2025-01-13 | | Total: 2
The integration of deep learning techniques and physics-driven designs is reforming the way we address inverse problems, in which accurate physical properties are extracted from complex data sets. This is particularly relevant for quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions, with its inherent limitations in observational data and demanding computational approaches. This perspective highlights advances and potential of physics-driven learning methods, focusing on predictions of physical quantities towards QCD physics, and drawing connections to machine learning(ML). It is shown that the fusion of ML and physics can lead to more efficient and reliable problem-solving strategies. Key ideas of ML, methodology of embedding physics priors, and generative models as inverse modelling of physical probability distributions are introduced. Specific applications cover first-principle lattice calculations, and QCD physics of hadrons, neutron stars, and heavy-ion collisions. These examples provide a structured and concise overview of how incorporating prior knowledge such as symmetry, continuity and equations into deep learning designs can address diverse inverse problems across different physical sciences.
Over the past several years, there have been many studies demonstrating the ability of neural networks and deep learning methods to identify phase transitions in many physical systems, notably in classical statistical physics systems. One often finds that the prediction of deep learning methods trained on many ensembles below and above the critical temperature $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ behave analogously to an order parameter, and this analogy has been successfully used to locate $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ and estimate universal critical exponents. In this work, we pay particular attention to the ability of a convolutional neural network to capture these critical parameters for the 2-$d$ Ising model, when the network is trained on configurations at $T=0$ and $T=\infty$ only. We apply histogram reweighting to the neural network prediction and compare its capabilities when trained more conventionally at multiple temperatures. We find that the network trained on two temperatures is still able to identify $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ and $\nu$, while the extraction of $\gamma$ becomes more challenging.