2025-03-07 | | Total: 34
We investigate the indirect detection search of the two-body decay of dark matter particles into final states containing a photon, a process predicted in various promising dark matter models such as axion-like particles and sterile neutrinos. Recent and near-future photon detectors with a resolution $ R \equiv \lambda/\Delta\lambda = O(1000) $ are primarily optimized for the velocity dispersion of dark matter in the Milky Way. When performing indirect detection of dark matter in objects other than the Milky Way, one should take into account the contribution from Milky Way dark matter. As a result, the dark matter signal observed by a detector is predicted to exhibit a two-peak structure in many targets, owing to the Doppler shift, differences in radial velocities and the good energy resolution. An analysis incorporating this two-peak effect was performed using the latest XRISM observation data of the Centaurus galaxy cluster~\cite{XRISM:2025axf}. Although, due to the relatively short observation time, our derived limit is weaker than some existing limits, among dark matter searches in galaxy clusters our limit is one of the most stringent (at least in certain mass ranges). We also perform the usual single-peak analysis, for considering the various scenarios, that prefer narrow-line photon from the faraway galaxy cluster. Future data releases from XRISM as well as other observatories will further strengthen our conclusions.
In this work, we systematically study $N(1440)$, $N(1535)$, and $\Lambda(1405)$ in both the quenched three-quark and five-quark frameworks using the Gaussian Expansion Method (GEM) within the chiral quark model. Our calculations show that $N(1535)$ can be reproduced as a three-quark state ($N(1P)$), while $N(1440)$ and $\Lambda(1405)$ cannot be accommodated as the three-quark candidates, ($N(2S)$ and $\Lambda(1P)$), respectively. In the five-quark framework, we find that the $\Lambda K$ state for $N(1535)$ can not form a bound state, while in the $N\bar{K}$ channel there will $\Lambda(1405)$ form a shallow bound state. Based on the complex-scaling method, we performed complete coupled-channels calculations and obtained six resonance states with energies ranging from 1.8 GeV to 2.2 GeV, in addition with one bound state located around $\Sigma \pi$ channel. However, neither molecular candidates in $\Lambda K$ channel for $N(1535)$ nor $N\bar{K}$ for $\Lambda(1405)$ are included in these states. This is because the strong coupling between $N\bar{K}$ and $\Sigma \pi$ will make the $N\bar{K}$ unbound, while the weak coupling between $\Lambda K$ and $\Sigma K$ can not help form a stable structure around $\Lambda K$ threshold. Thus, under the quenched quark model, our results support $N(1535)$ as a three-quark state, while $N(1440)$ is neither a three-quark nor a five-quark state. In addition, we find that although $\Lambda(1405)$ can be primarily a five-quark state, it requires a mixture of three-quark and five-quark components for stability. In the future, an exploration on the mixing effects between bare baryons with these relevant two-body hadronic channel components will be carried out to further test our conclusions.
We obtain stringent bounds on neutrino quantum decoherence from the analysis of SN1987A data. We show that for the decoherence model considered here, which allows for neutrino-loss along the trajectory, the bounds are many orders of magnitude stronger than the ones that can be obtained from the analysis of data from reactor neutrino oscillation experiments or neutrino telescopes.
In this article, we consider Dark Matter (DM) interactions, and study the same in the light of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) data. In particular, we focus on the DM-electron interactions. Assuming that such interactions are mediated by rather heavy mediators, we consider effective operators describing the relevant interaction terms in the lagrangian. The presence of such interaction terms lead to both DM annihilation and DM-electron scattering (drag). We focus on operators which lead to velocity-independent DM annihilation and DM-electron scattering cross-sections. Using the CMBR data, we study the the implications of both of these effects imposing constraints on the respective effective operators. This analysis underscores the importance of taking both scattering and annihilation processes into consideration in the study of DM interactions. We observe that the constraints on the DM annihilation and scattering cross-sections can change, up to about 14% and 13% respectively, for the benchmark scenarios we considered, depending on the mass of DM, as compared to the scenario where only DM annihilation is accounted for.
In recent years, numerous experiments have been proposed and conducted to search for ultralight bosonic dark matter (ULBDM). Signals from ULBDM in such experiments are characterized by extremely narrow spectral widths. A near-optimal detection strategy is to divide the data based on the signal coherence time and sum the power across these segments. However, the signal coherence time can extend beyond a day, making it challenging to construct contiguous segments of such a duration due to detector instabilities. In this work, we present a novel detection statistic that can coherently extract ULBDM signals from segments of arbitrary durations. Our detection statistic, which we refer to as coherent SNR, is a weighed sum of data correlations, whose weights are determined by the expected signal correlations. We demonstrate that coherent SNR achieves sensitivity independent of segment duration and surpasses the performance of the conventional incoherent-sum approach, through analytical arguments and numerical experiments.
The recent observation of the ultra-high-energy neutrino event KM3-230213A by the KM3NeT experiment offers a compelling avenue to explore physics beyond the Standard Model. In this work, we explore a simplest possibility that this event originates from the decay of a super-heavy dark matter (SHDM). We consider a minimal extension of the type-I seesaw by including a singlet scalar and a singlet fermion DM, both being odd under a $Z_2$ symmetry. At high scale, the $Z_2$ symmetry is spontaneously broken by the vev of the $Z_2$ odd scalar, leading to i) mixing between DM and heavy right-handed neutrinos and ii) formation of domain walls (DW). In the former case, the decay of the DM to $\nu,h$ can give rise to the PeV neutrino event KM3-230213A. While, in the latter case, the disappearance of the DW can give rise to stochastic gravitational waves. We derive constraints on the DM lifetime as a function of DM mass ensuring consistency with IceCube, Auger upper limits and the observed KM3-230213A event. We found that KM3-230213A gives stringent constraint on DM mass ranging from $1.7\times10^8$ GeV to $5.5\times10^9$ GeV with lifetime $6.3\times10^{29}$ s to $3.6\times10^{29}$ s.
Using the recombination model (RM) extended to the heavy flavor scenario, we investigate the production of charmed mesons, i.e., $D^0$, $D_s^+$ and $J/\psi$, in Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76$ and 5.02 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) including the heavy flavor energy loss inside the hot and dense medium. Soft, semihard, and hard partons all play important roles in our model and are uniformly treated for all mesons produced. The resulting transverse momentum spectra and the second azimuthal harmonic $v_2$ for these mesons are presented and compared with the available experimental data. The good agreement provides strong support again that the quark recombination mechanism is a universal scheme of hadronization.
We introduce a new model for conditional and continuous data morphing called TRansport Adversarial Network for Smooth InTerpolation (TRANSIT). We apply it to create a background data template for weakly-supervised searches at the LHC. The method smoothly transforms sideband events to match signal region mass distributions. We demonstrate the performance of TRANSIT using the LHC Olympics R\&D dataset. The model captures non-linear mass correlations of features and produces a template that offers a competitive anomaly sensitivity compared to state-of-the-art transport-based template generators. Moreover, the computational training time required for TRANSIT is an order of magnitude lower than that of competing deep learning methods. This makes it ideal for analyses that iterate over many signal regions and signal models. Unlike generative models, which must learn a full probability density distribution, i.e., the correlations between all the variables, the proposed transport model only has to learn a smooth conditional shift of the distribution. This allows for a simpler, more efficient residual architecture, enabling mass uncorrelated features to pass the network unchanged while the mass correlated features are adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, we show that the latent space of the model provides a set of mass decorrelated features useful for anomaly detection without background sculpting.
The hadronic $\Sigma_c^{(*)}\bar{D}^{(*)}$ and $\Sigma_c^{(*)}{D}^{(*)}$ interactions are revisited, with a focus on their short-range parts, motivated by a tension between the interpretations of $P_{c\bar{c}}(4312)$, $P_{c\bar{c}}(4440)$, and $P_{c\bar{c}}(4457)$ in effective field theory (EFT) frameworks and the one-boson-exchange (OBE) model. While the three states can be interpreted as $\Sigma_c\bar{D}^{(*)}$ molecular states within EFT frameworks, this is not feasible in the single-channel OBE model with consistent cutoff. In this work, the possibility to reconcile OBE model with EFTs by refitting the $\rho$-, $\omega$- and $\sigma$-exchange interaction is explored and ruled out. It is pointed out that the problem in OBE arises from the strong short-range spin-dependent one-pion-exchange (OPE) interaction and the fixed signs of other short-range interactions in OBE model also prevent the cancellation. To address this issue, the short-range subtraction strategies within the OBE model are revisited. Two subtraction schemes are explored: removing the delta-function from all interactions and eliminating it only from the pseudoscalar-meson-exchange component. These schemes favor different spin assignments for $P_{c\bar{c}}(4440)$ and $P_{c\bar{c}}(4457)$. Though solving the problem, there is no clear dynamical picture to support the subtraction schemes. We propose a new quark-exchange mechanism motivated by the Pauli principle. Different from the two subtraction schemes in OBE, the quark-exchange mechanism offers an explanation grounded in microscopic dynamics. It is shown that the spin-dependent quark-exchange interaction cancels those from OPE. The differences in the predictions for the spin, isospin, and open-charm partner states of the experimental $P_{c\bar{c}}$ states offer a way to distinguish between the subtracted OBE model and the OBE model with quark-exchange contributions.
Within the framework of quantum field theory, we have studied bremsstrahlung radiation in polarized electromagnetic fields. It reveals that the resulting photon beams are polarized, reflecting the properties of the background field. We propose to observe this phenomenon via the Bethe-Heitler process and provide numerical estimates at the Electron-Ion Collider and the Electron-Ion Collider in China. This study introduces a novel approach to probing the structure of polarized background fields through bremsstrahlung radiation.
The detection of gamma-ray signals from primordial black holes (PBHs) could provide compelling evidence for their role as a dark matter candidate, particularly through the observation of their Hawking radiation. Future gamma-ray observatories, such as e-ASTROGAM, and the next-generation telescopes, are poised to explore this possibility by measuring both Standard Model (SM) and beyond-the-SM particle emissions. A particularly promising avenue involves production of dark photons by PBHs, which is a hypothetical particle that decays into photons. In this work, we investigate the trident decay of dark photons focusing on their primary emission from PBHs. We assume that the dark photons produced via Hawking radiation decay into photons well before reaching Earth, thereby enhancing the detectable gamma-ray flux. The energy spectrum of the photons decaying from the dark photons is distinct from that of direct Hawking-radiated photons due to higher degree of freedom, leading to observable modifications in the gamma-ray signal. Using the asteroid-mass PBHs as a case study, we demonstrate that future gamma-ray missions could detect dark-photon signatures and distinguish them from conventional Hawking radiation. This approach enables the exploration of previously inaccessible parameter spaces in dark photon mass $m_{A^{\prime}}$ and their coupling to photons, offering a novel pathway to uncover the properties of dark sectors and the nature of PBHs.
We propose a model of six dimensional $SU(7)$ grand gauge-Higgs unification compactified on $S^1/Z_2 /times S^1/Z_2$, which is a six dimensional extension of five dimensional $SU(4)$ gauge-Higgs unification predicting the weak mixing angle $/sin^2 /theta_W=1/4$ at the compactification scale. We investigate whether the correct pattern of electroweak symmetry breaking is realized in our model. We find some solutions providing the electroweak symmetry breaking and a realistic Higgs mass. Corresponding to each solution, the compactification scale of the fifth dimension is predicted. Furthermore, we evaluate the weak mixing angle at the weak scale by using one-loop renormalization group equation and find it to be in good agreement with the experimental data.
This study systematically examines the parameter space of GNMSSM with a light CP-odd Higgs boson $a_1$, emphasizing the exotic decay $h_{125}\to a_1a_1$ under recent Higgs data constraints. Firstly, We scan the parameter space under the basic constraints from \textsf{HiggsSignals-2.6.2} and \textsf{HiggsBounds-5.10.2}, and then further filter the surviving parameter points using constraints from the LHC direct Higgs searches and \textsf{HiggsTools}. Comparative analysis demonstrates that the code \textsf{HiggsTools} imposes stringent constraints compared to legacy versions of \textsf{HiggsSignals-2.6.2} and \textsf{HiggsBounds-5.10.2}. Moreover, its exclusion capacity notably exceeds the direct individual decay channel searches. Through comparative analysis of the two types of constraints (\textsf{HiggsSignals} and \textsf{HiggsBounds}) embedded in the HiggsTools, we found that the constraints from \textsf{HiggsBounds} are the most stringent. Almost all parameter points excluded by \textsf{HiggsSignals} and the individual decay channel analyses at the LHC can also be excluded by \textsf{HiggsBounds}. This is because \textsf{HiggsBounds} provides direct constraints, while \textsf{HiggsSignals} imposes indirect constraints for the searches of non-SM Higgs bosons. In the $h_2$ scenario, due to the the kinematic accessibility of the exotic decay channel $h_2 \to h_1h_1$, \textsf{HiggsSignals} can also exclude the parameter points with smaller values of $Br(h\to a_1 a_1\to \tau\tau/\mu\mu bb)$. Despite rigorous experimental limitations constraining the light CP-odd Higgs scenario, our comprehensive investigation still reveals viable parameter regions, which opens new avenues for future exploration of light Higgs phenomenology.
In order to explain the large amplitude of the nano-Hertz stochastic gravitational wave background observed in pulsar timing arrays (PTA), primordial sources must be particularly energetic. This is correlated to the generation of large density fluctuations, later collapsing into ultra-compact mini-halo (UCMHs). We demonstrate that if dark matter is made of WIMPs, then photon and neutrino fluxes from UCMHs produced by curvature peaks, first-order phase transition and domain wall interpretations of the PTA signal, exceed current bounds.
We perform a detailed study of the current phenomenological status of baryon number violating operators within the framework of the $R$-parity violating Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (RPV-MSSM). This study aims to identify any gaps in the experimental coverage of the RPV landscape. We identify the unique final states for all possible LSPs decaying via four different benchmark UDD operators. Both the direct production of the LSP and its production via gauge-cascades are considered. For each LSP, we assume that only one UDD coupling is non-zero at a time and confront the signals with existing ATLAS and CMS searches implemented in the recasting framework \texttt{CheckMATE\;2}. We find that the UDD colored LSP sector is well covered with the mass bounds on the gluino LSP being the strongest, and with possible improvements for some of the right-handed squark LSPs. We also point out that there is limited coverage for electroweakino and slepton LSPs with UDD decays. This limitation may be due to the lack of targeted experimental searches for these specific final states or the appropriate recasting of existing searches.
The so-called metastability bound on the Higgs mass suggests that the smallness of the Higgs mass may be a byproduct of the metastability of the electroweak vacuum. A significantly strong bound requires new physics capable of lowering the scale where the Higgs quartic coupling turns negative through renormalization group effects, without destabilizing the electroweak vacuum entirely. We analyze in this context the low-scale Majoron model of neutrino masses, which automatically contains two key elements for a viable scenario: heavy fermions to lower the instability scale and a extended scalar sector to stabilize the potential and achieve realistic lifetimes for the electroweak vacuum. We show how the metastability bound can be generalized to theories with multiple scalars and present an efficient way of calculating the tunneling rate in such potentials. We also demonstrate that FCC will probe regions of the parameter space relevant for metastability: large regions of the fermionic sector at FCC-ee and some reach to the scalar sector at FCC-hh.
We constrain the neutrino-dark matter cross-section using the $13 \pm 5$ neutrino event excess observed by IceCube in 2014-2015 from the direction of the blazar TXS 0506+056. Our analysis takes advantage of the dark matter overdensity spike surrounding the supermassive black hole at the center of the blazar. In our results, we take into account uncertainties related to the different types of neutrino emission models and the features of the dark matter spike, considering cross-sections that scale with energy as $\sigma \propto (E_{\nu} /E_0)^n$, for values of $n = 1, 0, -1, -2$. In our best-case scenario, we obtain limits competitive with those derived from other active galaxies, tidal disruption events (TDEs), and the IC-170922A event.
We study the production of charged scalar boson pairs via photon-induced $H^{-}H^{+}$ in $pp$ collisions at the forthcoming High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The predictions are based on the Two-Higgs Doublet Model type-III, since it predicts large branching ratios of the channel decay $H^{\pm}\to \tau^{\pm}\nu_{\tau}$, which is the one we focus on. Motivated by the current excess of events in the process $\mathcal{BR}(t\to H^\pm b)\times \mathcal{BR}(H^\pm\to cb)$ for $M_{H^{\pm}}=130$ GeV, we explore charged Higgs bosons masses $M_{H^{\pm}}$ among 100-150 GeV. According to benchmarks points allowed by experimental constraints, and including a systematic uncertainty of 5$\%$, we obtain for the process of $H^-H^+\to \tau\nu_\tau\tau\nu_\tau\to e\mu+\slashed{E}_T$ a \textit{signal significance} at $5\sigma$ ($3\sigma$) for $M_{H^{\pm}}=100$ GeV ($100\leq M_{H^\pm} \leq 136$ GeV) with 3000 $fb^{-1}$ ($\gtrsim 1000\,fb^{-1}$) integrated luminosity, which would be the last stage foreseen for Large Hadron Collider machine.
We scrutinize the determination of glueball masses in pure Yang-Mills theory from functional equations, i.e. Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations. We survey the state-of-the-art input (dressed propagators and vertices) with an emphasis on the stability of the results under extensions of the employed truncations and explore the importance of different aspects of the bound state equations, focusing on the three lightest glueballs with $J^{PC} = 0^{++}$ , $0^{-+}$ and $2^{++}$ . As an important systematic extension compared to previous calculations we include two-loop diagrams in the Bethe-Salpeter kernels. In terms of the glueball spectrum we find only marginal mass shifts compared to previous results, indicating apparent convergence of the system. As a by-product, we also explore gauge invariance within a class of Landau-type gauges.
Metrics for rigorously defining a distance between two events have been used to study the properties of the dataspace manifold of particle collider physics. The probability distribution of pairwise distances on this dataspace is unique with probability 1, and so this suggests a method to search for and identify new physics by the deviation of measurement from a null hypothesis prediction. To quantify the deviation statistically, we directly calculate the probability distribution of the number of event pairs that land in the bin a fixed distance apart. This distribution is not generically Gaussian and the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean entries in a bin scales inversely with the square-root of the number of events in the data ensemble. If the dataspace manifold exhibits some enhanced symmetry, the number of entries is Gaussian, and further fluctuations about the mean scale away like the inverse of the number of events. We define a robust measure of the non-Gaussianity of the bin-by-bin statistics of the distance distribution, and demonstrate in simulated data of jets from quantum chromodynamics sensitivity to the parton-to-hadron transition and that the manifold of events enjoys enhanced symmetries as their energy increases.
We study the cosmological signatures of new light relics that are collisionless like standard neutrinos or are strongly interacting. We provide a simple and succinct rephrasing of their physical effects in the cosmic microwave background, as well as the resulting parameter degeneracies with other cosmological parameters, in terms of the total radiation abundance and the fraction thereof that freely streams. In these more general terms, interacting and noninteracting light relics are differentiated by their respective decrease and increase of the free-streaming fraction, and, moreover, the scale-dependent interplay thereof with a common, correlated reduction of the fraction of matter in baryons. We then derive updated constraints on various dark-radiation scenarios with the latest cosmological observations, employing this language to identify the physical origin of the impact of each dataset. The "PR4" reanalyses of Planck CMB data prefer a larger primordial helium yield and therefore also slightly more radiation than the 2018 analysis, whose origin we identify in a number of poorly fit polarization measurements. Smaller free-streaming fractions are disfavored by the excess lensing of the CMB measured in lensing reconstruction data from Planck and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. On the other hand, baryon acoustic oscillation measurements from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument drive marginal detections of new, strongly interacting light relics due to that data's preference for lower matter fractions. Finally, we forecast measurements from the CMB-S4 experiment.
This work aims to understand the recent experimental data from the STAR collaboration on the system size dependence of directed flow splitting between oppositely charged hadrons [arXiv:2412.18326]. Previously, we have studied the role of baryon inhomogeneity on charge dependent directed flow. We now incorporate the effects of the electromagnetic (EM) field albeit perturbatively, as implemented in Ref. [arXiv:1806.05288]. This enables us to compare the relative contributions between baryon inhomogeneity and EM field on charge dependent directed flow. Our model calculation describes the experimental data on the centrality and system size dependence of the mid-rapidity directed flow slope splitting, $\Delta dv_1/dy$, between protons and anti-protons. Our results indicate that in central collisions, where the EM field strength is negligible, the inclusion of EM field effects does not influence the splitting between protons and anti-protons. This suggests that the observed system size dependence of $\Delta dv_1/dy (p-\bar{p})$ in central collisions arises solely from enhanced baryon stopping in larger collision systems. However, in semi-central and peripheral collisions, both baryon diffusion and EM field effects contribute to the splitting. Furthermore, the centrality dependence of $\Delta dv_1/dy (p-\bar{p})$ is highly sensitive to the electrical conductivity of the medium, making it a potential probe for extracting this transport coefficient in the QCD medium through model-to-data comparisons. However, achieving this requires a precise determination of the background baseline originating from baryon diffusion. Additionally, further investigation is needed to understand $\Delta dv_1/dy$ for oppositely charged kaons and pions, particularly by incorporating the diffusion of other conserved charges.
It has recently been pointed out that rotation in internal space can induce superradiance. We explore this effect in non-topological solitons of the two-field Friedberg-Lee-Sirlin model. This renormalizable model admits very large solitons, making the perturbative scattering equations highly sensitive to boundary conditions and requiring a relaxation method for their solution. We find that the energy extraction rate is strongly influenced by the mass hierarchy of the two scalars, and solitons with lower internal frequencies lead to more peaks in the spectra of the amplification factors. Additionally, we derive absolute bounds on the amplification factors for general ingoing modes using a linear fractional optimization algorithm and establish analytical bounds near the mass gap.
We analyse pre-DESI clustering data using a dark energy equation of state $w(z)$ parametrised by $(w_0, w_a)$, finding a $2.8-3.9\sigma$ preference for evolving dark energy over the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ when combined with cosmic microwave background data from Planck and supernova data from Pantheon+, Union3, or DESY5. Our constraints, consistent with DESI Y1 results, are derived from the power spectrum and bispectrum of SDSS/BOSS galaxies using the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure (EFTofLSS) at one loop. The evidence remains robust across analysis variations but disappears without the one-loop bispectrum. When combining DESI baryon acoustic oscillations with BOSS full-shape data, while marginalising over the sound horizon in the latter to prevent unaccounted correlations, the significance increases to $3.7-4.4\sigma$, depending on the supernova dataset. Using a data-driven reconstruction of $w(z)$, we show that the evidence arises from deviations from $\Lambda$ at multiple redshifts. In addition, our findings are interpreted within the Effective Field Theory of Dark Energy (EFTofDE), from which we explicitly track the non-standard time evolution in EFTofLSS predictions. For perturbatively stable theories in the $w < -1$ regime, the evidence persists in the clustering limit $(c_s^2 \rightarrow 0)$ when higher-derivative corrections are present, as well as in the quasi-static limit $(c_s^2 \rightarrow 1)$ when additional EFTofDE parameters are considered.
In this article it is argued that synthetic axions, emergent collective excitations in topological insulators or Weyl semimetals hybridize with the cosmological axion, a compelling dark matter candidate via a common two photon decay channel since they both couple to electromagnetic fields via a Chern-Simons term. We point out an analogy to a V-type three level system with the two upper levels identified with the synthetic and cosmological axions decaying into a two-photon state. The Weisskopf-Wigner theory of spontaneous decay in multi level atoms is complemented and extended to describe the dynamics of hybridization. The final two-photon state features both kinematic and polarization entanglement and displays quantum beats as a consequence of the interference between the decay paths. An initial population of either axion induces a population of the other via hybridization. Consequently, a dark matter axion condensate induces a condensate of the synthetic axion, albeit with small amplitude. We obtain a momentum and polarization resolved Hanbury- Brown Twiss (HBT) second order coherence describing coincident correlated two-photon detection. It exhibits quantum beats with a frequency given by the difference between the energies of the synthetic and cosmological axion and \emph{perhaps may be harnessed} to detect either type of axion excitations. The case of synthetic axions individually is obtained in the limit of vanishing coupling of the cosmological axion and features similar two-photon correlations. Hence second order (HBT) two-photon coherence \emph{may} provide an alternative detection mechanism for emergent condensed matter axionic collective excitations. Similarities and differences with parametrically down converted photons are discussed.