive RAG Framework for IT Operations and Maintenance [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tianyang Zhang ; Zhuoxuan Jiang ; Shengguang Bai ; Tianrui Zhang ; Lin Lin ; Yang Liu ; Jiawei Ren

With the ever-increasing demands on Question Answering (QA) systems for IT operations and maintenance, an efficient and supervised fine-tunable framework is necessary to ensure the data security, private deployment and continuous upgrading. Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have notably improved the open-domain QA's performance, how to efficiently handle enterprise-exclusive corpora and build domain-specific QA systems are still less-studied for industrial applications. In this paper, we propose a general and comprehensive framework based on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and facilitate the whole business process of establishing QA systems for IT operations and maintenance. In accordance with the prevailing RAG method, our proposed framework, named with RAG4ITOps, composes of two major stages: (1) Models Fine-tuning \& Data Vectorization, and (2) Online QA System Process. At the Stage 1, we leverage a contrastive learning method with two negative sampling strategies to fine-tune the embedding model, and design the instruction templates to fine-tune the LLM with a Retrieval Augmented Fine-Tuning method. At the Stage 2, an efficient process of QA system is built for serving. We collect enterprise-exclusive corpora from the domain of cloud computing, and the extensive experiments show that our method achieves superior results than counterparts on two kinds of QA tasks. Our experiment also provide a case for applying the RAG4ITOps to real-world enterprise-level applications.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 09:22:29 UTC

#24 A roadmap for generative mapping: unlocking the power of generative AI for map-making [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sidi Wu ; Katharina Henggeler ; Yizi Chen ; Lorenz Hurni

Maps are broadly relevant across various fields, serving as valuable tools for presenting spatial phenomena and communicating spatial knowledge. However, map-making is still largely confined to those with expertise in GIS and cartography due to the specialized software and complex workflow involved, from data processing to visualization. While generative AI has recently demonstrated its remarkable capability in creating various types of content and its wide accessibility to the general public, its potential in generating maps is yet to be fully realized. This paper highlights the key applications of generative AI in map-making, summarizes recent advancements in generative AI, identifies the specific technologies required and the challenges of using current methods, and provides a roadmap for developing a generative mapping system (GMS) to make map-making more accessible.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 08:29:43 UTC

#25 Alchemy: Amplifying Theorem-Proving Capability through Symbolic Mutation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shaonan Wu ; Shuai Lu ; Yeyun Gong ; Nan Duan ; Ping Wei

Formal proofs are challenging to write even for experienced experts. Recent progress in Neural Theorem Proving (NTP) shows promise in expediting this process. However, the formal corpora available on the Internet are limited compared to the general text, posing a significant data scarcity challenge for NTP. To address this issue, this work proposes Alchemy, a general framework for data synthesis that constructs formal theorems through symbolic mutation. Specifically, for each candidate theorem in Mathlib, we identify all invocable theorems that can be used to rewrite or apply to it. Subsequently, we mutate the candidate theorem by replacing the corresponding term in the statement with its equivalent form or antecedent. As a result, our method increases the number of theorems in Mathlib by an order of magnitude, from 110k to 6M. Furthermore, we perform continual pretraining and supervised finetuning on this augmented corpus for large language models. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, achieving a 5% absolute performance improvement on Leandojo benchmark. Additionally, our synthetic data achieve a 2.5% absolute performance gain on the out-of-distribution miniF2F benchmark. To provide further insights, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of synthetic data composition and the training paradigm, offering valuable guidance for developing a strong theorem prover.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 08:04:21 UTC