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Statistical Mechanics

2025-03-27 | | Total: 13

#1 The role of fluctuations in the nucleation process [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuanpeng Deng, Peilin Kang, Xiang Xu, Hui Li, Michele Parrinello

The emergence upon cooling of an ordered solid phase from a liquid is a remarkable example of self-assembly, which has also major practical relevance. Here, we use a recently developed committor-based enhanced sampling method [Kang et al., Nat. Comput. Sci. 4, 451-460 (2024); Trizio et al., arXiv:2410.17029 (2024)] to explore the crystallization transition in a Lennard-Jones fluid, using Kolmogorov's variational principle. In particular, we take advantage of the properties of our sampling method to harness a large number of configurations from the transition state ensemble. From this wealth of data, we achieve precise localization of the transition state region, revealing a nucleation pathway that deviates from idealized spherical growth assumptions. Furthermore, we take advantage of the probabilistic nature of the committor to detect and analyze the fluctuations that lead to nucleation. Our study nuances classical nucleation theory by showing that the growing nucleus has a complex structure, consisting of a solid core surrounded by a disordered interface. We also compute from the Kolmogorov's principle a nucleation rate that is consistent with the experimental results at variance with previous computational estimates.

Subjects: Statistical Mechanics , Computational Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 15:42:13 UTC

#2 Structured Random Binding: a minimal model of protein-protein interactions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Ling-Nan Zou

We describe Structured Random Binding (SRB), a minimal model of protein-protein interactions rooted in the statistical physics of disordered systems. In this model, nonspecific binding is a generic consequence of the interaction between random proteins, exhibiting a phase transition from a high temperature state where nonspecific complexes are transient and lack well-defined interaction interfaces, to a low temperature state where the complex structure is frozen and a definite interaction interface is present. Numerically, weakly-bound nonspecific complexes can evolve into tightly-bound, highly specific complexes, but only if the structural correlation length along the peptide backbone is short; moreover, evolved tightly-bound homodimers favor the same interface structure that is predominant in real protein homodimers.

Subjects: Statistical Mechanics , Soft Condensed Matter , Biological Physics , Biomolecules

Publish: 2025-03-26 14:28:05 UTC

#3 Effective and asymptotic scaling in a one-dimensional billiard problem [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Taras Holovatch, Yuri Kozitsky, Krzysztof Pilorz, Yurij Holovatch

The emergence of power laws that govern the large-time dynamics of a one-dimensional billiard of N point particles is analysed. In the initial state, the resting particles are placed in the positive half-line x0 at equal distances. Their masses alternate between two distinct values. The dynamics is initialized by giving the leftmost particle a positive velocity. Due to elastic inter-particle collisions the whole system gradually comes into motion, filling both right and left half-lines. As shown by S. Chakraborti, A. Dhar, P. Krapivsky, SciPost Phys. 13 (2022) 074, an inherent feature of such a billiard is the emergence of two different modes: the shock wave that propagates in x0 and the splash region in x<0. Moreover, the behaviour of the relevant observables is characterized by universal asymptotic power-law dependencies. In view of the finite size of the system and of finite observation times, these dependencies only start to acquire a universal character. To analyse them, we set up molecular dynamics simulations using the concept of effective scaling exponents, familiar in the theory of continuous phase transitions. We present results for the effective exponents that govern the large-time behaviour of the shock-wave front, the number of collisions, the energies and momentum of different modes and analyse their tendency to approach corresponding universal values.

Subjects: Statistical Mechanics , Chaotic Dynamics , Fluid Dynamics

Publish: 2025-03-26 12:04:32 UTC

#4 Localizing entropy production along non-equilibrium trajectories [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Biswajit Das, Sreekanth K Manikandan

An important open problem in nonequilibrium thermodynamics is the quantification and spatiotemporal localization of entropy production in complex nanoscale processes from experimental data. Here we address this issue through a data-driven approach that combines the recently developed short-time thermodynamic uncertainty relation based inference scheme with machine learning techniques. Our approach leverages the flexible function representation provided by deep neural networks to achieve accurate reconstruction of high-dimensional, potentially time-dependent dissipative force fields as well as the localization of entropy production in both space and time along nonequilibrium trajectories. We demonstrate the versatility of the framework through applications to diverse systems of fundamental interest and experimental significance, where it successfully addresses distinct challenges in localizing entropy production.

Subject: Statistical Mechanics

Publish: 2025-03-26 10:59:27 UTC

#5 Bipartite particle number fluctuations in dephased long-range lattice systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lokesh Tater, Subhajit Sarkar, Devendra Singh Bhakuni, Bijay Kumar Agarwalla

We investigate the dynamics of subsystem particle number fluctuations in a long-range system with power-law decaying hopping strength characterized by exponent μ and subjected to a local dephasing at every site. We introduce an efficient {\it bond length} representation for the four-point correlator, enabling the large-scale simulation of the dynamics of particle number fluctuations from translationally invariant initial states. Our results show that the particle number fluctuation dynamics exhibit one-parameter Family-Vicsek scaling, with superdiffusive scaling exponents for μ<1.5 and diffusive scaling exponents for μ1.5. Finally, exploiting the bond-length representation, we provide an exact analytical expression for the particle number fluctuations and their scaling exponents in the short-range limit (μ).

Subjects: Statistical Mechanics , Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 09:34:59 UTC

#6 Fluctuation-dissipation of the Kuramoto model on fruit-fly connectomes [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Géza Ódor, István Papp, Gustavo Deco

We investigate the distance from equilibrium using the Kuramoto model via the degree of fluctuation-dissipation violation as the consequence of different levels of edge weight anisotropies. This is achieved by solving the synchronization equations on the raw, homeostatic weighted and a random inhibitory edge variant of a real full fly (FF) connectome, containing 105 neuron cell nodes. We investigate these systems close to their synchronization transition critical points. While the topological(graph) dimension is high: d6 the spectral dimensions of the variants, relevant in describing the synchronization behavior, are lower than the upper critical dimension: ds2<dc=4, suggesting relevant fluctuation effects and non mean-field scaling behavior. By measuring the auto-correlations and the auto-response functions for small perturbations we calculate the fluctuation-dissipation ratios (FDR) for the different variants of different anisotropy levels of the FF connectome. Numerical evidence is presented that the FDRs follow the level of anisotropy of these non-equilibrium systems in agreement with the expectations. We also compare these results with those on a symmetric random graph of similar size. We provide a detailed network analysis of the FF connectome and calculate the level of hierarchy, also related to the anisotropy. Finally, we provide some partial results for the periodic forced Kuramoto, the Shinomoto-Kuramoto model.

Subjects: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks , Statistical Mechanics , Chaotic Dynamics , Neurons and Cognition

Publish: 2025-03-26 16:42:05 UTC

#7 Quantum decoherence in the Caldeira-Leggett model by the real-time path integral on a computer [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jun Nishimura, Hiromasa Watanabe

We propose first-principle calculations of an open system based on the real-time path integral formalism treating the environment as well as the system of our interest together on a computer. The sign problem that occurs in applying Monte Carlo methods can be overcome in general by using the so-called Lefschetz thimble method, which has been developed over the past decade. Here we focus on the Caldeira-Leggett model, which is well known, in particular, as a model of quantum decoherence. In this case, the calculation simplifies drastically since the path integral becomes Gaussian for typical initial conditions. The relevant saddle point, which is unique and complex, can be determined by solving a linear equation with a huge but sparse coefficient matrix, and the integration over the Lefschetz thimble can be performed analytically. Thus we obtain, without assumptions or approximations, the reduced density matrix after a long-time evolution, tracing out a large number of harmonic oscillators in the environment. In particular, we confirm the dependence of the decoherence time on the coupling constant and the temperature that has been predicted from the master equation in a certain parameter regime.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Lattice , Statistical Mechanics , High Energy Physics - Theory , Nuclear Theory , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 16:29:38 UTC

#8 (Dis)continuous buckling transition in elastic shell mediated by contact [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Takara Abe, Tomohiko G. Sano

Snap-buckling is a rapid shape transition in slender structures, appearing as a fundamental switching mechanism of natural and man-made systems. Boundary conditions of structures are crucial to predict and control their snap-buckling behavior. However, the general framework that relates boundary conditions, geometry, and performance of structures is still absent to date. Here, we study the snap-buckling of hemispherical shells in contact with rigid cylinders of different diameters to uncover the roles of boundary conditions in the dynamic performance of shells. Specifically, we analyze the jumping dynamics of the pneumatically inverted shells placed on the rigid cylinder by combining experiments and analytical theory. We find the characteristic diameter classifying the snap-buckling and jumping dynamics into two: (i)~if the diameter of the cylinder is sufficiently larger than the characteristic diameter, the shell is regarded as in contact with the infinitely large flat plate, (ii)~if not, the cylinder is regarded as a point. The analytical predictions for the jumping performance of the shell supplemented with the characteristic diameter are in excellent agreement with our experimental results. Our study clarifies that contact geometry is crucial in predicting the pathway of snap-buckling, indicating that the dynamic performance of soft robots would be optimized by tuning their surface geometry.

Subjects: Soft Condensed Matter , Statistical Mechanics , Applied Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 16:04:27 UTC

#9 Accurate Gauge-Invariant Tensor Network Simulations for Abelian Lattice Gauge Theory in (2+1)D [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yantao Wu, Wen-Yuan Liu

We propose a novel tensor network method to achieve accurate and efficient simulations of Abelian lattice gauge theories (LGTs) in (2+1)D. The first key is to identify a gauge canonical form (GCF) of gauge-invariant tensor network states, which simplifies existing algorithms already for (1+1)D LGTs. The second key is to employ the GCF of projected entangled-pair state (PEPS) combining variational Monte Carlo, enabling efficient variational optimization for (2+1)D LGT ground states with gauge and matter fields. We demonstrate the versatile capability of this approach for accurate simulation of pure Z2, Z3 and Z4 gauge theory, odd-Z2 gauge theories, and Z2 gauge theory coupled to hard-core bosons, on square lattices up to 32×32. Our work establishes gauge-invariant PEPS as a powerful approach to simulate (2+1)D Abelian LGTs.

Subjects: Strongly Correlated Electrons , Statistical Mechanics , High Energy Physics - Lattice , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 14:04:21 UTC

#10 Fast, Modular, and Differentiable Framework for Machine Learning-Enhanced Molecular Simulations [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Henrik Christiansen, Takashi Maruyama, Federico Errica, Viktor Zaverkin, Makoto Takamoto, Francesco Alesiani

We present an end-to-end differentiable molecular simulation framework (DIMOS) for molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. DIMOS easily integrates machine-learning-based interatomic potentials and implements classical force fields including particle-mesh Ewald electrostatics. Thanks to its modularity, both classical and machine-learning-based approaches can be easily combined into a hybrid description of the system (ML/MM). By supporting key molecular dynamics features such as efficient neighborlists and constraint algorithms for larger time steps, the framework bridges the gap between hand-optimized simulation engines and the flexibility of a PyTorch implementation. The superior performance and the high versatility is probed in different benchmarks and applications, with speed-up factors of up to 170×. The advantage of differentiability is demonstrated by an end-to-end optimization of the proposal distribution in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation based on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Using these optimized simulation parameters a 3× acceleration is observed in comparison to ad-hoc chosen simulation parameters. The code is available at

Subjects: Computational Physics , Statistical Mechanics , Machine Learning

Publish: 2025-03-26 13:39:10 UTC

#11 On the generalized Langevin equation and the Mori projection operator technique [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Christoph Widder, Johannes Zimmer, Tanja Schilling

In statistical physics, the Mori-Zwanzig projection operator formalism (also called Nakajima-Zwanzig projection operator formalism) is used to derive a linear integro-differential equation for observables in Hilbert space, the generalized Langevin equation (GLE). This technique relies on the splitting of the dynamics into a projected and an orthogonal part. We prove that the GLE together with the second fluctuation dissipation theorem (2FDT) uniquely define the fluctuating forces as well as the memory kernel. The GLE and 2FDT are an immediate consequence of the existence and uniqueness of solutions of linear Volterra equations. They neither rely on the Dyson identity nor on the concept of orthogonal dynamics. This holds true for autonomous as well as non-autonomous systems. Further results are obtained for the Mori projection for autonomous systems, for which the fluctuating forces are orthogonal to the observable of interest. In particular, we prove that the orthogonal dynamics is a strongly continuous semigroup generated by ¯QLQ, where L is the generator of the time evolution operator, and P=1Q is the Mori projection operator. As a consequence, the corresponding orbit maps (e.g.~the fluctuating forces) are the unique mild solutions of the associated abstract Cauchy problem. Furthermore, we show that the orthogonal dynamics is a unitary group, if L is skew-adjoint. In this case, the fluctuating forces are stationary. In addition, we present a proof of the GLE by means of semigroup theory, and we retrieve the commonly used definitions for the fluctuating forces, memory kernel, and orthogonal dynamics. Our results apply to general autonomous dynamical systems, whose time evolution is given by a strongly continuous semigroup. This includes large classes of systems in classical statistical mechanics.

Subjects: Mathematical Physics , Statistical Mechanics

Publish: 2025-03-26 11:38:22 UTC

#12 Quantum Signatures of Chaos from Free Probability [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hugo A. Camargo, Yichao Fu, Viktor Jahnke, Kuntal Pal, Keun-Young Kim

A classical dynamical system can be viewed as a probability space equipped with a measure-preserving time evolution map, admitting a purely algebraic formulation in terms of the algebra of bounded functions on the phase space. Similarly, a quantum dynamical system can be formulated using an algebra of bounded operators in a non-commutative probability space equipped with a time evolution map. Chaos, in either setting, can be characterized by statistical independence between observables at t=0 and t, leading to the vanishing of cumulants involving these observables. In the quantum case, the notion of independence is replaced by free independence, which only emerges in the thermodynamic limit (asymptotic freeness). In this work, we propose a definition of quantum chaos based on asymptotic freeness and investigate its emergence in quantum many-body systems including the mixed-field Ising model with a random magnetic field, a higher spin version of the same model, and the SYK model. The hallmark of asymptotic freeness is the emergence of the free convolution prediction for the spectrum of operators of the form A(0)+B(t), implying the vanishing of all free cumulants between A(0) and B(t) in the thermodynamic limit for an infinite-temperature thermal state. We systematically investigate the spectral properties of A(0)+B(t) in the above-mentioned models, show that fluctuations on top of the free convolution prediction follow universal Wigner-Dyson statistics, and discuss the connection with quantum chaos. Finally, we argue that free probability theory provides a rigorous framework for understanding quantum chaos, offering a unifying perspective that connects many different manifestations of it.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Statistical Mechanics , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 09:05:30 UTC

#13 Transitions of the Lyapunov spectrum and entanglement entropy in monitored quantum dynamics with homogeneous unitary gates [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ken Mochizuki, Ryusuke Hamazaki

We explore the Lyapunov spectrum and entanglement entropy in systems evolved by quantum measurements and spatially homogeneous unitary gates. In models with temporally random and Floquet unitary gates, we find that the Lyapunov exponents typically converge to values independent of measurement outcomes and that spectral transitions of the Lyapunov spectrum and entanglement transitions of ground states occur at the same measurement thresholds. Our results indicate that (i) randomness due to quantum measurements is enough, or equivalently, randomness of unitary gates is not essential, for the typical convergence of the Lyapunov spectrum and that (ii) the correspondence between the spectral transition and entanglement transition is ubiquitous in a wide range of systems. We also discuss why the typical convergence occurs, in light of the uniqueness and positive definiteness of stationary states in the completely-positive trace-preserving (CPTP) dynamics averaged over random measurement outcomes.

Subjects: Quantum Physics , Statistical Mechanics

Publish: 2025-03-26 04:20:00 UTC