Multiagent Systems

2025-01-13 | | Total: 7

#1 Finite-Horizon Single-Pull Restless Bandits: An Efficient Index Policy For Scarce Resource Allocation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guojun Xiong, Haichuan Wang, Yuqi Pan, Saptarshi Mandal, Sanket Shah, Niclas Boehmer, Milind Tambe

Restless multi-armed bandits (RMABs) have been highly successful in optimizing sequential resource allocation across many domains. However, in many practical settings with highly scarce resources, where each agent can only receive at most one resource, such as healthcare intervention programs, the standard RMAB framework falls short. To tackle such scenarios, we introduce Finite-Horizon Single-Pull RMABs (SPRMABs), a novel variant in which each arm can only be pulled once. This single-pull constraint introduces additional complexity, rendering many existing RMAB solutions suboptimal or ineffective. %To address this, we propose using dummy states to duplicate the system, ensuring that once an arm is activated, it transitions exclusively within the dummy states. To address this shortcoming, we propose using \textit{dummy states} that expand the system and enforce the one-pull constraint. We then design a lightweight index policy for this expanded system. For the first time, we demonstrate that our index policy achieves a sub-linearly decaying average optimality gap of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\frac{1}{\rho^{1/2}}\right)$ for a finite number of arms, where $\rho$ is the scaling factor for each arm cluster. Extensive simulations validate the proposed method, showing robust performance across various domains compared to existing benchmarks.

Subjects: Multiagent Systems , Machine Learning

Publish: 2025-01-10 16:54:56 UTC

#2 Learning Flexible Heterogeneous Coordination with Capability-Aware Shared Hypernetworks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kevin Fu, Pierce Howell, Shalin Jain, Harish Ravichandar

Cooperative heterogeneous multi-agent tasks require agents to effectively coordinate their behaviors while accounting for their relative capabilities. Learning-based solutions to this challenge span between two extremes: i) shared-parameter methods, which encode diverse behaviors within a single architecture by assigning an ID to each agent, and are sample-efficient but result in limited behavioral diversity; ii) independent methods, which learn a separate policy for each agent, and show greater behavioral diversity but lack sample-efficiency. Prior work has also explored selective parameter-sharing, allowing for a compromise between diversity and efficiency. None of these approaches, however, effectively generalize to unseen agents or teams. We present Capability-Aware Shared Hypernetworks (CASH), a novel architecture for heterogeneous multi-agent coordination that generates sufficient diversity while maintaining sample-efficiency via soft parameter-sharing hypernetworks. Intuitively, CASH allows the team to learn common strategies using a shared encoder, which are then adapted according to the team's individual and collective capabilities with a hypernetwork, allowing for zero-shot generalization to unseen teams and agents. We present experiments across two heterogeneous coordination tasks and three standard learning paradigms (imitation learning, on- and off-policy reinforcement learning). CASH is able to outperform baseline architectures in success rate and sample efficiency when evaluated on unseen teams and agents despite using less than half of the learnable parameters.

Subjects: Multiagent Systems , Machine Learning

Publish: 2025-01-10 15:39:39 UTC

#3 Scaling Safe Multi-Agent Control for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Joe Eappen, Zikang Xiong, Dipam Patel, Aniket Bera, Suresh Jagannathan

Existing methods for safe multi-agent control using logic specifications like Signal Temporal Logic (STL) often face scalability issues. This is because they rely either on single-agent perspectives or on Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)-based planners, which are complex to optimize. These methods have proven to be computationally expensive and inefficient when dealing with a large number of agents. To address these limitations, we present a new scalable approach to multi-agent control in this setting. Our method treats the relationships between agents using a graph structure rather than in terms of a single-agent perspective. Moreover, it combines a multi-agent collision avoidance controller with a Graph Neural Network (GNN) based planner, models the system in a decentralized fashion, and trains on STL-based objectives to generate safe and efficient plans for multiple agents, thereby optimizing the satisfaction of complex temporal specifications while also facilitating multi-agent collision avoidance. Our experiments show that our approach significantly outperforms existing methods that use a state-of-the-art MILP-based planner in terms of scalability and performance. The project website is and the code is at .

Subjects: Multiagent Systems , Robotics

Publish: 2025-01-10 00:56:39 UTC

#4 PEACE: Empowering Geologic Map Holistic Understanding with MLLMs [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yangyu Huang, Tianyi Gao, Haoran Xu, Qihao Zhao, Yang Song, Zhipeng Gui, Tengchao Lv, Hao Chen, Lei Cui, Scarlett Li, Furu Wei

Geologic map, as a fundamental diagram in geology science, provides critical insights into the structure and composition of Earth's subsurface and surface. These maps are indispensable in various fields, including disaster detection, resource exploration, and civil engineering. Despite their significance, current Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) often fall short in geologic map understanding. This gap is primarily due to the challenging nature of cartographic generalization, which involves handling high-resolution map, managing multiple associated components, and requiring domain-specific knowledge. To quantify this gap, we construct GeoMap-Bench, the first-ever benchmark for evaluating MLLMs in geologic map understanding, which assesses the full-scale abilities in extracting, referring, grounding, reasoning, and analyzing. To bridge this gap, we introduce GeoMap-Agent, the inaugural agent designed for geologic map understanding, which features three modules: Hierarchical Information Extraction (HIE), Domain Knowledge Injection (DKI), and Prompt-enhanced Question Answering (PEQA). Inspired by the interdisciplinary collaboration among human scientists, an AI expert group acts as consultants, utilizing a diverse tool pool to comprehensively analyze questions. Through comprehensive experiments, GeoMap-Agent achieves an overall score of 0.811 on GeoMap-Bench, significantly outperforming 0.369 of GPT-4o. Our work, emPowering gEologic mAp holistiC undErstanding (PEACE) with MLLMs, paves the way for advanced AI applications in geology, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of geological investigations.

Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , Multiagent Systems

Publish: 2025-01-10 18:59:42 UTC

#5 CoDriveVLM: VLM-Enhanced Urban Cooperative Dispatching and Motion Planning for Future Autonomous Mobility on Demand Systems [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haichao Liu, Ruoyu Yao, Wenru Liu, Zhenmin Huang, Shaojie Shen, Jun Ma

The increasing demand for flexible and efficient urban transportation solutions has spotlighted the limitations of traditional Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) systems, particularly in accommodating diverse passenger needs and dynamic urban environments. Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand (AMoD) systems have emerged as a promising alternative, leveraging connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) to provide responsive and adaptable services. However, existing methods primarily focus on either vehicle scheduling or path planning, which often simplify complex urban layouts and neglect the necessity for simultaneous coordination and mutual avoidance among CAVs. This oversimplification poses significant challenges to the deployment of AMoD systems in real-world scenarios. To address these gaps, we propose CoDriveVLM, a novel framework that integrates high-fidelity simultaneous dispatching and cooperative motion planning for future AMoD systems. Our method harnesses Vision-Language Models (VLMs) to enhance multi-modality information processing, and this enables comprehensive dispatching and collision risk evaluation. The VLM-enhanced CAV dispatching coordinator is introduced to effectively manage complex and unforeseen AMoD conditions, thus supporting efficient scheduling decision-making. Furthermore, we propose a scalable decentralized cooperative motion planning method via consensus alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) focusing on collision risk evaluation and decentralized trajectory optimization. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and robustness of CoDriveVLM in various traffic conditions, showcasing its potential to significantly improve the fidelity and effectiveness of AMoD systems in future urban transportation networks. The code is available at

Subjects: Robotics , Artificial Intelligence , Multiagent Systems

Publish: 2025-01-10 17:44:57 UTC

#6 Towards Developing Socially Compliant Automated Vehicles: State of the Art, Experts Expectations, and A Conceptual Framework [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yongqi Dong, Bart van Arem, Haneen Farah

Automated Vehicles (AVs) hold promise for revolutionizing transportation by improving road safety, traffic efficiency, and overall mobility. Despite the steady advancement in high-level AVs in recent years, the transition to full automation entails a period of mixed traffic, where AVs of varying automation levels coexist with human-driven vehicles (HDVs). Making AVs socially compliant and understood by human drivers is expected to improve the safety and efficiency of mixed traffic. Thus, ensuring AVs compatibility with HDVs and social acceptance is crucial for their successful and seamless integration into mixed traffic. However, research in this critical area of developing Socially Compliant AVs (SCAVs) remains sparse. This study carries out the first comprehensive scoping review to assess the current state of the art in developing SCAVs, identifying key concepts, methodological approaches, and research gaps. An expert interview was also conducted to identify critical research gaps and expectations towards SCAVs. Based on the scoping review and expert interview input, a conceptual framework is proposed for the development of SCAVs. The conceptual framework is evaluated using an online survey targeting researchers, technicians, policymakers, and other relevant professionals worldwide. The survey results provide valuable validation and insights, affirming the significance of the proposed conceptual framework in tackling the challenges of integrating AVs into mixed-traffic environments. Additionally, future research perspectives and suggestions are discussed, contributing to the research and development agenda of SCAVs.

Subjects: Robotics , Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning , Multiagent Systems , Systems and Control

Publish: 2025-01-10 16:39:01 UTC

#7 Strategy Masking: A Method for Guardrails in Value-based Reinforcement Learning Agents [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Jonathan Keane, Sam Keyser, Jeremy Kedziora

The use of reward functions to structure AI learning and decision making is core to the current reinforcement learning paradigm; however, without careful design of reward functions, agents can learn to solve problems in ways that may be considered ``undesirable" or ``unethical. Without thorough understanding of the incentives a reward function creates, it can be difficult to impose principled yet general control mechanisms over its behavior. In this paper, we study methods for constructing guardrails for AI agents that use reward functions to learn decision making. We introduce a novel approach, which we call strategy masking, to explicitly learn and then suppress undesirable AI agent behavior. We apply our method to study lying in AI agents and show that strategy masking can effectively modify agent behavior by suppressing, or actively penalizing, the reward dimension for lying such that agents act more honestly while not compromising their ability to perform effectively.

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning , Multiagent Systems

Publish: 2025-01-09 18:43:05 UTC