Computation and Language

Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 | Total: 36

#1 You Only Cache Once: Decoder-Decoder Architectures for Language Models [PDF8] [Copy] [Kimi9]

Authors: Yutao Sun ; Li Dong ; Yi Zhu ; Shaohan Huang ; Wenhui Wang ; Shuming Ma ; Quanlu Zhang ; Jianyong Wang ; Furu Wei

We introduce a decoder-decoder architecture, YOCO, for large language models, which only caches key-value pairs once. It consists of two components, i.e., a cross-decoder stacked upon a self-decoder. The self-decoder efficiently encodes global key-value (KV) caches that are reused by the cross-decoder via cross-attention. The overall model behaves like a decoder-only Transformer, although YOCO only caches once. The design substantially reduces GPU memory demands, yet retains global attention capability. Additionally, the computation flow enables prefilling to early exit without changing the final output, thereby significantly speeding up the prefill stage. Experimental results demonstrate that YOCO achieves favorable performance compared to Transformer in various settings of scaling up model size and number of training tokens. We also extend YOCO to 1M context length with near-perfect needle retrieval accuracy. The profiling results show that YOCO improves inference memory, prefill latency, and throughput by orders of magnitude across context lengths and model sizes. Code is available at

#2 Open Source Language Models Can Provide Feedback: Evaluating LLMs' Ability to Help Students Using GPT-4-As-A-Judge [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi5]

Authors: Charles Koutcheme ; Nicola Dainese ; Sami Sarsa ; Arto Hellas ; Juho Leinonen ; Paul Denny

Large language models (LLMs) have shown great potential for the automatic generation of feedback in a wide range of computing contexts. However, concerns have been voiced around the privacy and ethical implications of sending student work to proprietary models. This has sparked considerable interest in the use of open source LLMs in education, but the quality of the feedback that such open models can produce remains understudied. This is a concern as providing flawed or misleading generated feedback could be detrimental to student learning. Inspired by recent work that has utilised very powerful LLMs, such as GPT-4, to evaluate the outputs produced by less powerful models, we conduct an automated analysis of the quality of the feedback produced by several open source models using a dataset from an introductory programming course. First, we investigate the viability of employing GPT-4 as an automated evaluator by comparing its evaluations with those of a human expert. We observe that GPT-4 demonstrates a bias toward positively rating feedback while exhibiting moderate agreement with human raters, showcasing its potential as a feedback evaluator. Second, we explore the quality of feedback generated by several leading open-source LLMs by using GPT-4 to evaluate the feedback. We find that some models offer competitive performance with popular proprietary LLMs, such as ChatGPT, indicating opportunities for their responsible use in educational settings.

#3 LLMs with Personalities in Multi-issue Negotiation Games [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Sean Noh ; Ho-Chun Herbert Chang

Powered by large language models (LLMs), AI agents have become capable of many human tasks. Using the most canonical definitions of the Big Five personality, we measure the ability of LLMs to negotiate within a game-theoretical framework, as well as methodological challenges to measuring notions of fairness and risk. Simulations (n=1,500) for both single-issue and multi-issue negotiation reveal increase in domain complexity with asymmetric issue valuations improve agreement rates but decrease surplus from aggressive negotiation. Through gradient-boosted regression and Shapley explainers, we find high openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism are associated with fair tendencies; low agreeableness and low openness are associated with rational tendencies. Low conscientiousness is associated with high toxicity. These results indicate that LLMs may have built-in guardrails that default to fair behavior, but can be "jail broken" to exploit agreeable opponents. We also offer pragmatic insight in how negotiation bots can be designed, and a framework of assessing negotiation behavior based on game theory and computational social science.

#4 CARE-SD: Classifier-based analysis for recognizing and eliminating stigmatizing and doubt marker labels in electronic health records: model development and validation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Drew Walker ; Annie Thorne ; Sudeshna Das ; Jennifer Love ; Hannah LF Cooper ; Melvin Livingston III ; Abeed Sarker

Objective: To detect and classify features of stigmatizing and biased language in intensive care electronic health records (EHRs) using natural language processing techniques. Materials and Methods: We first created a lexicon and regular expression lists from literature-driven stem words for linguistic features of stigmatizing patient labels, doubt markers, and scare quotes within EHRs. The lexicon was further extended using Word2Vec and GPT 3.5, and refined through human evaluation. These lexicons were used to search for matches across 18 million sentences from the de-identified Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care-III (MIMIC-III) dataset. For each linguistic bias feature, 1000 sentence matches were sampled, labeled by expert clinical and public health annotators, and used to supervised learning classifiers. Results: Lexicon development from expanded literature stem-word lists resulted in a doubt marker lexicon containing 58 expressions, and a stigmatizing labels lexicon containing 127 expressions. Classifiers for doubt markers and stigmatizing labels had the highest performance, with macro F1-scores of .84 and .79, positive-label recall and precision values ranging from .71 to .86, and accuracies aligning closely with human annotator agreement (.87). Discussion: This study demonstrated the feasibility of supervised classifiers in automatically identifying stigmatizing labels and doubt markers in medical text, and identified trends in stigmatizing language use in an EHR setting. Additional labeled data may help improve lower scare quote model performance. Conclusions: Classifiers developed in this study showed high model performance and can be applied to identify patterns and target interventions to reduce stigmatizing labels and doubt markers in healthcare systems.

#5 MIDGARD: Self-Consistency Using Minimum Description Length for Structured Commonsense Reasoning [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Inderjeet Nair ; Lu Wang

We study the task of conducting structured reasoning as generating a reasoning graph from natural language input using large language models (LLMs). Previous approaches have explored various prompting schemes, yet they suffer from error propagation due to the autoregressive nature and single-pass-based decoding, which lack error correction capability. Additionally, relying solely on a single sample may result in the omission of true nodes and edges. To counter this, we draw inspiration from self-consistency (SC), which involves sampling a diverse set of reasoning chains and taking the majority vote as the final answer. To tackle the substantial challenge of applying SC on generated graphs, we propose MIDGARD (MInimum Description length Guided Aggregation of Reasoning in Directed acyclic graph) that leverages Minimum Description Length (MDL)-based formulation to identify consistent properties among the different graph samples generated by an LLM. This formulation helps reject properties that appear in only a few samples, which are likely to be erroneous, while enabling the inclusion of missing elements without compromising precision. Our method demonstrates superior performance than comparisons across various structured reasoning tasks, including argument structure extraction, explanation graph generation, inferring dependency relations among actions for everyday tasks, and semantic graph generation from natural texts.

#6 Encoder-Decoder Framework for Interactive Free Verses with Generation with Controllable High-Quality Rhyming [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Tommaso Pasini ; Alejo López-Ávila ; Husam Quteineh ; Gerasimos Lampouras ; Jinhua Du ; Yubing Wang ; Ze Li ; Yusen Sun

Composing poetry or lyrics involves several creative factors, but a challenging aspect of generation is the adherence to a more or less strict metric and rhyming pattern. To address this challenge specifically, previous work on the task has mainly focused on reverse language modeling, which brings the critical selection of each rhyming word to the forefront of each verse. On the other hand, reversing the word order requires that models be trained from scratch with this task-specific goal and cannot take advantage of transfer learning from a Pretrained Language Model (PLM). We propose a novel fine-tuning approach that prepends the rhyming word at the start of each lyric, which allows the critical rhyming decision to be made before the model commits to the content of the lyric (as during reverse language modeling), but maintains compatibility with the word order of regular PLMs as the lyric itself is still generated in left-to-right order. We conducted extensive experiments to compare this fine-tuning against the current state-of-the-art strategies for rhyming, finding that our approach generates more readable text and better rhyming capabilities. Furthermore, we furnish a high-quality dataset in English and 12 other languages, analyse the approach's feasibility in a multilingual context, provide extensive experimental results shedding light on good and bad practices for lyrics generation, and propose metrics to compare methods in the future.

#7 Motion Capture Analysis of Verb and Adjective Types in Austrian Sign Language [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Julia Krebs ; Evie Malaia ; Ronnie B. Wilbur ; Isabella Fessl ; Hans-Peter Wiesinger ; Hermann Schwameder ; Dietmar Roehm

Across a number of sign languages, temporal and spatial characteristics of dominant hand articulation are used to express semantic and grammatical features. In this study of Austrian Sign Language (\"Osterreichische Geb\"ardensprache, or \"OGS), motion capture data of four Deaf signers is used to quantitatively characterize the kinematic parameters of sign production in verbs and adjectives. We investigate (1) the difference in production between verbs involving a natural endpoint (telic verbs; e.g. arrive) and verbs lacking an endpoint (atelic verbs; e.g. analyze), and (2) adjective signs in intensified vs. non-intensified (plain) forms. Motion capture data analysis using linear-mixed effects models (LME) indicates that both the endpoint marking in verbs, as well as marking of intensification in adjectives, are expressed by movement modulation in \"OGS. While the semantic distinction between verb types (telic/atelic) is marked by higher peak velocity and shorter duration for telic signs compared to atelic ones, the grammatical distinction (intensification) in adjectives is expressed by longer duration for intensified compared to non-intensified adjectives. The observed individual differences of signers might be interpreted as personal signing style.

#8 XAMPLER: Learning to Retrieve Cross-Lingual In-Context Examples [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Peiqin Lin ; André F. T. Martins ; Hinrich Schütze

Recent studies have shown that leveraging off-the-shelf or fine-tuned retrievers, capable of retrieving high-quality in-context examples, significantly improves in-context learning of English. However, adapting these methods to other languages, especially low-resource ones, presents challenges due to the scarcity of available cross-lingual retrievers and annotated data. In this paper, we introduce XAMPLER: Cross-Lingual Example Retrieval, a method tailored to tackle the challenge of cross-lingual in-context learning using only annotated English data. XAMPLER first trains a retriever with positive/negative English samples, which are constructed based on the predictions of the multilingual large language model for in-context learning. Then, the trained retriever is directly employed to retrieve English examples as few-shot examples for in-context learning of target languages. Experiments on the massively multilingual text classification benchmark of SIB200 with 176 languages demonstrate that XAMPLER substantially improves the in-context learning performance across languages. Our code is available at

#9 QFMTS: Generating Query-Focused Summaries over Multi-Table Inputs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Weijia Zhang ; Vaishali Pal ; Jia-Hong Huang ; Evangelos Kanoulas ; Maarten de Rijke

Table summarization is a crucial task aimed at condensing information from tabular data into concise and comprehensible textual summaries. However, existing approaches often fall short of adequately meeting users' information and quality requirements and tend to overlook the complexities of real-world queries. In this paper, we propose a novel method to address these limitations by introducing query-focused multi-table summarization. Our approach, which comprises a table serialization module, a summarization controller, and a large language model (LLM), utilizes textual queries and multiple tables to generate query-dependent table summaries tailored to users' information needs. To facilitate research in this area, we present a comprehensive dataset specifically tailored for this task, consisting of 4909 query-summary pairs, each associated with multiple tables. Through extensive experiments using our curated dataset, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method compared to baseline approaches. Our findings offer insights into the challenges of complex table reasoning for precise summarization, contributing to the advancement of research in query-focused multi-table summarization.

#10 Conversational Topic Recommendation in Counseling and Psychotherapy with Decision Transformer and Large Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Aylin Gunal ; Baihan Lin ; Djallel Bouneffouf

Given the increasing demand for mental health assistance, artificial intelligence (AI), particularly large language models (LLMs), may be valuable for integration into automated clinical support systems. In this work, we leverage a decision transformer architecture for topic recommendation in counseling conversations between patients and mental health professionals. The architecture is utilized for offline reinforcement learning, and we extract states (dialogue turn embeddings), actions (conversation topics), and rewards (scores measuring the alignment between patient and therapist) from previous turns within a conversation to train a decision transformer model. We demonstrate an improvement over baseline reinforcement learning methods, and propose a novel system of utilizing our model's output as synthetic labels for fine-tuning a large language model for the same task. Although our implementation based on LLaMA-2 7B has mixed results, future work can undoubtedly build on the design.

#11 Seeds of Stereotypes: A Large-Scale Textual Analysis of Race and Gender Associations with Diseases in Online Sources [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Lasse Hyldig Hansen ; Nikolaj Andersen ; Jack Gallifant ; Liam G. McCoy ; James K Stone ; Nura Izath ; Marcela Aguirre-Jerez ; Danielle S Bitterman ; Judy Gichoya ; Leo Anthony Celi

Background Advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) hold transformative potential in healthcare, however, recent work has raised concern about the tendency of these models to produce outputs that display racial or gender biases. Although training data is a likely source of such biases, exploration of disease and demographic associations in text data at scale has been limited. Methods We conducted a large-scale textual analysis using a dataset comprising diverse web sources, including Arxiv, Wikipedia, and Common Crawl. The study analyzed the context in which various diseases are discussed alongside markers of race and gender. Given that LLMs are pre-trained on similar datasets, this approach allowed us to examine the potential biases that LLMs may learn and internalize. We compared these findings with actual demographic disease prevalence as well as GPT-4 outputs in order to evaluate the extent of bias representation. Results Our findings indicate that demographic terms are disproportionately associated with specific disease concepts in online texts. gender terms are prominently associated with disease concepts, while racial terms are much less frequently associated. We find widespread disparities in the associations of specific racial and gender terms with the 18 diseases analyzed. Most prominently, we see an overall significant overrepresentation of Black race mentions in comparison to population proportions. Conclusions Our results highlight the need for critical examination and transparent reporting of biases in LLM pretraining datasets. Our study suggests the need to develop mitigation strategies to counteract the influence of biased training data in LLMs, particularly in sensitive domains such as healthcare.

#12 ADELIE: Aligning Large Language Models on Information Extraction [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Yunjia Qi ; Hao Peng ; Xiaozhi Wang ; Bin Xu ; Lei Hou ; Juanzi Li

Large language models (LLMs) usually fall short on information extraction (IE) tasks and struggle to follow the complex instructions of IE tasks. This primarily arises from LLMs not being aligned with humans, as mainstream alignment datasets typically do not include IE data. In this paper, we introduce ADELIE (Aligning large language moDELs on Information Extraction), an aligned LLM that effectively solves various IE tasks, including closed IE, open IE, and on-demand IE. We first collect and construct a high-quality alignment corpus IEInstruct for IE. Then we train ADELIE_SFT using instruction tuning on IEInstruct. We further train ADELIE_SFT with direct preference optimization (DPO) objective, resulting in ADELIE_DPO. Extensive experiments on various held-out IE datasets demonstrate that our models (ADELIE_SFT and ADELIE_DPO) achieve state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance among open-source models. We further explore the general capabilities of ADELIE, and experimental results reveal that their general capabilities do not exhibit a noticeable decline. We will release the code, data, and models to facilitate further research.

#13 P-ICL: Point In-Context Learning for Named Entity Recognition with Large Language Models [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Guochao Jiang ; Zepeng Ding ; Yuchen Shi ; Deqing Yang

In recent years, the rise of large language models (LLMs) has made it possible to directly achieve named entity recognition (NER) without any demonstration samples or only using a few samples through in-context learning (ICL). However, standard ICL only helps LLMs understand task instructions, format and input-label mapping, but neglects the particularity of the NER task itself. In this paper, we propose a new prompting framework P-ICL to better achieve NER with LLMs, in which some point entities are leveraged as the auxiliary information to recognize each entity type. With such significant information, the LLM can achieve entity classification more precisely. To obtain optimal point entities for prompting LLMs, we also proposed a point entity selection method based on K-Means clustering. Our extensive experiments on some representative NER benchmarks verify the effectiveness of our proposed strategies in P-ICL and point entity selection.

#14 Improving Long Text Understanding with Knowledge Distilled from Summarization Model [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Yan Liu ; Yazheng Yang ; Xiaokang Chen

Long text understanding is important yet challenging for natural language processing. A long article or document usually contains many redundant words that are not pertinent to its gist and sometimes can be regarded as noise. With recent advances of abstractive summarization, we propose our \emph{Gist Detector} to leverage the gist detection ability of a summarization model and integrate the extracted gist into downstream models to enhance their long text understanding ability. Specifically, Gist Detector first learns the gist detection knowledge distilled from a summarization model, and then produces gist-aware representations to augment downstream models. We evaluate our method on three different tasks: long document classification, distantly supervised open-domain question answering, and non-parallel text style transfer. The experimental results show that our method can significantly improve the performance of baseline models on all tasks.

#15 Machine Learning-based NLP for Emotion Classification on a Cholera X Dataset [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Paul Jideani ; Aurona Gerber

Recent social media posts on the cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal have highlighted the diverse range of emotions people experienced in response to such an event. The extent of people's opinions varies greatly depending on their level of knowledge and information about the disease. The documented re-search about Cholera lacks investigations into the classification of emotions. This study aims to examine the emotions expressed in social media posts about Chol-era. A dataset of 23,000 posts was extracted and pre-processed. The Python Nat-ural Language Toolkit (NLTK) sentiment analyzer library was applied to deter-mine the emotional significance of each text. Additionally, Machine Learning (ML) models were applied for emotion classification, including Long short-term memory (LSTM), Logistic regression, Decision trees, and the Bidirectional En-coder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model. The results of this study demonstrated that LSTM achieved the highest accuracy of 75%. Emotion classification presents a promising tool for gaining a deeper understanding of the impact of Cholera on society. The findings of this study might contribute to the development of effective interventions in public health strategies.

#16 Logical Negation Augmenting and Debiasing for Prompt-based Methods [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Yitian Li ; Jidong Tian ; Hao He ; Yaohui Jin

Prompt-based methods have gained increasing attention on NLP and shown validity on many downstream tasks. Many works have focused on mining these methods' potential for knowledge extraction, but few explore their ability to make logical reasoning. In this work, we focus on the effectiveness of the prompt-based methods on first-order logical reasoning and find that the bottleneck lies in logical negation. Based on our analysis, logical negation tends to result in spurious correlations to negative answers, while propositions without logical negation correlate to positive answers. To solve the problem, we propose a simple but effective method, Negation Augmenting and Negation Debiasing (NAND), which introduces negative propositions to prompt-based methods without updating parameters. Specifically, these negative propositions can counteract spurious correlations by providing "not" for all instances so that models cannot make decisions only by whether expressions contain a logical negation. Experiments on three datasets show that NAND not only solves the problem of calibrating logical negation but also significantly enhances prompt-based methods of logical reasoning without model retraining.

#17 Fine-tuning Pre-trained Named Entity Recognition Models For Indian Languages [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Sankalp Bahad ; Pruthwik Mishra ; Karunesh Arora ; Rakesh Chandra Balabantaray ; Dipti Misra Sharma ; Parameswari Krishnamurthy

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a useful component in Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. It is used in various tasks such as Machine Translation, Summarization, Information Retrieval, and Question-Answering systems. The research on NER is centered around English and some other major languages, whereas limited attention has been given to Indian languages. We analyze the challenges and propose techniques that can be tailored for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition for Indian Languages. We present a human annotated named entity corpora of 40K sentences for 4 Indian languages from two of the major Indian language families. Additionally,we present a multilingual model fine-tuned on our dataset, which achieves an F1 score of 0.80 on our dataset on average. We achieve comparable performance on completely unseen benchmark datasets for Indian languages which affirms the usability of our model.

#18 ChuXin: 1.6B Technical Report [PDF8] [Copy] [Kimi3]

Authors: Xiaomin Zhuang ; Yufan Jiang ; Qiaozhi He ; Zhihua Wu

In this report, we present ChuXin, an entirely open-source language model with a size of 1.6 billion parameters. Unlike the majority of works that only open-sourced the model weights and architecture, we have made everything needed to train a model available, including the training data, the training process, and the evaluation code. Our goal is to empower and strengthen the open research community, fostering transparency and enabling a new wave of innovation in the field of language modeling. Furthermore, we extend the context length to 1M tokens through lightweight continual pretraining and demonstrate strong needle-in-a-haystack retrieval performance. The weights for both models are available at Hugging Face to download and use.

#19 APrompt4EM: Augmented Prompt Tuning for Generalized Entity Matching [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Yikuan Xia ; Jiazun Chen ; Xinchi Li ; Jun Gao

Generalized Entity Matching (GEM), which aims at judging whether two records represented in different formats refer to the same real-world entity, is an essential task in data management. The prompt tuning paradigm for pre-trained language models (PLMs), including the recent PromptEM model, effectively addresses the challenges of low-resource GEM in practical applications, offering a robust solution when labeled data is scarce. However, existing prompt tuning models for GEM face the challenges of prompt design and information gap. This paper introduces an augmented prompt tuning framework for the challenges, which consists of two main improvements. The first is an augmented contextualized soft token-based prompt tuning method that extracts a guiding soft token benefit for the PLMs' prompt tuning, and the second is a cost-effective information augmentation strategy leveraging large language models (LLMs). Our approach performs well on the low-resource GEM challenges. Extensive experiments show promising advancements of our basic model without information augmentation over existing methods based on moderate-size PLMs (average 5.24%+), and our model with information augmentation achieves comparable performance compared with fine-tuned LLMs, using less than 14% of the API fee.

#20 DALK: Dynamic Co-Augmentation of LLMs and KG to answer Alzheimer's Disease Questions with Scientific Literature [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Dawei Li ; Shu Yang ; Zhen Tan ; Jae Young Baik ; Sunkwon Yun ; Joseph Lee ; Aaron Chacko ; Bojian Hou ; Duy Duong-Tran ; Ying Ding ; Huan Liu ; Li Shen ; Tianlong Chen

Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have achieved promising performances across various applications. Nonetheless, the ongoing challenge of integrating long-tail knowledge continues to impede the seamless adoption of LLMs in specialized domains. In this work, we introduce DALK, a.k.a. Dynamic Co-Augmentation of LLMs and KG, to address this limitation and demonstrate its ability on studying Alzheimer's Disease (AD), a specialized sub-field in biomedicine and a global health priority. With a synergized framework of LLM and KG mutually enhancing each other, we first leverage LLM to construct an evolving AD-specific knowledge graph (KG) sourced from AD-related scientific literature, and then we utilize a coarse-to-fine sampling method with a novel self-aware knowledge retrieval approach to select appropriate knowledge from the KG to augment LLM inference capabilities. The experimental results, conducted on our constructed AD question answering (ADQA) benchmark, underscore the efficacy of DALK. Additionally, we perform a series of detailed analyses that can offer valuable insights and guidelines for the emerging topic of mutually enhancing KG and LLM. We will release the code and data at

#21 ACORN: Aspect-wise Commonsense Reasoning Explanation Evaluation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ana Brassard ; Benjamin Heinzerling ; Keito Kudo ; Keisuke Sakaguchi ; Kentaro Inui

Evaluating free-text explanations is a multifaceted, subjective, and labor-intensive task. Large language models (LLMs) present an appealing alternative due to their potential for consistency, scalability, and cost-efficiency. In this work, we present ACORN, a new dataset of 3,500 free-text explanations and aspect-wise quality ratings, and use it to gain insights into how LLMs evaluate explanations. We observed that replacing one of the human ratings sometimes maintained, but more often lowered the inter-annotator agreement across different settings and quality aspects, suggesting that their judgments are not always consistent with human raters. We further quantified this difference by comparing the correlation between LLM-generated ratings with majority-voted human ratings across different quality aspects. With the best system, Spearman's rank correlation ranged between 0.53 to 0.95, averaging 0.72 across aspects, indicating moderately high but imperfect alignment. Finally, we considered the alternative of using an LLM as an additional rater when human raters are scarce, and measured the correlation between majority-voted labels with a limited human pool and LLMs as an additional rater, compared to the original gold labels. While GPT-4 improved the outcome when there were only two human raters, in all other observed cases, LLMs were neutral to detrimental when there were three or more human raters. We publicly release the dataset to support future improvements in LLM-in-the-loop evaluation here:

#22 Zero-shot LLM-guided Counterfactual Generation for Text [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Amrita Bhattacharjee ; Raha Moraffah ; Joshua Garland ; Huan Liu

Counterfactual examples are frequently used for model development and evaluation in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Although methods for automated counterfactual generation have been explored, such methods depend on models such as pre-trained language models that are then fine-tuned on auxiliary, often task-specific datasets. Collecting and annotating such datasets for counterfactual generation is labor intensive and therefore, infeasible in practice. Therefore, in this work, we focus on a novel problem setting: \textit{zero-shot counterfactual generation}. To this end, we propose a structured way to utilize large language models (LLMs) as general purpose counterfactual example generators. We hypothesize that the instruction-following and textual understanding capabilities of recent LLMs can be effectively leveraged for generating high quality counterfactuals in a zero-shot manner, without requiring any training or fine-tuning. Through comprehensive experiments on various downstream tasks in natural language processing (NLP), we demonstrate the efficacy of LLMs as zero-shot counterfactual generators in evaluating and explaining black-box NLP models.

#23 CourseGPT-zh: an Educational Large Language Model Based on Knowledge Distillation Incorporating Prompt Optimization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Zheyan Qu ; Lu Yin ; Zitong Yu ; Wenbo Wang ; Xing zhang

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated astonishing capabilities in natural language processing (NLP) tasks, sparking interest in their application to professional domains with higher specialized requirements. However, restricted access to closed-source LLMs via APIs and the difficulty in collecting massive high-quality datasets pose obstacles to the development of large language models in education fields of various courses. Given these challenges, we propose CourseGPT-zh, a course-oriented education LLM that supports customization and low-cost deployment. To address the comprehensiveness and diversity requirements of course-specific corpora, we design a high-quality question-answering corpus distillation framework incorporating prompt optimization, which effectively mines textbook knowledge and enhances its diversity. Moreover, considering the alignment of LLM responses with user needs, a novel method for discrete prompt optimization based on LLM-as-Judge is introduced. During optimization, this framework leverages the LLM's ability to reflect on and exploit error feedback and patterns, allowing for prompts that meet user needs and preferences while saving response length. Lastly, we obtain CourseGPT-zh based on the open-source LLM using parameter-efficient fine-tuning. Experimental results show that our discrete prompt optimization framework effectively improves the response quality of ChatGPT, and CourseGPT-zh exhibits strong professional capabilities in specialized knowledge question-answering, significantly outperforming comparable open-source models.

#24 Empathy Through Multimodality in Conversational Interfaces [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Mahyar Abbasian ; Iman Azimi ; Mohammad Feli ; Amir M. Rahmani ; Ramesh Jain

Agents represent one of the most emerging applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI, with their effectiveness hinging on multimodal capabilities to navigate complex user environments. Conversational Health Agents (CHAs), a prime example of this, are redefining healthcare by offering nuanced support that transcends textual analysis to incorporate emotional intelligence. This paper introduces an LLM-based CHA engineered for rich, multimodal dialogue-especially in the realm of mental health support. It adeptly interprets and responds to users' emotional states by analyzing multimodal cues, thus delivering contextually aware and empathetically resonant verbal responses. Our implementation leverages the versatile openCHA framework, and our comprehensive evaluation involves neutral prompts expressed in diverse emotional tones: sadness, anger, and joy. We evaluate the consistency and repeatability of the planning capability of the proposed CHA. Furthermore, human evaluators critique the CHA's empathic delivery, with findings revealing a striking concordance between the CHA's outputs and evaluators' assessments. These results affirm the indispensable role of vocal (soon multimodal) emotion recognition in strengthening the empathetic connection built by CHAs, cementing their place at the forefront of interactive, compassionate digital health solutions.

#25 BiasKG: Adversarial Knowledge Graphs to Induce Bias in Large Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Chu Fei Luo ; Ahmad Ghawanmeh ; Xiaodan Zhu ; Faiza Khan Khattak

Modern large language models (LLMs) have a significant amount of world knowledge, which enables strong performance in commonsense reasoning and knowledge-intensive tasks when harnessed properly. The language model can also learn social biases, which has a significant potential for societal harm. There have been many mitigation strategies proposed for LLM safety, but it is unclear how effective they are for eliminating social biases. In this work, we propose a new methodology for attacking language models with knowledge graph augmented generation. We refactor natural language stereotypes into a knowledge graph, and use adversarial attacking strategies to induce biased responses from several open- and closed-source language models. We find our method increases bias in all models, even those trained with safety guardrails. This demonstrates the need for further research in AI safety, and further work in this new adversarial space.