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Nuclear Theory

2025-01-09 | | Total: 10

#1 Effective action for relativistic hydrodynamics from Crooks fluctuation theorem [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nicki Mullins, Mauricio Hippert, Jorge Noronha

A new effective theory framework for fluctuating hydrodynamics in the relativistic regime is derived using standard thermodynamical principles and general properties of non-equilibrium stochastic dynamics. For the first time, we establish clear and concise conditions for ensuring that the resulting effective theories are causal, stable, and well-posed within general relativity. These properties are independent of spacetime foliation and are valid in the full nonlinear regime. Out-of-equilibrium fluctuations are constrained by a relativistically covariant version of Crooks fluctuation theorem, which determines how the entropy production is distributed even when the system is driven by an external force. This leads to an emerging Z2 symmetry responsible for imposing fluctuation-dissipation relations for n-point correlation functions, which matches the standard constraints for the Schwinger-Keldysh effective action.

Subjects: Nuclear Theory , High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-01-08 17:37:00 UTC

#2 Dark matter effects on the properties of quark stars and the implications for the peculiar objects [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hong-Ming Liu, Peng-Cheng Chu, He Liu, Xiao-Hua Li, Zeng-Hua Li

We systematically investigate the observable properties of dark matter-admixed quark stars (DQSs) using the confined-isospin-density-dependent-mass model in combination with the generic bosonic self-interacting dark matter model. Our results show that the dark matter (DM) can significantly influence the properties of quark stars including the mass, radius, and the central pressure at the maximum mass configurations. Moreover, we observe that the mass of DMparticles and the DMfraction significantly affect the types of stellar configurations, and we study these configurations in detail under various scenarios and predict the possibility that two recently observed peculiar objects HESS J1731-347 and PSR J014-4002E are DQSs.

Subject: Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-08 09:49:35 UTC

#3 Clusterization aspects in the states of non-rotating and fast rotating nuclei [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: A. V. Afanasjev

The understanding of clustering aspects at the ground state of nuclei and in fast rotating ones within the framework of covariant density functional theory has been reviewed and reanalyzed. The appearance of many exotic nuclear shapes in nuclear chart can be inferred from combined analysis of nodal structure of the densities of the single-particle states and the evolution of such states in the Nilsson diagram with deformation and particle number. Such analysis which is supported by fully self-consistent calculations allows to predict the existence of nuclear configurations with specific shape or cluster properties at ground state and at high spin. For example, it indicates that in a given shell with principal quantum number N only the lowest in energy two-fold degenerate deformed state can contribute to the formation of linear chain α cluster structures.

Subject: Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-08 00:18:51 UTC

#4 Pressure inside hadrons: criticism, conjectures, and all that [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Cédric Lorcé, Peter Schweitzer

The interpretation of the energy-momentum tensor form factor D(t) of hadrons in terms of pressure and shear force distributions is discussed, concerns raised in the literature are reviewed, and ways to reconcile the concerns with the interpretation are indicated.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-08 17:09:42 UTC

#5 Isospin strikes back [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Francesco Rosini, Simone Pacetti

Assuming isospin conservation, the decay of a cˉc vector meson into the ΛˉΣ0+c.c. final state is purely electromagnetic. At the leading order, the cˉc vector meson first converts into a virtual photon that, then produces the ΛˉΣ0+c.c. final state. Moreover, such a mechanism, i.e., the virtual photon coupling to \LS, is the solely intermediate process through which, in Born approximation, the reaction e+eΛˉΣ0+c.c. does proceed. It follows that any significant difference between the amplitudes of the processes cˉcΛˉΣ0+c.c. and e+eΛˉΣ0+c.c. at the cˉc mass must be ascribed to an isospin-violating contribution in the cˉc decay. In Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 903 (2020) we studied the decay of the ψ(2S) vector meson into ΛˉΣ0+c.c. and, on the light of the large branching fraction BR18(ψ(2S)ΛˉΣ0+c.c.)=(1.23±0.24)×105, published in the 2018 edition of the Review of Particle Physics Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018), we claimed either the presence of a significant isospin-violating contribution or, with a lesser emphasis, a "not complete reliability of the only available datum". In any case, we propose a new measurement. Apparently, our second and considered less serious hypothesis was the right one, indeed the branching fraction published in the 2024 edition of the Review of Particle Physics Phys. Rev. D 110, 030001 (2024) is BR(ψ(2S)ΛˉΣ0+c.c.)=(1.6±0.7)×106, more than seven times lower with the error that increased from 20% to 45%.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , High Energy Physics - Experiment , Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-08 12:00:28 UTC

#6 Understanding the approach to thermalization in a non-Abelian gauge theory [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sayak Guin, Harshit Pandey, Sayantan Sharma

We measure the maximal Lyapunov exponent λL of physical states in a SU(2) gauge theory both in and out-of-thermal equilibrium conditions using ab-initio lattice techniques. A non-equilibrium state is realized starting from an over-occupied initial condition for low momentum, soft gluons whereas the thermal state comprises of strongly interacting soft gluons at temperatures where these are well separated from the hard momentum modes. A spectra of positive Lyapunov exponents is observed in both these states, similar to a chaotic dynamical system. From the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy rate measured in terms of this spectrum, we estimate the typical time-scale of 0.50(3) fm/c to achieve thermalization at T600 MeV starting from the non-thermal state. We also measure, for the first time, the λL for long wavelength critical modes of SU(2) using the out-of-time-ordered correlation functions of a classical Z2 scalar field theory, which shares the same universal behavior near the deconfinement phase transition. The λL is observed to maximize at the transition temperature.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Lattice , High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-08 10:21:56 UTC

#7 On the θ-angle physics of QCD under pressure: The strange and isospin phase diagram [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jahmall Bersini, Alessandra D'Alise, Clelia Gambardella, Francesco Sannino

We unveil the impact of the \theta-angle on the QCD phase diagram at nonzero isospin and strangeness chemical potentials for three light flavors and different quark mass ratios. We establish the phase boundaries as well as the nature of the associated phase transitions. The order parameters and the physical spectrum in the different phases are determined. We further elucidate the physics around \theta=\pi where we discover a novel parity-preserving superfluid phase. Finally, we comment on Dashen's phenomenon in the superfluid phases when varying the number of light flavors.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , High Energy Physics - Lattice , High Energy Physics - Theory , Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-08 03:56:08 UTC

#8 Two-loop form factors for P-wave quarkonium production and decay [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Melih A. Ozcelik

We present the analytical results for the two-loop form factors needed for \chi_{Q,J} production and decay. We consider the two-loop corrections to the process \gamma \gamma \leftrightarrow {^3 P_J^{[1]}}, that has been known only numerically before, and the processes gg \leftrightarrow {^3 P_J^{[1]}}, \gamma g \leftrightarrow {^3 P_J^{[8]}} and gg \leftrightarrow {^3 P_J^{[8]}}, which have not been computed before. We observe that the NRQCD pole structure of the two-loop amplitude in the gg channel is more involved for the spin-triplet P-wave case than for the pseudo-scalar S-wave case. It involves in addition to the standard Coulomb singularity also a new singularity whose cancellation requires the inclusion of the gg \leftrightarrow {^3S_1^{[8]}} form factor. We give the high precision numerical results for the hard functions that can be used to compute \chi_{Q,J} production and decay up to NNLO accuracy.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-07 23:53:47 UTC

#9 A novel BPS bound with a first order BPS system in the 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Fabrizio Canfora, Pablo Pais

A novel BPS bound for the Gross-Pitaevskii equations in two spatial dimensions is presented. The energy can be bound from below in terms of the combination of two boundary terms, one related to the vorticity (but ``dressed'' by the condensate profile) and the second to the ``skewness'' of the configurations. The bound is saturated by configurations which satisfy a system of two first-order PDE: when such BPS system is satisfied, the Gross-Pitaevskii equations are satisfied as well. The analytic solutions of this BPS system constructed in the present manuscript represent configurations with fractional vorticity living in an annulus. Using these techniques, we present the first analytic examples of this kind. The hydrodynamical interpretation of the BPS system is discussed. The implications of these results are outlined.

Subjects: Quantum Gases , High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , High Energy Physics - Theory , Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems , Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-07 19:00:06 UTC

#10 Decay spectroscopy of heavy and superheavy nuclei [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Dieter Ackermann

After more than half a century afte the first predictions of the so-called {\it "island of stability of superheavy nuclei"}, exploring the limits of nuclear stability at highest atomic numbers is still one of the most prominent challenges in low-energy nuclear physics. These exotic nuclear species reveal their character and details of some of their properties by their induced or spontaneous disintegration. The achievements in the field superheavy nuclei (SHN) research have been reported in a number of review papers throughout the decades. This review is an attempt to summarize the progress that has been made in recent years by employing the versatile tool park of Decay Spectroscopy After Separation (DSAS) for the heaviest isotopes from Z=99 (einsteinium) to Z=118 (oganesson). In addition, references to earlier reviews and the relevant papers, together with the major decay properties of all these isotopes are given.

Subjects: Nuclear Experiment , Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-01-07 02:51:50 UTC