Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

2024-10-22 | | Total: 202

#1 MvDrag3D: Drag-based Creative 3D Editing via Multi-view Generation-Reconstruction Priors [PDF9] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Honghua Chen ; Yushi Lan ; Yongwei Chen ; Yifan Zhou ; Xingang Pan

Drag-based editing has become popular in 2D content creation, driven by the capabilities of image generative models. However, extending this technique to 3D remains a challenge. Existing 3D drag-based editing methods, whether employing explicit spatial transformations or relying on implicit latent optimization within limited-capacity 3D generative models, fall short in handling significant topology changes or generating new textures across diverse object categories. To overcome these limitations, we introduce MVDrag3D, a novel framework for more flexible and creative drag-based 3D editing that leverages multi-view generation and reconstruction priors. At the core of our approach is the usage of a multi-view diffusion model as a strong generative prior to perform consistent drag editing over multiple rendered views, which is followed by a reconstruction model that reconstructs 3D Gaussians of the edited object. While the initial 3D Gaussians may suffer from misalignment between different views, we address this via view-specific deformation networks that adjust the position of Gaussians to be well aligned. In addition, we propose a multi-view score function that distills generative priors from multiple views to further enhance the view consistency and visual quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MVDrag3D provides a precise, generative, and flexible solution for 3D drag-based editing, supporting more versatile editing effects across various object categories and 3D representations.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:59:53 UTC

#2 FrugalNeRF: Fast Convergence for Few-shot Novel View Synthesis without Learned Priors [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Chin-Yang Lin ; Chung-Ho Wu ; Chang-Han Yeh ; Shih-Han Yen ; Cheng Sun ; Yu-Lun Liu

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) face significant challenges in few-shot scenarios, primarily due to overfitting and long training times for high-fidelity rendering. Existing methods, such as FreeNeRF and SparseNeRF, use frequency regularization or pre-trained priors but struggle with complex scheduling and bias. We introduce FrugalNeRF, a novel few-shot NeRF framework that leverages weight-sharing voxels across multiple scales to efficiently represent scene details. Our key contribution is a cross-scale geometric adaptation scheme that selects pseudo ground truth depth based on reprojection errors across scales. This guides training without relying on externally learned priors, enabling full utilization of the training data. It can also integrate pre-trained priors, enhancing quality without slowing convergence. Experiments on LLFF, DTU, and RealEstate-10K show that FrugalNeRF outperforms other few-shot NeRF methods while significantly reducing training time, making it a practical solution for efficient and accurate 3D scene reconstruction.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:59:53 UTC

#3 SAM2Long: Enhancing SAM 2 for Long Video Segmentation with a Training-Free Memory Tree [PDF5] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Shuangrui Ding ; Rui Qian ; Xiaoyi Dong ; Pan Zhang ; Yuhang Zang ; Yuhang Cao ; Yuwei Guo ; Dahua Lin ; Jiaqi Wang

The Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2) has emerged as a powerful foundation model for object segmentation in both images and videos, paving the way for various downstream video applications. The crucial design of SAM 2 for video segmentation is its memory module, which prompts object-aware memories from previous frames for current frame prediction. However, its greedy-selection memory design suffers from the "error accumulation" problem, where an errored or missed mask will cascade and influence the segmentation of the subsequent frames, which limits the performance of SAM 2 toward complex long-term videos. To this end, we introduce SAM2Long, an improved training-free video object segmentation strategy, which considers the segmentation uncertainty within each frame and chooses the video-level optimal results from multiple segmentation pathways in a constrained tree search manner. In practice, we maintain a fixed number of segmentation pathways throughout the video. For each frame, multiple masks are proposed based on the existing pathways, creating various candidate branches. We then select the same fixed number of branches with higher cumulative scores as the new pathways for the next frame. After processing the final frame, the pathway with the highest cumulative score is chosen as the final segmentation result. Benefiting from its heuristic search design, SAM2Long is robust toward occlusions and object reappearances, and can effectively segment and track objects for complex long-term videos. Notably, SAM2Long achieves an average improvement of 3.0 points across all 24 head-to-head comparisons, with gains of up to 5.3 points in J&F on long-term video object segmentation benchmarks such as SA-V and LVOS. The code is released at

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:59:19 UTC

#4 xGen-MM-Vid (BLIP-3-Video): You Only Need 32 Tokens to Represent a Video Even in VLMs [PDF14] [Copy] [Kimi6] [REL]

Authors: Michael S. Ryoo ; Honglu Zhou ; Shrikant Kendre ; Can Qin ; Le Xue ; Manli Shu ; Silvio Savarese ; Ran Xu ; Caiming Xiong ; Juan Carlos Niebles

We present xGen-MM-Vid (BLIP-3-Video): a multimodal language model for videos, particularly designed to efficiently capture temporal information over multiple frames. BLIP-3-Video takes advantage of the 'temporal encoder' in addition to the conventional visual tokenizer, which maps a sequence of tokens over multiple frames into a compact set of visual tokens. This enables BLIP3-Video to use much fewer visual tokens than its competing models (e.g., 32 vs. 4608 tokens). We explore different types of temporal encoders, including learnable spatio-temporal pooling as well as sequential models like Token Turing Machines. We experimentally confirm that BLIP-3-Video obtains video question-answering accuracies comparable to much larger state-of-the-art models (e.g., 34B), while being much smaller (i.e., 4B) and more efficient by using fewer visual tokens. The project website is at

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Artificial Intelligence ; Computation and Language ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:59:11 UTC

#5 3DGS-Enhancer: Enhancing Unbounded 3D Gaussian Splatting with View-consistent 2D Diffusion Priors [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Xi Liu ; Chaoyi Zhou ; Siyu Huang

Novel-view synthesis aims to generate novel views of a scene from multiple input images or videos, and recent advancements like 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) have achieved notable success in producing photorealistic renderings with efficient pipelines. However, generating high-quality novel views under challenging settings, such as sparse input views, remains difficult due to insufficient information in under-sampled areas, often resulting in noticeable artifacts. This paper presents 3DGS-Enhancer, a novel pipeline for enhancing the representation quality of 3DGS representations. We leverage 2D video diffusion priors to address the challenging 3D view consistency problem, reformulating it as achieving temporal consistency within a video generation process. 3DGS-Enhancer restores view-consistent latent features of rendered novel views and integrates them with the input views through a spatial-temporal decoder. The enhanced views are then used to fine-tune the initial 3DGS model, significantly improving its rendering performance. Extensive experiments on large-scale datasets of unbounded scenes demonstrate that 3DGS-Enhancer yields superior reconstruction performance and high-fidelity rendering results compared to state-of-the-art methods. The project webpage is .

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:59:09 UTC

#6 Mini-InternVL: A Flexible-Transfer Pocket Multimodal Model with 5% Parameters and 90% Performance [PDF11] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Zhangwei Gao ; Zhe Chen ; Erfei Cui ; Yiming Ren ; Weiyun Wang ; Jinguo Zhu ; Hao Tian ; Shenglong Ye ; Junjun He ; Xizhou Zhu ; Lewei Lu ; Tong Lu ; Yu Qiao ; Jifeng Dai ; Wenhai Wang

Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance in vision-language tasks across a broad spectrum of domains. However, the large model scale and associated high computational costs pose significant challenges for training and deploying MLLMs on consumer-grade GPUs or edge devices, thereby hindering their widespread application. In this work, we introduce Mini-InternVL, a series of MLLMs with parameters ranging from 1B to 4B, which achieves 90% of the performance with only 5% of the parameters. This significant improvement in efficiency and effectiveness makes our models more accessible and applicable in various real-world scenarios. To further promote the adoption of our models, we develop a unified adaptation framework for Mini-InternVL, which enables our models to transfer and outperform specialized models in downstream tasks, including autonomous driving, medical images, and remote sensing. We believe that our study can provide valuable insights and resources to advance the development of efficient and effective MLLMs. Code is available at

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:58:20 UTC

#7 Agent-to-Sim: Learning Interactive Behavior Models from Casual Longitudinal Videos [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Gengshan Yang ; Andrea Bajcsy ; Shunsuke Saito ; Angjoo Kanazawa

We present Agent-to-Sim (ATS), a framework for learning interactive behavior models of 3D agents from casual longitudinal video collections. Different from prior works that rely on marker-based tracking and multiview cameras, ATS learns natural behaviors of animal and human agents non-invasively through video observations recorded over a long time-span (e.g., a month) in a single environment. Modeling 3D behavior of an agent requires persistent 3D tracking (e.g., knowing which point corresponds to which) over a long time period. To obtain such data, we develop a coarse-to-fine registration method that tracks the agent and the camera over time through a canonical 3D space, resulting in a complete and persistent spacetime 4D representation. We then train a generative model of agent behaviors using paired data of perception and motion of an agent queried from the 4D reconstruction. ATS enables real-to-sim transfer from video recordings of an agent to an interactive behavior simulator. We demonstrate results on pets (e.g., cat, dog, bunny) and human given monocular RGBD videos captured by a smartphone.

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Graphics ; Robotics

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:57:50 UTC

#8 Elucidating the design space of language models for image generation [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Xuantong Liu ; Shaozhe Hao ; Xianbiao Qi ; Tianyang Hu ; Jun Wang ; Rong Xiao ; Yuan Yao

The success of autoregressive (AR) language models in text generation has inspired the computer vision community to adopt Large Language Models (LLMs) for image generation. However, considering the essential differences between text and image modalities, the design space of language models for image generation remains underexplored. We observe that image tokens exhibit greater randomness compared to text tokens, which presents challenges when training with token prediction. Nevertheless, AR models demonstrate their potential by effectively learning patterns even from a seemingly suboptimal optimization problem. Our analysis also reveals that while all models successfully grasp the importance of local information in image generation, smaller models struggle to capture the global context. In contrast, larger models showcase improved capabilities in this area, helping to explain the performance gains achieved when scaling up model size. We further elucidate the design space of language models for vision generation, including tokenizer choice, model choice, model scalability, vocabulary design, and sampling strategy through extensive comparative experiments. Our work is the first to analyze the optimization behavior of language models in vision generation, and we believe it can inspire more effective designs when applying LMs to other domains. Finally, our elucidated language model for image generation, termed as ELM, achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ImageNet 256*256 benchmark. The code is available at

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:57:04 UTC

#9 Revisiting Deep Feature Reconstruction for Logical and Structural Industrial Anomaly Detection [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sukanya Patra ; Souhaib Ben Taieb

Industrial anomaly detection is crucial for quality control and predictive maintenance, but it presents challenges due to limited training data, diverse anomaly types, and external factors that alter object appearances. Existing methods commonly detect structural anomalies, such as dents and scratches, by leveraging multi-scale features from image patches extracted through deep pre-trained networks. However, significant memory and computational demands often limit their practical application. Additionally, detecting logical anomalies-such as images with missing or excess elements-requires an understanding of spatial relationships that traditional patch-based methods fail to capture. In this work, we address these limitations by focusing on Deep Feature Reconstruction (DFR), a memory- and compute-efficient approach for detecting structural anomalies. We further enhance DFR into a unified framework, called ULSAD, which is capable of detecting both structural and logical anomalies. Specifically, we refine the DFR training objective to improve performance in structural anomaly detection, while introducing an attention-based loss mechanism using a global autoencoder-like network to handle logical anomaly detection. Our empirical evaluation across five benchmark datasets demonstrates the performance of ULSAD in detecting and localizing both structural and logical anomalies, outperforming eight state-of-the-art methods. An extensive ablation study further highlights the contribution of each component to the overall performance improvement. Our code is available at

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:56:47 UTC

#10 LLaVA-KD: A Framework of Distilling Multimodal Large Language Models [PDF5] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yuxuan Cai ; Jiangning Zhang ; Haoyang He ; Xinwei He ; Ao Tong ; Zhenye Gan ; Chengjie Wang ; Xiang Bai

The success of Large Language Models (LLM) has led researchers to explore Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) for unified visual and linguistic understanding. However, the increasing model size and computational complexity of MLLM limit their use in resource-constrained environments. Small-scale MLLM (s-MLLM) aims to retain the capabilities of the large-scale model (l-MLLM) while reducing computational demands, but resulting in a significant decline in performance. To address the aforementioned issues, we propose a novel LLaVA-KD framework to transfer knowledge from l-MLLM to s-MLLM. Specifically, we introduce Multimodal Distillation (MDist) to minimize the divergence between the visual-textual output distributions of l-MLLM and s-MLLM, and Relation Distillation (RDist) to transfer l-MLLM's ability to model correlations between visual features. Additionally, we propose a three-stage training scheme to fully exploit the potential of s-MLLM: 1) Distilled Pre-Training to align visual-textual representations, 2) Supervised Fine-Tuning to equip the model with multimodal understanding, and 3) Distilled Fine-Tuning to further transfer l-MLLM capabilities. Our approach significantly improves performance without altering the small model's architecture. Extensive experiments and ablation studies validate the effectiveness of each proposed component. Code will be available at

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:41:28 UTC

#11 Training Better Deep Learning Models Using Human Saliency [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aidan Boyd ; Patrick Tinsley ; Kevin W. Bowyer ; Adam Czajka

This work explores how human judgement about salient regions of an image can be introduced into deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) training. Traditionally, training of DCNNs is purely data-driven. This often results in learning features of the data that are only coincidentally correlated with class labels. Human saliency can guide network training using our proposed new component of the loss function that ConveYs Brain Oversight to Raise Generalization (CYBORG) and penalizes the model for using non-salient regions. This mechanism produces DCNNs achieving higher accuracy and generalization compared to using the same training data without human salience. Experimental results demonstrate that CYBORG applies across multiple network architectures and problem domains (detection of synthetic faces, iris presentation attacks and anomalies in chest X-rays), while requiring significantly less data than training without human saliency guidance. Visualizations show that CYBORG-trained models' saliency is more consistent across independent training runs than traditionally-trained models, and also in better agreement with humans. To lower the cost of collecting human annotations, we also explore using deep learning to provide automated annotations. CYBORG training of CNNs addresses important issues such as reducing the appetite for large training sets, increasing interpretability, and reducing fragility by generalizing better to new types of data.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 16:52:44 UTC

#12 A Framework for Evaluating Predictive Models Using Synthetic Image Covariates and Longitudinal Data [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Simon Deltadahl ; Andreu Vall ; Vijay Ivaturi ; Niklas Korsbo

We present a novel framework for synthesizing patient data with complex covariates (e.g., eye scans) paired with longitudinal observations (e.g., visual acuity over time), addressing privacy concerns in healthcare research. Our approach introduces controlled association in latent spaces generating each data modality, enabling the creation of complex covariate-longitudinal observation pairs. This framework facilitates the development of predictive models and provides openly available benchmarking datasets for healthcare research. We demonstrate our framework using optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans, though it is applicable across domains. Using 109,309 2D OCT scan slices, we trained an image generative model combining a variational autoencoder and a diffusion model. Longitudinal observations were simulated using a nonlinear mixed effect (NLME) model from a low-dimensional space of random effects. We generated 1.1M OCT scan slices paired with five sets of longitudinal observations at controlled association levels (100%, 50%, 10%, 5.26%, and 2% of between-subject variability). To assess the framework, we modeled synthetic longitudinal observations with another NLME model, computed empirical Bayes estimates of random effects, and trained a ResNet to predict these estimates from synthetic OCT scans. We then incorporated ResNet predictions into the NLME model for patient-individualized predictions. Prediction accuracy on withheld data declined as intended with reduced association between images and longitudinal measurements. Notably, in all but the 2% case, we achieved within 50% of the theoretical best possible prediction on withheld data, demonstrating our ability to detect even weak signals. This confirms the effectiveness of our framework in generating synthetic data with controlled levels of association, providing a valuable tool for healthcare research.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 16:43:16 UTC

#13 Beyond Filtering: Adaptive Image-Text Quality Enhancement for MLLM Pretraining [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Han Huang ; Yuqi Huo ; Zijia Zhao ; Haoyu Lu ; Shu Wu ; Bingning Wang ; Qiang Liu ; Weipeng Chen ; Liang Wang

Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have made significant strides by integrating visual and textual modalities. A critical factor in training MLLMs is the quality of image-text pairs within multimodal pretraining datasets. However, $\textit {de facto}$ filter-based data quality enhancement paradigms often discard a substantial portion of high-quality image data due to inadequate semantic alignment between images and texts, leading to inefficiencies in data utilization and scalability. In this paper, we propose the Adaptive Image-Text Quality Enhancer (AITQE), a model that dynamically assesses and enhances the quality of image-text pairs. AITQE employs a text rewriting mechanism for low-quality pairs and incorporates a negative sample learning strategy to improve evaluative capabilities by integrating deliberately selected low-quality samples during training. Unlike prior approaches that significantly alter text distributions, our method minimally adjusts text to preserve data volume while enhancing quality. Experimental results demonstrate that AITQE surpasses existing methods on various benchmark, effectively leveraging raw data and scaling efficiently with increasing data volumes. We hope our work will inspire future works. The code and model are available at:

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Computation and Language

Publish: 2024-10-21 16:32:41 UTC

#14 Griffon-G: Bridging Vision-Language and Vision-Centric Tasks via Large Multimodal Models [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yufei Zhan ; Hongyin Zhao ; Yousong Zhu ; Fan Yang ; Ming Tang ; Jinqiao Wang

Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have achieved significant breakthroughs in various vision-language and vision-centric tasks based on auto-regressive modeling. However, these models typically focus on either vision-centric tasks, such as visual grounding and region description, or vision-language tasks, like image caption and multi-scenario VQAs. None of the LMMs have yet comprehensively unified both types of tasks within a single model, as seen in Large Language Models in the natural language processing field. Furthermore, even with abundant multi-task instruction-following data, directly stacking these data for universal capabilities extension remains challenging. To address these issues, we introduce a novel multi-dimension curated and consolidated multimodal dataset, named CCMD-8M, which overcomes the data barriers of unifying vision-centric and vision-language tasks through multi-level data curation and multi-task consolidation. More importantly, we present Griffon-G, a general large multimodal model that addresses both vision-centric and vision-language tasks within a single end-to-end paradigm. Griffon-G resolves the training collapse issue encountered during the joint optimization of these tasks, achieving better training efficiency. Evaluations across multimodal benchmarks, general Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks, scene text-centric VQA tasks, document-related VQA tasks, Referring Expression Comprehension, and object detection demonstrate that Griffon-G surpasses the advanced LMMs and achieves expert-level performance in complicated vision-centric tasks.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 16:30:29 UTC

#15 Sparkle: Mastering Basic Spatial Capabilities in Vision Language Models Elicits Generalization to Composite Spatial Reasoning [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yihong Tang ; Ao Qu ; Zhaokai Wang ; Dingyi Zhuang ; Zhaofeng Wu ; Wei Ma ; Shenhao Wang ; Yunhan Zheng ; Zhan Zhao ; Jinhua Zhao

Vision language models (VLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance across a wide range of downstream tasks. However, their proficiency in spatial reasoning remains limited, despite its crucial role in tasks involving navigation and interaction with physical environments. Specifically, much of the spatial reasoning in these tasks occurs in two-dimensional (2D) environments, and our evaluation reveals that state-of-the-art VLMs frequently generate implausible and incorrect responses to composite spatial reasoning problems, including simple pathfinding tasks that humans can solve effortlessly at a glance. To address this, we explore an effective approach to enhance 2D spatial reasoning within VLMs by training the model on basic spatial capabilities. We begin by disentangling the key components of 2D spatial reasoning: direction comprehension, distance estimation, and localization. Our central hypothesis is that mastering these basic spatial capabilities can significantly enhance a model's performance on composite spatial tasks requiring advanced spatial understanding and combinatorial problem-solving. To investigate this hypothesis, we introduce Sparkle, a framework that fine-tunes VLMs on these three basic spatial capabilities by synthetic data generation and targeted supervision to form an instruction dataset for each capability. Our experiments demonstrate that VLMs fine-tuned with Sparkle achieve significant performance gains, not only in the basic tasks themselves but also in generalizing to composite and out-of-distribution spatial reasoning tasks (e.g., improving from 13.5% to 40.0% on the shortest path problem). These findings underscore the effectiveness of mastering basic spatial capabilities in enhancing composite spatial problem-solving, offering insights for improving VLMs' spatial reasoning capabilities.

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Computation and Language

Publish: 2024-10-21 16:26:09 UTC

#16 Warped Diffusion: Solving Video Inverse Problems with Image Diffusion Models [PDF6] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Giannis Daras ; Weili Nie ; Karsten Kreis ; Alex Dimakis ; Morteza Mardani ; Nikola Borislavov Kovachki ; Arash Vahdat

Using image models naively for solving inverse video problems often suffers from flickering, texture-sticking, and temporal inconsistency in generated videos. To tackle these problems, in this paper, we view frames as continuous functions in the 2D space, and videos as a sequence of continuous warping transformations between different frames. This perspective allows us to train function space diffusion models only on images and utilize them to solve temporally correlated inverse problems. The function space diffusion models need to be equivariant with respect to the underlying spatial transformations. To ensure temporal consistency, we introduce a simple post-hoc test-time guidance towards (self)-equivariant solutions. Our method allows us to deploy state-of-the-art latent diffusion models such as Stable Diffusion XL to solve video inverse problems. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for video inpainting and $8\times$ video super-resolution, outperforming existing techniques based on noise transformations. We provide generated video results:\

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Artificial Intelligence ; Machine Learning

Publish: 2024-10-21 16:19:34 UTC

#17 Increasing Interpretability of Neural Networks By Approximating Human Visual Saliency [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aidan Boyd ; Mohamed Trabelsi ; Huseyin Uzunalioglu ; Dan Kushnir

Understanding specifically where a model focuses on within an image is critical for human interpretability of the decision-making process. Deep learning-based solutions are prone to learning coincidental correlations in training datasets, causing over-fitting and reducing the explainability. Recent advances have shown that guiding models to human-defined regions of saliency within individual images significantly increases performance and interpretability. Human-guided models also exhibit greater generalization capabilities, as coincidental dataset features are avoided. Results show that models trained with saliency incorporation display an increase in interpretability of up to 30% over models trained without saliency information. The collection of this saliency information, however, can be costly, laborious and in some cases infeasible. To address this limitation, we propose a combination strategy of saliency incorporation and active learning to reduce the human annotation data required by 80% while maintaining the interpretability and performance increase from human saliency. Extensive experimentation outlines the effectiveness of the proposed approach across five public datasets and six active learning criteria.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 15:42:27 UTC

#18 LMHaze: Intensity-aware Image Dehazing with a Large-scale Multi-intensity Real Haze Dataset [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ruikun Zhang ; Hao Yang ; Yan Yang ; Ying Fu ; Liyuan Pan

Image dehazing has drawn a significant attention in recent years. Learning-based methods usually require paired hazy and corresponding ground truth (haze-free) images for training. However, it is difficult to collect real-world image pairs, which prevents developments of existing methods. Although several works partially alleviate this issue by using synthetic datasets or small-scale real datasets. The haze intensity distribution bias and scene homogeneity in existing datasets limit the generalization ability of these methods, particularly when encountering images with previously unseen haze intensities. In this work, we present LMHaze, a large-scale, high-quality real-world dataset. LMHaze comprises paired hazy and haze-free images captured in diverse indoor and outdoor environments, spanning multiple scenarios and haze intensities. It contains over 5K high-resolution image pairs, surpassing the size of the biggest existing real-world dehazing dataset by over 25 times. Meanwhile, to better handle images with different haze intensities, we propose a mixture-of-experts model based on Mamba (MoE-Mamba) for dehazing, which dynamically adjusts the model parameters according to the haze intensity. Moreover, with our proposed dataset, we conduct a new large multimodal model (LMM)-based benchmark study to simulate human perception for evaluating dehazed images. Experiments demonstrate that LMHaze dataset improves the dehazing performance in real scenarios and our dehazing method provides better results compared to state-of-the-art methods.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 15:20:02 UTC

#19 Integrated Image-Text Based on Semi-supervised Learning for Small Sample Instance Segmentation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ruting Chi ; Zhiyi Huang ; Yuexing Han

Small sample instance segmentation is a very challenging task, and many existing methods follow the training strategy of meta-learning which pre-train models on support set and fine-tune on query set. The pre-training phase, which is highly task related, requires a significant amount of additional training time and the selection of datasets with close proximity to ensure effectiveness. The article proposes a novel small sample instance segmentation solution from the perspective of maximizing the utilization of existing information without increasing annotation burden and training costs. The proposed method designs two modules to address the problems encountered in small sample instance segmentation. First, it helps the model fully utilize unlabeled data by learning to generate pseudo labels, increasing the number of available samples. Second, by integrating the features of text and image, more accurate classification results can be obtained. These two modules are suitable for box-free and box-dependent frameworks. In the way, the proposed method not only improves the performance of small sample instance segmentation, but also greatly reduce reliance on pre-training. We have conducted experiments in three datasets from different scenes: on land, underwater and under microscope. As evidenced by our experiments, integrated image-text corrects the confidence of classification, and pseudo labels help the model obtain preciser masks. All the results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our method.

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ; Artificial Intelligence

Publish: 2024-10-21 14:44:08 UTC

#20 Label Filling via Mixed Supervision for Medical Image Segmentation from Noisy Annotations [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ming Li ; Wei Shen ; Qingli Li ; Yan Wang

The success of medical image segmentation usually requires a large number of high-quality labels. But since the labeling process is usually affected by the raters' varying skill levels and characteristics, the estimated masks provided by different raters usually suffer from high inter-rater variability. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective Label Filling framework, termed as LF-Net, predicting the groundtruth segmentation label given only noisy annotations during training. The fundamental idea of label filling is to supervise the segmentation model by a subset of pixels with trustworthy labels, meanwhile filling labels of other pixels by mixed supervision. More concretely, we propose a qualified majority voting strategy, i.e., a threshold voting scheme is designed to model agreement among raters and the majority-voted labels of the selected subset of pixels are regarded as supervision. To fill labels of other pixels, two types of mixed auxiliary supervision are proposed: a soft label learned from intrinsic structures of noisy annotations, and raters' characteristics labels which propagate individual rater's characteristics information. LF-Net has two main advantages. 1) Training with trustworthy pixels incorporates training with confident supervision, guiding the direction of groundtruth label learning. 2) Two types of mixed supervision prevent over-fitting issues when the network is supervised by a subset of pixels, and guarantee high fidelity with the true label. Results on five datasets of diverse imaging modalities show that our LF-Net boosts segmentation accuracy in all datasets compared with state-of-the-art methods, with even a 7% improvement in DSC for MS lesion segmentation.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 14:36:36 UTC

#21 Benchmarking Pathology Foundation Models: Adaptation Strategies and Scenarios [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jeaung Lee ; Jeewoo Lim ; Keunho Byeon ; Jin Tae Kwak

In computational pathology, several foundation models have recently emerged and demonstrated enhanced learning capability for analyzing pathology images. However, adapting these models to various downstream tasks remains challenging, particularly when faced with datasets from different sources and acquisition conditions, as well as limited data availability. In this study, we benchmark four pathology-specific foundation models across 14 datasets and two scenarios-consistency assessment and flexibility assessment-addressing diverse adaptation scenarios and downstream tasks. In the consistency assessment scenario, involving five fine-tuning methods, we found that the parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach was both efficient and effective for adapting pathology-specific foundation models to diverse datasets within the same downstream task. In the flexibility assessment scenario under data-limited environments, utilizing five few-shot learning methods, we observed that the foundation models benefited more from the few-shot learning methods that involve modification during the testing phase only. These findings provide insights that could guide the deployment of pathology-specific foundation models in real clinical settings, potentially improving the accuracy and reliability of pathology image analysis. The code for this study is available at:

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 14:10:18 UTC

#22 Improving the Multi-label Atomic Activity Recognition by Robust Visual Feature and Advanced Attention @ ROAD++ Atomic Activity Recognition 2024 [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jiamin Cao ; Lingqi Wang ; Kexin Zhang ; Yuting Yang ; Licheng Jiao ; Yuwei Guo

Road++ Track3 proposes a multi-label atomic activity recognition task in traffic scenarios, which can be standardized as a 64-class multi-label video action recognition task. In the multi-label atomic activity recognition task, the robustness of visual feature extraction remains a key challenge, which directly affects the model performance and generalization ability. To cope with these issues, our team optimized three aspects: data processing, model and post-processing. Firstly, the appropriate resolution and video sampling strategy are selected, and a fixed sampling strategy is set on the validation and test sets. Secondly, in terms of model training, the team selects a variety of visual backbone networks for feature extraction, and then introduces the action-slot model, which is trained on the training and validation sets, and reasoned on the test set. Finally, for post-processing, the team combined the strengths and weaknesses of different models for weighted fusion, and the final mAP on the test set was 58%, which is 4% higher than the challenge baseline.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 14:10:14 UTC

#23 Few-shot target-driven instance detection based on open-vocabulary object detection models [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ben Crulis ; Barthelemy Serres ; Cyril De Runz ; Gilles Venturini

Current large open vision models could be useful for one and few-shot object recognition. Nevertheless, gradient-based re-training solutions are costly. On the other hand, open-vocabulary object detection models bring closer visual and textual concepts in the same latent space, allowing zero-shot detection via prompting at small computational cost. We propose a lightweight method to turn the latter into a one-shot or few-shot object recognition models without requiring textual descriptions. Our experiments on the TEgO dataset using the YOLO-World model as a base show that performance increases with the model size, the number of examples and the use of image augmentation.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 14:03:15 UTC

#24 START: A Generalized State Space Model with Saliency-Driven Token-Aware Transformation [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jintao Guo ; Lei Qi ; Yinghuan Shi ; Yang Gao

Domain Generalization (DG) aims to enable models to generalize to unseen target domains by learning from multiple source domains. Existing DG methods primarily rely on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which inherently learn texture biases due to their limited receptive fields, making them prone to overfitting source domains. While some works have introduced transformer-based methods (ViTs) for DG to leverage the global receptive field, these methods incur high computational costs due to the quadratic complexity of self-attention. Recently, advanced state space models (SSMs), represented by Mamba, have shown promising results in supervised learning tasks by achieving linear complexity in sequence length during training and fast RNN-like computation during inference. Inspired by this, we investigate the generalization ability of the Mamba model under domain shifts and find that input-dependent matrices within SSMs could accumulate and amplify domain-specific features, thus hindering model generalization. To address this issue, we propose a novel SSM-based architecture with saliency-based token-aware transformation (namely START), which achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performances and offers a competitive alternative to CNNs and ViTs. Our START can selectively perturb and suppress domain-specific features in salient tokens within the input-dependent matrices of SSMs, thus effectively reducing the discrepancy between different domains. Extensive experiments on five benchmarks demonstrate that START outperforms existing SOTA DG methods with efficient linear complexity. Our code is available at

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 13:50:32 UTC

#25 Multispectral Texture Synthesis using RGB Convolutional Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sélim Ollivier ; Yann Gousseau ; Sidonie Lefebvre

State-of-the-art RGB texture synthesis algorithms rely on style distances that are computed through statistics of deep features. These deep features are extracted by classification neural networks that have been trained on large datasets of RGB images. Extending such synthesis methods to multispectral images is not straightforward, since the pre-trained networks are designed for and have been trained on RGB images. In this work, we propose two solutions to extend these methods to multispectral imaging. Neither of them require additional training of the neural network from which the second order neural statistics are extracted. The first one consists in optimizing over batches of random triplets of spectral bands throughout training. The second one projects multispectral pixels onto a 3 dimensional space. We further explore the benefit of a color transfer operation upstream of the projection to avoid the potentially abnormal color distributions induced by the projection. Our experiments compare the performances of the various methods through different metrics. We demonstrate that they can be used to perform exemplar-based texture synthesis, achieve good visual quality and comes close to state-of-the art methods on RGB bands.

Subject: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Publish: 2024-10-21 13:49:54 UTC